The porn streaming platform RedTube in test 

Red­Tube is a Porn­Tube por­tal where users can watch porn of var­i­ous cat­e­gories with­out reg­is­tra­tion and for free 

The oper­a­tion of the web­site is financed by adver­tis­ing. There is also a pre­mi­um area, for which month­ly fees are due. In return, pre­mi­um users can watch the clips with­out adver­tis­ing and even down­load entire DVDs to their hard drive.

In this review, we will intro­duce you to the very pop­u­lar porn plat­form in more detail. We describe inter­est­ing facts and fig­ures and go into the con­tent offered as well as the site struc­ture. How­ev­er, the focus of this review is on wife­shar­ing and cuckolding.

We are always hap­py to receive com­ments and opin­ions about this review and the porn site. Do you know Red­Tube? If so, what do you like and what don’t you like? On which Porn­Tube sites do you like to stay?

Facts and figures about the porn portal

The web­site has been online since 2007. The oper­a­tor is the Cana­di­an com­pa­ny Mindgeek, based in Mon­tre­al, Cana­da, which also owns the web­sites Porn­hub and Youporn, among oth­ers. You can also find the com­pa­ny name MG Cyprus Lim­it­ed in Cyprus some­what hid­den on the website.

Only a few months after the launch of YouPorn, Red­tube was one of the first big imi­ta­tors. Design and user inter­face were large­ly adopt­ed from YouPorn. For a while it was one of the top 100 sites on the World Wide Web, but has since fall­en behind 

The site is offered in 7 lan­guages, includ­ing Ger­man. Most of the vis­i­tors come from the USA. Red­Tube is also pop­u­lar in India, Great Britain and Japan 

In Ger­many, on the oth­er hand, Red­Tube does not have a good rep­u­ta­tion. This is due to a warn­ing scan­dal in 2013. A Ger­man law firm sent warn­ings to tens of thou­sands of Ger­man users for alleged copy­right infringe­ments. In 2015, the Regens­burg Dis­trict Court ruled that the warn­ing let­ters con­sti­tut­ed an inten­tion­al tort. The warn­ing let­ters were issued with­out Red­Tube’s knowl­edge. The lawyers involved lost their license.

Like oth­er tube sites, Red­Tube offers vis­i­tors the oppor­tu­ni­ty to upload videos they have made them­selves. They are edi­to­ri­al­ly reviewed and released if they meet the criteria 

Structure and content of the porn tube platform

Vis­i­tors from Ger­many are shown the home­page in Ger­man. In addi­tion, Eng­lish, Span­ish, Por­tuguese, French, Russ­ian and oth­er lan­guages are also supported.

The videos are sort­ed accord­ing to the trend. A bit fur­ther down the web­site, Red­Tube fades in thumb­nails with rec­om­mend­ed playlists and porn stars. Users can also go to sites with live cams or book real sex meet­ings with whores and ama­teurs. One can search porn by key­words, chan­nels or pornstars 

Videos are avail­able in almost 70 cat­e­gories, from A for ama­teur to W for web­cam. The most rep­re­sent­ed cat­e­gories include:

  • Blowjob: more than 70,000 videos
  • Brunettes: more than 58,000 videos
  • Blondes: almost 40,000 videos
  • Ama­teur and Big Dick with more than 21,000 videos each

The offer in the cuckold section

If you vis­it Red­Tube as a cuck­old or wife­shar­er, you are dis­ap­point­ed because there is no sep­a­rate cat­e­go­ry on the topic 

So if you are look­ing for videos on the top­ic of Cuck­old or Cuck­old­ing, you have to enter the cor­re­spond­ing key­words into the search mask. Then the fol­low­ing sub­cat­e­gories (tags) appear:

