The Cuckoldress — Wife and Life Partner of the Cuckold

In a cuck­old rela­tion­ship, the cuck­old’s part­ner, the Hotwife, has sex with oth­er men, the Bulls. This is done with the cuck­old’s knowl­edge and consent.

There­fore, such a rela­tion­ship, although unusu­al, is more often even hap­pi­er and more durable than that of “nor­mals”, because the part­ners com­ple­ment each oth­er and live out their fan­tasies and desires.

In this guide, we would like to explain you in detail what a cuck­ol­dress or hotwife is, what role she plays in the love tri­an­gle between bull and cuck­old, and what gives her plea­sure. Feel free to leave a com­ment and tell us your own expe­ri­ences and tips about hotwifing.

What Is a Hotwife, or Cuckoldress?

A hotwife is also called a cuck­ol­dress. This is a dom­i­nant woman who rules over the sex life of her cuckold.

Hotwifes often have a great sex­u­al desire that their part­ner can­not sat­is­fy. Although she enjoys dom­i­nat­ing, tor­ment­ing, and humil­i­at­ing him, he can­not sat­is­fy her lust. Although she despis­es him because he can­not fuck her well, she still loves him.

For this rea­son, she also choos­es dom­i­nant men for sex. They are able to sat­is­fy her sex­u­al­ly and give her what and how she needs it.

Depend­ing on the type (Cuck­old C1, C2 or C3), her con­trol and dom­i­nance extend not only to sex, but also to her pri­vate life.


What Gives the Hotwife Pleasure?

A Hotwife wants to give her­self to her Bulls with­out inhi­bi­tions and be fucked by them hard and with­out taboos. Not infre­quent­ly, the hotwife invites to gang­bangs and let sev­er­al men fuck her at the same time.

Blonde Hotwife with Bull and Cuckold
Blonde Hotwife with Bull and Cuckold

Con­doms are rarely used. Usu­al­ly one bull after the oth­er squirts in her or on her. In the end, her pussy leaks, and her body is splat­tered all over with cum.

She likes it when men use and treat her like a whore. Often she also dress­es like a hook­er, with fish­net stock­ings and high heels or overknees and corsage.

Dur­ing a gang­bang, the hotwife is only seem­ing­ly sub­mis­sive. She likes to see the pow­er she exerts on her bulls and how she can dri­ve guys crazy with her charms. It makes her feel desired and val­i­dat­ed in her attractiveness.

When she’s not hav­ing sex, she’s already dream­ing about the next fuck. That’s why Hotwife some­times mas­tur­bates even sev­er­al times a day, she likes watch­ing porn and has a con­sid­er­able col­lec­tion of sex toys.

Why Do Hotwifes Love Strong Men With Big Dicks?

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Alpha male BBC mag­nif­i­cent penis vs. cuck­old cock

Cuck­ol­dress­es love penis. They make no secret of the fact that it may well be big dicks with strong vein­ing and thick acorns. She knows that men with such penis­es have big egos and can fuck very well.

The libido of the cuck­ol­dress is high. A man must not only know how to sat­is­fy the hot chick, but also be phys­i­cal­ly capa­ble of doing so. It is not uncom­mon for the Bulls to be well-toned men who are much younger than the Hotwife.

Many hotwifes are crazy about hav­ing sex with a black alpha bull. They are con­sid­ered to be espe­cial­ly strong and vital and on aver­age have big­ger dicks than Ger­man men (accord­ing to sta­tis­tics, men from Con­go and Ecuador have the biggest dicks).

Being fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by such a bull not infre­quent­ly makes the cuck­ol­dress squirt and expe­ri­ence mul­ti­ple orgasms.

Why Does the Cuckold Have to Be Present During Sex?

It is part of this type of rela­tion­ship that the cuck­ol­dress wants her cuck with her dur­ing sex with one or more men. When the hotwife gives him the order to orga­nize a sex meet­ing, it is a giv­en that he will be there.

