Are there any communication platforms for pornography?

It is very dif­fi­cult to find real­ly use­ful infor­ma­tion for swingers, wife­shar­ers, cuck­olds and bulls among all the porn spam. Knowl­edge thirsty and pic­ture / video hun­gry porn lovers will have no luck on clas­sic plat­forms like Face­book, Pin­ter­est, Insta­gram and co. The only excep­tion is (still) Twitter.

We our­selves have been search­ing for social media chan­nels for ages where porn is tol­er­at­ed or explic­it­ly allowed.

In this guide, we’ve com­piled for you the most impor­tant social net­works where you can indulge your sex­u­al incli­na­tions. We would be hap­py to hear from you if you have any com­ments or additions.

Under this mean­ing­less domain name hid until Decem­ber 2018, with about 450 mil­lion porn blogs, one of the largest porno­graph­ic net­works in the world.

Although the project struc­ture and the com­mu­ni­ty were large­ly Eng­lish, groups of peo­ple of all erot­ic incli­na­tions were cavort­ing on this plat­form. One quick­ly came into con­tact with region­al users who were inter­est­ed in one’s own fetishes.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the plat­form was bought out by YAHOO. In Decem­ber 2018, to the shock of the com­mu­ni­ty, all porno­graph­ic blogs were com­plete­ly deac­ti­vat­ed or extreme­ly restrict­ed. Today, the plat­form is still alive, but YAHOO has done noth­ing with it.

In August 2019, Tum­blr was sold on to the “Automat­tic” oper­a­tor of the blog net­work. At the time, I fer­vent­ly hoped that the porn block would be lift­ed again. Wrong! In my opin­ion Tum­blr is and remains dead.

There are cur­rent­ly still some incor­ri­gi­ble, die-hard Tum­blr fans who live with the frag­ments and restric­tions and post new con­tent. How­ev­er, it’s real­ly no fun there anymore.

Out of des­per­a­tion that no longer allows porno­graph­ic mate­r­i­al, users cre­at­ed the platform.

The inter­face was designed in the sim­i­lar blue, very sim­ple lay­out. In the mean­time, the fil­ters and con­trols also work great, so this erot­ic net­work is ris­ing to be an equal project. The com­mu­ni­ty is grow­ing tremendously.

Only the domain name sounds total­ly stu­pid and mis­lead­ing. You have to pay close atten­tion to the spelling. It con­tains thou­sands of blogs that have noth­ing to do with BDSM.

You can sub­scribe to the porn blogs/channels of var­i­ous incli­na­tions and get their news super-eas­i­ly dis­played on the dash­board (the home page). With lit­tle knowl­edge of Eng­lish you can get along great on BDSMlr.

Tag­ging porn terms works great on Bdsmlr — these were most­ly blocked on Tum­blr. Lik­ing, reblog­ging, com­ment­ing.… every­thing works.

I per­son­al­ly love the archive view that you can access on any blog by append­ing “/archive” to the URL. Ex:

In sum­ma­ry, every cuck and hotwife should sign up to Bdsmlr to expand their erot­ic hori­zons. Real­ly great job.

Good Bdsmlr Blogs: is an Eng­lish-lan­guage social media — dis­cus­sion plat­form for news, web­sites, Inter­net events or YouTube videos on all top­ics that move peo­ple worldwide.

Most­ly ques­tions are asked in cor­re­spond­ing forums. Red­dit users can answer and com­ment on the posts, which cre­ates a forum-like char­ac­ter­is­tic. It can be rat­ed (liked) and shared (shared). Porn images, ani­mat­ed GIFs and videos are allowed.

Visu­al­ly, the plat­form is rem­i­nis­cent of a left­over from the 90s. Despite the bor­ing design, 430 mil­lion users bus­tle about there every month. Since porno­graph­ic posts are allowed, it is quite clear that there are also excit­ing forums in the area of cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing. With min­i­mal knowl­edge of Eng­lish, you can already get by on Reddit.

Good Red­dit blogs:

The Eng­lish-lan­guage ser­vice pro­motes itself as being “the first and best social net­work for sex­u­al con­tent.” Users can eas­i­ly post, share, like, com­ment and rate their pic­tures, videos and texts here.

In fact, we like this plat­form. If you start a porn blog on Share­some your­self, you can be sure that it won’t be delet­ed — as Twit­ter and Red­dit are prob­a­bly yet to do.

All legal fetish­es and incli­na­tions are served. There is vir­tu­al­ly noth­ing on that does­n’t exist! A par­adise for hotwifes, cuck­olds, cuck­queans, weashar­ers, swingers and bulls.

Good Share­some channels:

Twit­ter is the last major social media chan­nel where porno­graph­ic con­tent in words, pic­tures and video is allowed. Due to nation­al and inter­na­tion­al debates on the pro­tec­tion of minors, it can be assumed that Twit­ter will also have to block porno­graph­ic blogs and con­tent one day.

The search and tag­ging func­tion is already very lim­it­ed. Even via Google, you can hard­ly find porn Twit­ter blogs.

Due to the uncer­tain future, I would rec­om­mend to rather set­tle on anoth­er platform.

Good wife­shar­ing and cuck­old Twit­ter blogs:

Kik Messenger

The Kik Mes­sen­ger is used espe­cial­ly in the gay scene to get in con­tact with like-mind­ed people.

You can also find Ger­man con­tacts, but most of them turn out to be mouth acro­bat­ics. The com­mu­ni­ca­tion takes place most­ly rather below the belt. There­fore, Kik is more of an enter­tain­ment platform.

MeWe is a free social net­work with a sim­i­lar struc­ture to Face­book. Mewe aggres­sive­ly adver­tised in 2018 that it could import adult blogs from Tum­blr and include porn users.

Images, pho­tos and videos can be uploaded and edit­ed via the web­site or via the MeWe app. Inter­est­ing social media fea­tures include “pri­vate or group chat,” “pri­vate and open groups,” “cam­era with gif cre­ation,” “live video,” and more. There are 8 GB of cloud stor­age offered as the free. If you need more, you can buy addi­tion­al stor­age for cheap.

All in all, Mewe is a good plat­form to find bulls and wife­shar­ing friends. How­ev­er, Mewe has not become a real Tum­blr replace­ment. Search­ing for FSK18 con­tent proves to be quite difficult.

Conclusion: Sharing pornographic information, text messages, videos and pictures is possible!

The idea of build­ing a Face­book account with porn pic­tures and sex videos is incred­i­bly appeal­ing and a good alter­na­tive to “col­lect­ing porn on your hard dri­ve”. Inter­act­ing with like-mind­ed peo­ple, lik­ing and shar­ing (shar­ing) can be real­ly fun, even as a man, unlike the bor­ing cat videos on Insta­gram or Ticktock!

How­ev­er, it’s like look­ing for a nee­dle in a haystack when try­ing to find a social net­work for porn as a new­bie. You real­ly have to know “how” and “where”.

The best Eng­lish-lan­guage net­works are, and

How long Twit­ter will con­tin­ue to tol­er­ate porno­graph­ic con­tent is unclear. The shut­down can’t last much longer and is cer­tain­ly already being pre­pared. We rec­om­mend you not to invest much ener­gy there any­more to build your own Twit­ter porn blog.

Our per­son­al win­ner is Be sure to reg­is­ter there 😉 If you know any oth­er cuck­old or porn social media chan­nels, please write us about it in the com­ments section.

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