Potency Training — How Do You Train Stamina and Endurance?

Cuck­olds are under enor­mous pres­sure in the rela­tion­ship because their hotwife decides when, where and how they may have sex and cum.

On the oth­er hand, she expects her cuck to be as good a fuck­er as the potent bulls. Cuck­olds (by the way, nor­mal men too) can improve their poten­cy through var­i­ous exer­cis­es or methods.

In this guide we would like to give you tips on how to train and improve your sex­u­al sta­mi­na and ejac­u­la­tion abil­i­ty through poten­cy train­ing. Feel free to write us your opin­ion via the com­ment func­tion a mes­sage if you have your own ideas and tips for penis training.

1.) Pelvic Floor Exercises

For a long time, pelvic floor exer­cis­es were only rec­om­mend­ed for women, for exam­ple to get fit again quick­ly after pregnancy.

Now it has been rec­og­nized that men also ben­e­fit from pelvic floor exer­cis­es. Pelvic floor exer­cis­es lead to improved blood flow to the penis and strength­en the erec­tile tis­sue. Blood flows more eas­i­ly into the penis and is held there longer.

The result is stronger erec­tions that last longer. Pelvic floor exer­cis­es should be done sev­er­al times a week, but should only last a few min­utes at a time.

Online you can find a num­ber of free instruc­tions from med­ical pro­fes­sion­als under the search terms “poten­cy train­ing for men” or “pelvic floor exer­cis­es for men”. Pelvic floor train­ing is suit­able for men of all ages and fit­ness levels.

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2.) Edging (Orgasm Control)

The love tech­nique edg­ing is also called orgasm con­trol or orgasm con­trol. The prin­ci­ple is very sim­ple. You mas­tur­bate until you are about to cum.

You stop i stim­u­la­tion at the last sec­ond. After ruin­ing the orgasm, you wait until your penis calms down again. Then the game starts all over again. You repeat the whole thing as often as you can.

In the begin­ning, you may only do 2 rounds, but lat­er you will do 4 or 5. As with pelvic floor train­ing, the recipe for suc­cess lies in the reg­u­lar­i­ty of the exer­cis­es. You can sup­port edg­ing by watch­ing porn while you do it.

3.) Prostate Training

Prostate train­ing is also called prostate mas­sage. The goal of this poten­cy train­ing is a mul­ti­ple forced release with­out orgasm 

The hotwife stim­u­lates the prostate of her cuck­olds through the anus. She uses either her fin­gers or a prostate vibra­tor or anal vibra­tor for this. The prostate, also called the prostate gland, pro­duces sem­i­nal flu­id in which the sperm move.

Ejac­u­late is 70 per­cent sem­i­nal flu­id and only 30 per­cent sperm 

When the prostate is stim­u­lat­ed, it secretes impres­sive amounts of sem­i­nal flu­id (espe­cial­ly in con­junc­tion with edg­ing / orgasm ruin­ing). How­ev­er, this does­n’t hap­pen in shs to ten spurts as with orgas­mic squirt­ing, but rather as drips or leaks. Often this does not even result in an erection 

The pre­cum that comes out dur­ing prostate train­ing must be swal­lowed by the man him­self. Opti­mal­ly, you should col­lect the horny cum with a sperm plate or a sperm bowl and a sperm spoon.

The anal stim­u­la­tion feels crazy crass after about exer­cise. The man final­ly feels a very strong, long-last­ing orgasm.


4.) Anal Workout

The exer­cis­es are close­ly relat­ed to the prostate mas­sage. Dur­ing anal train­ing, the hotwife fucks her cuck with a strap-on (strap-on dil­do), which is also called peg­ging. With this she shows her supe­ri­or­i­ty and dis­ci­plines the cucki.

Male anal sex is a very effi­cient and mutu­al­ly extreme­ly plea­sur­able poten­cy train­ing. If your wife, or part­ner has prac­tice in it, you can com­bine anal train­ing with a prostate mas­sage. There is a large selec­tion of strapons in the online store.

If the man is fucked hard from behind with a strap-on, large amounts of pre-ejac­u­late will inevitably run out of the fuck cock. We rec­om­mend that you place a large black din­ner plate with a cook­ie (cum food) under the penis so that it can leak out in a relaxed man­ner. The cuck­old is oblig­ed to eat the cook­ie and lick the cum clean.

More and Better Sperm Through Zinc, Celery, Ginseng and Pineapple

Every hotwife expects her cuck to cum a lot dur­ing orgasm train­ing, edg­ing and when he orgasms. She assumes that his sperm smells pleas­ant and tastes horny.

You can improve your semen taste through var­i­ous home reme­dies and spe­cial foods. For a long time, cel­ery, for exam­ple, has proven its worth. The veg­etable stim­u­lates the pro­duc­tion of cum and also con­tains sub­stances that are attrac­tive to women.

Since semen con­sists most­ly of liq­uid, drink­ing a lot boosts semen pro­duc­tion. Pineap­ple juice (nat­ur­al) is ide­al, because the sperm then smells and tastes very sweet.

Dietary sup­ple­ments such as zinc or gin­seng, which can be tak­en as cap­sules or tablets, are also recommended.

In a study (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7271365) it was proven that by tak­ing 10 mg of zinc per day the testos­terone lev­el is improved, the libido is increased and more sperm is pro­duced. You can increase your sperm vol­ume by 150% and improve your potency.


Conclusion: Potency Training Is Important for Penis Health!

Not only cuck­olds will ben­e­fit from the tips on poten­cy train­ing, but all men who want to improve their poten­cy with nat­ur­al methods 

Com­pared to chem­i­cal sex­u­al enhancers, they have the advan­tage of cost­ing lit­tle or noth­ing and hav­ing no side effects. You should note that they are gen­tle methods.

Suc­cess is achieved only if the exer­cis­es are done reg­u­lar­ly. In addi­tion to the men­tioned exer­cis­es, a healthy lifestyle, exer­cise in the fresh air and suf­fi­cient sleep also pro­mote potency.

This will also ben­e­fit your gen­er­al health and your rela­tion­ship (even if your part­ner is not a hotwife).

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