Watching Porn — Why Is It So Important for Cuckold and Hotwife?

Pornog­ra­phy is wide­spread on the Inter­net. It is esti­mat­ed that a quar­ter of all web­sites have porno­graph­ic content.

Not only in export­ing, but also in watch­ing porn, the Ger­mans are world cham­pi­ons. Ger­many has a share of 12.4 per­cent in the world­wide exchange of data on porn sites, ahead of Spain, Great Britain, and even the pop­u­lous USA.

In this post, we would like to explain to you why it is impor­tant that wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples should watch sex movies togeth­er reg­u­lar­ly. We will also give you tips on the best places to find porn with­out infect­ing your com­put­er with virus­es, Tro­jans, and malware.

Of course, we are also inter­est­ed in your opin­ion. Please write us your expe­ri­ences and rec­om­men­da­tions in the com­ments sec­tion below this guide.


Porn Is of Central Importance in Cuckold Relationships

There are porn sites for every taste. Many are for quick grat­i­fi­ca­tion only, while oth­ers are for more demand­ing view­ers. This includes cou­ples in a cuck­old relationship.

Masturbation beim Porno gucken
Young woman mas­tur­bates while watch­ing porn

The cuck­old and his hotwife often even watch porn togeth­er. The rea­son is that sex movies are used by the hotwife as an edu­ca­tion­al tool for orgasm control.

She watch­es porn movies togeth­er with the cuck and makes him horny. Either she makes him mas­tur­bate, or she gives him a prostate massage.

When he is about to cum, she inter­rupts the stim­u­la­tion and waits until he has cooled down again. After that, the game starts all over again. Erot­ic movies are good tools for this, since they prac­ti­cal­ly pro­vide for the emer­gence of feel­ings of plea­sure almost by themselves.

In addi­tion, porn is a good source of inspi­ra­tion and ideas. There, the cou­ple can watch tech­niques they did­n’t know before or get inspi­ra­tion for cer­tain clothes (sexy lin­gerie, fetish clothes) or BDSM toys.

By the way, dur­ing the sex date with the Bulls, they also like it when porn is play­ing in the back­ground. This con­tributes to a hot, lust­ful atmosphere.

Paar guckt zusammen Pornos
Cou­ple watch­es sex movies together

Porn Is of Central Importance in Cuckold Relationships

There are mil­lions of web­sites with sex videos on the Inter­net. How­ev­er, not all of them are good. Many are loaded with virus­es, Tro­jans and oth­er mal­ware just wait­ing to infect your com­put­er. If you want to watch porn, you have two options: Paid videos or free sex movies.

a) Paid porn

Paid porn has the great advan­tage that there are no adver­tise­ments on the web­sites. This can be quite annoy­ing in the long run and dis­turb the enjoy­ment considerably.

Masturbation beim Porno gucken
Mas­tur­ba­tion while watch­ing porn

Anoth­er advan­tage is that the videos on pay sites have been checked for mali­cious soft­ware. You can watch every­thing with­out fear of infect­ing your computer.

More­over, the sex movies on pay sites usu­al­ly have a much bet­ter tech­ni­cal qual­i­ty and are avail­able in full length, both for stream­ing and downloading.

On our porn site reviews, you can find an overview with reviews of dif­fer­ent web­sites with paid porn.

Very good tips are also cuck­old porn sites, Hot­Movies, Adul­tEm­pire and AEBN.

b) Free porn movies

The big advan­tage of these offers is, of course, that they cost noth­ing and no reg­is­tra­tion is required. How­ev­er, free erot­ic videos also have many dis­ad­van­tages. For exam­ple, many sites are teem­ing with viruses.

When surf­ing, adver­tis­ing pops up con­stant­ly, which is quite annoy­ing. The videos are often short­ened and of poor tech­ni­cal qual­i­ty. The most pop­u­lar free porn sites include:

The web­sites have porn for every taste and are free of virus­es and mal­ware. How­ev­er, as a pre­cau­tion, you should always use a virus scan­ner and keep it updated.

Couple watches porn with notebook
Cou­ple watch­es porn with notebook
Creampie Cathy

Conclusion: Porn — Not Only for Jerking Off

Used cor­rect­ly, porn is much more than just a jerk-off tem­plate. They can be used for wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples as a source of inspi­ra­tion, fan­ta­sy stim­u­la­tion and sex­u­al stim­u­la­tion. Most of the time, an evening of porn togeth­er ends with horny sex.

The hotwife can also use sex movies to con­trol the orgasm of her cuck­old. First she makes him horny with the movies and then she final­ly denies him the pos­si­bil­i­ty to cum. This tease and denial game can be played for sev­er­al hours.

Since there is always a risk of infec­tion with virus­es on web­sites with porn, it is best to use a cheap tablet for view­ing. This also has the advan­tage that you can take it with you wher­ev­er you go. Avoid vis­it­ing free sex sites that you can find in droves via Google with an unpro­tect­ed Win­dows PC.

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