Hotwifes Have Duties Too!

If you browse through cuck­old blogs and forums, you get the feel­ing that only cuck­olds have duties and oblig­a­tions. You can find there the most mer­ci­less advice and hard­est tips how to sub­ju­gate, sub­ju­gate and re-edu­cate the hus­band even hard­er to a “sis­sy” (cock-wife).

We would like to clear up this cliché! Because espe­cial­ly wife­shar­ing and cuck­old begin­ners don’t have it easy to find their way through the many half-truths, unre­al­is­tic fan­tasies of var­i­ous key­board-eroti­cist and sheer immod­er­ate exaggerations.

In almost every cuck­old mar­riage, there is a com­plete­ly nor­mal work and fam­i­ly rou­tine. Not all hotwifes are per­ma­nent­ly sex-crazed sluts who have noth­ing else in mind the whole day than to try out all sex­u­al pos­si­bil­i­ties and to sup­press their hus­bands. In real­i­ty, most cou­ples are just look­ing for that “cer­tain some­thing” to add some spice to their sexuality.

Play­ful tasks and duties can def­i­nite­ly sup­port women and men in their sex­u­al devel­op­ment and can be very aphro­disi­ac and moti­vat­ing due to a pos­i­tive pres­sure. In this guide, we would like to enlight­en you about the roles that the cuck­ol­dress has to play.

Also inter­est­ing: The tasks of the cuckold

Dominant Hotwife and Submissive Mare: How Does This Contradiction Work

In a cuck­old rela­tion­ship, there is a pow­er imbal­ance from top to bot­tom. At the top is the Bull, who wants to “edu­cate” the Hotwife. On the sec­ond lev­el is the Hotwife, who in turn edu­cates the Cuck­old, and on the low­est lev­el is the Cuc­ki, who is sub­ject to both the Bull and his Hotwife.

Thus, the Hotwife takes on a dual role:

  1. Sub­mis­sive role: The cuck­ol­dress has var­i­ous oblig­a­tions to the Bull and must ful­fill them in order not to be pun­ished herself.
  2. Dom­i­nate role: She must impose rules on the Cuck­old and demand, con­trol and if nec­es­sary sanc­tion (pun­ish) compliance.

This dou­ble role requires not only a lot of time, but also a much high­er libido than 0815- nor­mal women. Hotwifes in a cuck­old mar­riage / cuck­old rela­tion­ship are usu­al­ly not only con­sid­er­ably more imag­i­na­tive, but also more open, play­ful. They are also sub­ject to a per­ma­nent sex­u­al devel­op­ment process.


Tasks of a Hotwife:

But what are the duties of the hotwife now? In the fol­low­ing text, we have list­ed some duties. If we have for­got­ten some­thing, you are wel­come to write us a mes­sage via the com­ment function.

There are three rea­sons why hotwifes get duties:

  • Prepa­ra­tion for for­eign insem­i­na­tion by an Alpha Bull
  • Re-edu­ca­tion of the “good” wife into a Hotwife or even Slutwife 
  • Prepa­ra­tion for group sex with sev­er­al men or for a gangbang

The rea­sons sound quite sim­ple at first glance — but involve an incred­i­ble num­ber of things that have to be planned, clar­i­fied, learned, prac­ticed, and per­ma­nent­ly trained.

1. Bull and Lover Search

If a man wants to share his wife or girl­friend with strangers, a suit­able or even sev­er­al sex­u­al part­ners have to be found.

Prob­a­bly the most impor­tant task of every Cuck­ol­dress is there­fore the search for suit­able men. Even if there is already an Alpha Bull or sev­er­al lovers, she should always be on the look­out for oth­er potent Bulls who match her booty pattern 

The Inter­net is the best source to find a Bull because here the incli­na­tions and the opti­cal para­me­ters have already been marked out:

2. Duty to Educate

More than just pleasure satisfaction: Learning from porn.
More than just plea­sure sat­is­fac­tion: Learn­ing from porn.

For clas­sic women, sex with mul­ti­ple men is a com­plete no-go. A real cuck­ol­dress gets immense­ly excit­ed by the thought of being fucked hard and copi­ous­ly insem­i­nat­ed by a dom­i­nant alpha bull or even mul­ti­ple lovers dur­ing a gangbang.

