Collect Your Frozen Sperm With Ziplock Bags

Regardยญless of whether the partยญner is only cross-insemยญiยญnatยญed in fanยญtaยญsy or in realยญiยญty, it is a great desire among all cuckยญold couยญples to get โ€œmore spermโ€ to play with.

Colยญlectยญed sperm can be used to reenยญact gangยญbangs, for examยญple, it can be used as a natยญurยญal lubriยญcant for thick dilยญdos, and of course: the belยญly, breasts, labia and face can be played with the abunยญdant cum. Some couยญples even like to inject colยญlectยญed sperm into their pussy with a syringe.

Besides a longer abstiยญnence (sevยญerยญal days of cum ban), freezยญing spem is the only senยญsiยญble way to colยญlect a lot of cum. A good alterยญnaยญtive to sperm ice cubes and sperm ice on a stick is colยญlectยญing sperm in small Ziplock bags. If the cuck squirts in only once per bag, about 5 grams of sperm snow will result.

How to โ€œcolยญlect sperm with Ziplock bagsโ€ goes and what things should be conยญsidยญered, you will learn in this guide.

How to Collect Frozen Sperm in Ziplock Bags

Horny squirtยญed sperm, fraยญgrant pussy juice, milked preยญcum, vioยญlentยญly squirtยญed squirt and leakยญing creampยญies are invariยญably recyยญcled by cuckยญold couยญples. Handยญkerยญchiefs, kitchen towยญels or even toiยญlet paper are an absolute no-no for sexยญuยญalยญly open-mindยญed men and women.

Each Cuckยญolยญdress has thievish fun to eduยญcate her Cucยญki to swalยญlow sperm. But the fun leaves someยญthing to be desired! Even with 6 โ€” 8 powยญerยญful sperm splashยญes, it is still only ridicuยญlous 5โ€“6 ml of cum. So many couยญples get the idea to freeze sperm to get 5 to 10 times the amount to play with.

The good news in advance: Yes! It is posยญsiยญble to freeze sperm in the freezยญer or deep freeze. The big โ€œBUTโ€ is, you have to know exactยญly โ€œhowโ€ to colยญlect cum correctly.

Cum eating challenge: Mit kleinen Plastkbeuteln Spermaeis bereiten und Schlucken รผben
Cum eatยญing chalยญlenge: Preยญpare cum ice cream with small plasยญtic bags and pracยญtice swalยญlowยญing it

a) Freeze Cum (Sperm Ice Cream) Correctly

Basiยญcalยญly, the idea of โ€œfreezยญing spermโ€ sounds quite simยญple. But to achieve a realยญly good result some things have to be considered.

1. Buy Colored Aluminum Ziplock Bags

Ideal eignen sich zum Sperma-sammeln 10cm Aluminium - Tรผtchen mit Druckverschluss zum Einfrieren
Ideยญal for sperm colยญlecยญtion are 10 cm aluยญminum bags with presยญsure seal for freezing

You can buy the ยปcolยญored aluยญminum foil Ziplock bagsยซ also named ยปMylar Ziplock Bagsยซ at Amaยญzon, Alibaยญba, or eBay. 

They have a presยญsure cloยญsure and are availยญable in vibrant colยญors, such as blue, white, pink, black, purยญple, green, or gold. They are availยญable in glossy and matte.

It is imporยญtant that you buy small bags! Maxยญiยญmum 10 x 15 cm (3.9 x 5.9 inch). Because, as already writยญten at the artiยญcle sperm ice cube preยญpare, also applies here: The smallยญer the amount of sperm, the better!

When you use these small pouchยญes, the sperm ice looks more aesยญthetยญic and is betยญter proยญtectยญed against bacยญteยญria. In this way, you can be sure that no freezยญer burn will destroy your cum. It is optiยญmal to store the small aluยญminum bags in a large aluยญminum bag (18 x 20 cm / 7 x 8 inch) or a Tupยญperยญware container.

2. Only One Sperm Load per Bag

Make yourยญself comยญfortยญable while masยญturยญbatยญing and jerk your dick sevยญerยญal times to the point of no return. Squirt into the bag and close the ZIPPER cap. Put the sperm bag IMMEDIATELY in the freezยญer or freezยญer comยญpartยญment and as deep as posยญsiยญble to the back.

3. Spoon Creampie Out of Pussy

A creampie is also very pracยญtiยญcaยญble to use as cum-snow. It is very difยญfiยญcult to capยญture a creampie in a zipยญper bag. Itโ€™s best to spoon out the horny cum cunt with a black, long ice cream spoon, or you can use a teaspoon.

4. Knead Sperm Ice Cream Regularly โ€” It Must Remain Sperm Snow.

If the cum is frozen, you need to knead it occaยญsionยญalยญly to avoid the forยญmaยญtion of large chunks. It should always have a conยญsisยญtenยญcy like snow.

b) Defrosting Cum Ice Correctly

With a Ziplock bag, sperm ice is very easy to thaw and use because of the snowy texยญture. It should be used immeยญdiยญateยญly after removal from the iceยญbox. Defrostยญing is in a water bath or even in the microwave is not recยญomยญmendยญed. It is best to quickยญly cut the Ziplock bag with a pair of scisยญsors and thaw it in a small bowl.

1. Thawing on the Skin of the Hotwife

The best way to reuse love juice is to sprinยญkle it on the breasts, belยญly, face, and of course pussy.

2. Thawing on Pizza, Cakes, Cookies, in Sauces, and in Cocktails

Sperm snow can be perยญfectยญly used to refine dishยญes and drinks. It is espeยญcialยญly recยญomยญmendยญed for pizยญza, cakes, cookยญies and piรฑa colaยญda cocktails.

It can also be used to bake cakes in batยญter. Sperm cake is a great birthยญday gift. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Conclusion: Frozen Cum Can Be Perfectly Collected in Colored Aluminum Ziplock Foil Bags

Cum popsicle: Spermalutscher aus Eis
Sperm ice cream in the mouth

Freezยญing fuck juice, pussy cream, squirt and creampie is done quickยญly. Howยญevยญer, it is imporยญtant to freeze the horny love juices propยญerยญly!

The tips found on the Interยญnet of freezยญing sperm by the liter are not pracยญtiยญcal! Preยญservยญing jars, screw jars, open ice cube makยญers, and large Tupยญperยญware conยญtainยญers will at worst cause disยญgust when defrosted.

Itโ€™s smarter to use small, black aluยญminum bags with a resealยญable Ziplock cloยญsure and store them in a Tupยญperยญware conยญtainยญer in the freezยญer. They can be superยญpoยญsiยญtioned love juices and thawed to play with.

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