Learn to “Like” Sperm as a Cuckoldress

Whether to spit or swal­low semen is a high­ly emo­tion­al con­tro­ver­sy among women. For most vanil­la-sex women, sperm above the breasts is a no-go zone.

There is a rea­son for this: sperm has its own, very typ­i­cal taste and also takes a lot of get­ting used to in terms of con­sis­ten­cy. It varies great­ly from man to man, and also depends on his eat­ing and liv­ing habits. Due to var­i­ous remarks of their part­ner, very many women feel strong­ly pres­sured, which makes them all the more defensive.

In the wife­shar­ing and cuck­old area, on the oth­er hand, it seems as if the hotwifes have sucked in the sperm enthu­si­asm with their moth­er’s milk, so to speak. But this is not the case. Almost every hotwife had to learn “swal­low­ing sperm” first and prac­tice and train over a longer process.

In this guide, we will give you tips on how a hotwife can learn to swal­low cum in 10 steps and over­come the men­tal bar­ri­er of cum. Please leave your expe­ri­ences and opin­ions as comments.

Why Do Many Women Dislike Cum?

Before we get into the strat­e­gy for learn­ing to swal­low, let’s first clar­i­fy why so many women dis­like cum in their mouths and faces.

Most often, one or more key neg­a­tive expe­ri­ences in ado­les­cence are the rea­son for a life­long aversion:

  • She was ejac­u­lat­ed into her mouth with­out first ask­ing for consent.
  • dis­gust­ed by sperm taste
  • She was ejac­u­lat­ed in the mouth with­out warning.
  • dis­gust­ed by consistency
  • dis­gust­ed by smell
  • been over­whelmed with too much sperm
  • forced to swal­low (head held down)
  • Got sperm in the nose
  • Get­ting sperm in the eyes
  • Got sperm splashed down throat and had to gag.

For­tu­nate­ly, it is pos­si­ble to vir­tu­al­ly “over­write” the neg­a­tive expe­ri­ences with pos­i­tive expe­ri­ences. How­ev­er, it takes a few months of patience, exper­i­men­ta­tion, a dri­ve of one’s own, and small changes in habits.

Slutwife Trainig
Slut wife train­ing: The expe­ri­enced hotwife coach Dirty D. teach­es nor­mal women cum swal­low­ing, wife­shar­ing, and cuckolding.

How Can a Hotwife Learn to Swallow?

Many aspir­ing hotwifes won­der if and how they can some­how learn sperm swal­low­ing through tricks and over­come reluc­tance. In con­trast to vanil­la sex women, the hotwife has a huge advan­tage: the cuck­old is respon­si­ble for the sperm clean lick­ing, not the woman anymore. 😉 

So now the woman can learn the sperm con­tact with her hus­band / life part­ner togeth­er, prac­tice togeth­er, and con­di­tion with­out pres­sure. The woman is not (any­more) on her own and is over­whelmed with sperm quan­ti­ty, taste, and consistency.

Go through the fol­low­ing ten steps, and you will find cum one day real­ly horny. As with var­i­ous foods, cof­fee, chick­en eggs, and alco­hol, you can get used to the taste by repeat­ing it sev­er­al times until it becomes the norm.

Why Sperm Is Somehow Fully Horny

Hand on heart: hard­ly any­one has ever called sperm a del­i­ca­cy. The pecu­liar smell and con­sis­ten­cy has the vast major­i­ty of women no doubt rather neg­a­tive­ly sur­prised and some­times even led to gag reflex.

