Learning to Swallow Your Own Sperm With Your Wife

A lot of cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers take it upon them­selves to swal­low their own sperm and always fail mis­er­ably at the project as soon as they have cum.

In this lit­tle roadmap, we’ll give you prac­ti­cal tips on how to turn a well-behaved hus­band into a cum-crav­ing cuck­old. The guide refers to men who live in a com­mit­ted cou­ple relationship.

We are inter­est­ed in your opin­ions, expe­ri­ences, and com­ments. How did you man­age to learn how to swal­low your sperm? Why did you want to learn? What tech­nique would you rec­om­mend? Please leave us a comment.

Step 1: Train Your Brain Alone

First of all, you should not talk about the fan­ta­sy with your part­ner yet. They are usu­al­ly shocked and a tac­ti­cal approach is rec­om­mend­ed. You have to prac­tice alone first!

  1. Watch as many gang­bang, facial and creampie porn with plen­ty of sperm and for­bid your­self to cum for 30–60 min­utes (Set smart­phone timer!). At some point, a drop of desire will run out of your cock sev­er­al times. From now on, you must always
    pick it up with your index fin­ger and lick it. This will hap­pen auto­mat­i­cal­ly at some point in the future anyway. ^^
  2. After the cum in your part­ner, you train from now on to kiss the inner thighs, mons vener­is and out­er labia. You feel your way to the top­ic togeth­er. Most women like this.
  3. Now squirt on her bel­ly, mons pubis or breasts. Caress your wife in these areas with­out sperm contact.
  4. One day you should start to lick the labia clean a lit­tle bit more and more often after the full squirt­ing of the pussy. From expe­ri­ence, women are often baf­fled, but it turns them on extreme­ly.
  5. Cre­ate a pic­ture col­lec­tion with the hottest creampie and creampie cleanup pho­tos you can find on the Inter­net. Sort the pictures.

When you are SELF ready, start “Stage 2″.


Step 2: Practice Licking Your Partner’s Creampie Clean on a Regular Basis

If you are mar­ried or in a com­mit­ted cou­ple rela­tion­ship, learn­ing to swal­low sperm togeth­er is much eas­i­er than if you are alone.

A real gentleman always licks the pussy clean after the pussy insemination!
A real gen­tle­man always licks the pussy clean after the pussy insem­i­na­tion! A Kleenex tis­sue box has noth­ing more to lose in your bedroom!

Now ask your part­ner to relent­less­ly push your head between her legs after every fuck, if you don’t feel like lick­ing the horny sperm pussy clean any­more. Or that she reminds you with a seri­ous tone: “You for­got something”.

She may be shocked / inse­cure regard­ing your request, but will do it after 2–4 times very glad­ly!

This “gen­tle coer­cion” leads to a mas­sive learn­ing effect for you. After a few rep­e­ti­tions, it will even­tu­al­ly become a nor­mal part of sex that you always lick the sperm pussy nice and clean after fucking.

It is not the ques­tion whether you learn to swal­low sperm, but WHEN you FINALLY learn to swal­low sperm. Make it clear in your sub­con­scious that lick­ing creampie clean is your des­tiny any­way! So: Stop mak­ing a prob­lem out of it!

Step 3: Clean Inseminated Breasts and Belly

Inevitably, it will hap­pen that you squirt your part­ner times on the tits / bel­ly / in the face.

Cum on tits cleanup: Inseminated breasts are perfect for learning to swallow sperm!
Cum on tits cleanup: Insem­i­nat­ed breasts are per­fect for learn­ing to swal­low sperm!

Again, ask your part­ner to REALLY show no mer­cy. Make sure you give her the feel­ing that you real­ly mean it and that you need her help!

If you have “for­got­ten” your cum cleanup, she should point with her index fin­ger to the sperm mess­es and for exam­ple with the say­ing: “Here is still some­thing!” strict­ly empha­size thor­ough­ness. Alter­na­tive­ly, she can press your head word­less­ly to the insem­i­nat­ed area.

If you have squirt­ed a very large amount of sperm, but it can be dis­trib­uted with a lit­tle “cheat­ing” on the skin, so that the cum quick­ly liq­ue­fies. So you are not imme­di­ate­ly over­whelmed with the clean lick.

This pro­ce­dure with the sperm clean lick will be sur­pris­ing­ly quick­ly built into your every­day sex life and no longer both­er you. This kind of “exer­cise of pow­er” pleas­es incred­i­bly many women.

When you are no longer afraid of sperm con­tact, it’s time for “Stage 4″.

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Stage 4: Licking Complete Creampie Out of Your Pussy

Ask your part­ner to squat over your face with the filled sperm pussy IMMEDIATELY after you’ve insem­i­nat­ed her. Word­less­ly, this will force you in the future to lick out the com­plete creampie / cum cock­tail from the pussy.

It costs at first over­com­ing to have such abun­dant amounts of sperm in the mouth. But even here very quick­ly out­weighs the fun for the woman! Despite pussy fart­ing and stam­mer­ing from you, she will demand this per­vert­ed after­play from you unex­pect­ed­ly more often in the future! Not infre­quent­ly, the excit­ed ladies fin­ger them­selves again to orgasm and force you to lick their fin­gers clean!

Also here: You will also do this at some point with­out resis­tance and very glad­ly, which will give your part­ner a kick. Just stay on the ball.

Self ruined orgasm and creampie cleanup

From Now On, Practice Swallowing Sperm Regularly With Your Partner!

Drinking sperm from a champagne glass
Drink­ing sperm from a cham­pagne glass

To what extent your wife will coop­er­ate with sperm kiss­es after lick­ing clean, you have to sound out very care­ful­ly and grad­u­al­ly from time to time.

Be rather too care­ful, than too hasty!!! Expe­ri­ence shows that at some point all women find this mess just mer­ci­less­ly horny!

If you have done every­thing right, your part­ner will inde­pen­dent­ly come up with horny ideas for insem­i­na­tion and de-insemination.

Even if your part­ner had no par­tic­u­lar affin­i­ty for sperm, any man can man­age to inspire her for this mer­ci­less­ly horny and dirty sex­u­al game.

The impor­tant thing is that you no longer lose sight of this top­ic. Train your­self and let your wife guide you.


Conclusion: Licking Sperm Out of Pussy (Creampie Cleanup) And Swallowing Can Be Learned!

“Swal­low­ing your own sperm” rep­re­sents a strong over­com­ing for almost all men! Most of the time, the idea of lick­ing up his own cum dis­ap­pears imme­di­ate­ly with orgasm.

It is a learn­ing process that can take months or even years! But with gen­tle pres­sure from your wife, you will quick­ly learn that “lick­ing pussy clean” is your new job.

Give your­self time and try creampie eat­ing again and again. Train your brain con­stant­ly with creampie and cuck­old porn. You can prac­tice your pre­cum (pre-sperm) swal­low­ing reg­u­lar­ly with orgasm con­trol and orgasm ruin­ing.

Even­tu­al­ly you’ll get it and you won’t be shy about your horny cum any­more. Promise!

Other Sources:

Cum swap­ping couples

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