Measure the Amount of Precum and Ejaculate Regularly

Every cuck­old who under­goes train­ing with prostate stim­u­la­tion, anal fuck­ing using strap-on dil­do or orgasm con­trol should occa­sion­al­ly mea­sure his ejac­u­late vol­ume. Because the train­ing has a pos­i­tive side effect: The amount of cum can be dou­bled or even tripled.

Since cuck­old cou­ples like to col­lect love juices with plates, bowls and dish­es any­way, the idea of mea­sur­ing cum with a cum jar is obvious.

In this guide, you will learn how to mea­sure the amount of your ejac­u­late or pre­cum (pre-ejac­u­late) opti­mal­ly. Please write us via the com­ment func­tion how much sperm you can squirt and what your strat­e­gy for col­lect­ing it is.

How Can You Measure the Amount of Ejaculate?

The mea­sure­ment can be done by the man him­self — but it would be more opti­mal if the hotwife or a dom­i­na­trix does it. It is impor­tant, that you agree on one of the four meth­ods men­tioned below and doc­u­ment your mea­sure­ments in writing.

Penis milking with wine glass
Penis milk­ing with a wine glass.

Basi­cal­ly, any nor­mal wine glass, cham­pagne glass or shot glass is suit­able for sperm mea­sure­ment. How­ev­er, in order to mea­sure the amount of semen more accu­rate­ly, the milk­ing should be done in a mea­sur­ing glass or a mea­sur­ing cup with a mililiter scale.

At Ama­zon, there are shot glass­es with cal­i­bra­tion line or milime­ter mark­ings. Lab jars or lab mea­sur­ing cups are also a good tip.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can ejac­u­late into a syringe if you have pulled out the plunger. Syringes also have mil­lime­ter graduations.

Take your time and cre­ate a spread­sheet in Excel and note the date of desama­tion and the amount of cum obtained. The course of the capac­i­ty check is very inter­est­ing when you do dif­fer­ent train­ings on the man.

Determine sperm quantity with a measuring cup - Multiple cock milking and orgasm ruining by the Hotwife
Deter­mine sperm quan­ti­ty with a mea­sur­ing cup — Mul­ti­ple cock milk­ing and orgasm ruin­ing by the Hotwife.
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How Can I Harvest the Maximum Amount of Sperm?

There are four ways to har­vest the semen for measurement:

  1. cum nor­mal­ly dur­ing orgasm
  2. ruin the orgasm sev­er­al times for about 1–3 hours
  3. Milk­ing / squeez­ing prostate by hotwife + ruin­ing orgasms 
  4. Milk prostate your­self with anal toys + ruin orgasms

Although the first method is the eas­i­est, it is the most inac­cu­rate. The amount of ejac­u­la­tion dur­ing a male orgasm can vary great­ly. Nor­mal is 3–6 ml of ejac­u­late in 5–8 sperm squirts.

Perfectly suitable: Shot glass with scale
Per­fect­ly suit­able: Shot glass with scale.

How­ev­er, it is more opti­mal to desem­i­nate the prostate by mul­ti­ple orgasms over a peri­od of sev­er­al hours. Final­ly, dur­ing the final orgasm, almost no sperm should come out at all. Nor­mal is about 6–15 ml pre-cum and sperm.

Unbe­liev­ably cool is when the woman makes the capac­i­ty check and milks both the penis and prostate (penis milk­ing). Over 10 ml of pre­cum and sperm are not uncommon.

The tech­niques range from clas­sic fin­ger mas­sage, prostate stim­u­la­tors and anal dil­dos, clas­sic dil­dos to strap-on. The hotwife always drains the penis into the mea­sur­ing cup or semen jar dur­ing the prostate mas­sage.

After Measuring the Amount of Sperm: Return of the Love Milk 

A cuck­old is always respon­si­ble for recy­cling love juices. Thus, it goes with­out say­ing that obtained cum must be returned to the man after his capac­i­ty check.

There are four meth­ods for this:

  • Emp­ty the mea­sur­ing glass in one gulp
  • Hotwife emp­ties the glass and spits it into the mouth of the cuckold
  • The glass is emp­tied on the hotwife’s body, and the cuck has to lick the woman clean
  • The mix­ing with a tasty drink (e.g. Piña Colada)

When more than 10 ml of cum has been milked, we can talk about a big load of cum. It is a great chal­lenge for the cuck­old to emp­ty the glass alone. It requires in this case coer­cion and moti­va­tion by the cuck­ol­dress. Vari­ant three is the soft way to swal­low his own sperm.

It is rather rec­om­mend­ed that the swal­low­ing of large amounts of sperm is trained togeth­er. Because the hotwife also prac­tices the oral intake of a lot of sperm for gangbangs.

The cuck­old cou­ple should pre­fer from there­fore “vari­ant two” and after horny sperm games, snow­balling, and sperm kiss­es the kinky cum swal­low away together.

Prob­a­bly the eas­i­est way for begin­ners is to swal­low with a drink. Espe­cial­ly cock­tails with coconut liqueur are excellent.

The cuck must already get used to lick­ing the glass, still thor­ough­ly clean from the first time.

Cum recycling without mercy: Hotwife forces her cuckold to swallow his own sperm.
Cum recy­cling with­out mer­cy: Hotwife forces her cuck­old to swal­low his own sperm.
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Conclusion: Cuckold Training Successes Measured by Capacity Check

A sperm jar to milk off your penis belongs to the basic cuck­old equip­ment any­way. This is the only way to mea­sure the amount of his love juice and his capacity.

A shot glass with a mil­li­liter scale is excel­lent. It is also pos­si­ble to buy mea­sur­ing cups and lab­o­ra­to­ry glass­es from eBay and Amazon.

A shot glass is excellent for cock milking
A shot glass is excel­lent for cock milking

We rec­om­mend that you have the sperm capac­i­ty check done by the hotwife, as she is more dis­ci­plined about prostate insemination.

The male orgasm should be ruined at least three times. Dur­ing this process, the prostate must be stim­u­lat­ed and squeezed.

Most men squirt a tea­spoon­ful of semen — That’s about 5 ml. How­ev­er, Bulls, BBCs, and Alpha Males are con­sid­er­ably more pow­er­ful and often squirt 10 to 15 mil­li­liters or even more of cum.

The cuck­old can increase semen quan­ti­ty and vol­ume through prostate train­ing, Kegel exer­cis­es, orgasm con­trol, and reg­u­lar edg­ing (orgasm ruin­ing). This can help the cuck get to a sim­i­lar lev­el of per­for­mance as the bull or potent lover. The cuck­old cou­ple can mea­sure the progress of cuck train­ing and imme­di­ate­ly prac­tice snow­balling (cum kiss­ing) and cum swal­low­ing.

Have you ever mea­sured how much sperm you can squirt or milk? Have you been able to increase your sperm volume?

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