Tumblr: Until 2018 the Facebook alternative for porn

Män­ner und Frauen, die wie auf Face­book, Insta­gram, Pin­ter­st und Tik­Tok gerne Pornovideos und Sex­bilder posten, liken, sharen und rebloggen woll­ten, stießen bis zum Dezem­ber 2018 zwangsläu­fig auf die Social Media Plat­tform Tumblr.

Men and women who liked to post, like, share and reblog porn videos and sex pic­tures on Face­book, Insta­gram, Pin­ter­st and Tik­Tok inevitably stum­bled upon the social media plat­form Tum­blr until Decem­ber 2018.

Tum­blr was an almost inex­haustible source for spe­cial fetish­es. There were thou­sands and thou­sands of blogs from pri­vate peo­ple all over the world.

Besides clas­sic porn, could fans of facials, creamp­ies, sperm games, BDSM in all vari­ants, wife­shar­ing, cuck­old­ing, armpit hair, pussy hair, BBC and many oth­er things could find mil­lions of ani­mat­ed GIFs, MP4 videos and JPG photos.

Espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar were the cuck­old cap­tions pic­tures, which were dec­o­rat­ed with kinky say­ings and hot and dirty texts.

In this review we would like to tell you what is behind the strange name, how to reg­is­ter and what con­tent awaits you. Please also share your expe­ri­ences and opin­ions about Tum­blr if you know the platform.

The history of Tumblr

Tum­blr was found­ed in 2007 by David Karp and Mar­co Arment in New York. Karp dropped out of high school at 15 and found­ed Tum­blr at the age of 20. The so-called microblog­ging plat­form expe­ri­enced a mete­oric rise despite Face­book and Twit­ter. Just 3 years after the plat­form was found­ed, Tum­blr reached 20 mil­lion users and was con­sid­ered num­ber three in the world of social networks.

The online ser­vice is posi­tioned between a tra­di­tion­al blog like Word­Press and Twit­ter. It was pos­si­ble for peo­ple with lit­tle com­put­er skills to set up their own blog and run it suc­cess­ful­ly with just a few clicks. With over 450 mil­lion porn blogs, Tum­blr was one of the largest porno­graph­ic net­works in the world!

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Tum­blr was bought by Yahoo in May 2013. Yahoo want­ed to tar­get users between 18 — 24 years old and make the gray­ing Yahoo search engine pop­u­lar again.

In Decem­ber 2018, to the shock of the com­mu­ni­ty, all porno­graph­ic blogs were dis­abled or extreme­ly restrict­ed with­out pri­or notice. Yahoo expe­ri­enced an incred­i­ble but unsuc­cess­ful shit-storm.

Plat­forms like mewe.com and bdsmlr.com sensed a mar­ket oppor­tu­ni­ty and offered very con­ve­nient inter­faces for angry blog oper­a­tors to move blogs.

In August 2019, Tum­blr was resold to the oper­a­tor “Automat­tic” of the blog net­work wordpress.com. The hope that the that the porn block was lift­ed again was in vain.

Although the blog­ging plat­form is still alive today, nei­ther YAHOO nor Automat­tic have made any­thing of it. The num­ber of vis­i­tors has decreased by more than 3/4. The num­ber of unre­port­ed cas­es is cer­tain­ly much higher.

From a porn per­spec­tive, Tum­blr is and will remain dead. There are cur­rent­ly still hard Tum­blr fans who live with the frag­ments and restric­tions and post new con­tent. But it’s real­ly no fun there anymore.

Such­maschi­nen — Sicht­barkeitsin­dex: Der Absturz eines Porno — Kometen 

Simple and intuitive signup

If you want to become a mem­ber of the Tum­blr com­mu­ni­ty, only a few clicks are required. How­ev­er, we rec­om­mend you to cre­ate a sep­a­rate porn email address and not to use your pri­vate mail address. Gmail has worked very well for this.

Go to tumblr.com and click on the “Reg­is­ter” but­ton. A sim­ple form will open where you enter your email address, your desired pass­word and your desired username/blogname. After­wards you will be asked for your age and you have to accept the pri­va­cy and cook­ie pol­i­cy. That’s it….

You are auto­mat­i­cal­ly logged in and are sup­posed to select your inter­est on a “What’re you into?” page. Since you are only inter­est­ed in porn, you click the “Skip” button.

The interface: simple, tidy and intuitive

On https://www.tumblr.com/dashboard you will always find your dash­board. The inter­face looks very tidy in its dark blue col­or. Since you haven’t sub­scribed to any blogs yet, ran­dom posts are shown to you first.

