Review of the very popular Sharesome platform is a free social netยญwork (social netยญwork) for adult pornoยญgraphยญic conยญtent. It is also called โNSFW netยญworkโ, which stands for โNot safe for workโ. In Gerยญman, it would be called โSoziales FSK18-Netzwerkโ.
The porยญtal allows sharยญing pornoยญgraphยญic videos, phoยญtos, capยญtions and aniยญmatยญed GIFs, which is strictยญly forยญbidยญden on popยญuยญlar, famยญiยญly-friendยญly mainยญstream netยญworkยญing sites like Faceยญbook, Linked In, TikยญTok and Instagram.
Shareยญsome feaยญtures a typยญiยญcal social media design familยญiar from traยญdiยญtionยญal providers. The platยญform is also referred to as โthe Faceยญbook of porn.โ It is comยญpaยญraยญble to Twitยญter, but in conยญtrast, it is directยญly focused on pornoยญgraphยญic social media.
In our Shareยญsome test, we want to review what the social media platยญform is and how it works. We also take a look at how the site is monยญeยญtized and what the crypยญtocurยญrenยญcy โFlameยญtoยญkensโ is all about. Please leave a comยญment below our review if you know Sharยญsome and share your opinยญions and expeยญriยญences with us.
The history of Sharesome
Shareยญsome was foundยญed only in 2018 and is based in Cyprus. The webยญsite was develยญoped specifยญiยญcalยญly for adult conยญtent. The develยญopยญer claimed to be the worldโs first free adult social netยญworkยญing site.
The platยญform is very popยญuยญlar among porn stars, perยญformยญers and proยญducยญers in the adult indusยญtry. It curยญrentยญly receives well over 2.5 milยญlion visยญits each month and ranks 8,500th in the Unitยญed States, accordยญing to SimยญiยญlarยญWeb, and is growยญing rapidly.
The comยญpaยญny has offiยญcialยญly reportยญed over one milยญlion user regยญisยญtraยญtions to sign up its own crypยญtocurยญrenยญcy, Airยญdrop. Shareยญsome receives
Strikยญingยญly, the netยญwork was foundยญed right after the announceยญment that Tumยญblr would ban pornoยญgraphยญic conยญtent and block milยญlions of porn blogs in Decemยญber 2018. Next to, the platยญform gained the most Tumยญblr users.
The siteโs launch press release makes the comยญpaยญnyโs goals clear: โIn a world where mainยญstream sites are increasยญingยญly disยญmisยญsive of adult conยญtent, Shareยญsome is emergยญing as a sancยญtuยญary where peoยญple are free to disยญcovยญer and share their inner selves. It is a place where users are invitยญed to share their innerยญmost desires, fetishยญes and fanยญtasies withยญout fear of retยญriยญbuยญtion, backยญlash or discrimination.
How to sign up for Sharesome
Shareยญsome is 100% free to use and also 100% anonyยญmous to use. No email address is required to regยญisยญter and it does not require any perยญsonยญal information.
To regยญisยญter, one needs nothยญing more than a unique userยญname and password.
With the basic account, one gets a proยญfile page, oneโs own news feed and the abilยญiยญty to browse othยญer usersโ pages and posts. If you want to share your own phoยญtos, videos or sell conยญtent of your own brand, you have to verยญiยญfy your account.
It is imporยญtant that you actiยญvate both options โMy conยญtent is not safe for work (NSFW)โ and โIs your NSFW conยญtent sexยญuยญal?โ in your proยญfile setยญtings on under โPosts & Conยญtentโ ide.
The Sharesome interface: Typical social media
Simยญiยญlar to Instaยญgram and Faceยญbook, you have a proยญfile page with your own news feed where you can post your own conยญtent such as links and texts.
