Masturbation With Bizarre Objects in the Pussy

Probยญaยญbly every woman and every teenage girl will have thought at the sight of varยญiยญous objects in the houseยญhold whether these objects can be misยญused for sexยญuยญal satยญisยญfacยญtion. Quite a few then realยญly try it out secretly.

Pens in pussy
Pens in pussy: Felt tips and pens are the most comยญmonยญly used objects in the pussy. The stretchยญing feels very horny.

For most women, unforยญtuยญnateยญly, their horny masยญturยญbaยญtion experยญiยญments remain hidยญden. These bizarre secrets are very embarยญrassยญing for them and are not even told to their best friend.

Cuckยญold couยญples are much more relaxed in this regard because they often enjoy a very unusuยญal and varยญied sexยญuยญalยญiยญty. Besides dilยญdos and vibraยญtors of varยญiยญous diamยญeยญters, they also like to experยญiยญment with fruits and vegยญetaยญbles, as well as houseยญhold objects.

In this guide, we will introยญduce you to some houseยญhold items that are recยญomยญmendยญed for inserยญtion into the pussy. We are also interยญestยญed in your expeยญriยญences. If someยญthing is missยญing, please write us a comยญment below this post. We are hapยญpy to be inspired by you, which objects make the vagiยญna even hornier.

Why Do Women Push Household Objects Into Their Pussy?

First of all, we have to disยญtinยญguish women into the life phasยญes โ€œTeenโ€, between 13 to 18 and โ€œMILFโ€, between 35 to 55. In these two phasยญes, many women comยญparยญaยญtiveยญly often use houseยญhold objects for sexยญuยญal stimulation.

Teen girl penetrates her horny pussy with a deodorant spray bottle
Teen girl penยญeยญtrates her horny pussy with a deodorยญant spray bottle

In teenage girls are very curiยญous about their bodยญies. They masยญturยญbate a lot and get to know their intiยญmate scent and horny pussy taste.

Almost all girls test out what all fits in their tight fuck hole and how the objects feel.

Howยญevยญer, many women satยญisยญfy themยญselves so propยญerยญly to orgasm only from midlife. After the chilยญdren are grown, they redisยญcovยญer their sexยญuยญalยญiยญty and want to try excitยญing sexยญuยญal practices.

For examยญple, many women learn to love sperm games and squirtยญing only after their mid-thirยญties. Only now do they come up with the idea of stretchยญing your cunt and start enjoyยญing BDSM.

Although many mature women nowaยญdays have high-qualยญiยญty sex toys, the horny objects in the houseยญhold serve as a varยญied dilยญdo substitute.

Creampie Cathy
Young woman brutally fucks herself to orgasm with a hairspray bottle.
Young woman bruยญtalยญly fucks herยญself to orgasm with a hairยญspray bottle.

Thick Objects and Stretching-Pain Are Horny! ๐Ÿ˜‰

The feelยญing of a plump-filled pussy is indeยญscribยญably horny. When the vagiยญna is comยญpleteยญly filled, it makes most women realยญly hot. Espeยญcialยญly the thick objects stimยญuยญlate the nerves of the vagiยญnal inner wall parยญticยญuยญlarยญly intensively.

A make-up remover bottle was inserted into the pussy.
A make-up remover botยญtle was insertยญed into the pussy.

Shakยญing or extremeยญly fast moveยญments of the object again sigยญnifยญiยญcantยญly increase the tenยญsion and stretchยญing of the tisยญsue โ€” so that the already soakยญing wet pussy also has to squirt.

It makes many women horny when they feel a slight pain durยญing pussy stretchยญing. The stretchยญing pain intenยญsiยญfies the pleaยญsure of masยญturยญbatยญing and stimยญuยญlates the proยญducยญtion of pussy juice. Thick dilยญdos get realยญly slathered with vagiยญnal secretions.