The range of func­tions is com­pa­ra­ble to Face­book. You can like, share and com­ment on posts. If you have acti­vat­ed your own pub­lic blog, you can also reblog oth­er peo­ple’s posts and write your own blog posts.

The search func­tion on the top left no longer works for sex terms. You have to access Tum­blr blogs through direct links. With a lit­tle luck, Google will help you with terms like “tum­blr wife­shar­ing”. For exam­ple, you can find the URL https://wifehasaboyfriend.tumblr.com/ or https://dirkthecuckold.tumblr.com/. Keep in mind, how­ev­er, that Tum­blr con­tin­ues to die and more and more blogs are dis­ap­pear­ing from Google.

In the top right nav­i­ga­tion bar, click the “Fol­low” and “Accept Mes­sages” but­ton. Then when you go to your dash­board, you’ll see the lat­est posts from your sub­scribed blogs.

One pecu­liar­i­ty of cen­sored porn blogs is that you will land on a flick­er­ing page with the text “This blog may con­tain ques­tion­able media”. Click on the “Go to Dash­board” link. You then land on the dash­board and on the right side you see the same mes­sage again in a win­dow. Then click on the but­ton “View this blog”.

With a lit­tle effort, you will find more linked blogs, and you can go from sex blog to sex blog. You have to have a strong will to endure this ordeal. But it is worth it. You can still find a few blogs that are active­ly run and have awe­some content.

For starters, we recommend the following blogs:

Good alternatives

After the excite­ment has died down, there are now good Tum­blr alter­na­tives with a focus on pornography.

In the Amer­i­can lan­guage, they are called “NSFW por­tals”. NSFW is the abbre­vi­a­tion for “Not Safe For Work”. NSFW web­sites are only suit­able for home and not for the work­place screen.

  1. Mean­while, bdsmlr.com is one of the most pop­u­lar alter­na­tives. Ded­i­cat­ed Tum­blr users had unit­ed and sim­ply repli­cat­ed the plat­form. The fea­ture set, page lay­out and even the dark blue col­ors are identical.
  2. The newest Tum­blr alter­na­tive is reblogme.co. This plat­form looks almost 1:1 like the orig­i­nal project, and it is grow­ing rapidly!
  3. Very often, mewe.com is also men­tioned. Although the provider has lit­er­al­ly adver­tised to be able to import the porn blogs of angry Tum­blr own­ers, offi­cial­ly porn con­tent is only tol­er­at­ed. Out­ward­ly, there is no offi­cial search func­tion for pornography.
  4. Twitter.com is also an extreme­ly good alter­na­tive. How­ev­er, Twit­ter also only tol­er­ates porno­graph­ic con­tent. It is to be expect­ed that a com­plete porn ban will be intro­duced there very soon and NSFW con­tent will be com­plete­ly delet­ed or hid­den. You can­not search for sex­u­al terms (any­more) via the search function.
  5. The fifth rec­om­men­da­tion is sharesome.com. The inter­face looks com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent, but you quick­ly get used to the design and can eas­i­ly find porn content.
  6. blogr.xxx (offline since March 2022) seems to be devel­op­ing into a seri­ous porn blog­ging platform.
  7. You can read from time to time that vk.com mobile is also used as an alter­na­tive. How­ev­er, the lack of a web inter­face does not make this ser­vice very attractive.
  8. The alter­na­tive https://humblr.social had appar­ent­ly not pre­vailed and is now called mastodon.social.

In the mean­time, there was once the plat­form Swarmr, which has since been dis­con­tin­ued. Pin­ter­est and Insta­gram do not allow porno­graph­ic content.

Conclusion: Tumblr is no longer funny for cuckolds, hotwifes and wifesharers

As the blue “top dog of yore” has been per­pet­u­al­ly dying a slow death since 2018. But even though Tum­blr is doomed to com­plete irrel­e­vance, there are still a few good porn blogs for hotwifes, cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers to be found.

How­ev­er, the search proves to be very annoy­ing and tedious. You vir­tu­al­ly have to know the URL exact­ly as insid­er tips and then you are squeezed into a severe­ly crip­pled win­dow with min­i­mal functionality.

We rec­om­mend you to save your ener­gy and time and instead reg­is­ter on bdsmlr.com. The inter­face there has been recre­at­ed almost iden­ti­cal­ly and search­ing for horny erot­ic blogs, porn clips, cap­tions and sex pic­tures proves to be just as easy and intu­itive there as on the pre-2018 original.

We regret the demise of the porn comet. Hard­ly any plat­form came close to such a great user expe­ri­ence, the incred­i­ble con­tent quan­ti­ty and the inter­na­tion­al­ly close-knit users.

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