Masturbation With Bizarre Objects in the Pussy

Prob­a­bly every woman and every teenage girl will have thought at the sight of var­i­ous objects in the house­hold whether these objects can be mis­used for sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion. Quite a few then real­ly try it out secretly.

Pens in pussy
Pens in pussy: Felt tips and pens are the most com­mon­ly used objects in the pussy. The stretch­ing feels very horny.

For most women, unfor­tu­nate­ly, their horny mas­tur­ba­tion exper­i­ments remain hid­den. These bizarre secrets are very embar­rass­ing for them and are not even told to their best friend.

Cuck­old cou­ples are much more relaxed in this regard because they often enjoy a very unusu­al and var­ied sex­u­al­i­ty. Besides dil­dos and vibra­tors of var­i­ous diam­e­ters, they also like to exper­i­ment with fruits and veg­eta­bles, as well as house­hold objects.

In this guide, we will intro­duce you to some house­hold items that are rec­om­mend­ed for inser­tion into the pussy. We are also inter­est­ed in your expe­ri­ences. If some­thing is miss­ing, please write us a com­ment below this post. We are hap­py to be inspired by you, which objects make the vagi­na even hornier.

Why Do Women Push Household Objects Into Their Pussy?

First of all, we have to dis­tin­guish women into the life phas­es “Teen”, between 13 to 18 and “MILF”, between 35 to 55. In these two phas­es, many women com­par­a­tive­ly often use house­hold objects for sex­u­al stimulation.

Teen girl penetrates her horny pussy with a deodorant spray bottle
Teen girl pen­e­trates her horny pussy with a deodor­ant spray bottle

In teenage girls are very curi­ous about their bod­ies. They mas­tur­bate a lot and get to know their inti­mate scent and horny pussy taste.

Almost all girls test out what all fits in their tight fuck hole and how the objects feel.

How­ev­er, many women sat­is­fy them­selves so prop­er­ly to orgasm only from midlife. After the chil­dren are grown, they redis­cov­er their sex­u­al­i­ty and want to try excit­ing sex­u­al practices.

For exam­ple, many women learn to love sperm games and squirt­ing only after their mid-thir­ties. Only now do they come up with the idea of stretch­ing your cunt and start enjoy­ing BDSM.

Although many mature women nowa­days have high-qual­i­ty sex toys, the horny objects in the house­hold serve as a var­ied dil­do substitute.

Creampie Cathy
Young woman brutally fucks herself to orgasm with a hairspray bottle.
Young woman bru­tal­ly fucks her­self to orgasm with a hair­spray bottle.

Thick Objects and Stretching-Pain Are Horny! 😉

The feel­ing of a plump-filled pussy is inde­scrib­ably horny. When the vagi­na is com­plete­ly filled, it makes most women real­ly hot. Espe­cial­ly the thick objects stim­u­late the nerves of the vagi­nal inner wall par­tic­u­lar­ly intensively.

A make-up remover bottle was inserted into the pussy.
A make-up remover bot­tle was insert­ed into the pussy.

Shak­ing or extreme­ly fast move­ments of the object again sig­nif­i­cant­ly increase the ten­sion and stretch­ing of the tis­sue — so that the already soak­ing wet pussy also has to squirt.

It makes many women horny when they feel a slight pain dur­ing pussy stretch­ing. The stretch­ing pain inten­si­fies the plea­sure of mas­tur­bat­ing and stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of pussy juice. Thick dil­dos get real­ly slathered with vagi­nal secretions.

Comingout Comes Only in Midlife

Most women need a lot of con­fi­dence to admit to their part­ner that they find big dicks and objects horny and also come more vio­lent­ly with them.

Because they don’t want to hurt their part­ner, they think that it would humil­i­ate the man if she admits that fat penis­es are just hornier!

The cuck­old has no prob­lem at all with the sub­ject of penis thick­ness. On the con­trary, it excites him when his wife address­es him about it. He knows that his hotwife has to sat­is­fy her per­ma­nent lust. Slight­ly painful sex toys on nip­ples and chal­leng­ing sex toys to stretch the cunt are used.

So often and so vio­lent­ly a woman nev­er comes oth­er­wise. If she has found plea­sure in the horny games, she does them very glad­ly and can be pushed every­thing imag­in­able in the pussy.