Comingout Comes Only in Midlife

Most women need a lot of conยญfiยญdence to admit to their partยญner that they find big dicks and objects horny and also come more vioยญlentยญly with them.

Because they donโ€™t want to hurt their partยญner, they think that it would humilยญiยญate the man if she admits that fat penisยญes are just hornier!

The cuckยญold has no probยญlem at all with the subยญject of penis thickยญness. On the conยญtrary, it excites him when his wife addressยญes him about it. He knows that his hotwife has to satยญisยญfy her perยญmaยญnent lust. Slightยญly painful sex toys on nipยญples and chalยญlengยญing sex toys to stretch the cunt are used.

So often and so vioยญlentยญly a woman nevยญer comes othยญerยญwise. If she has found pleaยญsure in the horny games, she does them very gladยญly and can be pushed everyยญthing imagยญinยญable in the pussy.

The Cuckold May Watch and Assist in Pussy Stretching

A hotwife may come to orgasm as often as posยญsiยญble. The cuck gets excitยญed when he is allowed to watch how horny the wife gets when she pushยญes thick dilยญdos and big objects into her perยญmaยญnentยญly horny pussy.

Husband helps his wife to insert a 0.5l Coca-Cola bottle.
Husยญband helps his wife to insert a 0.5l Coca-Cola bottle.

When her moanยญing gets loudยญer and loudยญer and the moveยญments more and more intense, it also brings the Cucยญki up to speed โ€” who himยญself is not allowed to cum!

The cuckยญold supยญports his hotwife in her masยญturยญbaยญtion. He likes to fuck his wifeโ€™s cunt with his fist, a 25 x 6 cm giant dilยญdo or with big objects.

He likes her pain-disยญtortยญed face, twitchยญing cunt and her pasยญsionยญate moans. A cuck feverยญishยญly and menยญtalยญly feels along when his beloved wife comes to a super orgasm sevยญerยญal times in a row.

Which Everyday Objects Are Suitable for Sexual Satisfaction?

A woman can defยญiยญniteยญly cliยญmax with curiosยญiยญty and imagยญiยญnaยญtion by means of everyยญday objects. Howยญevยญer, the penis, dilยญdo and vibraยญtor replaceยญment should have a cylinยญdriยญcal shape and be slightยญly rounded.

1. Deodorant Spray / Roll-on Deodorant / Hairspray Bottle / Shampoo / Perfume

One of the most comยญmonยญly used items in the horny cunt are botยญtles for perยญsonยญal hygiene from the bathroom.

Head and Shoulders shampoo bottle abused for masturbation.
Head and Shoulยญders shamยญpoo botยญtle abused for masturbation.

It can be both thin roll-on deodorยญant or perยญfume botยญtles for experยญiยญmenยญtaยญtion, but also as a dilยญdo subยญstiยญtute varยญiยญous showยญer gel botยญtles, hairยญspray, deodorยญant spray and shamยญpoo botยญtles of all diameters.

Although showยญer gel botยญtles are someยญtimes very bulยญbous in shape, they still fit very well in the pussy. There are no limยญits to your imagยญiยญnaยญtion โ€” spray cream is also very suitยญable for masturbating.

Dependยญing on the shape, the botยญtles and conยญtainยญers spread and stretch the pussy enorยญmousยญly. Due to the elonยญgatยญed shapes, many objects are suitยญable to fuck the woman properly.

The sight of the wideยญly stretched cunt of the hotwife excites the cucยญki. For the hotwife, the stretchยญing pain is extremeยญly excitยญing and horny.

Often the conยญtainยญer for care and beauยญty prodยญucts is simยญply insertยญed into the pussy and left there. The orgasm is trigยญgered by rubยญbing the cliยญtoris. The thick objects proยญduce a very vioยญlent orgasm, where even Squirt can cum.

