Are there any communication platforms for pornography?
It is very difยญfiยญcult to find realยญly useยญful inforยญmaยญtion for swingers, wifeยญsharยญers, cuckยญolds and bulls among all the porn spam. Knowlยญedge thirsty and picยญture / video hunยญgry porn lovers will have no luck on clasยญsic platยญforms like Faceยญbook, Pinยญterยญest, Instaยญgram and co. The only excepยญtion is (still) Twitter.
We ourยญselves have been searchยญing for social media chanยญnels for ages where porn is tolยญerยญatยญed or explicยญitยญly allowed.
In this guide, weโve comยญpiled for you the most imporยญtant social netยญworks where you can indulge your sexยญuยญal incliยญnaยญtions. We would be hapยญpy to hear from you if you have any comยญments or additions.
Under this meanยญingยญless domain name hid until Decemยญber 2018, with about 450 milยญlion porn blogs, one of the largest pornoยญgraphยญic netยญworks in the world.
Although the project strucยญture and the comยญmuยญniยญty were largeยญly Engยญlish, groups of peoยญple of all erotยญic incliยญnaยญtions were cavortยญing on this platยญform. One quickยญly came into conยญtact with regionยญal users who were interยญestยญed in oneโs own fetishes.
Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, the platยญform was bought out by YAHOO. In Decemยญber 2018, to the shock of the comยญmuยญniยญty, all pornoยญgraphยญic blogs were comยญpleteยญly deacยญtiยญvatยญed or extremeยญly restrictยญed. Today, the platยญform is still alive, but YAHOO has done nothยญing with it.
In August 2019, Tumยญblr was sold on to the โAutomatยญticโ operยญaยญtor of the blog netยญwork. At the time, I ferยญventยญly hoped that the porn block would be liftยญed again. Wrong! In my opinยญion Tumยญblr is and remains dead.
There are curยญrentยญly still some incorยญriยญgiยญble, die-hard Tumยญblr fans who live with the fragยญments and restricยญtions and post new conยญtent. Howยญevยญer, itโs realยญly no fun there anymore.
Out of desยญperยญaยญtion that no longer allows pornoยญgraphยญic mateยญrยญiยญal, users creยญatยญed the platform.
The interยญface was designed in the simยญiยญlar blue, very simยญple layยญout. In the meanยญtime, the filยญters and conยญtrols also work great, so this erotยญic netยญwork is risยญing to be an equal project. The comยญmuยญniยญty is growยญing tremendously.
Only the domain name sounds totalยญly stuยญpid and misยญleadยญing. You have to pay close attenยญtion to the spelling. It conยญtains thouยญsands of blogs that have nothยญing to do with BDSM.
You can subยญscribe to the porn blogs/channels of varยญiยญous incliยญnaยญtions and get their news super-easยญiยญly disยญplayed on the dashยญboard (the home page). With litยญtle knowlยญedge of Engยญlish you can get along great on BDSMlr.
Tagยญging porn terms works great on Bdsmlr โ these were mostยญly blocked on Tumยญblr. Likยญing, reblogยญging, comยญmentยญing.โฆ everyยญthing works.
I perยญsonยญalยญly love the archive view that you can access on any blog by appendยญing โ/archiveโ to the URL. Ex:
In sumยญmaยญry, every cuck and hotwife should sign up to Bdsmlr to expand their erotยญic horiยญzons. Realยญly great job.
Good Bdsmlr Blogs:
- is an Engยญlish-lanยญguage social media โ disยญcusยญsion platยญform for news, webยญsites, Interยญnet events or YouTube videos on all topยญics that move peoยญple worldwide.
Mostยญly quesยญtions are asked in corยญreยญspondยญing forums. Redยญdit users can answer and comยญment on the posts, which creยญates a forum-like charยญacยญterยญisยญtic. It can be ratยญed (liked) and shared (shared). Porn images, aniยญmatยญed GIFs and videos are allowed.