Search termNum­berDescrip­tion / Translation
Cuck­old3.900Man makes his part­ner inseminate
Cuck­old­ing3.900eng­lish form 
BBC13.000Big black cock = black giant cocks
Hotwife1.300horny wife get­ting insem­i­nat­ed by strangers
Cuck­old gangbang142Group sex with more than 5 bulls
Ama­teur cuckold2.300Ama­teur shoot pri­vate porn
Ger­man cuckold70Ger­man cuck­old porn
Cuck­old husband800cuck­old husband
Cum eat­ing cuckold200Cuc­ki must eat cum
Cuck­old cleanup100Cuck must lick cum clean
Cuck­old wife1.700Cuck­old wife
Inter­ra­cial cuckold700inter­ra­cial bbc fuck wife
Wife shar­ing900Wife lend­ing
Creampie cleanup80For­eign insem­i­nat­ed cunt clean lick
Cuck­old creampie500Hus­band cum pussy
Cum food40Cum all over food
Cum plate3Cum plate
Eat own cum100Eat own cum
Fem­dom cuckold600Cuc­ki — Education 
Cuck­old humiliation300Humil­i­a­tion husband
Sta­tus 2021

After all, Red­Tube offers just under 4,000 videos under the search term Cuck­old. The major­i­ty of the videos are around 10 min­utes long. Only a few are longer or shorter 

All cuck­old porn seems to have been shot in Eng­lish. The high per­cent­age of Span­ish and Ital­ian videos in this cat­e­go­ry is sur­pris­ing. Most of the videos seem to come from oth­er websites.

Search­ing for the niche key­word “cum food” shows that the porn site has only 40 videos. For com­par­i­son, you can find 144,000 videos of this cat­e­go­ry! Also, the search for “cum on plate” (squirt­ing sperm on plate) result­ed in only 3 hits, XNXX has 140,000!

Review: My personal RedTube porn site review

Just like oth­er Tube­Por­tals, the com­plete offer of is free of charge. If you choose red­tube­plat­inum, you will get high­er qual­i­ty videos in razor sharp quality 

You can enjoy the horny con­tent with­out reg­is­ter­ing, but you can also reg­is­ter as a user. Reg­is­tra­tion is done in a few min­utes using your email address. I advise you to cre­ate a porn email address at beforehand.

In my opin­ion, the porn por­tal is easy to use and can con­vince with its sim­ple page layout 

Red­Tube has a large offer of porn from dif­fer­ent cat­e­gories. How­ev­er, the site seems to be dom­i­nat­ed by clips from the Eng­lish-speak­ing world, espe­cial­ly the USA. If you are look­ing for videos with well-known Ger­man porn stars, you might have less luck 

The offer on the top­ic of cuck­old is not lush, but it is good. Although the top­ics of cuck­old and wife­shar­ing are very pop­u­lar, they do not appear as sep­a­rate cat­e­gories on Red­Tube. This com­pli­cates the search in a com­plete­ly unnec­es­sary way. It’s a bit annoy­ing to have to come up with the search terms your­self in English.

How­ev­er, I like that rel­e­vant “tags” are sug­gest­ed in the search form once you get the “hang of it”.

Sub­jec­tive­ly, though, Red­Tube can’t keep up with oth­er providers in terms of qual­i­ty and con­tent quan­ti­ty. Many videos are a bit old­er and are not yet streamed in HD.

Conclusion: RedTube is a very good porn streaming portal

Red­Tube is one of the most well-known and pop­u­lar tube-style porn providers. How­ev­er, the offer is not as large as oth­er video plat­forms — e.g. XNXX or Porn­Hub. The pre­mi­um ver­sion pro­vides a bit more vari­ety in terms of qual­i­ty and exclusivity.

The so-called tag­ging is great. By means of “tags”, you can search very pre­cise­ly for the desired con­tent on this tube por­tal. If you know rough­ly what you are look­ing for, you can find excit­ing word combinations 

The inter­face also looks very tidy and well thought-out. It is very easy to use on the computer.

Cuck­olds, hotwifes and wife­shar­ers will find horny porn videos on Red­Tube, but the offer is rather mediocre com­pared to Porn­Hub or XNXX. How­ev­er, you can find a lot of porn with Big Black Cocks (BBC).

All in all, you can def­i­nite­ly rec­om­mend this stream­ing web­site. Watch­ing porn here is fun and also com­fort­able and safe from viruses.

Over­all rat­ing: 7 out of 10 stars

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