YouPorn is the forefather of porn tube platforms

The name โ€œYouPornโ€ was not choยญsen by chance for this great sex site. YouPorn sees itself as a YouTube for porn and is conยญsidยญered one of the invenยญtors of this sex site section 

Just like YouTube, on pracยญtiยญcalยญly every site visยญiยญtor can upload his self-made videos to the platยญform. The conยญtent of the video is checked and, if approved, released after 1 to 2 days. As a result, unimagยญinยญably huge amounts of videos and phoยญtos accuยญmuยญlate over the years.

We were interยญestยญed to see how the PornยญTube porยญtal with its focus on cuckยญoldยญing, hotwifยญing and wifeยญsharยญing comยญpares to othยญer platforms 

Even if you are already familยญiar with YouPorn, we will introยญduce you to the webยญsite in more detail in this review. In addiยญtion to facts and figยญures, we describe the site strucยญture and evalยญuยญate the conยญtent and conยญtent quantity.

Please write us your perยญsonยญal expeยญriยญence and opinยญion below the review in the comยญment box 

Interesting facts and figures about

The webยญsite has been online since 2006. The oriยญgin of the operยญaยญtors is unknown. In 2011 YouPorn was acquired by the Canaยญdiยญan comยญpaยญny Mindgeek, which also operยญates Pornยญhub, My Dirty Hobยญby, Redยญtube, PornยญMD, XTube and othยญer over 100 popยญuยญlar porn sites.

In the order of the most sigยญnifยญiยญcant webยญsites, YouPorn ranks No. 162, which are very good results for a porn webยญsite. In Gerยญmany, YouPorn even comes in at No. 39. Per day, the webยญsite is visยญitยญed by more than 466,000 users. Broยญken down by nationยญalยญiยญty, most visยญiยญtors come from the folยญlowยญing countries:

  • USA 27 percent
  • France 18 percent
  • Italy 12 percent

Gerยญmany takes 4th place with 9 perยญcent of all visยญiยญtors. It is interยญestยญing to note that YouPorn has been offered as a mobile verยญsion since 2008. Espeยญcialยญly in Southยญern Europe, many users preยญfer to watch YouPorn clips on their smartphones.

Structure and features of the porn site

YouPornโ€™s homeยญpage is clearยญly arranged and looks friendยญly and invitยญing due to its white backยญground. YouPorn proยญvides its users with more than 4,700 pages of porn 

A conยญserยญvยญaยญtive estiยญmate is that there are probยญaยญbly at least 115,000 videos. Besides the largยญer free secยญtion, there is also a preยญmiยญum secยญtion that costs monthยญly fees. In return, all movies there are in HD. In addiยญtion, users can downยญload more than 21,000 DVDs to their hard driยญve in the preยญmiยญum section.

YouPorn also offers live cams and links to datยญing sites. The erotยญiยญca secยญtion is also very popยญuยญlar. These are sex stoยญries of the most diverse catยญeยญgories. Espeยญcialยญly popยญuยญlar are videos in the catยญeยญgories blowjob, amaยญteur, blonde, anal sex and rough sex.

Our baromยญeยญter is the search term cum food (sperm in food). Here we come up with only 150 porn videos. At you will find an incredยญiยญble 150,000 movies! At xHamยญster there are just under 1000.

You can see that PornยญHub and Youporn belong togethยญer when you log in. You can do this with a PornยญHub account or a paid Youporn Preยญmiยญum account.

Which wifesharing & cuckold porn is offered on YouPorn?

In the cuckยญold secยญtion, surยญprisยญingยญly only just under 6,000 videos are offered on YouPorn. In addiยญtion, there are 3,000 more videos in the Wife Sharยญing catยญeยญgoยญry. The most popยญuยญlar subยญcatยญeยญgories include:

Search KeyยญwordNumยญberDescripยญtion / Translation
Cuckยญold6.000Husยญband makes his wife cuckold
Cuckยญoldยญing7.000comยญmon, engยญlish form 
BBC19.000Big black cock = Black, big cocks
Hotwife2.000Wife getยญting fucked by stranger
Cuckยญold gangbang200Group sex from 5 lovers or bulls
Amaยญteur cuckold4.000Amaยญteur couยญples filmยญing their messes
Gerยญman cuckold150Gerยญman porn
Cuckยญold husband1.500Husยญband
Cum eatยญing cuckold400Cum eatยญing cucki
Cuckยญold cleanup200Cucยญki lickยญing cum clean
Cuckยญold wife4.000Cuckยญold wife
Interยญraยญcial cuckold1.500interยญraยญcial bulls, mostยญly BBC
Wife Sharยญing3.000Wife sharยญing
Creampie cleanup200Cum cunt cleanup lick
Cuckยญold creampie1.200Husยญband cum pussy
Cum food200Cum on food
Cum plate15Cum on plate
Eat own cum200Swalยญlow own cum
Femยญdom cuckold1.000Eduยญcaยญtion of the cuckoo
Cuckยญold humiliation700Humilยญiยญaยญtion of the husband
Staยญtus 2021

Interยญestยญing is the fact that apart from the videos of the Cuckยญold catยญeยญgoยญry, the porn sites Cuckยญold Trainยญer, Cum Eatยญing Cuckยญolds, Cuckยญold Extreme and Make Him Cuckยญold are also offiยญcialยญly repยญreยญsentยญed with their own channels.

The videos are mostยญly more than 10 minยญutes long. Some movies are even more than 40 minยญutes long. Almost all videos are shot in HD resยญoยญluยญtion, some even in UHD.

Review: Rather mediocre review of Youporn sex site

Overยญall, is basiยญcalยญly a good webยญsite. Howยญevยญer, it is rather mediocre in direct comยญparยญiยญson with othยญer PornยญTube porยญtals. Obviยญousยญly, very many of the videos on YouPorn come from the Pornยญhub netยญwork, which belongs to the same operator.

In the cuckยญold area, YouPorn does not have that much to offer comยญpared to and What is excitยญing, howยญevยญer, is that some of the videos are excluยญsive and legal, and not piratยญed (as is the case with othยญer porn tubes) 

In terms of usabilยญiยญty, the webยญsite is not designed to be parยญticยญuยญlarยญly user-friendยญly. Navยญiยญgatยญing the homeยญpage is not parยญticยญuยญlarยญly easy. At first glance, it is not obviยญous how many catยญeยญgories there are at all. You have to have an idea of what youโ€™re lookยญing for and enter the term in the keyยญword search 

A big plus is the amount of amaยญteur porn. Sex sites like YouTube owe their popยญuยญlarยญiยญty to the fact that the qualยญiยญty of amaยญteur footage is getยญting betยญter and betยญter. Modยญern amaยญteur videos are shot in HD qualยญiยญty. The lensยญes are so senยญsiยญtive to light that even in norยญmal lightยญing you can get good shots.

Overยญall ratยญing: 6 out of 10 points

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