The Cuckold May Watch and Assist in Pussy Stretching

A hotwife may come to orgasm as often as pos­si­ble. The cuck gets excit­ed when he is allowed to watch how horny the wife gets when she push­es thick dil­dos and big objects into her per­ma­nent­ly horny pussy.

Husband helps his wife to insert a 0.5l Coca-Cola bottle.
Hus­band helps his wife to insert a 0.5l Coca-Cola bottle.

When her moan­ing gets loud­er and loud­er and the move­ments more and more intense, it also brings the Cuc­ki up to speed — who him­self is not allowed to cum!

The cuck­old sup­ports his hotwife in her mas­tur­ba­tion. He likes to fuck his wife’s cunt with his fist, a 25 x 6 cm giant dil­do or with big objects.

He likes her pain-dis­tort­ed face, twitch­ing cunt and her pas­sion­ate moans. A cuck fever­ish­ly and men­tal­ly feels along when his beloved wife comes to a super orgasm sev­er­al times in a row.

Which Everyday Objects Are Suitable for Sexual Satisfaction?

A woman can def­i­nite­ly cli­max with curios­i­ty and imag­i­na­tion by means of every­day objects. How­ev­er, the penis, dil­do and vibra­tor replace­ment should have a cylin­dri­cal shape and be slight­ly rounded.

1. Deodorant Spray / Roll-on Deodorant / Hairspray Bottle / Shampoo / Perfume

One of the most com­mon­ly used items in the horny cunt are bot­tles for per­son­al hygiene from the bathroom.

Head and Shoulders shampoo bottle abused for masturbation.
Head and Shoul­ders sham­poo bot­tle abused for masturbation.

It can be both thin roll-on deodor­ant or per­fume bot­tles for exper­i­men­ta­tion, but also as a dil­do sub­sti­tute var­i­ous show­er gel bot­tles, hair­spray, deodor­ant spray and sham­poo bot­tles of all diameters.

Although show­er gel bot­tles are some­times very bul­bous in shape, they still fit very well in the pussy. There are no lim­its to your imag­i­na­tion — spray cream is also very suit­able for masturbating.

Depend­ing on the shape, the bot­tles and con­tain­ers spread and stretch the pussy enor­mous­ly. Due to the elon­gat­ed shapes, many objects are suit­able to fuck the woman properly.

The sight of the wide­ly stretched cunt of the hotwife excites the cuc­ki. For the hotwife, the stretch­ing pain is extreme­ly excit­ing and horny.

Often the con­tain­er for care and beau­ty prod­ucts is sim­ply insert­ed into the pussy and left there. The orgasm is trig­gered by rub­bing the cli­toris. The thick objects pro­duce a very vio­lent orgasm, where even Squirt can cum.

150 ml body spray / hair spray bottle in the pussy
150 ml body spray / hair spray bot­tle in the pussy

2. Crayons / Markers / Eddings

At a young age, the first exper­i­ments are con­duct­ed with pens. Eddings, crayons, pen­cils, felt pens are intro­duced into the pussy.

Pussy stretching with pens
Pussy stretch­ing with pens

Pens are very good for pussy train­ing. The more pens are insert­ed into the wom­an’s vagi­na, the more the horny cunt is stretched, up to the max­i­mum diameter.

Many women and men find it horny how gigan­tic the pussy can be stretched with pins. Diam­e­ters of six, eight or even ten cen­time­ters are pos­si­ble with­out any problems.

Some women are so enthu­si­as­tic that they car­ry out dai­ly, week­ly, and month­ly chal­lenges to see how many pins fit into the pussy after sev­er­al work­outs in the meantime.

The vagi­na reacts extreme­ly to the huge cunt stretch­ing and becomes incred­i­bly wet. Although you can’t make any thrust­ing move­ments with a com­plete­ly filled vagi­na, the cli­toris is extreme­ly under ten­sion and super sensitive.

Huge cunt stuffing with 50 crayons: 10 cm in diameter
Huge cunt stuff­ing with 50 crayons: 10 cm in diam­e­ter (3.94 inch)

It is rapid­ly pos­si­ble to trig­ger a cli­toral MEGA ORGASM. If the woman also ruins her orgasm a few times, some squirt will spray sev­er­al times dur­ing such extreme pussy play.

