10 Golden Rules of Preparation for Men

If you are a lover or a bull on a date with a hotwife, or you want to go to a sex par­ty or even a gang­bang, you will most like­ly want to show your­self from the best side.

In this guide, we would like to give you as an active guest of a cuck­old­ing or wife­shar­ing event, some tried and test­ed tips on how to present your max­i­mum poten­cy and how to appear at your best.

If we have for­got­ten any tips or if you would like to share your expe­ri­ences and per­son­al advice, please leave a com­ment below.

Also, read through our guides:

How to Prepare for a Sex Date With a Hotwife or a Sex Party?

1.) Do Active Sport

Being a good stud or bull does­n’t mean you have to look like Arnold Schwarzeneg­ger. Mus­cles are visu­al­ly advan­ta­geous, but you should at least not start pant­i­ng after five min­utes of sex.

How­ev­er, a good sex­u­al con­di­tion and pow­er­ful sex are sim­ply expect­ed from every hotwife.

Dri­ve before the date at least a few weeks before 2–3 times a week car­dio fit­ness such as jog­ging and cycling. Of course, var­ied work­outs in the fit­ness cen­ter are also optimal.

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2.) Get Enough Sleep Before the Sex Party

In order to be fit on the date deep into the night, you should be 100% rest­ed. Fatigue is an incred­i­ble lust killer and can even make your erec­tion impossible.

Sleep at least 8 hours five nights before the sex par­ty to make sure you have a high ener­gy level.

3.) Abstain From Sex and Masturbation for 2 — 5 Days

To achieve strong cumshots and max­i­mum ejac­u­la­to­ry pow­er, it is imper­a­tive that you abstain from orgasm for five days before the date or party.

With­out any ifs and buts, you must keep this rule: Mas­tur­ba­tion and sex are allowed, but you must not cum!

You will not only be much more excit­ed but your prostate, tes­ti­cles and sem­i­nal vesi­cle can fill up to the max­i­mum with your horny cum.

4.) Do Edging Several Times a Day and Watch Porn

Jerk­ing off for sev­er­al hours with­out orgasm has an extreme­ly pos­i­tive effect on your ejac­u­la­tion ability.

Do dai­ly penis edg­ing or tease and denial games for five days. Ruin your orgasms also glad­ly sev­er­al times a day, like as writ­ten above: Orgasms are strict­ly forbidden!

Watch sperm-heavy porn with numer­ous ejac­u­la­tions and mas­sive creamp­ies and bukkake. While watch­ing of for­eign ejac­u­la­tions, the process of genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed sperm com­pe­ti­tion will be strong­ly stimulated.


5.) Drink Ginger and Pineapple Juice and Eat Protein-Rich Food

To make your sperm taste sweet, you should eat half a pineap­ple a day for five days. There are pineap­ple cut­ters that make it very easy to remove the flesh from the fruit.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can drink half a liter to one liter of pineap­ple juice dai­ly. It should not be a con­cen­trat­ed juice but pressed direct juice.

You can also order pressed cel­ery juice from Ama­zon. This does not taste very tasty, but it stim­u­lates sperm pro­duc­tion impressively!

Avoid beer, gar­lic, onions, cab­bage, aspara­gus and alco­hol. It is impor­tant to eat a rea­son­ably healthy, pro­tein-rich diet to pro­duce nice, white, and tasty sperm.

6.) Personal Hygiene

The hotwife will appre­ci­ate your atten­tion if you show up to the date or par­ty well-groomed. In fact, it should go with­out saying:

  • Show­er thor­ough­ly with sham­poo and show­er gel before you go to the sex par­ty. Also, think explic­it­ly about your anus area.
  • Apply only a dis­creet per­fume or after­shave. A roll-on deodor­ant is far more important.
  • Trim your toe­nails and fingernails.
  • Trim your body hair (chest, abdomen, armpits) and pubic hair to 3 mm with a long hair trim­mer or shave it off com­plete­ly. A shaved gen­i­tal area makes your penis look big­ger and more beautiful!
  • Trim your beard if you have one.
  • Remove nose and ear hair with a trim­mer or wax.
  • Go to a hair­dress­er in advance 

7.) Get Yourself a Swinger Outfit

Unlike women, there are no high stan­dards for cloth­ing when wife­shar­ing or ganbang.

You are absolute­ly on the safe side with a black, fig­ure-hug­ging t‑shirt (with­out print!), black, tight-fit­ting under­pants and black flip-flopp sandals.

8.) Make a Blood Test at Your General Doctor or Urologist

If you like to fuck bare with­out a con­dom, you should also have your­self checked for HIV, hepatites and STDs before every date / event out of con­sid­er­a­tion for the hotwife and your fel­low fuckers.

The test costs about $30 / 30,- € and since the doc­tor is bound to secre­cy, you should tell him hon­est­ly what you are up to. He will not judge you for it.

The med­ical cer­tifi­cate is a very wel­come tick­et at gen­tle­men’s sur­plus par­ties and gangbangs.

9.) Put on a Penis Ring or Take Sexual Enhancers

To avoid “sag­ging” you can put on a well-fit­ting penis ring made of sil­i­cone or rub­ber. Try sev­er­al mod­els before the party.

A pill of Via­gra (silde­nafil), Cialis (tadalafil) or Lev­i­t­ra (var­de­nafil) can also work won­ders. You can get these legal­ly from a phar­ma­cy with a pre­scrip­tion from your fam­i­ly doc­tor. How­ev­er, you can get cheap gener­ic drugs. Do not buy ille­gal sex­u­al enhancers on the Internet.

10.) Meditation

Sex par­ties are always very rest­less and tur­bu­lent. Use relax­ation and med­i­ta­tion tech­niques to fade out the dis­turb­ing fac­tors for you.

A short relax­ation med­i­ta­tion before the fuck of the hotwife is advantageous.

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Summary: Preparation Is the Be-All and End-All

To be pre­pared for your sex date with the hotwife or a wife­shar­ing / cuck­old­ing par­ty, it is also impor­tant from your side to make cer­tain preparations.

Since the woman has also made her­self pret­ty for you, you should make sure that you are also visu­al­ly appeal­ing. A cer­tain sex­u­al sta­mi­na is just as impor­tant as being able to cum pow­er­ful­ly. So that the horny hotwife likes to swal­low your cum, you should opti­mize taste and con­sis­ten­cy to the maximum.

Besides enough sports and sleep, you should eat healthy and drink pineap­ple juice and cel­ery juice. You should strict­ly adhere to 5 days orgasm ban, but still watch sperm-heavy porn again and again on the days mas­tur­bate with­out squirting.

Pay atten­tion to a high lev­el of phys­i­cal care, let your­self be checked by a doc­tor. If you don’t want to be com­plete­ly naked, order an appeal­ing out­fit in dark col­ors for the sexparty.

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