The platยญform allows users to join or creยญate topยญics and interยญact with each othยญer based on comยญmon interยญests. Withยญin topยญics, users can upload conยญtent as well as share links to phoยญtos, videos and aniยญmatยญed GIFs
You can sort posts by topยญic, so conยญverยญsaยญtions hapยญpen much like they do on Twitยญter. Topยญics range from mainยญstream catยญeยญgories like amaยญteurs, pussy, and MILF to some unusuยญal fetishยญes. There is an incredยญiยญble amount of conยญtent specifยญiยญcalยญly for cuckยญoldยญing and wifesharing.
As a basic memยญber you canโt pubยญlish phoยญtos or videos yet. For this you have to be verยญiยญfied. Howยญevยญer, you can already conยญnect with othยญer users and build your own netยญwork by folยญlowยญing users and being folยญlowed by users.
You can find almost endยญless free conยญtent on the webยญsite. Almost all fetishยญes and sexยญuยญal incliยญnaยญtions are catered for.
Very conยญveยญnient is that proยญfesยญsionยญal serยญvice providers, erotยญic modยญels, dancers and porn stars also proยญvide new conยญtent. It feels like an adult indusยญtry Faceยญbook celebriยญty Faceยญbook. Many interยญacยญtions with porn stars feel very intiยญmate, as if you are realยญly in a close cirยญcle of friends with these people.
Howยญevยญer, you quickยญly realยญize that many of them have links to othยญer sites like ManyVids, Just For Fans, Preยญmiยญum Snapchat and othยญer platยญforms with payยญment proยญgrams, or have their own webยญsites. The conยญtent creยญators use the platยญform to genยญerยญate trafยญfic and thus make money.
Flame Coins as a means of payment
There is a sepยญaยญrate crypยญtocurยญrenยญcy called Flame Tokens (XFL). It was specifยญiยญcalยญly designed to be used on Shareยญsome to reward users for activยญiยญties or pay tips to performers.
Although it is a new conยญcept for many users, crypยญtocurยญrenยญcy is quickยญly becomยญing a stanยญdard in the adult industry.
When you first sign up for Shareยญsome, youโll receive 100 free Flame tokens to help you get startยญed. You can view the balยญance of your account under โMy walletโ.
Whatโs funยญny is that you can earn Flame Tokens by regยญisยญterยญing on the Flame Tokens webยญsite and downยญloadยญing a Cockยญtail Mixยญer app for your smartยญwatch and jerkยญing off with it. The โProof of Jerkโ app monยญiยญtors your wrist moveยญment and rewards minยญers with up to 360 tokens per day for their efforts! The bigยญger your โJerks Per Minuteโ (JPM), the bigยญger the reward.
Crypยญtocurยญrenยญcies offer comยญplete anonymiยญty and flexยญiยญbilยญiยญty, as well as a growยญing sense of secuยญriยญty. They offer adult conยญtent creยญators a payยญment sysยญtem they often canโt access through traยญdiยญtionยญal banks or payยญment proยญcessยญing platforms.
To get started, we recommend the following blogs:
The following categories are highly recommended for getting started:
Conclusion: The best alternative to Tumblr
When we looked into the extremeยญly popยญuยญlar porn platยญform Tumยญblr three years after its demise, we were incredยญiยญbly surยญprised by the range of funcยญtions offers.
Finalยญly, there is a real social media netยญwork that is easy to use and also free. The interยญface looks very tidy and can be quickยญly underยญstood intuยญitiveยญly. Even with litยญtle knowlยญedge of Engยญlish, it is easy to navยญiยญgate the portal.
In terms of conยญtent, you can find everyยญthing your heart desires. From clasยญsic amaยญteur and sex conยญtent, cuckยญolds, wifeยญsharยญers and hotwifes will also find very good capยญtains, phoยญtos, porn and aniยญmatยญed GIFs.
Realยญly handy is the crypยญtocurยญrenยญcy Flame Tokens. It is used to pay for tips, videos, phoยญtos and chats of real pornยญstars and priยญvate amateurs.
Even though the platยญform is still in beta, we think that the project has what it takes to be at the foreยญfront of the porn business.
We strongยญly advise you to creยญate an account and check out Youโll be blown away (just like we are).