Real amateur cuckold couples on ScrewMyWifeClub

While researchยญing good cuckยญold webยญsites, one day I stumยญbled across I immeยญdiยญateยญly liked the concept. 

It is promised that 100% real swingers- marยญried couยญples come to the priยญvateยญly foundยญed โ€œScrew My Wife Clubโ€ to live out their most secret fanยญtasies. Besides the husยญbands, only athยญletยญic men with big dicks are allowed to be memยญbers. The husยญbands would watch their horny wives being fucked by comยญplete strangers.

Although there are no proยญfesยญsionยญal actors or porn actors in the swinger and cuckยญold videos, the sex movies are still supยญposed to be anyยญthing but borยญing. Anal sex, threeยญsomes, douยญble penยญeยญtraยญtion (DP) and facial cumshots are as high on the list as, interยญraยญcial sex with BBC men (interยญraยญcial), blowjobs and creampies.

We were very curiยญous to see how ScrewMyยญWifeยญClub comยญpares to othยญer cuckยญold sites and booked a memยญberยญship for this review. Find out in our review what videos and phoยญtos are offered. 

We describe our opinยญions and reveal the qualยญiยญty of the conยญtent and whether it is worth bookยญing the account. If you have already made expeยญriยญences with this porn site, please share your expeยญriยญences with us.


The preview area of

Under the domain name Screw My Wife Club you canโ€™t imagยญine so much. What should the project have to do with screwยญdrivers ๐Ÿ˜‰ The word โ€œscrewโ€ is an Engยญlish slang expresยญsion for sex. The name of the webยญsite could be freely transยญlatยญed as โ€œBums my wife clubโ€.

We have already described the conยญcept to you in the introยญducยญtion: Husยญbands share their wives with strange men in the โ€œScrew My Wife Clubโ€. It sounds very temptยญing that it should be excluยญsiveยญly amateurs.

The preยญview area looks more or less unproยญfesยญsionยญal. Under a main menu, a large trailยญer runs, which shows varยญiยญous clips of wifeยญsharยญing porn in rather poor quality.

Next to a welยญcome text, you can watch a small preยญview video. Below that, 36 screenยญshots of wifeยญsharยญing porn follow. 

Facts and figures about Screw My Wife Club

The porn site has been online since Decemยญber 2011. The operยญaยญtor is the US comยญpaยญny Peabody Media.

My webยญsite test revealed that ScrewMyยญWifeยญClub memยญbers have access to more than 80 Porn Nerd Netยญwork bonus webยญsites with a variยญety of porn. These include:

The PornoSยญtuยญdio is Peabody Media Inc, based in the USA.

Porn Nerd Network Review
Porn Nerd Netยญwork Review

In this review, of course, the costs and options of the memยญberยญship may not be missing:

  • 1 month term with autoยญmatยญic renewยญal: $29.95
  • 3 months memยญberยญship with autoยญmatยญic renewยญal: $59.95
  • 1 month term withยญout autoยญmatยญic renewยญal: $34.95
  • 1 year term with autoยญmatยญic renewยญal: $8.33 /month, the total amount of $99.96 will be debยญitยญed at once

Payยญment is only posยญsiยญble by credยญit card. Dinยญers Club Interยญnaยญtionยญal, Visa Card and MasยญterยญCard are accepted.

Test Report: Porn Sites Review of

Site structure, content and special features

Curยญrentยญly, memยญbers can watch just under 270 videos on Screw My Wife Club. On averยญage, a video is just over 20 minยญutes long. They are offered in DVD qualยญiยญty in WMV and MP4 forยญmat, with a resยญoยญluยญtion of 1,920 x 1,080 pixels.

The conยญtent of the sex movies on Screw My Wife Club is quite diverse. Basiยญcalยญly, the women who regยญuยญlarยญly meet at the club let the well-built bulls fuck them nice and dirty and pump them full of cum. 

The husยญbands do not object to this. On the conยญtrary, in many videos they are even there. They hold their wifeโ€™s hand while she is being fucked by a stranger and give her a good talkยญing to. Some cuckยญolds enjoy the extreme pleaยญsure of the wife, othยญers her humilยญiยญaยญtion. But not all cucks can hanยญdle such a sitยญuยญaยญtion. Some canโ€™t stand it, get angry and storm off the film set. 

Othยญer porn scenes are about marยญried couยญples swingยญing. The husยญband shares his wife with othยญer men. His wife gets it worยญried in pussy and mouth at the same time. Itโ€™s clear that with such horny fuckยญing the sperm splashยญes abundantly.

From the impresยญsion, it seems that the perยญformยญers are indeed real amaยญteurs. This assumpยญtion in my review is supยญportยญed by the fact that most of the ladies look like any neighยญbor and are litยญtle, or not tatยญtooed at all. The husยญbands are also rather inconspicuous.

Advantages of the porn site

  • The main thing I like about Screw My Wife Club is the theme. The cuckยญold idea is very exciting.
  • Accordยญing to the operยญaยญtor, there is no daiยญly limยญit for downยญloadยญing or streamยญing videos.
  • It is also nice to have access to so many othยญer webยญsites with the memยญberยญship. This makes the memยญberยญship affordยญable for the amount of cuckยญold videos offered.
  • The webยญsite is also offered in a mobile verยญsion for smartยญphone and tablet. Most of the videos seem real. They are everyยญday sitยญuยญaยญtions that are easy to get into.

Disadvantages of the sex site

With every review comes a list of things I didยญnโ€™t like 

  • These include the limยญitยญed numยญber of videos on Screw My Wife Club. If it werenโ€™t for the many bonus pages, memยญberยญship wouldยญnโ€™t be worth it 
  • There is no way to test the offer withยญout any obligยญaยญtion. If you want to enjoy the sex videos, you have to sign up for a subscription.
  • When signยญing up, there is a cross-sale checkยญbox that is unfairยญly pre-selected.
  • There have been no updates for a long time and no inforยญmaยญtion when there will be new swinger porn again.

Review Conclusion: Is recommendable?

In my opinยญion, memยญberยญship is worth it because of the extraยญorยญdiยญnary idea of the project.

If you are a cuckยญold and want to know how it feels to watch your wife havยญing sex with anothยญer man, a memยญberยญship to this very realยญisยญtic sex site is recommended.

The offered cuckยญold porn, where the husยญband watchยญes his wife getยญting fucked by one (or even two) othยญer men, has an acceptยญable qualยญiยญty and is nice to watch. 

The stream loads quickยญly and smoothยญly in the browsยญer. What is disยญturbยญing is the fact that no wifeยญsharยญing porn has been released for sevยญerยญal years. Probยญaยญbly, such porn has not been worthยญwhile anymore.

Since Screw My Wife Club memยญberยญship gives access to many bonus sites on the PornยญNerd netยญwork, this makes up for the lack of updates.


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