Well-built BBC Black Bulls satisfy hotwifes on CuckHunter sex site

Sex between peo­ple of dif­fer­ent eth­nic back­grounds always has some­thing par­tic­u­lar­ly tin­gling about it. It is extra­or­di­nary and exudes the air of the exot­ic as well as the wicked.

Not only cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers are inter­est­ed in so-called “inter­ra­cial porn”. Nowa­days, as more and more women watch porn movies with smart­phones, tablets and note­books, the demand for eth­nic porn is also increas­ing significantly.

On porn site CuckHunter.com you can watch prob­a­bly the most pop­u­lar sex­u­al fan­ta­sy of this genre: Attrac­tive mid­dle-aged hotwifes have sex with hand­some­ly built BBC bulls and the wife’s hus­band watches.

We would like to intro­duce you to the cuck­old project Cuck Hunter a bit more in this porn site review. As usu­al in our oth­er reviews, we will not only go into the pos­i­tive things, but also describe the dis­ad­van­tages of the sex site. 

We answer the key ques­tion of whether mem­ber­ship is worth it or whether you should rather save your mon­ey. You have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to tell us your ques­tions, expe­ri­ences and opin­ions under the test report.

Vis­it CuckHunter.com

The preview area of CuckHunter.com

Before we get into the porn site review, let’s first take a look at the pre­view area of CuckHunter.com.

When you open the cuck­old porn site for the first time, you can clear­ly see what this is all about in a big pic­ture: a well-built, dark-skinned man is stroking a white woman. Seduc­tive­ly, she stretch­es her butt towards us on the right side. 

More thumb­nails and pre­view images with the focus on “Inter­ra­cial Cuck­old” fol­low. Besides young women and MIL­Fs, you can watch slim and volup­tuous women hav­ing sex. It is also worth not­ing that the mod­els are not only white. Oth­er than Asian women and Lati­nas, there is even a curvy black milf. In the pre­view area, you can see the pho­tos of the mod­els and get an overview of the videos offered. 

Dur­ing my porn site test, I noticed that you can nav­i­gate deep into the site struc­ture and that the page with the book­ing form does not always appear imme­di­ate­ly. If you click on the menu items Scenes, Mod­els and Cat­e­gories, you can expect about 70 sex movies with more than 50 dif­fer­ent mod­els. What is strik­ing is their great variety.

To find free demo con­tent on Cuck Hunter, some patience is required. Porn movies are called scenes here. Click­ing on a movie you are inter­est­ed in will take you to the scene page. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the same trail­er always starts. For­tu­nate­ly, you can open ten free cuck­old pho­tos below the video stream.

Facts and figures about Cuck Hunter

Cuck Hunter is a very young sex site. It has been online only since August 2021 

The small num­ber of videos is com­pen­sat­ed by access­es to the con­tent of part­ner sites of the ARX porn net­work. In total, the eight web­sites pro­vide you with more than 600 porn videos and thou­sands of photos.

These include, for example:

Members can choose one of three payment options:

  • Sub­scrip­tion with 1 month dura­tion and auto­mat­ic renew­al: $19.77 /month
  • 3 months (90 days) sub­scrip­tion with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $74.95
  • Annu­al sub­scrip­tion with auto­mat­ic renew­al: $12.50 /month, deb­it­ed as a one-time amount of $150

Only cred­it cards are accept­ed for pay­ment. In addi­tion to US cards, mem­bers from Ger­many can use Visac­ard and MasterCard.

Test report: Review of the member area of Cuckhunter.com

Site structure, content and special features

As a logged in mem­ber of CuckHunter.com you don’t have to get used to any­thing. The struc­ture looks the same as the pre­view area.

Since the sex site has only exist­ed since the fall of 2021, this explains the rel­a­tive­ly small num­ber of about 70 videos that you can watch there. The offer is com­ple­ment­ed by the same num­ber of pho­to gal­leries. You have access to about 150 pho­tos per gallery.

The plot revolves around the cliché that unsat­is­fied house­wives do not want to put up with their bad sex lives. They sim­ply get black men into the house, who fuck them prop­er­ly with their mas­sive cocks.

The hotwife screams and moans with plea­sure, in the end it comes to for­eign insem­i­na­tion in pussy or face. In many scenes, the cuck sits next to it and may only watch. He is allowed to jerk off in the back­ground at most. Inter­est­ing­ly, almost all clips seem to be most­ly about the same cuck­old actor with beard and glasses.

Advantages of the sex site

In my review, I espe­cial­ly like the vari­ety of mod­els on CuckHunter.com. There is real­ly some­thing for every taste. It is also pos­i­tive that almost all videos are offered in 4k res­o­lu­tion and that you have access to many bonus pages. 

Cuck Hunter is updat­ed reg­u­lar­ly. Every week at least one new video is post­ed. The low num­ber of videos is under­stand­able, as the web­site is still new. It is com­pen­sat­ed by the offer of part­ner sites.

Disadvantages of the porn site

As in any porn site review, Cuck Hunter has neg­a­tive aspects, of course. These include, for exam­ple, the fact that there are no trail­ers of the videos. No mat­ter which thumb­nail you click on, the same clip of 60 sec­onds dura­tion always plays, show­ing what is offered on the site. 

In my opin­ion, the oper­a­tor should also offer a tri­al sub­scrip­tion or tri­al access. Instead, there is only a month­ly subscription. 

Cuck Hunter could become even more inter­est­ing if the cuck would play a more active role in the videos and be humil­i­at­ed by his hotwife. I also miss kinky cum games, horny cum kiss­es and creampie cleanup scenes.

Review Conclusion: Is CuckHunter.com recommendable?

On a scale of 1 to 10, I rate CuckHunter.com a 9 in my review. The porn site offers incred­i­bly horny and very real­is­tic cuck­old porn.

A lot of stranger fucks and BBC scenes, and so real­ly nice and dirty. They are suit­able both for the lone­ly mas­tur­ba­tion plea­sure of cuck­olds and hotwifes, but also for joint porn evenings. 

The actress­es are very pret­ty and var­ied. The cuck­olds look rather unim­pres­sive, as you would imag­ine a cuck to look. How­ev­er, some of their dra­mat­ic facial expres­sions seem a bit too exag­ger­at­ed and contrived.

Over­all, I like the sim­ple page struc­ture, which requires no more than basic Eng­lish skills.

In terms of con­tent quan­ti­ty, I have to give Cuck Hunter cred­it for the fact that the porn site is less than a year old. The future will show how Cuck Hunter devel­ops. How­ev­er, for a month­ly mem­ber­ship, this porn site is def­i­nite­ly worth it.

Vis­it CuckHunter.com

Small tip: If you want to watch Cuck­hunter porn with­out a sub­scrip­tion, you should check out the porn stream­ing por­tal AEBN. You can read what VoD (Video on Demand) porn stream­ing is in our AEBN review.

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