Curi­ous­ly, hotwifes, bulls, and cuck­olds find the sub­ject of “sperm” incred­i­bly sex­u­al­ly stim­u­lat­ing. If you ask these peo­ple what they like so horny about cum, you usu­al­ly get these answers:

  • The thought of hav­ing a lot of oth­er peo­ple’s cum on or in them excites hotwifes very strongly.
  • There is some­thing for­bid­den / total­ly kinky about it.
  • Mak­ing the penis cum looks horny when it twitch­es and squirts in sev­er­al spurts.
  • Once the woman has got­ten used to the smell of sperm, she finds it horny and arousing.
  • Juic­ing the man has a strong emo­tion­al appeal for the woman.
  • Rub­bing the skin is extreme­ly arous­ing and feels horny.
  • When cum runs down from the chin, it looks very for­bid­den and extreme­ly hot.
  • Snow­balling and cum kiss­ing are very horny and con­nect part­ners emo­tion­al­ly close.
  • Exten­sive sperm games between cuck­old and hotwife are described by all par­tic­i­pants as extreme­ly excit­ing and are a high­light at a sex party.
  • Sperm looks very horny on black sur­faces (sperm plate).
  • It is won­der­ful­ly slippery.
  • A creampie smells, espe­cial­ly in com­bi­na­tion with pussy juice, a few hours after insem­i­na­tion absolute­ly mega cool.

10 Milestones to Like Sperm as a Hotwife

1. Take Out the Emotional Pressure

The most impor­tant point for hotwifes is — know­ing that she does­n’t “real­ly” need to swal­low at all. In fact, sperm swal­low­ing and sperm recy­cling are com­pul­so­ry tasks for the cuckold! 

So, you can relax com­plete­ly. Any­time soon, you have the right to spit the com­plete cum into your man’s mouth, if it seems too much for you. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can also let the sperm run down from the mouth horny on your breasts. Of course, your cuck­old licks the sexy mess then decent­ly clean.

Since the pres­sure is com­plete­ly gone, you are com­plete­ly open to this top­ic. You will quick­ly notice that the top­ic of sperm is no longer dis­gust­ing, but some­how horny. Swal­low­ing sperm belongs as a cuck­old cou­ple one day to the suc­cess­ful sex sim­ply. Be patient and just look for­ward to it.


2. Ban Paper Tissues From the Bedroom

As banal as it sounds, a small change is effec­tive: order small black guest tow­els from Ama­zon and exchange them for the pack of paper tis­sues or the paper tis­sue box.

From now on, sperm will no longer be dis­posed of in the paper tow­el or “run­ning to the bath­room in a pan­ic”, but will always be rubbed on your bel­ly, pubic mound, nip­ples, and breasts.

Just put the tow­el under your butt to spare the sheet and let the creampie run out relaxed. You will quick­ly find the horny love scent under the cov­ers very horny. It’s a lit­tle unusu­al at first, but it quick­ly becomes routine.

3. Give Sperm a Pleasant Name

The word “sperm” is a very harsh word that is asso­ci­at­ed with a lot of neg­a­tive emo­tions. A very sim­ple trick is to sim­ply use oth­er words.

It is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed that you just call it “horny cum” or “love juice”. You can lov­ing­ly call your creampie “love cock­tail”. These terms will not only be eas­i­er for you to say, but will also strength­en the accep­tance of your love liq­uid enormously.

4. Watch Porn More Often

In order to con­di­tion your brain for cum, watch­ing porn is an incred­i­bly effec­tive way to lose your shy­ness for cum very quick­ly. In par­tic­u­lar, very cum-heavy scenes with creamp­ies and facials will help you not even have to think about whether you should find cum good or bad. Because you just find it “horny”.

Espe­cial­ly a lot of sperm can be seen dur­ing gang­bangs. Since you as a woman can iden­ti­fy your­self with the role of the porn actress, this movie genre is extreme­ly effi­cient. Be sure to check out cuck­old cleanup porn, where the cuck­old has to lick the cum pussy thor­ough­ly clean.

Very good porn sites for your research are xhamster.com (our xHam­ster review), pornhub.com (or Porn­Hub review), and youporn.com (our YouPorn review). In the begin­ning, watch porn with­out your part­ner and masturbate.

