Watching Porn — Why Is It So Important for Cuckold and Hotwife?
PornogÂraÂphy is wideÂspread on the InterÂnet. It is estiÂmatÂed that a quarÂter of all webÂsites have pornoÂgraphÂic content.
Not only in exportÂing, but also in watchÂing porn, the GerÂmans are world chamÂpiÂons. GerÂmany has a share of 12.4 perÂcent in the worldÂwide exchange of data on porn sites, ahead of Spain, Great Britain, and even the popÂuÂlous USA.
In this post, we would like to explain to you why it is imporÂtant that wifeÂsharÂing and cuckÂold couÂples should watch sex movies togethÂer regÂuÂlarÂly. We will also give you tips on the best places to find porn withÂout infectÂing your comÂputÂer with virusÂes, TroÂjans, and malware.
Of course, we are also interÂestÂed in your opinÂion. Please write us your expeÂriÂences and recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions in the comÂments secÂtion below this guide.
Porn Is of Central Importance in Cuckold Relationships
There are porn sites for every taste. Many are for quick gratÂiÂfiÂcaÂtion only, while othÂers are for more demandÂing viewÂers. This includes couÂples in a cuckÂold relationship.
The cuckÂold and his hotwife often even watch porn togethÂer. The reaÂson is that sex movies are used by the hotwife as an eduÂcaÂtionÂal tool for orgasm control.
She watchÂes porn movies togethÂer with the cuck and makes him horny. Either she makes him masÂturÂbate, or she gives him a prostate massage.
When he is about to cum, she interÂrupts the stimÂuÂlaÂtion and waits until he has cooled down again. After that, the game starts all over again. ErotÂic movies are good tools for this, since they pracÂtiÂcalÂly proÂvide for the emerÂgence of feelÂings of pleaÂsure almost by themselves.
In addiÂtion, porn is a good source of inspiÂraÂtion and ideas. There, the couÂple can watch techÂniques they didÂn’t know before or get inspiÂraÂtion for cerÂtain clothes (sexy linÂgerie, fetish clothes) or BDSM toys.
By the way, durÂing the sex date with the Bulls, they also like it when porn is playÂing in the backÂground. This conÂtributes to a hot, lustÂful atmosphere.
Porn Is of Central Importance in Cuckold Relationships
There are milÂlions of webÂsites with sex videos on the InterÂnet. HowÂevÂer, not all of them are good. Many are loaded with virusÂes, TroÂjans and othÂer malÂware just waitÂing to infect your comÂputÂer. If you want to watch porn, you have two options: Paid videos or free sex movies.
a) Paid porn
Paid porn has the great advanÂtage that there are no adverÂtiseÂments on the webÂsites. This can be quite annoyÂing in the long run and disÂturb the enjoyÂment considerably.
AnothÂer advanÂtage is that the videos on pay sites have been checked for maliÂcious softÂware. You can watch everyÂthing withÂout fear of infectÂing your computer.
MoreÂover, the sex movies on pay sites usuÂalÂly have a much betÂter techÂniÂcal qualÂiÂty and are availÂable in full length, both for streamÂing and downloading.
On our porn site reviews, you can find an overview with reviews of difÂferÂent webÂsites with paid porn.
Very good tips are also cuckÂold porn sites, HotÂMovies, AdulÂtEmÂpire and AEBN.
b) Free porn movies
The big advanÂtage of these offers is, of course, that they cost nothÂing and no regÂisÂtraÂtion is required. HowÂevÂer, free erotÂic videos also have many disÂadÂvanÂtages. For examÂple, many sites are teemÂing with viruses.
When surfÂing, adverÂtisÂing pops up conÂstantÂly, which is quite annoyÂing. The videos are often shortÂened and of poor techÂniÂcal qualÂiÂty. The most popÂuÂlar free porn sites include:
The webÂsites have porn for every taste and are free of virusÂes and malÂware. HowÂevÂer, as a preÂcauÂtion, you should always use a virus scanÂner and keep it updated.
Conclusion: Porn — Not Only for Jerking Off
Used corÂrectÂly, porn is much more than just a jerk-off temÂplate. They can be used for wifeÂsharÂing and cuckÂold couÂples as a source of inspiÂraÂtion, fanÂtaÂsy stimÂuÂlaÂtion and sexÂuÂal stimÂuÂlaÂtion. Most of the time, an evening of porn togethÂer ends with horny sex.
The hotwife can also use sex movies to conÂtrol the orgasm of her cuckÂold. First she makes him horny with the movies and then she finalÂly denies him the posÂsiÂbilÂiÂty to cum. This tease and denial game can be played for sevÂerÂal hours.
Since there is always a risk of infecÂtion with virusÂes on webÂsites with porn, it is best to use a cheap tablet for viewÂing. This also has the advanÂtage that you can take it with you wherÂevÂer you go. Avoid visÂitÂing free sex sites that you can find in droves via Google with an unproÂtectÂed WinÂdows PC.