The Cuckold — A Partner of a Different Kind

The term “cuck­old” occu­pies the top posi­tions in porno­graph­ic search queries.

Please fuck my wife!

In some expla­na­tions, it is trans­lat­ed as cuck­old or cuck­old­ed hus­band or the old-fash­ioned word cuck­old. How­ev­er, this does not real­ly hit the mark.

The love life of a cuck is very mul­ti­fac­eted. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the clas­sic image is over­dra­ma­tized in many porn movies, which can scare off many male prospects.

In this post, we’ll clar­i­fy for you what exact­ly a cuck­old is, what kind of “type of man” he is, and what his duties are.

What Is a Cuckold?

The word is derived from the Eng­lish “cuck­oo”, a bird that is known to lay its eggs in the nests of oth­er birds, leav­ing strangers to raise its offspring.

This has been trans­ferred to the cuck­old: a man who feels sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion when his wife/partner/girlfriend has sex with oth­er men and he can be there.

In the sense, the cuck­old’s part­ner, the hotwife or cuck­ol­dress does not cheat because her part­ner explic­it­ly wants her to have sex with oth­er men. These men are called studs or bulls (bull).

Cuckold schaut seiner Frau beim Sex zu und masturbiert dabei. Abspritzen darf er dabei nicht!
Cuck­old watch­es his wife hav­ing sex and mas­tur­bates while doing so. He is not allowed to cum in the process!

What Are Cuckolds for Men?

Cuck­old­ing is a sex­u­al fan­ta­sy shared by a great many men around the world. Cuck­olds are present in all income and pop­u­la­tion lev­els as well as his­tor­i­cal eras.

Cuck­olds are usu­al­ly sub­mis­sive men who enjoy being sex­u­al­ly dom­i­nat­ed by their part­ners. Often, cuck­olds have voyeuris­tic and masochis­tic tendencies.

They enjoy watch­ing their own wife being fucked very hard by strange men (pri­mar­i­ly BBC Bulls) from one orgasm to the next. Many cuck­olds also like to be humil­i­at­ed, insult­ed, and punished.

The cuck­old is divid­ed into three class­es C1, C2 and C3 and can aspire to a wide vari­ety of fan­tasies. From the pure spec­ta­tor cuck it can go over bisex­u­al­i­ty up to the fem­i­niza­tion as a sissy.

Cuckold Typen
Cuck­old Types

What Are the Roles of Cuckolds?

The cuck­old is usu­al­ly present dur­ing the sex of Bull and his hotwife. He often takes pho­tos or videos and mas­tur­bates while watch­ing. He serves his Hotwife and Bull, brings them food and drinks.

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Man licks cum creampie clean

In case of dis­obe­di­ence or clum­si­ness, he is pun­ished ver­bal­ly and physically.

Dur­ing sex, the wom­an’s pussy is usu­al­ly so wet, she and the cock are fucked foamy. The Bull accepts only a clean pussy, so he must always lick the horny pussy juice thor­ough­ly clean.

After sex, of course, he must always lick the insem­i­nat­ed cum cunt clean. The cum of the bull as well as the horny pussy juice are shared with plea­sure exten­sive­ly via cum kiss­ing and snow­balling with the hotwife.

The cuck him­self is not allowed to have sex with his hotwife, at least in the pres­ence of the bull. He is usu­al­ly only allowed to do so the next morn­ing, with­out the cuck­ol­dress hav­ing had a show­er before­hand. Of course, the Cuc­ki also licks his own sperm very thor­ough­ly from the horny smelling pussy.

But also dur­ing a gang­bang, after each insem­i­na­tion of the woman, the clean lick­ing of pussy, face, breasts, and bel­ly is his main task. Final­ly, he must always be the very last to cum in the horny fucked pussy, when real­ly no guest can fuck anymore.

How Does a Cuckold Relationship Work?

If the part­ners agree with cuck­old­ing, then there are usu­al­ly no prob­lems. After all, the Cuck­ol­dress / Hotwife does not cheat on her part­ner, but fucks with oth­er men in the knowl­edge and at the explic­it request of her partner.

In a cuck­old rela­tion­ship, it is often more hon­est than in many oth­er “nor­mal” part­ner­ships. The fact that all par­tic­i­pants do not sup­press their sex­u­al fan­tasies, but live them out togeth­er, con­tributes sig­nif­i­cant­ly to this. This helps to pre­vent many ten­sions from aris­ing in the first place.

It is very char­ac­ter­is­tic that many Cuck­old cou­ples are very imag­i­na­tive and play role-play­ing games. For exam­ple, many cou­ples have the fan­ta­sy that their part­ner is a whore. She dress­es provoca­tive­ly dur­ing sex and also gets paid. Extreme­ly pro­nounced and pop­u­lar are fan­tasies with very dom­i­nant, well-endowed, dark-skinned men. So is role rever­sal, where the wife fucks her hus­band with a strap-on.

Many hotwifes have sex with mul­ti­ple bulls, often at the same time. The dif­fer­ence with wife­shar­ing is that the man is not submissive.

Why Does the Hotwife Like to Put Her Cuckold on Sex Deprivation?

Spermakuss & Snowballing
Sperm Kiss­ing & Snowballing

The forced chasti­ty is not only used as a pun­ish­ment and for edu­ca­tion. As a result, the cuck­old becomes very atten­tive and reads his part­ner’s desires from her eyes.

More­over, the longer the cuck­old is not allowed to have sex, the hornier he gets. When he is final­ly allowed to fuck his hotwife, she enjoys the wild, stormy sex.

To pre­vent the cuck­old from secret­ly mas­tur­bat­ing, he often has to wear a male chasti­ty belt (penis cage), to which his hotwife has the key.

How­ev­er, he is at least reg­u­lar­ly forced to orgasm via the prostate or has to ruin his orgasm sev­er­al times. Each time he has to lick his own sperm from plates or bowls, or from the shot glass or drink­ing glass.

Cuckold Sessions

How Does the Cuckold Deal With Jealousy?

Jeal­ousy is not a seri­ous issue in such a rela­tion­ship. The cuck­old final­ly feels sat­is­fac­tion when his part­ner has unpro­tect­ed sex with oth­er men. The abun­dant insem­i­na­tion with sperm is express­ly desired on both sides.

Cuck­old and Hotwife love each oth­er and are very famil­iar and close.

The bull is used only to sat­is­fy sex­u­al needs. He can be exchanged with any oth­er suit­able man, while Cuc­ki and Wife are con­nect­ed permanently.

Of course, the rela­tion­ship works only if He is sub­mis­sive and She is dom­i­nant. Or rather, if both part­ners are of equal rank at eye lev­el. There is no such thing as a dom­i­nant cuckold.

Further Links:

Was ist Cuckolding?
What is cuckolding?

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