5. Involve Your Partner and Ask For Help

In step 5, we now come to a very clever and also extreme­ly impor­tant trick: From now on, active­ly involve your part­ner in your project. As a future cuck­old, he too must grad­u­al­ly over­come the sperm inhi­bi­tion threshold.

Men­tion dur­ing an innocu­ous walk whether your sweet­heart would like to sup­port you in your project “to learn to swal­low sperm”. Explain to him that you as a future hotwife, “have to learn that” and that you would like to prac­tice it together.

He will be euphor­i­cal­ly enthu­si­as­tic and promise you every­thing you want. 😉 Pro­ceed strate­gi­cal­ly and with a cool head in a sala­mi tac­tic. Keep YOU in con­trol of the sit­u­a­tion and estab­lish three sim­ple rules first:

  1. A new rule should be that to improve sperm taste, he now eats fresh pineap­ple sev­er­al times a week and drinks pineap­ple juice (direct juice, no concentrate!).
  2. From now on, he must fin­ger-out the creampie and rub it on, pussy, pubic bone and thighs. After a body insem­i­na­tion, he must rub the sperm on the body. You both force each oth­er to lick your fin­gers clean afterwards.
  3. Also, he should vol­un­tar­i­ly give up secret mas­tur­ba­tion and from now on, always mas­tur­bate togeth­er with you and watch porn together.

6. Gradual Insemination From the Pussy up to the Face

It is a mis­take to think that you need to have your mouth or face insem­i­nat­ed in order to learn sperm swal­low­ing. It is impor­tant that you first learn to enjoy cum on your body. Shift the focus of your insem­i­na­tion goal to your pussy, and then slow­ly move up!

Start “down” and ask your hus­band to cum only on your pussy rather than in it. You can both watch the horny cumshots. Lubri­cates togeth­er always with the sperm on the pussy around. A few weeks lat­er, you let him ejac­u­late only on the bel­ly. Again, a few weeks lat­er, he may only squirt on the breasts. It is impor­tant that your future cuck­old always rubs every­thing thor­ough­ly and licks his fin­gers clean more and more often.

The horny feel­ing on the skin, in com­bi­na­tion with the feel­ing of pow­er, that your Cuc­ki now always licks his fin­gers clean, will trig­ger a plea­sure kick in you with every body insem­i­na­tion, which will melt away any dis­gust for sperm.

When the sperm is on your breasts, this is the pre­cur­sor to facial insem­i­na­tion. You will get used to the smell of sperm and will learn to accept and love it (in con­junc­tion with your high­ly arous­ing, erot­ic experiences).

7. Goal: Husband Must Lick His Own Cum Clean

At mile­stone 7, things get inter­est­ing! Once your husband/boyfriend has safe­ly mas­tered the first sperm con­tacts, you should edu­cate him to lick his sperm clean. He will not be very enthu­si­as­tic at first. With­out telling him about your inten­tion at first, you should start send­ing appro­pri­ate signals.

Press his head between your legs after the pussy insem­i­na­tion. Tell him that you are about to orgasm and that he should lick you again. If that worked, force him relent­less­ly over and over again to lick you to orgasm once more. If he refus­es, increase the pres­sure by telling him that he can only have sex with you if he licks every­thing clean again.

Giv­ing him the respon­si­bil­i­ty for swal­low­ing and sperm con­tact has two huge advan­tages: You can con­tin­ue to relax emo­tion­al­ly, and it will excite you to no end when creampie lick­ing clean by the cuck­old becomes a stan­dard part of your sex one day.


8. The “Correct” Facial Insemination

Anoth­er big mis­take is when facial insem­i­na­tion is done with the woman in the supine posi­tion on the bed. Sperm inevitably runs into the eyes, and the woman can­not pull her head away! It already helps to change the posi­tion of the head and the angle of the penis so that noth­ing runs into the eyes.

The best way for the cuck­old to squirt the facial is when the hotwife kneels on the floor or squats on the bed. It also works lat­er when the upper body is ele­vat­ed on a pil­low to 45 to 90 degrees.