Usu­al­ly dur­ing orgasm all the pins shoot out of the pussy with a jerk, accom­pa­nied by squirt and pussy juice. The feel­ing expe­ri­ence is absolute­ly gigan­tic and the spec­ta­cle incred­i­bly horny to watch.

By the way, pussy stretch­ing with pins is also a pop­u­lar BDSM idea for women. The love tech­nique is called “pussy stretch­ing”, “pussy tor­ture” or “objects inser­tion” in the Eng­lish lan­guage. Women get extreme­ly vio­lent orgasms due to the tremen­dous pussy stretching.

Very cool is that some women par­tic­i­pate in a so-called Sharpie Chal­lenge and duel who gets more Sharpie felt pens in the pussy after 30 days of training.

Sharpe Chal­lenge: Pens are great for pussy stretching

3. Household Candles

Pussy stretching with candles: Looks cool and feels crazy good!
Pussy stretch­ing with can­dles: Looks cool and feels crazy good!

Can­dles have been a very wel­come and often mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed sex toy for many centuries.

No one will sus­pect when a woman abus­es can­dles for mas­tur­ba­tion. They are dis­creet and easy to obtain. They come in a wide vari­ety of lengths, diam­e­ters and colors.

You can extreme­ly stretch the cunt of the hotwife with can­dles and fuck her horny at an extreme­ly high pace until squirt­ing. With the most diverse shapes, it will nev­er be boring.

With nor­mal, 1 cm thick table can­dles you can train the pussy very well. You start with one and increase the num­ber. In the fol­low­ing weeks, you should try to get anoth­er can­dle in the pussy again and again.

Lit­tle guy: choose the can­dles togeth­er — so the next shop­ping in Ikea will be fun for the cuc­ki, too. And. For nip­ple games, the hot can­dle wax is also perfect.

Slutwife Trainig

4. Bottles

Squirting while squeezing a big bottle out of your pussy.
Squirt­ing while squeez­ing a big bot­tle out of your pussy.

Small bot­tles up to half a liter are real­ly good for pussy stretch­ing due to their opti­mal diam­e­ter. From there bev­er­age bot­tles are con­sid­ered true clas­sics for pussy stretching.

Pussy games with a small wine bot­tle or Pico­lo cham­pagne bot­tle are very pop­u­lar among hotwifes and women.

Plas­tic water bot­tles, Coca Cola bot­tles in dif­fer­ent sizes, juice bot­tles, big cham­pagne bot­tles, wine bot­tles in big and small and Hugo bot­tles … “abuse” hotwifes also like.

The bot­tle shape is per­fect for the pussy in most cas­es. The bot­tle stretch­es the vagi­na to the max­i­mum and the stretch­ing is a mix­ture of pain and extreme pleasure.

After just a few weeks of pussy stretch­ing, it takes incred­i­bly large diameters.

Vagina stretching with small wine bottle
Vagi­na stretch­ing with small wine bottle

5. Drink Cans

Red Bull Dose in Pussy: Perfekter Durchmesser
Red Bull can in pussy: Per­fect diameter

A phe­nom­e­non is how well bev­er­age cans fit in pussy! Whether slim Red Bull ener­gy drinks, clas­sic cola cans or even 0,5l — beer cans… With­out any prob­lems all cans dis­ap­pear in the horny, greedy cunt.

How­ev­er, drink cans serve less for mas­tur­ba­tion, but rather have a visu­al, humor­ous and play­ful character.

So accord­ing to the mot­to: “Look hon­ey, what fits in me”.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, cans can’t be gripped prop­er­ly, so fuck­ing is impossible.

A short-term stretch­ing effect while play­ing or a vibra­tor orgasm with a can in the pussy, feels pleasant.

Small prac­ti­cal tip: The drink quick­ly becomes unpleas­ant if it is too cold. You should warm the cans a lit­tle in a warm water bath so that it is not too cold.

6. Pussy Stretching With Glasses and Vases

Drink­ing glass­es, as they have dif­fer­ent sizes and shapes, are also super suit­able for stretch­ing a horny cunt. Shot glass­es are very pop­u­lar in the pussy.

Very suit­able are glass­es or vas­es where the bot­tom of the glass has a small­er diam­e­ter than the upper opening.

Since some glass­es are trans­par­ent, the cuck­old has a very horny view of the horny pussy.

It is impor­tant that the wall thick­ness is very thick, so that the glass can not break when insert­ed into the pussy.