150 ml body spray / hair spray bottle in the pussy
150 ml body spray / hair spray botยญtle in the pussy

2. Crayons / Markers / Eddings

At a young age, the first experยญiยญments are conยญductยญed with pens. Eddings, crayons, penยญcils, felt pens are introยญduced into the pussy.

Pussy stretching with pens
Pussy stretchยญing with pens

Pens are very good for pussy trainยญing. The more pens are insertยญed into the womยญanโ€™s vagiยญna, the more the horny cunt is stretched, up to the maxยญiยญmum diameter.

Many women and men find it horny how giganยญtic the pussy can be stretched with pins. Diamยญeยญters of six, eight or even ten cenยญtimeยญters are posยญsiยญble withยญout any problems.

Some women are so enthuยญsiยญasยญtic that they carยญry out daiยญly, weekยญly, and monthยญly chalยญlenges to see how many pins fit into the pussy after sevยญerยญal workยญouts in the meantime.

The vagiยญna reacts extremeยญly to the huge cunt stretchยญing and becomes incredยญiยญbly wet. Although you canโ€™t make any thrustยญing moveยญments with a comยญpleteยญly filled vagiยญna, the cliยญtoris is extremeยญly under tenยญsion and super sensitive.

Huge cunt stuffing with 50 crayons: 10 cm in diameter
Huge cunt stuffยญing with 50 crayons: 10 cm in diamยญeยญter (3.94 inch)

It is rapidยญly posยญsiยญble to trigยญger a cliยญtoral MEGA ORGASM. If the woman also ruins her orgasm a few times, some squirt will spray sevยญerยญal times durยญing such extreme pussy play.

Usuยญalยญly durยญing orgasm all the pins shoot out of the pussy with a jerk, accomยญpaยญnied by squirt and pussy juice. The feelยญing expeยญriยญence is absoluteยญly giganยญtic and the specยญtaยญcle incredยญiยญbly horny to watch.

By the way, pussy stretchยญing with pins is also a popยญuยญlar BDSM idea for women. The love techยญnique is called โ€œpussy stretchยญingโ€, โ€œpussy torยญtureโ€ or โ€œobjects inserยญtionโ€ in the Engยญlish lanยญguage. Women get extremeยญly vioยญlent orgasms due to the tremenยญdous pussy stretching.

Very cool is that some women parยญticยญiยญpate in a so-called Sharpie Chalยญlenge and duel who gets more Sharpie felt pens in the pussy after 30 days of training.

Sharpe Chalยญlenge: Pens are great for pussy stretching

3. Household Candles

Pussy stretching with candles: Looks cool and feels crazy good!
Pussy stretchยญing with canยญdles: Looks cool and feels crazy good!

Canยญdles have been a very welยญcome and often misยญapยญproยญpriยญatยญed sex toy for many centuries.

No one will susยญpect when a woman abusยญes canยญdles for masยญturยญbaยญtion. They are disยญcreet and easy to obtain. They come in a wide variยญety of lengths, diamยญeยญters and colors.

You can extremeยญly stretch the cunt of the hotwife with canยญdles and fuck her horny at an extremeยญly high pace until squirtยญing. With the most diverse shapes, it will nevยญer be boring.

With norยญmal, 1 cm thick table canยญdles you can train the pussy very well. You start with one and increase the numยญber. In the folยญlowยญing weeks, you should try to get anothยญer canยญdle in the pussy again and again.

Litยญtle guy: choose the canยญdles togethยญer โ€” so the next shopยญping in Ikea will be fun for the cucยญki, too. And. For nipยญple games, the hot canยญdle wax is also perfect.


4. Bottles

Squirting while squeezing a big bottle out of your pussy.
Squirtยญing while squeezยญing a big botยญtle out of your pussy.

Small botยญtles up to half a liter are realยญly good for pussy stretchยญing due to their optiยญmal diamยญeยญter. From there bevยญerยญage botยญtles are conยญsidยญered true clasยญsics for pussy stretching.