The penis must be above the wom­an’s head. It is best if the hotwife does the facial insem­i­na­tion her­self by jerk­ing the cock to orgasm and tilt­ing her head back. The tip of the glans should be about 30 cm from the head, aim­ing at the forehead.

The first three strong spurts of semen should splash on the fore­head, the oth­ers on the cheeks, nose, and only the last pul­sa­tions in the mouth. If you don’t like the sperm, just spit it out and let it run down your chin. The cuck­old will take care of the rest.

Now that there are no more nasty sur­pris­es in the facial, you can com­plete­ly relax in this area in the future.

9. Insemination of Cookies, Pizza, and Ice Cream (Cumfood)

It is very easy to learn to swal­low sperm when it is com­bined with some­thing tasty. We rec­om­mend dark cook­ies (OREO cook­ies!) and dark pot pie, dark choco­late muffins, as well as a 500 ml ice cream pack­age and pizza.

You can taste almost noth­ing of the fuck cream, but it pro­vides a tremen­dous kick in your head and gets you very far on the sub­ject of sperm!

Next time, buy some­thing pleas­ant that you want to insem­i­nate togeth­er and prac­tice swal­low­ing sperm togeth­er regularly.

10. Practice, Practice and Practice Again Together

By the time you reach Mile­stone 10, you’ve learned the tools of the trade. It is now time for you to prac­tice cum swal­low­ing togeth­er sev­er­al times a week. When you fuck each oth­er, the cuck­old will have to lick his cum clean every time for the next few years. The hotwife should always demand it and be strict if he is not thor­ough enough.

It will not take long, then your sex will end com­plete­ly nat­u­ral­ly with horny sperm kiss­es, snow­balling, and sperm games. This not only welds you clos­er togeth­er as a cou­ple but trains you both for your future cuck­old gang­bang.

It is very impor­tant that you talk to each oth­er. The man can also give blowjob instruc­tions: faster, soft­er, more suck­ing — This will help you both find the right rhythm and build con­fi­dence. There should ALWAYS be a fair warn­ing to give before he reach­es his climax.

Really Only Swallow When You Really Feel Like It!

If either of you find it partout total­ly dis­gust­ing to swal­low sperm, then don’t do it! Com­pul­sion and reluc­tance are the worst way to a respect­ful part­ner­ship. If you still want to approach slow­ly, a care­ful lick­ing or smelling can be a first step in that direction.

There is an opti­mal trick to get around an aver­sion to cum in the mouth: Some­times a glass of water or top­ping up on the bed­side table is enough to over­come the hur­dle. Suck­ing a fruity can­dy or lol­lipop after the blowjob is also very helpful.

Creampie Cathy

Conclusion: Every Hotwife Can Learn to Swallow

Oral intake of cum from cuck­old, alpha bull, and lover is one of the duties of a good hotwife. Who­ev­er wants to become a Hotwife will have to accept, learn and train this for “good or long”. Espe­cial­ly when an Alpha Bull or mul­ti­ple lovers come into play, there will be no ask­ing if she likes cum — It is sim­ply assumed.

If a woman real­ly wants to learn to over­come the men­tal bar­ri­er against sperm, then it helps to remem­ber that she is hand­ing over the scepter to the cuck­old. HE must first learn to swal­low his own sperm. If you do your jour­ney of dis­cov­ery togeth­er and the cuck­ol­dress real­ly wants it, it is pos­si­ble that she will enjoy sperm on her body and face in just a few months. Sub­se­quent­ly, even in her mouth.

It is impor­tant to note that cer­tain foods affect the taste of semen. While it won’t turn into a choco­late fla­vor, if the cuck­old eats a lot of pineap­ple and fruit, his semen will actu­al­ly taste sweet and con­sid­er­ably more pleasant.

The impor­tant thing is to prac­tice, prac­tice, prac­tice. Even­tu­al­ly, you just get used to it and keep on dar­ing. For­eign semen will then not be a prob­lem for both of you.

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