Ruined Orgasm With the Start-Stop Method

Accord­ing to inter­na­tion­al sur­veys, pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tion is the biggest dis­ap­point­ment for women dur­ing sex. Espe­cial­ly when the man does­n’t care. But there is an extreme­ly effec­tive exer­cise method called “Edg­ing”, “Start Stop Method” or “Ruin­ing Orgasm” to pre­vent pre­ma­ture ejaculation.

The male ejac­u­la­tion orgasm is repeat­ed­ly inter­rupt­ed and placed at the end of love­mak­ing. The love tech­nique is excel­lent to train for hours while masturbating.

In this post, we would like to explain to you what this “ruin­ing orgasm” is exact­ly, how it works and why you should train with orgasm con­trol. We are inter­est­ed in your opin­ions. Write us your own expe­ri­ences, ques­tions, and sug­ges­tions below the guide in the com­ment field.

What Is the Point of No Return?

Plenty of precum (pre-cum) leaks out when the orgasm is ruined
Plen­ty of pre­cum (pre-cum) leaks out when the orgasm is ruined

Every man knows the “point of no return” (PNR for short). It is the feel­ing at which the male orgasm is vir­tu­al­ly unstoppable.

The prostate, vas def­er­ens, and ure­thra begin to pul­sate, the prostate secretes a sweet­ish, clear secre­tion (called: pre­cum, pre-juice, love drops), and a few mil­lisec­onds lat­er, the sperm spurts out of the dick in five to ten strokes.

But there is the pos­si­bil­i­ty, exact­ly at this moment, abrupt­ly stop ANY stim­u­la­tion imme­di­ate­ly. The sat­is­fy­ing orgasm can­not be ful­ly achieved due to the lack of stim­u­la­tion. So, the penis can­not cum completely.

This method of stop­ping orgasm has many terms. It’s also called orgasm con­trol, orgasm ruin­ing, cum con­trol, sperm con­trol, tease and denial (make horny and deny the orgasm), milk­ing penis, edg­ing (stim­u­late at the lim­it), teas­ing or orgasm ruin.

What Do You Mean by Tease and Denial, Edging, Orgasm Ruin, or Orgasm Control?”

To stop fuck­ing or jerk­ing off at the “point of no return” is hell on earth for a man.

Edging: When the penis cries... - Jerking off for hours at the
Edg­ing: When the penis cries… — Jerk­ing off for hours at the “point of no return” with the start-stop method

His penis is fiery red, his veins stand out and the glans of the penis is plump and shiny. The fore­skin is almost retract­ed. The tail twitch­es, bounces up and down. Pre­cum oozes from the wide-open ure­thral open­ing. The tes­ti­cles lie plump against the body.

The man moans, want­i­ng to orgasm…. His heart rate and blood pres­sure are high…. The dopamine rush (hap­pi­ness hor­mones) set in. The testos­terone lev­el (male sex hor­mones) is at its max­i­mum limit…

But with a jerk, you take the hand from the tail!!! The most beau­ti­ful moment is bru­tal­ly messed up!!! The man moans loud­ly and painful­ly con­torts his face. Often trans­par­ent love juice (pre­cum, pre-ejac­u­late or pre-juice called) runs out.

… but it does not come to the redeem­ing squirt­ing orgasm. The sat­is­fy­ing release of hor­mones does not occur.


Why Ruin Your Orgasm?

When masturbating for hours, plenty of precum comes out
When mas­tur­bat­ing for hours, plen­ty of pre­cum comes out

Only few men are famil­iar with the con­cept of ruin­ing orgasm. In all Indi­an and Far East­ern love tech­niques, this is exact­ly what is rec­om­mend­ed: The male orgasm must be abort­ed, delayed and post­poned until the end of lovemaking.

Edg­ing is about teas­ing for hours on the verge of orgasm. The cock is brought to the point of no return sev­er­al times over and over again, cre­at­ing heav­en­ly feel­ings for the man for sev­er­al hours.

While it is extreme­ly unsat­is­fy­ing for him to ruin the cli­max at the high­est point of feel­ing…. and yet, it feels infi­nite­ly horny.

The penis does not shrink after edg­ing, as it is known to do after orgasm. After a small recov­ery break, mas­tur­bat­ing and fuck­ing can con­tin­ue…. Also, the horni­ness does not dis­ap­pear… Depend­ing on self-dis­ci­pline … for hours!

Since incred­i­ble amounts of pre-ejac­u­late can run out of the penis, it is also called milk­ing. It tastes very mild and sweet. There­fore, it is per­fect for sperm swal­low­ing train­ing.

Mega horny: Orgasm was ruined at the point of no return
Mega horny: Orgasm was ruined at the point of no return

How Can You Ruin Orgasm, Perform Edging & Orgasm Control?

Step 1: Recognize the Point of No Return and Stop the Stimulation Immediately

Dif­fer­ent tech­niques can be used to excite the penis and ruin the orgasm. The most suit­able is the hand. How­ev­er, penis mas­sagers, strong vibra­tors, and mas­tur­ba­tors (e.g., the Flesh­light) are also suit­able for edging.