Pussy games with a small wine botยญtle or Picoยญlo chamยญpagne botยญtle are very popยญuยญlar among hotwifes and women.

Plasยญtic water botยญtles, Coca Cola botยญtles in difยญferยญent sizes, juice botยญtles, big chamยญpagne botยญtles, wine botยญtles in big and small and Hugo botยญtles โ€ฆ โ€œabuseโ€ hotwifes also like.

The botยญtle shape is perยญfect for the pussy in most casยญes. The botยญtle stretchยญes the vagiยญna to the maxยญiยญmum and the stretchยญing is a mixยญture of pain and extreme pleasure.

After just a few weeks of pussy stretchยญing, it takes incredยญiยญbly large diameters.

Vagina stretching with small wine bottle
Vagiยญna stretchยญing with small wine bottle

5. Drink Cans

Red Bull Dose in Pussy: Perfekter Durchmesser
Red Bull can in pussy: Perยญfect diameter

A pheยญnomยญeยญnon is how well bevยญerยญage cans fit in pussy! Whether slim Red Bull enerยญgy drinks, clasยญsic cola cans or even 0,5l โ€” beer cansโ€ฆ Withยญout any probยญlems all cans disยญapยญpear in the horny, greedy cunt.

Howยญevยญer, drink cans serve less for masยญturยญbaยญtion, but rather have a visuยญal, humorยญous and playยญful character.

So accordยญing to the motยญto: โ€œLook honยญey, what fits in meโ€.

Unforยญtuยญnateยญly, cans canโ€™t be gripped propยญerยญly, so fuckยญing is impossible.

A short-term stretchยญing effect while playยญing or a vibraยญtor orgasm with a can in the pussy, feels pleasant.

Small pracยญtiยญcal tip: The drink quickยญly becomes unpleasยญant if it is too cold. You should warm the cans a litยญtle in a warm water bath so that it is not too cold.

6. Pussy Stretching With Glasses and Vases

Drinkยญing glassยญes, as they have difยญferยญent sizes and shapes, are also super suitยญable for stretchยญing a horny cunt. Shot glassยญes are very popยญuยญlar in the pussy.

Very suitยญable are glassยญes or vasยญes where the botยญtom of the glass has a smallยญer diamยญeยญter than the upper opening.

Since some glassยญes are transยญparยญent, the cuckยญold has a very horny view of the horny pussy.

It is imporยญtant that the wall thickยญness is very thick, so that the glass can not break when insertยญed into the pussy.

Cunt stretching with shot glass
Cunt stretchยญing with shot glass

7. Bottle Brush

Soft and hard botยญtle brushยญes are often used for pussy torยญture in the BDSM area.

Due to their extendยญed hanยญdle, they are well suitยญed for lustยญful torยญture and hard fuckยญing of the woman with jigยญgling movements.

By turnยญing sideยญways, the vagiยญna is extremeยญly strongยญly stimยญuยญlatยญed. Due to the mixยญture of extreme stretchยญing and horny pain, even a vagiยญnal orgasm is possible.

8. Whisk, Whisk (English)

Ingenious pussy stretching: Hotwife masturbates with whisk in her pussy
Ingeยญnious pussy stretchยญing: Hotwife masยญturยญbates with whisk in her pussy

Hotwifes also love to use a whisk for pussy play.

A whisk is not only great for stretchยญing a cunt, but it can also be used well for squirtยญing or trigยญgerยญing a vagiยญnal orgasm.

The long hanยญdle allows the whisk to be insertยญed deep into the cunt and moved at a vioยญlent, extremeยญly fast pace.

The pussy juice is not infreยญquentยญly whipped up a bit durยญing the rapid fuckยญing of the vagina.

If it comes to squirtยญing the cunt, usuยญalยญly a real fontane spurts out of the pussy, because the labia are spread open.

