Candaulism & Wifesharing: Fun to “Share” the Wife

In Google’s Eng­lish-lan­guage search, “wife­shar­ing” is among the most fre­quent­ly searched porno­graph­ic terms. This shows how wide­spread such sex­u­al fan­tasies are.

Recent­ly, how­ev­er, more and more cou­ples are turn­ing this fan­ta­sy into real­i­ty. This is pos­si­ble not only because of lib­er­al views on sex­u­al­i­ty, but main­ly thanks to the Inter­net, where like-mind­ed peo­ple can exchange ideas and arrange for real meetings.

This guide is less about cuck­old­ing and more about wife­shar­ing. We would like to explain to you what is meant by the term can­daulism, what is the attrac­tion, and what dan­gers are lurk­ing for you.

What Is Wifesharing?

The word is relat­ed to car shar­ing. Car­shar­ing means that a car is used by sev­er­al strangers. Sim­i­lar­ly, wife­shar­ing means that the hus­band allows strangers to have sex with his wife or partner.

Amateur wife - Shared Threesome
Ama­teur wife comes to orgasm dur­ing three­some sex

This sounds chau­vin­is­tic, as if the wife is the prop­er­ty of her hus­band — but on the con­trary, it allows the woman to live out her sex­u­al fan­tasies while rely­ing on the secu­ri­ty of a sol­id part­ner­ship. So it is rather a form of feminism.

Wife­shar­ing is only pos­si­ble if all par­ties involved agree to it, respect each oth­er and abide by the pre­vi­ous­ly agreed rules.

Unlike the cuck­old, the wife­shar­er is not sub­mis­sive. He active­ly par­tic­i­pates in sex and choos­es the men togeth­er with his wife, the hotwife. In sim­ple wife­shar­ing, the wife has sex with 2 men.

On porn sites, this is abbre­vi­at­ed as MMF. Some­times it can be more than two men. Then you talk about gang­bang or with sev­er­al women and men from group sex.

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What Makes Wifesharing So Appealing?

First of all, the appeal of the “wicked” makes Wife­shar­ing so inter­est­ing. To this day, there is a dou­ble stan­dard in the pub­lic eye. While men who have many affairs are at least admired by their bud­dies (great pike), women who do the same are con­sid­ered sluts or bim­bos and are despised in public.

Cuckold Couple: Husband shares his wife with a BBC
Cuck­old Cou­ple: Hus­band shares his wife with a BBC

Although very many women secret­ly dream of hav­ing sex with at least two men, they do not dare to express this fantasy.

If women brave­ly get involved in wife­shar­ing, they are clear­ly the win­ner of this sex­u­al prac­tice. The ladies are most­ly fucked very vio­lent­ly, inten­sive­ly, and repeat­ed­ly to orgasm. In the process, they are the cen­ter of atten­tion, and the sex­u­al greed of the men con­firms their attrac­tive­ness and femininity.

For the wife­shar­er, it is appeal­ing because he has a strong sex­u­al desire, but at the same time he has great self-con­fi­dence. He knows that his wife loves him and that wife­shar­ing is all about sex for her. It fills him with a kind of pride of own­er­ship when he expe­ri­ences how horny oth­er men find his wife.

The Woman in Hormone Rush

More­over in wife­shar­ing, he can try dif­fer­ent prac­tices such as dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion or spit roast­ing (blowjob and fuck­ing from behind at the same time). Wife­shar­ing also gives him an oppor­tu­ni­ty to present his wife in hot out­fits. Just being naked dur­ing sex would be about the same as drink­ing fine wine right out of the bot­tle. Lin­gerie, high heels, sus­penders and oth­er things empha­size the female body and high­light its charms. This pleas­es her and him.

You must not for­get, of course, the extreme­ly strong visu­al stim­u­lus that comes from sex with sev­er­al peo­ple. For the par­tic­i­pants, it’s as if they’re not just watch­ing a porno, but star­ring in it.

On top of that, sev­er­al men are egging each oth­er on dur­ing sex. Every­one wants to prove that he is a real guy and fucks much hard­er and more intense than in nor­mal sex for two.

Very good alternative: Wifesharing in a swingers club - the amateur woman is made available for gangbang.
Very good alter­na­tive: Wife­shar­ing in a swingers club — the ama­teur woman is made avail­able for gangbang.
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Why Is Wifesharing Becoming So Popular?

The cur­rent wife­shar­ing devel­op­ment is due to two things:

First­ly, peo­ple today are brought up to be much more tol­er­ant and open-mind­ed about every­thing that has to do with sex. The end of the six­ties saw the begin­ning of a sex­u­al rev­o­lu­tion that con­tin­ues to this day and has changed many peo­ple’s atti­tudes (although there is still a lot of prud­ish­ness and hypocrisy).

On the oth­er hand, the Inter­net is a major con­trib­u­tor to this devel­op­ment. Not only can you watch count­less porn on any top­ic, includ­ing wife­shar­ing, but more than that, you can find very easy oppor­tu­ni­ties to get in touch with like-mind­ed people.

Homemade wifesharing: Wife fucked and inseminated together with housemate
Home­made wife­shar­ing: Wife fucked and insem­i­nat­ed togeth­er with a housemate.

In Ger­many alone, there are more than 2,000 con­tact exchanges where you can search for peo­ple who share your pref­er­ences. In addi­tion, there are count­less forums where mem­bers share their expe­ri­ences and give good advice. It is no longer a prob­lem at all to find peo­ple who are also inter­est­ed in wifesharing.

