Test Report: PornHub — The PornTube Pioneer from Canada

After the first web­sites could be offi­cial­ly accessed in the ear­ly nineties, numer­ous porn sites already appeared among them. At these ear­ly times, it was ini­tial­ly only pho­tos. At best, users could view short clips of 1 or 2 min­utes in length 

Par­al­lel to the online world, porn DVDs replaced the bulky video cas­settes and led to an unimag­in­able world­wide demand for sex movies. Porn was still pre­dom­i­nant­ly the pre­serve of men at this time.

Due to the rapid devel­op­ment of com­put­er tech­nol­o­gy, the mar­ket shift­ed more and more towards PCs and note­books. This process was accel­er­at­ed by the spread of DSL flat rates from the year 2000 onwards, and more and more porn labels shift­ed their core busi­ness towards the Internet.

PornHub was one of the first porn tube portals

Fol­low­ing the con­cept of Youtube, the first Porn­Tube web­sites emerged with porn videos that could be accessed for free. PornHub.com was one of the first por­tals of this kind. Here, porn users were ini­tial­ly to be “fed” and direct­ed to the porn sites. At that time, no one could have imag­ined that the tube por­tals would have such an impact.

Due to the con­tin­u­ous expan­sion of the broad­band Inter­net, the num­ber of porno­graph­ic web­sites and tube por­tals vir­tu­al­ly explod­ed. The web­site pornhub.com played a major role in this development.

In this review we would like to intro­duce Porn­hub to you in more detail. Besides inter­est­ing back­ground facts, we will explain the site struc­ture to you. From the point of view of cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers we eval­u­ate the con­tent as well as advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of the porn site.

Feel free to tell us your own opin­ion about the sex por­tal. What do you like about Porn­Hub and what do you dis­like? Which porn por­tals do you find better?

Facts and figures about Pornhub.com

The Porn­hub web­site has been online since 2007. It is oper­at­ed by the Cana­di­an com­pa­ny Mindgeek, based in Montreal 

Fol­low­ing the con­cept of YouTube, ama­teurs, porn mod­els and porn com­pa­nies are giv­en the oppor­tu­ni­ty to upload videos with rel­a­tive­ly sim­ple means 

Per day, the web­site record­ed a whop­ping 115 mil­lion vis­i­tors in 2019. In 2019 alone, approx­i­mate­ly 6.3 mil­lion videos were uploaded to the plat­form. If you want­ed to watch all new videos of a year in a row, you would need 169 years! 

Porn­hub fea­tures videos from near­ly 100,000 porn stars. The most pop­u­lar search terms are:

  • Fem­dom (Female dom­i­na­tion on men)
  • Hen­tai (Japan­ese porn cartoons)
  • Les­bian
  • Milf (Moth­er I like to fuck)

The structure of the Porn Tube portal: Well structured and thought out

The main part of the web­site is free and is financed by adver­tis­ing. There is also a paid pre­mi­um sec­tion. The videos can be sort­ed accord­ing to var­i­ous cri­te­ria. These include, for exam­ple: “rec­om­mend­ed”, “hottest”, “best rat­ed”, “newest”.

and oth­er cri­te­ria. The vis­i­tor is auto­mat­i­cal­ly tak­en to the web­site with the lan­guage of his coun­try based on his IP address. The lan­guage can be changed at the very bot­tom of the web­site. Sup­port­ed lan­guages include: Eng­lish, French, Ger­man, Span­ish, Russ­ian and others 

One can search the web­site by cat­e­gories, porn­stars and chan­nels. Pho­tos cap­tions and ani­mat­ed GIFs are also offered. Oth­er options include live cams and links to dat­ing websites.

Only a moderate offer in the cuckolding section

In this cuck­old­ing cat­e­go­ry, Porn­hub offers just under 33,000 porn videos. This is rel­a­tive­ly lit­tle for a web­site that boasts of being one of the largest porn web­sites in the world. xnxx.com offers con­sid­er­ably more con­tent in the areas of cuck­old­ing, wife­shar­ing and hotwifing.

The term cuck­old is often used in com­bi­na­tion with oth­er words in search­es. The most com­mon of these terms are:

Search Key­wordNum­berDescrip­tion / Translation
Cuck­old33.000Man makes his wife inseminate
Cuck­old­ing32.000eng­lish form 
BBC140.000Big black cock = big black cocks
Hotwife17.000Woman who gets fucked by strangers
Cuck­old gangbang1.400Group sex from 5 Bulls
Ama­teur cuckold26.000Porn from real amateurs
Ger­man cuckold591Ger­man porn
Cuck­old husband6.500Hus­band
Cum eat­ing cuckold1000Cum eat­ing
Cuck­old cleanup1.000Hus­band lick­ing cum clean
Cuck­old wife18.000Part­ner of cuckold
Inter­ra­cial cuckold5.000inter­ra­cial sex, most­ly with BBC
Wife shar­ing12.000Wife shar­ing with strange men
Creampie cleanup700Cum cunt lick clean again
Cuck­old creampie6.000Hus­band, pussy insem­i­nat­ed with sperm
Cum food900Food insem­i­nat­ed with sperm
Cum plate60Squirt­ing cum on plate
Eat own cum900Swal­low own cum
Fem­dom cuckold4000Edu­ca­tion of the cuck
Cuck­old humiliation3000Humil­i­a­tion of the cuck
Sta­tus 2021

Look­ing through the videos, one pos­i­tive thing that stands out is that the new­er porn clips are most­ly shot in HD qual­i­ty. Their run­ning time varies from less than a minute to more than 40 min­utes. The major­i­ty of the record­ings are between 5 and 10 min­utes long 

When look­ing at the offer, it is notice­able that rel­a­tive­ly few porn clips come from Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land com­pared to xHam­ster.

Cuck­old lets his wife fremddfick­en and fremdbe­samen by a large horde of BBC Bulls.

My Review: PornHub porn site rating

Porn­hub is among the biggest porn web­sites in the world. Most of the major porn labels are represented.

What’s real­ly great is that most of the footage comes from ama­teurs. They upload their porn not to make mon­ey, but because they enjoy fuck­ing wild­ly. That’s why it’s easy to accept that there are some­times minor prob­lems with the cam­era work or the lighting 

What I like less is that there seem to be only a few Ger­man ama­teurs on Porn­hub com­pared to xHam­ster

The major­i­ty of the movies seem to come from the Anglos­phere. While this does­n’t affect the qual­i­ty of the videos, it makes it much hard­er for a Ger­man view­er to get into the action 

At least in the cuck­old cat­e­go­ry, the num­ber of videos is unfor­tu­nate­ly not very large. On XNXX you get more than dou­ble the amount of movies. There are clear­ly bet­ter alter­na­tives to Porn­hub here with a larg­er selec­tion and more categories.

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