10. Table Tennis Balls, Billiard Balls, Golf Balls, Metal Balls

Small balls of any kind are incredยญiยญbly good for a chalยญlenges (comยญpeยญtiยญtions) and for phoยญto trainยญing. Start with one ball and see how many you can fit in. They are also great trainยญing tools for endurance fistยญing training.

The giganยญtic cunt plug stimยญuยญlates the pelvic floor musยญcles as well as the cervix, in addiยญtion to the vagiยญnal nerve cells. In comยญbiยญnaยญtion with cliยญtoral stimยญuยญlaยญtion by a vibraยญtor, breathยญtakยญing orgasms are possible.

Very horny are colยญored ping pong balls or golf balls. A golf ball has a stanยญdardยญized size of 42.76 mm (1.68 inchยญes). Table tenยญnis balls (ping pong balls) have an interยญnaยญtionยญalยญly stanยญdardยญized diamยญeยญter of 40 mm. Untrained are usuยญalยญly 4 to 6 to balls fit in the pussy.

If the cunt is niceยญly trained, you can also use pool balls (pool balls, bilยญliard balls). 

Basiยญcalยญly, balls are also good for the walk. Before going out, insert a few golf balls or metยญal balls and off you go.โ€ฆ After the walk, the balls are squeezed out again and licked clean by the Cuckยญold. The sight of the fulยญly stuffed cunt is a parยญticยญuยญlarยญly horny sight for the cuckold.

make him cuckold

11. Big Flashlight

A varยญied dilยญdo subยญstiยญtute can even be flashlights.

Cunt stretching with MagLite flashlight
Cunt stretchยญing with MagLite flashlight

Espeยญcialยญly horny are the masยญsive MagLite lamps with large D batteries.

Cunt stretchยญing with the flashยญlight is a visuยญalยญly very horny expeยญriยญence for the hotwife and the cuck due to the length of the hanยญdle and the shape.

But it is also quite posยญsiยญble to fuck the pussy to vagiยญnal orgasm with a big flashยญlight. The vagiยญna reacts very posยญiยญtiveยญly to the hard counยญterยญpresยญsure of the metal.

A very good recยญomยญmenยญdaยญtion is also to bring about a cliยญtoral orgasm with an insertยญed flashยญlight, which the cuckยญold moves in jigยญgling and extremeยญly fast strokes.

12. Electric Toothbrush

The toothยญbrush whether elecยญtric or clasยญsic is a horny stimยญuยญlaยญtor for the woman. Grade with younger woman the toothยญbrush is very popular.

It is imporยญtant to use a soft brush head. Mostยญly it is a beginยญner prodยญuct to try out new things.

The Cucยญki also has fun with the toothยญbrush. He can stimยญuยญlate his hotwife in many ways with the toothยญbrush. Espeยญcialยญly the elecยญtric toothยญbrush is very good for stimยญuยญlatยญing his wifeโ€™s cunt from the inside and outside.

13. Shower Head

The showยญer head (elonยญgatยญed shape) belongs in every houseยญhold if the cuck wants to make his hotwife happy.

A showยญer head with an elonยญgatยญed shape can be insertยญed very well, and the water jet will make it a horny expeยญriยญence for the hotwife and the cuckold.

Also the cliยญtoris can be very excitยญed by the water jet. Women love sex in the showยญer, and with the perยญfect showยญer head it becomes an aweยญsome experience.

14. Hairbrushes, Round Brush

Hairยญbrushยญes are great for exterยญnal pussy stimulation.

Just the thighs of the woman should be involved in the love game. A horny labia masยญsage with the brush can realยญly heat up the hotwife.

The hairยญbrush and round brush is also good for the interยญnal stimยญuยญlaยญtion of the cunt if the brisยญtles are soft.

15. Lava Lamp

Lava lamp in the pussy
Lava lamp in the pussy

The lava lamp has the perยญfect tapered shape and increasยญing thickness.

This makes it easy to insert and the horny cunt is stretched horny.

Through the foot, the lava lamp has a firm stand and the woman can easยญiยญly sit on it.