Who Is Suitable for Wifesharing?

Both part­ners must be inter­est­ed in it. If only he or only she wants it, the attempt will lead to dis­as­ter because it will strain the rela­tion­ship. In Wife­shar­ing both part­ners should have some­thing from it.

There­fore, the rela­tion­ship should be sol­id, and both must trust each oth­er. The wife­shar­er must not be jeal­ous, but must be able to clear­ly sep­a­rate sex and love.

Even a min­i­mal spark of jeal­ousy can derail the whole project. Clear rules pro­vide secu­ri­ty and emo­tion­al relaxation.

The Right Choice of Men

If a cou­ple wants to know what it is like to have sex with strange men, they can first go to a swingers club with­out any obligation.

Wifesharing amateur: Three Bulls share one woman in one apartment
Wife­shar­ing ama­teur: Three Bulls share one woman in one apartment.

Which man or men are eli­gi­ble for a real fuck meet­ing, the cou­ple should decide togeth­er. Prob­a­bly both will have to agree on a compromise.

The men for the meet­ing must be attrac­tive enough for the wife to feel like fuck­ing them, but on the oth­er hand, they must not be phys­i­cal­ly supe­ri­or to the hus­band, so that he does not get infe­ri­or­i­ty com­plex­es and become jealous.

The age, as well as the physique and the lev­el of fit­ness, must be approx­i­mate­ly the same as that of the hus­band. If, on the oth­er hand, an old­er man brings a much younger one into the house, he is prac­ti­cal­ly invit­ing com­pe­ti­tion. Prob­lems are bound to arise in such cases.

Invest­ing in a call­boy is def­i­nite­ly a very good idea in the beginning.

Beware of Feelings

Wife­shar­ing is not about feel­ings, but only about sex. The cou­ple invites oth­er men to have sex togeth­er to enrich their sex life. There­fore, the men should rather not be from the imme­di­ate social cir­cle. For exam­ple, swap­ping part­ners with your best friend is not a good idea.

It is bet­ter if the cou­ple looks for con­tacts on the Inter­net who live fur­ther away in anoth­er city. Before the first real meet­ing, they can get to know each oth­er bet­ter via video chat and then meet in a hotel halfway between the two places of residence.

This ensures anonymi­ty and dis­cre­tion. It is also advis­able not to meet too often with the same man. Intense sex­u­al expe­ri­ences can cre­ate an emo­tion­al bond.

Private Wifesharing at home: Six men fuck a wife together
Pri­vate Wife­shar­ing at home: Six men fuck a wife together.

What Are the Dangers of Wifesharing?

In a love tri­an­gle, the risk for ten­sion is always greater than in a cou­ple rela­tion­ship. The hotwife could fall in love with anoth­er man or could even become a sex addict, so that nor­mal sex for two no longer sat­is­fies her.

It is also not easy for the hus­band to watch her being fucked to orgasm by anoth­er man and obvi­ous­ly enjoy­ing sex with him. This can cause jealousy.

Wifesharing the wife with several men in the hotel
Wife­shar­ing the wife with sev­er­al men in the hotel

In addi­tion, there are also phys­i­cal dan­gers. If the sex part­ners change fre­quent­ly, the dan­ger of a sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted dis­ease also increas­es. It does­n’t always have to be HIV, gon­or­rhea and syphilis are also a risk.

Even chlamy­dia, the most wide­spread sex­u­al­ly trans­mit­ted infec­tion, can have unpleas­ant con­se­quences and in the worst case lead to infertility.

Sex with strangers should nev­er be done with­out a con­dom. Only when you have estab­lished a firm bond with your house­mate or fel­low fuck­ers should you give in to the eter­nal temp­ta­tion to fuck with­out a con­dom and copi­ous­ly insem­i­nate your wife.

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Conclusion: Sexual Wife Swap Enriches Relationship Life

If a woman gets involved in wife­shar­ing, her hus­band should be proud and grate­ful. Few men are lucky enough to have such an open and exper­i­men­tal partner.

Togeth­er with her hus­band, boyfriend or life part­ner, the hotwife expe­ri­ences incred­i­bly horny sex evenings with great orgasms. Ini­tial fear and doubt are nor­mal. Very quick­ly, how­ev­er, the woman los­es the excite­ment and shy­ness, while she is horni­ly fucked and fremdbe­samt by a bull or even a horde of men. Unlike the cuck­old, the wife­shar­er fucks his wife with.

Sex with strange men can be down­right addic­tive due to the tremen­dous release of hap­pi­ness and sex hor­mones as well as adren­a­line. Always “talk to each oth­er” is a prin­ci­ple that you both should adhere to if you want to enjoy Wife­shar­ing. Dis­cuss every­thing with each oth­er before­hand and estab­lish clear rules togeth­er. In it, you should agree, for exam­ple, how far she may go dur­ing sex with oth­er men, which prac­tices are allowed and which are not.

Also clar­i­fy where and how often such sex meet­ings should take place. It is bet­ter not to over­do it. A three­some or gang­bang is extreme­ly horny for a woman, but it is also very exhaust­ing. Do not orga­nize a wife­shar­ing par­ty at home, but rather in neu­tral locations.

Every wife­shar­er should keep an eye on his wife’s well-being and give her emo­tion­al strength not only with drinks but also with kiss­es, caress­es, ten­der­ness and “hold­ing hands”.

“Hap­py wife, hap­py life”, is a mot­to that fits espe­cial­ly when shar­ing. Take care of your wife and you will have a lot of fun togeth­er as a cou­ple with this lifestyle.

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