How Can You Learn to Swallow Your Own Cum?

Sure­ly you have often intend­ed to swal­low your cum. But as soon as you have cum, you have lost the desire. Right? Small con­so­la­tion: Mil­lions of oth­er men will­ing to swal­low are like you!

I would like to help you with this arti­cle to learn to swal­low sperm. With the right tech­niques, you will quick­ly over­come prej­u­dices, smell and taste and even­tu­al­ly swal­low very happily! 

How­ev­er, this is a longer process that you will have to repeat your­self over and over again for sev­er­al weeks and months!

I hope you enjoy read­ing and would be very hap­py about your feedback.

“Learning to Swallow Sperm” Is a Long Learning Process!

Here we want to share with the gen­er­al pub­lic our per­son­al expe­ri­ences from a cou­ple’s point of view, why it often does­n’t work out with swallowing.

The main prob­lem is the loss of moti­va­tion after the male orgasm. With­in sec­onds after the cum, all plans and horny desires are “blown away”!

This libido crash is (unfor­tu­nate­ly) com­plete­ly nor­mal due to hor­mone releas­es. There­fore, the sperm con­tact must be repeat­ed again and again and thus trained.

make him cuckold

The be-all and end-all for begin­ners is to trick the point of loss of motivation!

The basic pre­req­ui­site for suc­cess­ful swal­low train­ing is at least the fun­da­men­tal desire of the man to want to swal­low his sperm. It can take months or even years to become a pas­sion­ate sperm swal­low­er. So: prac­tice, prac­tice, practice! 🙂

Cum self eating: The woman motivates her partner to clean up her inseminated cum cunt
Cum self-eat­ing: The woman moti­vates her part­ner to clean up and gen­tly press­es him against the insem­i­nat­ed cum cunt

There Are Five Very Good, Tried and Tested Methods:

1.) Practice Swallowing Precum (Longing Drops / Pre-juice / Pre-ejaculate)

Pre-ejaculate / Precum
Pre-ejac­u­late / Precum

As a gate­way drug, pre­cum, which is pro­duced dur­ing penis edg­ing and/or hours of mas­tur­ba­tion, is absolute­ly perfect!

Dur­ing a porn ses­sion of sev­er­al hours, you ruin your orgasm sev­er­al times. One stops jerk­ing off IMMEDIATELY at the “point-of-no-return”.

The tail twitch­es, quiv­ers, and a splash of pre-juice come run­ning or spurt­ing. This can be picked up with fin­gers or a tea­spoon and sunk into the mouth.

The Love Drop (also called Pre­cum) tastes very sweet and has a pleas­ant con­sis­ten­cy. Begin­ners will have no prob­lems to swal­low­ing it.

2.) Licking Cum Out of Pussy or From a Woman’s Body

Prob­a­bly the eas­i­est train­ing option is to lick your woman after insemination!

Creampie cleanup learning
Creampie cleanup learn­ing: Man learns to lick the creampie clean.

Here, how­ev­er, it is imper­a­tive that the thought also turns on the woman, and she exerts a cer­tain compulsion!

She should speak relent­less­ly and stern­ly if the man is not thor­ough enough or has “for­got­ten” the lick­ing up.

A pri­or threat of pun­ish­ment (e.g. 7 days no sex) is also a very good means of pressure.

3.) Ass Up — The Autofellatio

The “butt up posi­tion” is the best aut­ofel­la­tio method to give your­self a blowjob and squirt your­self in the face.

Very, very good is the knees-up posi­tion, where the man press­es his back against a sofa back or wall and has his cock over his face with his back round.

When he jerks off, it all ends up in the mouth BEFORE the loss of moti­va­tion sets in!

This works 100% suc­cess­ful­ly and would be a very good alter­na­tive if you are single.

Cou­ples have the per­fect start­ing sit­u­a­tion that the woman can build up some moti­va­tion­al pres­sure and do the insem­i­na­tion of her own face and mouth herself.

The “ass up posi­tion” is one of the most effec­tive aut­ofel­la­tio meth­ods for giv­ing your­self a blowjob. It can even be trained so that you get more than the glans in your mouth.

Selfcum: Self cum - Review

5.) Dark Candy, Chocolate Pudding, Cakes, and Cookies

Anoth­er very viable option is to com­bine the cum with a pleas­ant fla­vor that you know and like.

If you’re real­ly horny, you could squirt pre-cum or cum onto absorbent cook­ies (e.g. OREO), absorbent pot pie, a slice of mar­ble cake, cup­cakes, or into a Dany cream pud­ding, for example.

How­ev­er, since the eye eats with you, you should choose dark candy.

Learn cum eating with OREO cookies
Secret tip: Learn cum eat­ing with OREO cookies

6.) Sperm Ice Cubes

Cum cubes: Sperm ice cubes are great for collecting sperm
Cum cubes: Sperm ice cubes are great for col­lect­ing sperm

Even though the idea sounds com­plete­ly bizarre, this way is also very effective: 

The guy does­n’t squirt into his hand and wipe it away with toi­let paper every time he mas­tur­bates, instead, he squirts into a small ice cube tray.

50ml Tup­per­ware freez­er cans with lids, film cans, or zip­per bags are recommended.

That way, when he’s horny again, he can defrost, lick and swal­low sperm in his mouth or pussy BEFORE he comes to orgasm himself.


Conclusion: Every Man Can Learn to Swallow His Cum!

Even if swal­low­ing your own cum seems to be an insur­mount­able obsta­cle for most cuck­old begin­ners — many cuck­olds learn it rel­a­tive­ly fast.

Impor­tant is reg­u­lar con­ti­nu­ity as well as a cer­tain intran­si­gence and dom­i­nance of the hotwife. She has to set hard rules and let them be imple­ment­ed with­out excep­tions. This includes, for exam­ple, lick­ing the creampie clean after every sex. Or by ruin­ing orgasm and prostate games.

Train­ing and per­ma­nent sperm con­tact will turn any cuck­old into a pas­sion­ate sperm swal­low­er after a few months. We encour­age every woman to do this!

Other Resources:

Dom­i­nas have giv­en very good, Eng­lish instruc­tions here:

Recommended Cuckold Porn Sites:

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