Stimulation of the Nipples Is Extremely Horny
The stimÂuÂlaÂtion of the nipÂples has a posÂiÂtive effect on the senÂsaÂtion of pleaÂsure in both women and men. DurÂing sexÂuÂal arousal and espeÂcialÂly durÂing orgasm, the nipÂples straightÂen up and become niceÂly stiff. This shows that they also belong to the so-called erogeÂnous zones.
NipÂple stimÂuÂlaÂtion also plays a big role in cuckÂold relaÂtionÂships. The hotwife’s nipÂples are not exactÂly treatÂed delÂiÂcateÂly by her bull and she, in turn, is hard on her cuckÂ’s nipÂples. HowÂevÂer, nipÂple play needs to be trained.
In this guide, we want to get you excitÂed about areÂoÂla stimÂuÂlaÂtion and give you pracÂtiÂcal tips on how to do it. Are you into nipÂple games? Please share your opinÂions and expeÂriÂences with us below our post.
Which Toys Are Suitable for Nipple Stimulation?
There are thouÂsands of nerve cells in the nipÂples. The prinÂciÂple of the stimÂuÂlaÂtion is based on the strong comÂpresÂsion of these regions or temÂperÂaÂture stimuli.
ProbÂaÂbly the best instruÂments for tenÂder stroking or hard torÂture are the finÂgers. Between thumb and index finÂger or thumb and midÂdle finÂger you have a lot of feelÂing and non-slip grip. You can preÂciseÂly dose whether you want to grip hard, knead genÂtly, pull, twirl, twist extremeÂly or stroke gently.
With the othÂer finÂgers you can rub and roll the nipÂples. FinÂgerÂnails are also very horny to tweak the nipples.
Sex Toys
In online stores for sex toys, there are lots of toys for nipÂple stimÂuÂlaÂtion. These mainÂly include clamps, clips, sticks, suckÂers, mini-vibraÂtors, weights, and screw presses.
With the clamps, you should make sure that there is an adjustÂment wheel with which you can regÂuÂlate the conÂtact presÂsure. On some of these toys are hangÂing weights to increase the stimÂuÂlus. A rubÂberÂized surÂface ensures that the clamps do not slip off so quickÂly. You should also choose clamps with a wide conÂtact surÂface.
NipÂple suckÂers are availÂable as rubÂber caps or effecÂtive sucÂtion cylinÂders that creÂate a horny vacÂuÂum by means of a rotary motion. UnforÂtuÂnateÂly, these suckÂers do not have a name. You should buy the cylinÂders with 2cm diamÂeÂter.
HardÂcore ones can resort to JapanÂese butÂterÂfly clamps, which are also called Clover Clamps.
Nipple Shaper for Breastfeeding (Inverted Nipple Puller)
A bizarre-soundÂing but extremeÂly effecÂtive way to stimÂuÂlate nipÂples is to attach medÂical sucÂtion cups, such as NipÂcorr, Niplette or the InvertÂed NipÂple Puller.
ActuÂalÂly, they are used to preÂpare nipÂples for breastÂfeedÂing babies. For trainÂing, hardÂenÂing, playÂing and enjoyÂing, these nipÂple suckÂers are realÂly great.
The cool thing is that the nipÂple shapers allow you to wear them under your clothes. After just a few weeks, the nipÂple suckÂers will make your nipÂples much more senÂsiÂtive and hardÂened at the same time.
The LansiÂnoh Latch Assist nipÂple shaper is also a very good tip and can be worn while watchÂing TV in the evening, for example.
Homemade Nipple Clamps
In BDSM videos, you can always see wide nipÂple clamps with rubÂberÂized bearÂing surÂfaces and hooks. These are clothes hooks for fashÂion stores.
A recÂomÂmendÂable brand is MAWA. These GerÂman cloud hangÂer clips are availÂable in two presÂsure strengths and are very slip-resisÂtant (ModÂel K30/D) and K1/S). Also recÂomÂmendÂed are boot hangÂer clips, adjustable skirt hangÂers clips and trousers hangÂers clips.
You should attach a weight to these clips. FishÂing weights (fishÂing sinkers) are a cheap purÂchase in this regard. But there are also inexÂpenÂsive hangÂing weights made of stainÂless steel. With every moveÂment, includÂing durÂing sex, the weights swing back and forth and exert very horny stimuli.
