Review of the very popular Sharesome platform is a free social net­work (social net­work) for adult porno­graph­ic con­tent. It is also called “NSFW net­work”, which stands for “Not safe for work”. In Ger­man, it would be called “Soziales FSK18-Netzwerk”.

The por­tal allows shar­ing porno­graph­ic videos, pho­tos, cap­tions and ani­mat­ed GIFs, which is strict­ly for­bid­den on pop­u­lar, fam­i­ly-friend­ly main­stream net­work­ing sites like Face­book, Linked In, Tik­Tok and Instagram.

Share­some fea­tures a typ­i­cal social media design famil­iar from tra­di­tion­al providers. The plat­form is also referred to as “the Face­book of porn.” It is com­pa­ra­ble to Twit­ter, but in con­trast, it is direct­ly focused on porno­graph­ic social media.

In our Share­some test, we want to review what the social media plat­form is and how it works. We also take a look at how the site is mon­e­tized and what the cryp­tocur­ren­cy “Flame­to­kens” is all about. Please leave a com­ment below our review if you know Shar­some and share your opin­ions and expe­ri­ences with us.

The history of Sharesome

Share­some was found­ed only in 2018 and is based in Cyprus. The web­site was devel­oped specif­i­cal­ly for adult con­tent. The devel­op­er claimed to be the world’s first free adult social net­work­ing site.

The plat­form is very pop­u­lar among porn stars, per­form­ers and pro­duc­ers in the adult indus­try. It cur­rent­ly receives well over 2.5 mil­lion vis­its each month and ranks 8,500th in the Unit­ed States, accord­ing to Sim­i­lar­Web, and is grow­ing rapidly.

The com­pa­ny has offi­cial­ly report­ed over one mil­lion user reg­is­tra­tions to sign up its own cryp­tocur­ren­cy, Air­drop. Share­some receives

Strik­ing­ly, the net­work was found­ed right after the announce­ment that Tum­blr would ban porno­graph­ic con­tent and block mil­lions of porn blogs in Decem­ber 2018. Next to, the plat­form gained the most Tum­blr users.

The site’s launch press release makes the com­pa­ny’s goals clear: “In a world where main­stream sites are increas­ing­ly dis­mis­sive of adult con­tent, Share­some is emerg­ing as a sanc­tu­ary where peo­ple are free to dis­cov­er and share their inner selves. It is a place where users are invit­ed to share their inner­most desires, fetish­es and fan­tasies with­out fear of ret­ri­bu­tion, back­lash or discrimination.

How to sign up for Sharesome

Share­some is 100% free to use and also 100% anony­mous to use. No email address is required to reg­is­ter and it does not require any per­son­al information.

To reg­is­ter, one needs noth­ing more than a unique user­name and password.

With the basic account, one gets a pro­file page, one’s own news feed and the abil­i­ty to browse oth­er users’ pages and posts. If you want to share your own pho­tos, videos or sell con­tent of your own brand, you have to ver­i­fy your account.

It is impor­tant that you acti­vate both options “My con­tent is not safe for work (NSFW)” and “Is your NSFW con­tent sex­u­al?” in your pro­file set­tings on under “Posts & Con­tent” ide.

The Sharesome interface: Typical social media

Sim­i­lar to Insta­gram and Face­book, you have a pro­file page with your own news feed where you can post your own con­tent such as links and texts.

The plat­form allows users to join or cre­ate top­ics and inter­act with each oth­er based on com­mon inter­ests. With­in top­ics, users can upload con­tent as well as share links to pho­tos, videos and ani­mat­ed GIFs 

You can sort posts by top­ic, so con­ver­sa­tions hap­pen much like they do on Twit­ter. Top­ics range from main­stream cat­e­gories like ama­teurs, pussy, and MILF to some unusu­al fetish­es. There is an incred­i­ble amount of con­tent specif­i­cal­ly for cuck­old­ing and wifesharing.

As a basic mem­ber you can’t pub­lish pho­tos or videos yet. For this you have to be ver­i­fied. How­ev­er, you can already con­nect with oth­er users and build your own net­work by fol­low­ing users and being fol­lowed by users.

You can find almost end­less free con­tent on the web­site. Almost all fetish­es and sex­u­al incli­na­tions are catered for.

Very con­ve­nient is that pro­fes­sion­al ser­vice providers, erot­ic mod­els, dancers and porn stars also pro­vide new con­tent. It feels like an adult indus­try Face­book celebri­ty Face­book. Many inter­ac­tions with porn stars feel very inti­mate, as if you are real­ly in a close cir­cle of friends with these people.

How­ev­er, you quick­ly real­ize that many of them have links to oth­er sites like ManyVids, Just For Fans, Pre­mi­um Snapchat and oth­er plat­forms with pay­ment pro­grams, or have their own web­sites. The con­tent cre­ators use the plat­form to gen­er­ate traf­fic and thus make money.

Flame Coins as a means of payment

There is a sep­a­rate cryp­tocur­ren­cy called Flame Tokens (XFL). It was specif­i­cal­ly designed to be used on Share­some to reward users for activ­i­ties or pay tips to performers.

Although it is a new con­cept for many users, cryp­tocur­ren­cy is quick­ly becom­ing a stan­dard in the adult industry.

When you first sign up for Share­some, you’ll receive 100 free Flame tokens to help you get start­ed. You can view the bal­ance of your account under “My wallet”.

What’s fun­ny is that you can earn Flame Tokens by reg­is­ter­ing on the Flame Tokens web­site and down­load­ing a Cock­tail Mix­er app for your smart­watch and jerk­ing off with it. The “Proof of Jerk” app mon­i­tors your wrist move­ment and rewards min­ers with up to 360 tokens per day for their efforts! The big­ger your “Jerks Per Minute” (JPM), the big­ger the reward.

Cryp­tocur­ren­cies offer com­plete anonymi­ty and flex­i­bil­i­ty, as well as a grow­ing sense of secu­ri­ty. They offer adult con­tent cre­ators a pay­ment sys­tem they often can’t access through tra­di­tion­al banks or pay­ment pro­cess­ing platforms.

To get started, we recommend the following blogs:

The following categories are highly recommended for getting started:

Conclusion: The best alternative to Tumblr

When we looked into the extreme­ly pop­u­lar porn plat­form Tum­blr three years after its demise, we were incred­i­bly sur­prised by the range of func­tions offers.

Final­ly, there is a real social media net­work that is easy to use and also free. The inter­face looks very tidy and can be quick­ly under­stood intu­itive­ly. Even with lit­tle knowl­edge of Eng­lish, it is easy to nav­i­gate the portal.

In terms of con­tent, you can find every­thing your heart desires. From clas­sic ama­teur and sex con­tent, cuck­olds, wife­shar­ers and hotwifes will also find very good cap­tains, pho­tos, porn and ani­mat­ed GIFs.

Real­ly handy is the cryp­tocur­ren­cy Flame Tokens. It is used to pay for tips, videos, pho­tos and chats of real porn­stars and pri­vate amateurs.

Even though the plat­form is still in beta, we think that the project has what it takes to be at the fore­front of the porn business.

We strong­ly advise you to cre­ate an account and check out You’ll be blown away (just like we are).

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