The cuck­old derives his plea­sure from watch­ing his wife/life part­ner have sex with one or more dom­i­nant bulls. How­ev­er, he is also respon­si­ble for a lot of things. This starts with “watch­ing the queen”, through serv­ing with drinks, posi­tion­ing aids with pil­lows, to emo­tion­al sup­port — such as hold­ing hands and kiss­ing. Almost always, the cuck has to lick clean the insem­i­nat­ed pussy, bel­ly, breasts, and face.

The hotwife also wants her cuck­old to be there because she wants to humil­i­ate and pun­ish him. Dur­ing hard sex and her orgasms, she often looks over at her cuck with a grin.

A hotwife main­tains a very close rela­tion­ship with her cuck­old! She loves and trusts him. The Bulls are just a means to an end for her.

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How Does the Hotwife Behave Towards the Cuckold?

Inter­est­ing­ly, Cuck­old cou­ples usu­al­ly have a very har­mo­nious, yet strong­ly sex­u­al rela­tion­ship. Even though many cuck­ol­dress­es keep their cuck chaste, it does not mean that he remains sex­u­al­ly inac­tive. Quite the opposite!

Cuckoldress gets orgasm from BBC
Cuck­ol­dress gets orgasm from BBC

A basic law is that almost all cuck­olds can fuck their queen only with her per­mis­sion. Mas­tur­bat­ing to orgasm on their own for­bids and pun­ish­es almost every hotwife. She is extreme­ly care­ful to divide the cuck of his orgasms.

Hotwifes like to trig­ger their cuck. To tease and tor­ment him, she likes to dress provoca­tive­ly, for exam­ple in skin-tight wet­look leg­gings, sexy lin­gerie, high heels and a skimpy top or a thin blouse and a micro-mini and over-the-knee boots.

She likes to let him lick and wash off her used sex toys. Often she puts her worn panties on his pillow.

Very often the Cucky has to sat­is­fy her with his mouth, fin­gers, a dil­do or vibra­tor. Espe­cial­ly on vaca­tion and week­ends, he has to lick her per­ma­nent­ly wet pussy clean sev­er­al times a day and bring her to orgasm.

As already men­tioned, most hotwifes like to watch porn. They love to be licked, played with, and sex­u­al­ly sat­is­fied by their cuck. If the hotwife is sat­is­fied with her cuck­old, he may some­times even fuck her as a reward. Due to the long sex depri­va­tion, he is then extreme­ly horny and fucks her extreme­ly hard — just the way she wants it. A cuck­ol­dress metic­u­lous­ly makes sure that he always licks squirt, pussy juice, and cum thor­ough­ly clean.

Hotwifes often give their cuck a prostate mas­sage. How­ev­er, she is very care­ful that he does not come to orgasm. She loves to ruin it for him sev­er­al times in a row, works his butt with anal toys, var­i­ous dil­dos, and likes to fuck him with a strap-on. She very strict­ly insists that he recy­cles his love juice himself.


Conclusion: Hotwifes Call the Shots With Bull and Cuckold

In cuck­old mar­riages, the wife wears the pants with respect to both the hus­band and the lover, or bull. She deter­mines who she fucks, when she fucks, and where these events for for­eign insem­i­na­tion take place.

Hotwifes live out a dou­ble role: She is the Bul­l’s sub­mis­sive sex slut on the one hand and the Cuck­old’s dom­i­nant mis­tress on the oth­er. Her strong libido (lust) helps her muster the nec­es­sary sex­u­al ener­gy to sat­is­fy the needs and inter­ests of both parties.

The tasks of the hotwife are very diverse. Most Hotwifes are very play­ful and have a very vivid sex­u­al imag­i­na­tion. They like to mas­tur­bate and own numer­ous sex toys. Fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing with their hus­bands and porn watch­ing help them to con­stant­ly devel­op and evolve sexually.

For every cuck­ol­dress it is impor­tant to train the cuck to swal­low sperm, because he is respon­si­ble for the creampie clean lick­ing (even with a for­eign insem­i­na­tion) with­out exception.

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