Wifesharer or Cuckold — The Subtle Difference in Wife Swapping

It’s curi­ous: although “fideli­ty in part­ner­ship” is firm­ly anchored in reli­gious and social rules of all forms of soci­ety in the world, the thought of “for­eign skin” has had an enor­mous appeal to the major­i­ty of peo­ple since ancient times.

Many peo­ple have sex­u­al fan­tasies in which a woman has sex with sev­er­al men at the same time. By the way, not only men dream of group sex. Many women also secret­ly wish to be “tak­en real­ly hard and used with­out inhi­bi­tions or taboos” at least once in their lives.

In this con­text, the terms “wife­shar­er” and “cuck­old” often come up. Both have a lot in com­mon — but there are also big dif­fer­ences. In this arti­cle, we would like to enlight­en you what are the dif­fer­ences of the terms cuck­old­ing and wifesharing.

Group sex in ancient times: Sculpture of a Roman orgy in the 7th century
Group sex in ancient times: Sculp­ture of a Roman orgy in the 7th century

What Does Wifesharing Mean?

The term “wife­shar­ing” appeared in the wake of the sex­u­al rev­o­lu­tion towards the end of the six­ties. The word “wife” means wife or life part­ner. “Shar­ing” means “to share.”

Wifesharing in a swingers club: Husband shares his wife with many men and let inseminate her by strangers
Wife­shar­ing in a swingers club: Hus­band shares his wife with many men and let insem­i­nate her by strangers.

Thus, wife­shar­ing is a sex­u­al fan­ta­sy in which a man shares his wife, girl­friend, or steady life part­ner with oth­er men.

The male team­mate in a three­some can be, for exam­ple, the best bud­dy, a house­mate or a vaca­tion acquaintance.

Some­times, how­ev­er, sev­er­al men take part in the Wife­shar­ing, so that the whole thing devel­ops into a gang­bang.

The main dif­fer­ence from the “cuck­old” is that the wife­shar­er is not sub­mis­sive. He active­ly par­tic­i­pates in sex. He fucks his wife togeth­er or alter­nate­ly with the oth­er man or sev­er­al men.

Cuckold holds his wife's hand while she is being fucked by a BBC (Big black cock) Bull
Cuck­old holds his wife’s hand while she is being fucked by a BBC (Big black cock) Bull

The idea of invit­ing anoth­er man or sev­er­al men for sex excites men and women alike.

It is com­plete­ly irrel­e­vant what nation­al­i­ty, social sta­tus, and age group they belong to: Active and pas­sive group sex is a root­ed in our psy­chol­o­gy, basic sex­u­al fantasy.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, many peo­ple do not dare to talk about it. Most of the time it boils down to watch­ing porn on the top­ic alone and mas­tur­bat­ing to it.

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What Does Cuckolding Mean? What Is the Cuckold for a Man?

The term “cuck­old” is one of the most searched terms among men and women on Porn­Hub, XHam­ster, and Youporn.

Unlike the “wife­shar­er”, the cuck­old is more sub­mis­sive in nature. He does not desire active sex with oth­er women. He feels great plea­sure in watch­ing his wife being mount­ed and insem­i­nat­ed by oth­er men. He usu­al­ly does not active­ly par­tic­i­pate in their sex.

We love cuckolding

Many cuck­olds want to mas­tur­bate dur­ing the wom­an’s sex and be humil­i­at­ed by Bull or her cuck­ol­dress as well as treat­ed like a slave. Anoth­er main task of a cuck­old is often to doc­u­ment the fuck with videos and photos.

A cuck­old is only allowed to have sex with his part­ner if she allows him to. Most­ly then — when the bull has gone home.

As a sign of humil­i­a­tion and act of sub­mis­sion, he may lick his part­ner’s pussy clean after sex and swal­low the for­eign sperm. The “creampie cleanup”(pussy lick­ing clean) is cen­tral to cuck­old relationships.

Where Can Wifesharers and Cuckolds Find Suitable Men?

What the wife­shar­er and the cuck­old have in com­mon is the strong desire to sat­is­fy the wife/life part­ner through strange men and their abun­dant for­eign insem­i­na­tion.

The Inter­net is a very good way to find suit­able sex­u­al part­ners. There are hun­dreds of con­tact exchanges and erot­ic sites for pref­er­ences of all kinds. Very pop­u­lar in Ger­many are augenweide.com, joyclub.de, poppen.de and erotik.markt.de.

There, wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds can cre­ate a cou­ple pro­file with their wife and report on their desires and ideas. If a pho­to of the part­ner in hot lin­gerie or provoca­tive pos­es is set as the pro­file pic­ture, the mail­box is guar­an­teed to over­flow with requests from sex-hun­gry men.

Typical Cuckolding: Husband watches his wife while she is fucking a stranger while he jerks off.
Typ­i­cal Cuck­old­ing: Hus­band watch­es his wife while she is fuck­ing a stranger while he jerks off.

As con­ve­nient as this option is, it has a big dis­ad­van­tage: the cou­ple meets with strangers. There­fore, it is rec­om­mend­ed nev­er to hold the date at home and first get to know each oth­er with­out any oblig­a­tion in a pub­lic place (cafe, restau­rant, bar). Even lat­er, you should first meet in porn cin­e­mas and hotel rooms.

A good alter­na­tive for cuck­old­ing is a swingers club. There, secu­ri­ty and dis­cre­tion are pro­vid­ed. There is food and drinks, and you do not have to clean up after­wards. In addi­tion, such clubs have par­tic­u­lar­ly large and sta­ble beds and play­grounds, often also many instru­ments from the BDSM scene, such as pun­ish­ment tres­tle, St. Andrew’s cross, pil­lo­ry, or cages.

In a swingers club, cou­ples are in the com­pa­ny of like-mind­ed peo­ple and can live out their inclinations.

For cuckolds and wifesharers the greatest happiness on earth: The hotwife gets fucked good and hard to orgasm by strange lovers.
For cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers the great­est hap­pi­ness on earth: The hotwife gets fucked good and hard to orgasm by strange lovers.

Conclusion: Make Your Wifesharing and Cuckolding — Dreams Come True

Many men dream of shar­ing their wife or girl­friend with oth­er men dur­ing sex and either watch­ing or par­tic­i­pat­ing them­selves. Many women, in turn, also have sex with one or more men in their fantasies.

The wife­shar­er is active­ly involved in sex, while the cuck­old is usu­al­ly just allowed to watch. Thus, both sex­u­al prac­tices “Wife­shar­ing” and “Cuck­old­ing” are not cheat­ing, because the sex hap­pens with the con­sent and in the pres­ence of both partners.

If both part­ners feel plea­sure with such thoughts, there is noth­ing against mak­ing it a real­i­ty, for exam­ple, in a swingers club. The most impor­tant thing is always that all actions must be done by mutu­al con­sent. Clear­ly defined bound­aries pro­vide secu­ri­ty, trust and relax­ation. Allowed is what pleas­es both.

Cuckolding: Hotwife gets a huge orgasm with BBC (Big Black cock)
Cuck­old­ing: Hotwife gets a huge orgasm with BBC (Big Black cock)

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