YouPorn is the forefather of porn tube platforms

The name “YouPorn” was not cho­sen by chance for this great sex site. YouPorn sees itself as a YouTube for porn and is con­sid­ered one of the inven­tors of this sex site section 

Just like YouTube, on prac­ti­cal­ly every site vis­i­tor can upload his self-made videos to the plat­form. The con­tent of the video is checked and, if approved, released after 1 to 2 days. As a result, unimag­in­ably huge amounts of videos and pho­tos accu­mu­late over the years.

We were inter­est­ed to see how the Porn­Tube por­tal with its focus on cuck­old­ing, hotwif­ing and wife­shar­ing com­pares to oth­er platforms 

Even if you are already famil­iar with YouPorn, we will intro­duce you to the web­site in more detail in this review. In addi­tion to facts and fig­ures, we describe the site struc­ture and eval­u­ate the con­tent and con­tent quantity.

Please write us your per­son­al expe­ri­ence and opin­ion below the review in the com­ment box 

Interesting facts and figures about

The web­site has been online since 2006. The ori­gin of the oper­a­tors is unknown. In 2011 YouPorn was acquired by the Cana­di­an com­pa­ny Mindgeek, which also oper­ates Porn­hub, My Dirty Hob­by, Red­tube, Porn­MD, XTube and oth­er over 100 pop­u­lar porn sites.

In the order of the most sig­nif­i­cant web­sites, YouPorn ranks No. 162, which are very good results for a porn web­site. In Ger­many, YouPorn even comes in at No. 39. Per day, the web­site is vis­it­ed by more than 466,000 users. Bro­ken down by nation­al­i­ty, most vis­i­tors come from the fol­low­ing countries:

  • USA 27 percent
  • France 18 percent
  • Italy 12 percent

Ger­many takes 4th place with 9 per­cent of all vis­i­tors. It is inter­est­ing to note that YouPorn has been offered as a mobile ver­sion since 2008. Espe­cial­ly in South­ern Europe, many users pre­fer to watch YouPorn clips on their smartphones.

Structure and features of the porn site

YouPorn’s home­page is clear­ly arranged and looks friend­ly and invit­ing due to its white back­ground. YouPorn pro­vides its users with more than 4,700 pages of porn 

A con­ser­v­a­tive esti­mate is that there are prob­a­bly at least 115,000 videos. Besides the larg­er free sec­tion, there is also a pre­mi­um sec­tion that costs month­ly fees. In return, all movies there are in HD. In addi­tion, users can down­load more than 21,000 DVDs to their hard dri­ve in the pre­mi­um section.

YouPorn also offers live cams and links to dat­ing sites. The erot­i­ca sec­tion is also very pop­u­lar. These are sex sto­ries of the most diverse cat­e­gories. Espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar are videos in the cat­e­gories blowjob, ama­teur, blonde, anal sex and rough sex.

Our barom­e­ter is the search term cum food (sperm in food). Here we come up with only 150 porn videos. At you will find an incred­i­ble 150,000 movies! At xHam­ster there are just under 1000.

You can see that Porn­Hub and Youporn belong togeth­er when you log in. You can do this with a Porn­Hub account or a paid Youporn Pre­mi­um account.

Which wifesharing & cuckold porn is offered on YouPorn?

In the cuck­old sec­tion, sur­pris­ing­ly only just under 6,000 videos are offered on YouPorn. In addi­tion, there are 3,000 more videos in the Wife Shar­ing cat­e­go­ry. The most pop­u­lar sub­cat­e­gories include:

Search Key­wordNum­berDescrip­tion / Translation
Cuck­old6.000Hus­band makes his wife cuckold
Cuck­old­ing7.000com­mon, eng­lish form 
BBC19.000Big black cock = Black, big cocks
Hotwife2.000Wife get­ting fucked by stranger
Cuck­old gangbang200Group sex from 5 lovers or bulls
Ama­teur cuckold4.000Ama­teur cou­ples film­ing their messes
Ger­man cuckold150Ger­man porn
Cuck­old husband1.500Hus­band
Cum eat­ing cuckold400Cum eat­ing cucki
Cuck­old cleanup200Cuc­ki lick­ing cum clean
Cuck­old wife4.000Cuck­old wife
Inter­ra­cial cuckold1.500inter­ra­cial bulls, most­ly BBC
Wife Shar­ing3.000Wife shar­ing
Creampie cleanup200Cum cunt cleanup lick
Cuck­old creampie1.200Hus­band cum pussy
Cum food200Cum on food
Cum plate15Cum on plate
Eat own cum200Swal­low own cum
Fem­dom cuckold1.000Edu­ca­tion of the cuckoo
Cuck­old humiliation700Humil­i­a­tion of the husband
Sta­tus 2021

Inter­est­ing is the fact that apart from the videos of the Cuck­old cat­e­go­ry, the porn sites Cuck­old Train­er, Cum Eat­ing Cuck­olds, Cuck­old Extreme and Make Him Cuck­old are also offi­cial­ly rep­re­sent­ed with their own channels.

The videos are most­ly more than 10 min­utes long. Some movies are even more than 40 min­utes long. Almost all videos are shot in HD res­o­lu­tion, some even in UHD.

Review: Rather mediocre review of Youporn sex site

Over­all, is basi­cal­ly a good web­site. How­ev­er, it is rather mediocre in direct com­par­i­son with oth­er Porn­Tube por­tals. Obvi­ous­ly, very many of the videos on YouPorn come from the Porn­hub net­work, which belongs to the same operator.

In the cuck­old area, YouPorn does not have that much to offer com­pared to and What is excit­ing, how­ev­er, is that some of the videos are exclu­sive and legal, and not pirat­ed (as is the case with oth­er porn tubes) 

In terms of usabil­i­ty, the web­site is not designed to be par­tic­u­lar­ly user-friend­ly. Nav­i­gat­ing the home­page is not par­tic­u­lar­ly easy. At first glance, it is not obvi­ous how many cat­e­gories there are at all. You have to have an idea of what you’re look­ing for and enter the term in the key­word search 

A big plus is the amount of ama­teur porn. Sex sites like YouTube owe their pop­u­lar­i­ty to the fact that the qual­i­ty of ama­teur footage is get­ting bet­ter and bet­ter. Mod­ern ama­teur videos are shot in HD qual­i­ty. The lens­es are so sen­si­tive to light that even in nor­mal light­ing you can get good shots.

Over­all rat­ing: 6 out of 10 points

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