Cunt stretching with shot glass
Cunt stretch­ing with shot glass

7. Bottle Brush

Soft and hard bot­tle brush­es are often used for pussy tor­ture in the BDSM area.

Due to their extend­ed han­dle, they are well suit­ed for lust­ful tor­ture and hard fuck­ing of the woman with jig­gling movements.

By turn­ing side­ways, the vagi­na is extreme­ly strong­ly stim­u­lat­ed. Due to the mix­ture of extreme stretch­ing and horny pain, even a vagi­nal orgasm is possible.

8. Whisk, Whisk (English)

Ingenious pussy stretching: Hotwife masturbates with whisk in her pussy
Inge­nious pussy stretch­ing: Hotwife mas­tur­bates with whisk in her pussy

Hotwifes also love to use a whisk for pussy play.

A whisk is not only great for stretch­ing a cunt, but it can also be used well for squirt­ing or trig­ger­ing a vagi­nal orgasm.

The long han­dle allows the whisk to be insert­ed deep into the cunt and moved at a vio­lent, extreme­ly fast pace.

The pussy juice is not infre­quent­ly whipped up a bit dur­ing the rapid fuck­ing of the vagina.

If it comes to squirt­ing the cunt, usu­al­ly a real fontane spurts out of the pussy, because the labia are spread open.

10. Table Tennis Balls, Billiard Balls, Golf Balls, Metal Balls

Small balls of any kind are incred­i­bly good for a chal­lenges (com­pe­ti­tions) and for pho­to train­ing. Start with one ball and see how many you can fit in. They are also great train­ing tools for endurance fist­ing training.

The gigan­tic cunt plug stim­u­lates the pelvic floor mus­cles as well as the cervix, in addi­tion to the vagi­nal nerve cells. In com­bi­na­tion with cli­toral stim­u­la­tion by a vibra­tor, breath­tak­ing orgasms are possible.

Very horny are col­ored ping pong balls or golf balls. A golf ball has a stan­dard­ized size of 42.76 mm (1.68 inch­es). Table ten­nis balls (ping pong balls) have an inter­na­tion­al­ly stan­dard­ized diam­e­ter of 40 mm. Untrained are usu­al­ly 4 to 6 to balls fit in the pussy.

If the cunt is nice­ly trained, you can also use pool balls (pool balls, bil­liard balls). 

Basi­cal­ly, balls are also good for the walk. Before going out, insert a few golf balls or met­al balls and off you go.… After the walk, the balls are squeezed out again and licked clean by the Cuck­old. The sight of the ful­ly stuffed cunt is a par­tic­u­lar­ly horny sight for the cuckold.


11. Big Flashlight

A var­ied dil­do sub­sti­tute can even be flashlights.

Cunt stretching with MagLite flashlight
Cunt stretch­ing with MagLite flashlight

Espe­cial­ly horny are the mas­sive MagLite lamps with large D batteries.

Cunt stretch­ing with the flash­light is a visu­al­ly very horny expe­ri­ence for the hotwife and the cuck due to the length of the han­dle and the shape.

But it is also quite pos­si­ble to fuck the pussy to vagi­nal orgasm with a big flash­light. The vagi­na reacts very pos­i­tive­ly to the hard coun­ter­pres­sure of the metal.

A very good rec­om­men­da­tion is also to bring about a cli­toral orgasm with an insert­ed flash­light, which the cuck­old moves in jig­gling and extreme­ly fast strokes.

12. Electric Toothbrush

The tooth­brush whether elec­tric or clas­sic is a horny stim­u­la­tor for the woman. Grade with younger woman the tooth­brush is very popular.

It is impor­tant to use a soft brush head. Most­ly it is a begin­ner prod­uct to try out new things.

The Cuc­ki also has fun with the tooth­brush. He can stim­u­late his hotwife in many ways with the tooth­brush. Espe­cial­ly the elec­tric tooth­brush is very good for stim­u­lat­ing his wife’s cunt from the inside and outside.

13. Shower Head

The show­er head (elon­gat­ed shape) belongs in every house­hold if the cuck wants to make his hotwife happy.

A show­er head with an elon­gat­ed shape can be insert­ed very well, and the water jet will make it a horny expe­ri­ence for the hotwife and the cuckold.

Also the cli­toris can be very excit­ed by the water jet. Women love sex in the show­er, and with the per­fect show­er head it becomes an awe­some experience.