Visuยญalยญly, the platยญform is remยญiยญnisยญcent of a leftยญover from the 90s. Despite the borยญing design, 430 milยญlion users busยญtle about there every month. Since pornoยญgraphยญic posts are allowed, it is quite clear that there are also excitยญing forums in the area of cuckยญoldยญing and wifeยญsharยญing. With minยญiยญmal knowlยญedge of Engยญlish, you can already get by on Reddit.
Good Redยญdit blogs:
The Engยญlish-lanยญguage serยญvice proยญmotes itself as being โthe first and best social netยญwork for sexยญuยญal conยญtent.โ Users can easยญiยญly post, share, like, comยญment and rate their picยญtures, videos and texts here.
In fact, we like this platยญform. If you start a porn blog on Shareยญsome yourยญself, you can be sure that it wonโt be deletยญed โ as Twitยญter and Redยญdit are probยญaยญbly yet to do.
All legal fetishยญes and incliยญnaยญtions are served. There is virยญtuยญalยญly nothยญing on that doesยญnโt exist! A parยญadise for hotwifes, cuckยญolds, cuckยญqueans, weasharยญers, swingers and bulls.
Good Shareยญsome channels:
Twitยญter is the last major social media chanยญnel where pornoยญgraphยญic conยญtent in words, picยญtures and video is allowed. Due to nationยญal and interยญnaยญtionยญal debates on the proยญtecยญtion of minors, it can be assumed that Twitยญter will also have to block pornoยญgraphยญic blogs and conยญtent one day.
The search and tagยญging funcยญtion is already very limยญitยญed. Even via Google, you can hardยญly find porn Twitยญter blogs.
Due to the uncerยญtain future, I would recยญomยญmend to rather setยญtle on anothยญer platform.
Good wifeยญsharยญing and cuckยญold Twitยญter blogs:
Kik Messenger
The Kik Mesยญsenยญger is used espeยญcialยญly in the gay scene to get in conยญtact with like-mindยญed people.
You can also find Gerยญman conยญtacts, but most of them turn out to be mouth acroยญbatยญics. The comยญmuยญniยญcaยญtion takes place mostยญly rather below the belt. Thereยญfore, Kik is more of an enterยญtainยญment platform.
MeWe is a free social netยญwork with a simยญiยญlar strucยญture to Faceยญbook. Mewe aggresยญsiveยญly adverยญtised in 2018 that it could import adult blogs from Tumยญblr and include porn users.
Images, phoยญtos and videos can be uploaded and editยญed via the webยญsite or via the MeWe app. Interยญestยญing social media feaยญtures include โpriยญvate or group chat,โ โpriยญvate and open groups,โ โcamยญera with gif creยญation,โ โlive video,โ and more. There are 8 GB of cloud storยญage offered as the free. If you need more, you can buy addiยญtionยญal storยญage for cheap.
All in all, Mewe is a good platยญform to find bulls and wifeยญsharยญing friends. Howยญevยญer, Mewe has not become a real Tumยญblr replaceยญment. Searchยญing for FSK18 conยญtent proves to be quite difficult.
Conclusion: Sharing pornographic information, text messages, videos and pictures is possible!
The idea of buildยญing a Faceยญbook account with porn picยญtures and sex videos is incredยญiยญbly appealยญing and a good alterยญnaยญtive to โcolยญlectยญing porn on your hard driยญveโ. Interยญactยญing with like-mindยญed peoยญple, likยญing and sharยญing (sharยญing) can be realยญly fun, even as a man, unlike the borยญing cat videos on Instaยญgram or Ticktock!
Howยญevยญer, itโs like lookยญing for a neeยญdle in a haystack when tryยญing to find a social netยญwork for porn as a newยญbie. You realยญly have to know โhowโ and โwhereโ.
The best Engยญlish-lanยญguage netยญworks are, and
How long Twitยญter will conยญtinยญue to tolยญerยญate pornoยญgraphยญic conยญtent is unclear. The shutยญdown canโt last much longer and is cerยญtainยญly already being preยญpared. We recยญomยญmend you not to invest much enerยญgy there anyยญmore to build your own Twitยญter porn blog.
Our perยญsonยญal winยญner is Be sure to regยญisยญter there ๐ If you know any othยญer cuckยญold or porn social media chanยญnels, please write us about it in the comยญments section.