A hotwife should pre­pare her­self for group sex and gang­bangs and learn how these events go by means of porn. Dur­ing fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing she can already rough­ly esti­mate how many men she wants and what they will do to the woman. This kind of “con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion” is enor­mous­ly helpful.

In addi­tion, a cuck­ol­dress should also exchange ideas with like-mind­ed peo­ple in a wife­shar­ing blog, cuck­old guide or Fem­Dom blog. On Red­dit or Bdsmlr we have had good expe­ri­ence with cuck­old videos, pho­tos and cap­tions (image mon­tages with texts). In the past, Tum­blr also had very good hotwife, cuck­old and wife­shar­ing blogs. Twit­ter and Share­some also pro­vide great mate­r­i­al to get educated.

3. Pussy Stretching With Dildos, Vegetables and Fists

Since most bulls have at least a 17 cm penis, so every hotwife should also per­ma­nent­ly stretch her pussy. Thick dil­dos come in impres­sive shapes. The mon­ster dil­dos in black and brown and pump-up dil­dos are popular.

Hotwifetraining with eggplant and clamps
Hotwife­train­ing with egg­plant and clamps

But also veg­eta­bles like corn, cucum­ber, zuc­chi­ni and egg­plant, sev­er­al table can­dles, a whisk or a very thick can­dle are great for pussy training.

Thick objects trig­ger vio­lent feel­ings of plea­sure in stretched pussies (stretched cunts), giv­ing extreme orgasms, often accom­pa­nied by squirt­ing.

Many women even love vagi­na fist­ing after a few years and get one orgasm after anoth­er, accom­pa­nied with squirting.

4. Self-Education to Become a Sperm Sucker

A real hotwife MUST learn to swal­low sperm. Like­wise her cuck!
In many porn movies, you can see very vivid­ly that “fuck­ing” and “sperm” is now an insep­a­ra­ble sym­bio­sis. The goal of each
sex meet­ing is the sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion and insem­i­na­tion of the woman.

Sub­se­quent, plea­sur­able-saucy sperm games are high in the course. Paper tow­els and “run­ning to the bath­room”, as known to vanil­la sex women, are not tol­er­at­ed by Bulls and Lovers.

When hav­ing sex with many strange men at a gang­bang, the woman inevitably comes into con­tact with a lot of cum. Even if the cuck is respon­si­ble for the clean lick­ing, he can’t react fast enough when the hotwife’s face or mouth gets insem­i­nat­ed. Most fuck­ers insist dur­ing group sex that the hotwife licks the cock clean after cuming.

How­ev­er, lik­ing cum is a longer learn­ing process that every cuck­ol­dress should com­pul­so­ri­ly go through togeth­er with her cuck­old before giv­ing her­self to strange men. Some cuck­old cou­ples prac­tice sperm games in a glo­ry­hole of var­i­ous porn cin­e­mas or swingers clubs. Exper­i­ment­ing with cuck­old sperm is essential.

5. Mental Submission of the Hotwife

The bull expects a sub­mis­sive hotwife. There­fore, the woman should accept that she will be abused as a clean­ing slave, fuck slave, horny cum cunt, fuck bitch, afro bride, mar­ried sow or even fuck cattle.

The mas­ter and slave — fan­ta­sy is also so strong­ly pro­nounced in hotwif­ing, as the fan­ta­sy with black men. Accord­ing to the mot­to “Black cocks mat­ter” many women wish to be sub­ject­ed by Big Black Cocks (BBC).

Even more dom­i­nant women have to come to terms with the idea of play­ing a sub­or­di­nate / sub­servient role to and serv­ing an Alpha Bull and oth­er Bulls / Lovers.

Cuckold Sessions

6. Self-Education to Become a Cuckold Dominatrix

As con­tro­ver­sial as it sounds to point 5.… In return to the sub­mis­sive role towards the Bulls, she has to devel­op a dom­i­nant role with your Cuckold.

Very impor­tant is the chasti­ty in the mar­riage. The Cuc­ki is only allowed to cum to orgasm with the per­mis­sion of his wife.

7. Self-Education to Whore (Slut)

The Alpha Bull expects a cer­tain slut­ty behav­ior when hotwif­ing. It is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed to think up joint exer­cis­es and train­ings with the cuckold.

She should expand her sex­u­al hori­zons & fan­tasies with porn, erot­ic sto­ries and audio book.