14. Hairbrushes, Round Brush

Hair­brush­es are great for exter­nal pussy stimulation.

Just the thighs of the woman should be involved in the love game. A horny labia mas­sage with the brush can real­ly heat up the hotwife.

The hair­brush and round brush is also good for the inter­nal stim­u­la­tion of the cunt if the bris­tles are soft.

15. Lava Lamp

Lava lamp in the pussy
Lava lamp in the pussy

The lava lamp has the per­fect tapered shape and increas­ing thickness.

This makes it easy to insert and the horny cunt is stretched horny.

Through the foot, the lava lamp has a firm stand and the woman can eas­i­ly sit on it.

If the light is turned on, the pussy is illu­mi­nat­ed horny from the inside. When the hotwife rides on the lava lamp, it looks horny and feels very pleas­ant for the woman.

16. Sperm Ice Cubes

Small objects in vagina: lipstick and mascara
Small objects in vagi­na: lip­stick and mascara 

Sperm ice cubes are per­fect for hot sum­mer nights or for cuck­old train­ing. The cunt is then filled to the brim with horny sperm and the cuck­old can then lick it clean with pleasure.

The sight of the cunt over­flow­ing with sperm makes the Cuc­ki espe­cial­ly on.

17. Small Objects

Screw­driv­er han­dle, bot­tle open­er, bar­be­cue tongs, stones, nail pol­ish bot­tles, keys, mas­cara, lip­stick, plas­tic ted­dy, Bar­bie legs, lighter, mas­sage ball with nubs (hedge­hog mas­sage ball).

You can try many things and exper­i­ment. Every­thing that makes horny is allowed and brings vari­ety in your love life.

18. Soap Bubble Sword / Soap Bubble Wand for Giant Soap Bubbles

A very pop­u­lar, mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed toy for mas­tur­bat­ing is the so-called soap bub­ble sword for cre­at­ing giant soap bub­bles. It is also called a bub­ble wand or bub­ble sword. In Eng­lish, these bub­ble wands are called “Bub­ble Swords”, “Soap Bub­bles Wand” or “Big Bub­ble Wand”.

Such a bub­ble sword has not only the per­fect length with over 35 cm, but also the ide­al diam­e­ter with 3 cm. Thanks to its round­ed edge and non-slip han­dle, the horny pussy can be fucked off nice and hard until the vagi­nal orgasm (incl. squirt­ing). The bright col­ors and whim­si­cal shapes look very horny in the vagina.

The cool thing is also: you can train and stretch the pussy with sev­er­al bub­ble swords. With a lit­tle prac­tice, even a vio­lent squirt­ing orgasm is pos­si­ble with three to five swords.

Five bub­ble swords in the pussy (Padma­Porn)

Conclusion: A Pussy Loves Playing With Household Objects

There are a thou­sand unusu­al objects that you can put in the pussy and make her horny. If the hotwife gets involved in stretch­ing her pussy extreme­ly, the orgasm dur­ing the bizarre games will be insane every time.

Rather slight­ly thick­er objects are very pop­u­lar because the stretch­ing of the vagi­na feels insane­ly horny. How­ev­er, to achieve a vagi­nal orgasm, you need rather longer objects with a firm grip. To trig­ger squirt­ing, a very fast pen­e­tra­tion is a valu­able tip.

Just as writ­ten in our post “Fruits and Veg­eta­bles”, pussy stretch­ing is also about the horny stretch­ing pain. With a cucum­ber or zuc­chi­ni to egg­plant, a hotwife can be sat­is­fied very well. After the woman is sat­is­fied, the veg­eta­bles are dis­tort­ed with the abun­dant plea­sure juice from the cuck and the hotwife.

Bor­ing was yes­ter­day, try out and write a com­ment under the post what makes you so real­ly horny.

Sharpe Chal­lenge — stretch­ing games with felt pens
Simply horny: A shower gel bottle in the pussy
Sim­ply horny: A show­er gel bot­tle in the pussy
ith a soap bubble wand (Soap Bubbles Wand) is very popular.
Mas­tur­ba­tion with a soap bub­ble wand (Soap Bub­bles Wand) is very pop­u­lar. Mul­ti­ple soap bub­ble wands are great for pussy stretch­ing and squirt­ing practice.

Additional Sources:

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