For hardÂened nipÂples are adjustable clips hangÂers, in their varÂiÂous designs are absoluteÂly perfect.
Household Items
For playÂing with nipÂples, you can also use simÂple houseÂhold objects. Many things that are availÂable in the houseÂhold can be used for nipÂple games.
This includes ice, for examÂple. To do this, preÂpare ice cubes in the freezÂer and place them on the nipÂples. They cause a horny feelÂing and the nipÂples become nice and hard. By the way, ice cubes can also be used very well in pussy or on the clitoris.
The exact oppoÂsite senÂsaÂtion is caused by hot canÂdle wax. The liqÂuid wax slowÂly drizÂzled on the nipÂples causÂes a strong pleaÂsure pain.
You can make your own perÂfect nipÂple clamps from ChiÂnese chopÂsticks and some string. You can also use clothesÂpins for this purÂpose. RepeatÂedÂly hitÂting nipÂples with a ruler or spatÂuÂla is a very cool way to punÂish or torÂture nipples.
Tips for Beginners
No big prepaÂraÂtions are necÂesÂsary for horny nipÂple games. The most imporÂtant thing is that everyÂone involved agrees to it.
SlowÂly getÂting used to the presÂsure is very imporÂtant. It is recÂomÂmendÂed that the perÂson plays with himÂself at first. If played on regÂuÂlarÂly, nipÂples get used to the stimÂuÂlaÂtion surÂprisÂingÂly quickÂly. After just a few weeks, the use of advanced toys is posÂsiÂble. After a few months, nipÂples are hardÂened for horny torÂtures with hardÂer instruments.
How senÂsiÂtive the nipÂples are is difÂferÂent for each perÂson. The pain can quickÂly become unbearÂable. For safeÂty reaÂsons, you should thereÂfore set a safeÂword with your partÂner before sex. If this is shoutÂed, the treatÂment must be stopped immeÂdiÂateÂly. A simÂple no or cries of pain are not sufÂfiÂcient because they can be misÂunÂderÂstood as role play.
What Should You Pay Attention To?
If you want to stimÂuÂlate your nipÂples a litÂtle hardÂer, it makes sense to hardÂen them gradÂuÂalÂly beforeÂhand. For this purÂpose, it has proven useÂful to wear nipÂple suckÂers for one hour two to three times a week. ProdÂucts against slipÂpery nipÂples (Niplette) are espeÂcialÂly pracÂtiÂcal for preparÂing the nipÂples for breastÂfeedÂing babies.
You will quickÂly see the sucÂcess of trainÂing and autoÂmatÂiÂcalÂly want to use clothesÂpins or nipÂple clamps. HowÂevÂer, be careÂful not to wear them for more than 30 minÂutes to avoid blood cirÂcuÂlaÂtion problems.
In the beginÂning, it is betÂter not to adjust the clamps too tightÂly and loosen them every now and then in between. As long as nipÂple clamps are still firmÂly attached to the nipÂples, the pain is not so strong.
It becomes strongest when they are loosÂened. The hotwife can take advanÂtage of this and remove her cuckÂ’s nipÂple clamps when he has his orgasm. PleaÂsure and pain merge into one feeling.
Conclusion: Nipple Games Offer Pleasure and Pain at the Same Time
NipÂples are erogeÂnous zones, both in women and men. Their stimÂuÂlaÂtion can cause pleaÂsure or pain, dependÂing on their strength. NipÂple games can be easÂiÂly incorÂpoÂratÂed into lovemaking.
In addiÂtion to nipÂple clamps and suckÂers, finÂgers or even ice cubes are very suitÂable for stimÂuÂlaÂtion or to inflict pain.
If you like nipÂple play, you should pracÂtice sevÂerÂal times a week to get your nipÂples used to the strain. With each workÂout, you will like this kind of sexÂuÂal stimÂuÂlaÂtion more and more.
Related Links:
- Wikipedia: NipÂple stimulation
- NipÂple orgasm
- Tips for nipÂple torÂture and nipÂple treatment
- The ultiÂmate beginÂner’s guide to nipÂples — and what you can do with them
- Tough tits nipÂple play for guys
- SenÂsaÂtion Play: Fun with NipÂple Clamps
- A comÂpreÂhenÂsive guide to male nipÂple stimulation
- Tough Tits — NipÂple Play for Guys