XHamster โ€” 3rd place among free PornTubes

Webยญsites where you can watch free porn are very popยญuยญlar among many women and men. Itโ€™s no wonยญder, because why should they pay for conยญtent on one webยญsite that they can watch for free on another 

Moreยญover, in recent years, the qualยญiยญty of free porn sites has improved sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly. As a user, you have already gotยญten used to havยญing to put up with lots of pop ups and advertisements.

Very popยญuยญlar is the tube porยญtal xhamster.com. In this review, we would like to introยญduce you to this porn site in more detail. In addiยญtion to the backยญground inforยญmaยญtion, we will also go into the strucยญture and conยญtent of xHamยญster. Feel free to share your own opinยญion and perยญsonยญal expeยญriยญences below the review in the comยญments section.

What is XHamster?

The webยญsite xhamster.com has been online since 2007. Origยญiยญnalยญly the servers were locatยญed in Cyprus. Howยญevยญer, xHamยญster has been locatยญed in the USA for some time now 

In the globยญal rankยญing of the most visยญitยญed webยญsites, xHamยญster takes the numยญber 86 posiยญtion. This means that not only in the porn secยญtor, but in genยญerยญal, xHamยญster is one of the biggest webยญsites ever. The operยญaยญtors transยญlate the movie titles and descripยญtions into the most imporยญtant lanยญguages and thus covยญer a huge range of search engine keyยญwords. These include Engยญlish, Gerยญman, French, Spanยญish and more 

The webยญsite has more than 2 milยญlion visยญiยญtors per day. You can view over 5 milยญlion videos or phoยญtos, play games, chat with girls and arrange for dates. Interยญestยญing is the order of the counยญtries where xHamยญster is most popยญuยญlar (in perยญcent of all visitors)

  • USA: 19 percent
  • Gerยญmany: 14 percent
  • Spain 7 percent

The structure of the porn site

When the xHamยญster page is called up, the userโ€™s locaยญtion is autoยญmatยญiยญcalยญly deterยญmined based on the IP address and porn from his or her region is disยญplayed prefยญerยญenยญtialยญly. Accordยญingยญly, anyยญone who calls up the webยญsite from Gerยญmany will have Gerยญman porn disยญplayed first. The lanยญguage can be freely selectยญed in the headยญer menu.

On the home page, the newest videos are usuยญalยญly disยญplayed first. Users can sort the clips by qualยญiยญty (SD, HD, 4k) and by ratยญing. A search by keyยญword is also offered 

In addiยญtion, xHamยญster offers access to numerยญous webยญcams (but they are not always free) as well as datยญing sites. One can also search the site for speยญcifยญic porn stars or chanยญnels (stuยญdios).

The xHamster offer in the cuckold section

Of course, we are parยญticยญuยญlarยญly interยญestยญed in how it looks like in the cuckยญoldยญing secยญtion. To put it briefly: It is gigantic!

On xHamยญster there are more than 1,100 pages with videos about cuckยญoldยญing. On averยญage there are about 55 videos per page. Thatโ€™s roughยญly more than 60,000 videos on the topยญic of cuckยญoldยญing. The secยญtion is addiยญtionยญalยญly dividยญed into subcategories:

Search termNumยญberDescripยญtion / Translation
Cuckยญold56.000Husยญband who makes his wife insemยญiยญnatยญed by others
Cuckยญoldยญing10.000comยญmon engยญlish expression 
BBC102.000Big black cock = Big, black cocks
Hotwife1.000Horny wife getยญting fucked by strangers
Cuckยญold gangbang1.000Group sex with bulls
Amaยญteur cuckold3.000Amaยญteur couยญples filmยญing themselves
Gerยญman cuckold800Gerยญman wifeยญsharยญing porn
Cuckยญold husband2.000cuckยญold husband
Cum eatยญing cuckold700Cum swalยญlowยญing is cuckยญolds duty
Cuckยญold cleanup1000Cuck must lick cum clean
Cuckยญold wife10.000Cuckยญold wife
Interยญraยญcial cuckold2100interยญraยญcial fuckยญers, mostยญly BBC cops
Wife sharยญing37.000Wife sharยญing with strangers
Creampie cleanup600Lick sperm puss clean
Cuckยญold creampie500Husยญband must clean up sperm pussy
Cum food900Cum food
Cum plate600Cum plate
Eat own cum700Eat own cum
Femยญdom cuckold500Cuckยญold humiliation
Cuckยญold humiliation350Humilยญiยญate the husband
Staยญtus 2021

The search terms are also interesting:

  • Famยญiยญly Cuckolds
  • Cuckยญold Webcams
  • Homeยญmade Cuckold
  • Cuckยญold Stories

Many of the videos offered are shot in HD qualยญiยญty by popยญuยญlar porn stuยญdios. Howยญevยญer, there are also countยญless amaยญteur videos filmed with cell phones. Their playยญing time ranges from a few minยญutes to 40 minยญutes and more 

Users can filยญter the videos by varยญiยญous criยญteยญria such as release date, ratยญing, recordยญing qualยญiยญty and length.

xHamster Review: Rating & Test

Whenยญevยญer Iโ€™m on the interยญnet lookยญing for porn, soonยญer or latยญer I almost inevitably end up on xHamยญster. I admit it honยญestยญly, the webยญsite is one of my favorites in the porn section.

What I like most of all is the extenยญsive and up-to-date offer. More than once it hapยญpened to me that I was lookยญing for a porn on xHamยญster and acciยญdenยญtalยญly came across new, interยญestยญing movies 

There is almost no (legal) prefยญerยญence for which there are no videos on xHamยญster. I espeยญcialยญly like the wide range of Gerยญman movies with Gerยญman porn stars and the mostยญly good qualยญiยญty of the movies. The cuckยญoldยญing secยญtion is also very well positioned.

Even the annoyยญing adverยญtisยญing is kept withยญin limยญits. The strucยญture and operยญaยญtion of the webยญsite are clear and self-explanatory.

Conclusion: xHamster is simply perfect for porn consumers from Austria, Germany and Switzerland

Even though most of the Engยญlish porn terms are self-explanaยญtoยญry and porn doesยญnโ€™t require much text anyยญway, itโ€™s still a nice feelยญing to be able to use the Gerยญman lanยญguage on streamยญing portals.

Even withยญout knowยญing Engยญlish you can effortยญlessยญly chat with like-mindยญed peoยญple, comยญment on wifeยญsharยญing and cuckยญold videos and find bulls, lovers, hotwifes as well as compatriots.

The porn streamยญing porยญtal is very clean and intuยญitive to use. You can quickยญly get used to the adverยญtiseยญments. The giganยญtic conยญtent quanยญtiยญty is an endยญless source of videos and movies of all genยญres, where realยญly every visยญiยญtor can find the desired content.

Very handy is the bookยญmark funcยญtion, with which you can creยญate pracยญtiยญcal lists of favorites. It is very conยญveยญnient to preยญpare porn evenings with your wife or life partner.

All in all, xhamster.com is a very pleasยญant porn site and just perยญfect for cuckยญold couples.

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