The popular porn tube jerk off website

The name of the porn site You­jizz says it all. Jizz is an Eng­lish slang expres­sion for wank­ing. The word com­po­nent “You” asso­ciates with the video stream­ing por­tal YouTube and its com­peti­tor YouPorn. pro­vides users with lots of porn that they can use to mas­tur­bate or to stim­u­late their sex­u­al fan­tasies. What is strik­ing about this porn plat­form is that there is extra­or­di­nar­i­ly lit­tle text to read.

In order to find the hottest Porn­Tube por­tal for hotwifes, wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds, we have also put this sex site to the test. In this review, you will learn excit­ing back­ground infor­ma­tion and how the project is struc­tured. Fur­ther­more, we explain to you which videos the por­tal has to offer and how the usabil­i­ty is.

You can sup­port us by leav­ing a com­ment below the test report. Write us your expe­ri­ences and opin­ions, how you like the web­site and on which por­tals you like to hang out.

Facts and figures about

In the inter­na­tion­al rank­ing of web­sites, You­jizz is ranked No. 1719. At first glance, this does not seem to be any­thing spe­cial. How­ev­er, you have to keep in mind that there are now more than 2 bil­lion web­sites. There­fore, You­jizz is one of the largest web­sites in the world. 

The oper­a­tor of the sex site is locat­ed in the USA. The web­site has been online since 2003. You­jizz reg­is­ters 215,000 vis­i­tors per day. As far as it can be judged, You­jizz seems to be a rep­utable web­site because the host pro­vides its phone num­ber and anoth­er num­ber where abuse can be reported. 

You­jizz is not list­ed on any black­list. There are 9 oth­er web­sites reg­is­tered under the IP address that also pro­vide porn.

Structure & usability of the YouJizz website

The porn site You­jizz pro­vides its users with more than 4 mil­lion videos in about 50 cat­e­gories. The web­site has a sim­ple struc­ture and seems to be avail­able in Eng­lish only. How­ev­er, since it is about porn, the lan­guage plays only a minor role. 

On the home­page, the videos are sort­ed by pop­u­lar­i­ty. Sort­ing can also be done by release date, trends or rat­ing (all-time best rat­ing, best video of the month or week) or ran­dom­ly. Besides videos, You­jizz also offers live cams, links to dat­ing web­sites and porn games.

Search­ing is pos­si­ble by key­words, porn­stars and tags. When enter­ing the home­page, the vis­i­tor’s IP address is used to dis­play pre­ferred cat­e­gories. For users from Ger­many, porn from the Ger­man and Deutsch cat­e­gories are at the top of the list.

It is cool that you do not need an account to com­ment. How­ev­er, the book­mark func­tion to cre­ate your own favorites lists is missing.

The online offer in the area of Cuckold

If you are look­ing for videos about cuck­old or cuck­old­ing, the best way to find them is to search for the cor­re­spond­ing tags. Cur­rent­ly, there are about 30,000 porn vidoes of this niche available.

Relat­ing to the num­ber of videos, the num­ber of clips on the top­ic of cuck­old­ing is very large. 

The most pop­u­lar tags include:

Search Key­wordNum­berDescrip­tion / Translation
Cuck­old26.500Hus­band makes his wife cuckold
Cuck­old­ing2.900com­mon, eng­lish form 
BBC83.000Big black cock = Black, big dicks
Hotwife3.000Wife get­ting fucked by stranger
Cuck­old gangbang691Group sex from 5 lovers or bulls
Ama­teur cuckold7.500Ama­teur cou­ples film­ing their messes
Ger­man cuckold218Ger­man porn
Cuck­old husband3.000Hus­band
Cum eat­ing cuckold38Cum eat­ing cucki
Cuck­old cleanup117Cuc­ki lick­ing cum clean
Cuck­old wife8.800Cuck­old wife
Inter­ra­cial cuckold11.000inter­ra­cial bulls, most­ly BBC
Wife shar­ing3.000Wife shar­ing
Creampie cleanup80Cum cunt cleanup lick
Cuck­old creampie2.100Hus­band cum pussy
Cum food230Insem­i­nate food with sperm
Cum plate17Cum on plate
Eat own cum208Swal­low own cum
Fem­dom cuckold6.000Edu­ca­tion of the cuckoo
Cuck­old humiliation26.000Humil­i­a­tion of husband
Sta­tus 2021

If you select videos with this key­word (tag), the clips that best match the search term will be dis­played first on the results page. Sort­ing can also be done by date, pop­u­lar­i­ty, best rat­ing and play­ing time. If you val­ue high video qual­i­ty, you can only view clips in HD.

A lot of the cuck­old porn is about inter­ra­cial sex. The hotwife has sex with a very well-endowed black man and lets him insem­i­nate her. Her cuck­old cunt­band watch­es in fas­ci­na­tion and then licks her horny cum-filled cunt clean. 

Cuck­old­ing is a high­ly pop­u­lar sex­u­al fan­ta­sy all over the world. The many cuck­old porn videos shot, and their incred­i­ble access num­bers, prove that mil­lions of men want to watch their wives being stranger fucked and stranger insem­i­nat­ed by strange men.

The share of videos in stan­dard def­i­n­i­tion (SD) and HD is about equal. The videos are longer than on oth­er porn sites. Most of them last at least 10 min­utes. There are even clips with more than an hour of play­ing time.

If we search for the niche search term “cum food” like in our oth­er reviews, we find only 230 porn videos. On the video por­tal you can find 144,000 movies in com­par­i­son! If you search for “cum plate” you will find only 3 hits, XNXX has 240.000!

Review: My review of the Youjizz porn site

The porn site has pleased me in our test against expec­ta­tion very well. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, it is not as well known in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries as oth­er porn tube por­tals. This may be due to the unusu­al sound­ing domain name and the Eng­lish lan­guage interface.

Since there are many sex videos to be found here, which are not so well known, you will be pleas­ant­ly sur­prised on this plat­form. The sim­ple struc­ture and the excel­lent offer in the field of cuck­old def­i­nite­ly make it worth watching. 

I have to cut back because many of the videos are offered in SD res­o­lu­tion. Obvi­ous­ly, porn stu­dios here are not so behind to always upload new videos in UltraHD. 

If the exchange with a com­mu­ni­ty is impor­tant to you, you will be dis­ap­point­ed on this porn por­tal. Then xHam­ster is the bet­ter choice.

Over­all rat­ing: 8 out of 10 points

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