Love drops out during edging
Love drops out dur­ing edging

Either you watch porn on the Inter­net, col­lect porn pic­tures, read erot­ic cuck­old sto­ries, or lis­ten to an erot­ic audio­book. Give free rein to your cuck­old fan­tasies.

Learn­ing this favorite tech­nique requires the man to accu­rate­ly rec­og­nize the point of no return (PNR). So, imme­di­ate­ly stop stim­u­lat­ing the cock. Stop each time right before the point where the penis begins to twitch or leak.

The trick is to keep stim­u­lat­ing the penis a few sec­onds lat­er right at the edge of orgasm!

You won’t suc­ceed right away at the begin­ning because the greed for orgasm is very great. But try not to come to orgasm for an hour. Or you can set your­self the goal to ruin at least one time before your orgasm.

Get into the habit of hold­ing a sperm plate, a bowl, or a sperm jar under your penis in a flash every time to catch your horny cum. In the begin­ning, you don’t have to try pre-cum, desire drops and sperm yet — But don’t squirt sperm into tis­sues now!

Stage 2: Take the Edging Program One Step Further by Ruining the Orgasm!

If you real­ly liked the edg­ing train­ing, it’s time for a more advanced tech­nique. It leads to extreme libido increase.

Precum leakage during orgasm training
Pre­cum leak­age dur­ing orgasm training

Set your­self a smart­phone timer longer than an hour. Opti­mal is 2 to 3 hours. Only then you may come to orgasm!

Make it a game and stim­u­late the penis again and again right to the edge of orgasm. Watch a lot of var­ied porn with a lot of sperm and your fetishes.

A black sperm bowl or a sperm plate is now a must! Hand­ker­chiefs are absolute­ly taboo!

Instead of “just” bring­ing the cock to the Point Of No Return (PNR), the stim­u­la­tion thresh­old can be care­ful­ly crossed with “one or two jerk-off move­ments too many”.

Any stim­u­la­tion must be abrupt­ly stopped imme­di­ate­ly as soon as the penis twitch­es even min­i­mal­ly, or secretes the small­est amount of semen. Make occa­sion­al push­ing out and pulling in pelvic floor movements.

The cock will scream with plea­sure, and small amounts of semen will keep leak­ing out. Your balls want to be com­plete­ly emp­tied, but you refuse. The desama­tion lasts for hours! Your dopamine lev­el (hap­pi­ness hor­mones) reach­es peak val­ues at this time! The arousal is extreme­ly strong!

Sexual Pleasure Arousal Does Not Flatten After Orgasm Ruining

Always give your des­per­ate, strained cock a short break until it regains con­trol, and repeat the process over and over again repeatedly.

Ruined orgasm
Ruined orgasm

You will get used to this incred­i­bly horny feel­ing, scent, and taste much faster than you think. You’ll stay in a plateau phase dur­ing a ruined orgasm when you’re high­ly aroused.

It’s nor­mal to occa­sion­al­ly leak larg­er amounts of love cream dur­ing a pro­longed edg­ing ses­sion. Just sit back, moan out your plea­sure, and enjoy the awe­some sight of your cock rag­ing and cursing!

The feel­ing is incred­i­bly pleas­ant and yet com­plete­ly unsat­is­fy­ing at the same time. Your cock remains com­plete­ly hard after each ruined orgasm, and always feels the urge to want to “come” again. Your desire remains very, very high!

It gets more and more dan­ger­ous hour after hour! It is enough, one too many jerk-off move­ments, and you have ruined your game. So jerk off concentrated.

You can use your index fin­ger or a plas­tic spoon to clean the penis every time a love drop, a sperm thread, a trick­le, or even a squirt escapes from the ure­thra. Try your drop of desire. You will be sur­prised that it is not dis­gust­ing at all, but sweet­ish and total­ly horny. 😉

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Conclusion: Orgasm Control by Orgasm Ruining — Masturbating and Training at the Same Time!

Mul­ti­ple orgasm ruin­ing is an incred­i­bly horny expe­ri­ence for every man. The male orgasm is placed at the end of love­mak­ing. This sex tech­nique is espe­cial­ly pop­u­lar in the Asian region. It is part of the love tech­niques of Tantra and Kamasutra.

Although the orgasm is ruined sev­er­al times, the man’s plea­sure inten­si­fies immea­sur­ably. He can be kept horny for hours or days. It is not uncom­mon for a drop of long­ing to occa­sion­al­ly run out of the tail with pleasure.

Exper­i­ment­ing men, espe­cial­ly wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds, should train by edg­ing (orgasm con­trol) to stop com­ing too soon. Their goal should be to stim­u­late their woman to orgasm equal­ly sat­is­fac­to­ri­ly dur­ing sex.

Edg­ing games are a win/win sit­u­a­tion for any woman in any case.

More Resources on Orgasm Ruining, Precumming & Edging:

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