If the light is turned on, the pussy is illuยญmiยญnatยญed horny from the inside. When the hotwife rides on the lava lamp, it looks horny and feels very pleasยญant for the woman.

16. Sperm Ice Cubes

Small objects in vagina: lipstick and mascara
Small objects in vagiยญna: lipยญstick and mascara 

Sperm ice cubes are perยญfect for hot sumยญmer nights or for cuckยญold trainยญing. The cunt is then filled to the brim with horny sperm and the cuckยญold can then lick it clean with pleasure.

The sight of the cunt overยญflowยญing with sperm makes the Cucยญki espeยญcialยญly on.

17. Small Objects

Screwยญdrivยญer hanยญdle, botยญtle openยญer, barยญbeยญcue tongs, stones, nail polยญish botยญtles, keys, masยญcara, lipยญstick, plasยญtic tedยญdy, Barยญbie legs, lighter, masยญsage ball with nubs (hedgeยญhog masยญsage ball).

You can try many things and experยญiยญment. Everyยญthing that makes horny is allowed and brings variยญety in your love life.

18. Soap Bubble Sword / Soap Bubble Wand for Giant Soap Bubbles

A very popยญuยญlar, misยญapยญproยญpriยญatยญed toy for masยญturยญbatยญing is the so-called soap bubยญble sword for creยญatยญing giant soap bubยญbles. It is also called a bubยญble wand or bubยญble sword. In Engยญlish, these bubยญble wands are called โ€œBubยญble Swordsโ€, โ€œSoap Bubยญbles Wandโ€ or โ€œBig Bubยญble Wandโ€.

Such a bubยญble sword has not only the perยญfect length with over 35 cm, but also the ideยญal diamยญeยญter with 3 cm. Thanks to its roundยญed edge and non-slip hanยญdle, the horny pussy can be fucked off nice and hard until the vagiยญnal orgasm (incl. squirtยญing). The bright colยญors and whimยญsiยญcal shapes look very horny in the vagina.

The cool thing is also: you can train and stretch the pussy with sevยญerยญal bubยญble swords. With a litยญtle pracยญtice, even a vioยญlent squirtยญing orgasm is posยญsiยญble with three to five swords.

Five bubยญble swords in the pussy (PadmaยญPorn)
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Conclusion: A Pussy Loves Playing With Household Objects

There are a thouยญsand unusuยญal objects that you can put in the pussy and make her horny. If the hotwife gets involved in stretchยญing her pussy extremeยญly, the orgasm durยญing the bizarre games will be insane every time.

Rather slightยญly thickยญer objects are very popยญuยญlar because the stretchยญing of the vagiยญna feels insaneยญly horny. Howยญevยญer, to achieve a vagiยญnal orgasm, you need rather longer objects with a firm grip. To trigยญger squirtยญing, a very fast penยญeยญtraยญtion is a valuยญable tip.

Just as writยญten in our post โ€œFruits and Vegยญetaยญblesโ€, pussy stretchยญing is also about the horny stretchยญing pain. With a cucumยญber or zucยญchiยญni to eggยญplant, a hotwife can be satยญisยญfied very well. After the woman is satยญisยญfied, the vegยญetaยญbles are disยญtortยญed with the abunยญdant pleaยญsure juice from the cuck and the hotwife.

Borยญing was yesยญterยญday, try out and write a comยญment under the post what makes you so realยญly horny.

Sharpe Chalยญlenge โ€” stretchยญing games with felt pens
Simply horny: A shower gel bottle in the pussy
Simยญply horny: A showยญer gel botยญtle in the pussy
ith a soap bubble wand (Soap Bubbles Wand) is very popular.
Masยญturยญbaยญtion with a soap bubยญble wand (Soap Bubยญbles Wand) is very popยญuยญlar. Mulยญtiยญple soap bubยญble wands are great for pussy stretchยญing and squirtยญing practice.

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