Dil­do train­ing with var­i­ous dil­dos and learn­ing to fist should be on the train­ing plan, as well as “lick­ing dil­dos clean” and “lick­ing pussy juice from finger”.

8. Bdsm Training Together With the Cuckold / Husband

A hotwife also can’t avoid dom­i­nant sex toys with pain, bondage and sub­mis­sion. The fol­low­ing prac­tices are called Female BDSM Training:

  • BDSM on nipples
  • Labia stretch­ing
  • Clit tor­ture
  • Labia tor­ture with labia clamps as well as clamps with weights
  • Pussy suck­ing and cli­toris sucking
  • Nip­ple suckers,
  • Nip­ple clamps
  • Wax
  • Pad­dle, whip or ruler
  • Breast bondage
  • Pun­ish­ment bondage

In a cuck­old mar­riage, such games could be played as “Hotwife Chal­lenge” or “Cuck­old Challenge”.

9. Organize a Private Cuckold Party

Although you can have a lot of fun in a cuck­old three­some, the main goal in cuck­old­ing / hotwif­ing one day is the gang­bang. 😉 So, it is not sur­pris­ing that the “Pri­vate Wife Shar­ing”, as the pri­vate wife swap in a domes­tic envi­ron­ment, is one of the biggest desires and fan­tasies in the cuck­old marriage.

In order to orga­nize their own pri­vate sex par­ty, the cou­ple must first find real cuck­old fuck con­tacts and a suit­able venue. And this turns out to be more dif­fi­cult than expect­ed in practice.

With the abbre­vi­a­tion “AO” is meant “all with­out” or “all with­out”. So all men fuck the woman with­out a con­dom (with proof of health) and inject them­selves into the insem­i­nat­ed sperm pussy, which is also called mud slid­ing. What sounds com­plete­ly dis­gust­ing to Nor­mols and is an absolute no-go, is par­adise on earth for many Wife­shar­ing cou­ples, HÜ- swingers and lovers.

The behav­ior at a cuck­old par­ty is con­sid­er­ably more uncon­ven­tion­al, cheer­ful and relaxed com­pared to the orga­nized gang­bang par­ty or swinger club men’s sur­plus par­ty at “pri­vate wife shar­ing”. At pri­vate sex par­ties, the sperm pussy lick­ing clean by the cuck­old is almost always part of it.

AO con­tacts can also be found in Cuck­old and Wife­shar­ing dis­cus­sion forums or in Cuck­old con­tact exchange websites.

10. Cuckold Games Think Out

A Cuck­ol­dress should also come up with var­i­ous Cuck­old games and chal­lenges. The mar­i­tal slave must com­plete these to the best of his ability.

The hotwife should give the cuck­old dai­ly tasks or week­ly tasks in writ­ing. They range from edg­ing, to prostate train­ing, anal train­ing with dil­dos, penis pump­ing, col­lect­ing porn videos / sex pic­tures, prepar­ing sperm ice cubes, cook­ing / bak­ing with sperm, to learn­ing to swal­low sperm / autofellatio.

If he does not ful­fill the tasks or not com­plete­ly, she can sanc­tion him with BDSM pun­ish­ments or spank­ing (blows on the butt).


Conclusion: A Hotwife Has a Lot of Tasks to Do

In a cuck­old mar­riage, it’s usu­al­ly not the case that the wife leaves her hus­band “to the left” and only fucks oth­er peo­ple’s bulls. This type of rela­tion­ship goes very deep emo­tion­al­ly and is based on strong trust, gen­uine love and mutu­al sex­u­al goading.

Accord­ing­ly, the Cuck­ol­dress must take care of her­self, her Bull, and her Cuck­old. Togeth­er we look for­ward to the sex meet­ings, or sex par­ties, trained togeth­er, fan­ta­sized, and played.

Thick dil­dos, strong vibra­tors, pump-up dil­dos are just as pop­u­lar as BDSM toys, strap-ons (strap-on dil­do), nip­ple toys, and prostate toys. A hotwife offers her­self on sex sites and with porn and enlarges her sex­u­al hori­zon com­plete­ly unconsciously.

The linch­pin is the mess­ing around with sperm and creampie. Because sperm games, sperm kiss­es, snow­balling and prac­tic­ing swal­low­ing sperm togeth­er also serve the pur­pose that both part­ners have no more inhi­bi­tions dur­ing real sex with strangers.

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