Guide for Women: Strategic Tips for a Successful “Coming Out” Towards the Husband

In most of our cuck­old guides and tuto­ri­als, we give tips and tricks for men. But not only men have erot­ic fan­tasies out­side the bed­room at home. Accord­ing to sev­er­al nation­al and inter­na­tion­al sur­veys, about 70 — 80% of women world­wide have dirty sex fan­tasies with strange men.

The most popular female fantasy: group sex
The most pop­u­lar female fan­ta­sy: group sex

Espe­cial­ly after sev­er­al years of rela­tion­ship, sex life has fall­en asleep for many couples.

Chil­dren, fam­i­ly, job, and social oblig­a­tions, but also sex­u­al habits, lack of desire, psy­cho­log­i­cal prob­lems, lazi­ness, wor­ries and oth­er count­less fac­tors can creep into mar­riages and rela­tion­ships like invis­i­ble poison.

But isn’t an excit­ing, var­ied sex life the basis for a har­mo­nious part­ner­ship? What can be done to keep things pas­sion­ate in bed? What would actu­al­ly hap­pen if women coura­geous­ly told their spous­es about their fantasies? 

We deal with this ques­tion in this arti­cle. Read also: Cuck­old com­ing out: how to tell my wife?

A Creeping Love Poison: Habit and Inertia

Woman watches porn and collects ideas & fantasies
Woman watch­es porn and col­lects ideas & fantasies

In every­day part­ner­ship life we dis­cuss all fam­i­ly issues. We talk about inci­dents at work, about shop­ping, and plan­ning the next vacation.

But one top­ic is usu­al­ly left out: sex­u­al fan­tasies, desires, pref­er­ences and erot­ic ideas. Com­plete­ly taboo top­ics are fetish­es and sex with strangers.

Nev­er­the­less, we are and remain sex­u­al beings despite long-term rela­tion­ships. Men are visu­al­ly very excitable and make their fan­tasies secret­ly pri­mar­i­ly on the PC in the “study” with them­selves. Women, on the oth­er hand, most­ly fan­ta­size with a hid­den vibra­tor in the bed­room, with the nim­ble hand or with the show­er in the bathroom.

Many women have sexual fantasies with strangers
Many women have sex­u­al fan­tasies with strangers

Incred­i­bly dirty fan­tasies some­times haunt wom­en’s minds: sex with work col­leagues, boss­es, and dom­i­nant strangers. Group sex, for­bid­den places, sex in front of spec­ta­tors, with dark-skinned ath­let­ic men (BBC), and even bru­tal rape fantasies.

Most of the time, peo­ple are ashamed, or they don’t want to hurt their part­ner with their for­bid­den thoughts. If one part­ner catch­es the oth­er one secret­ly mas­tur­bat­ing, it is not uncom­mon to have argu­ments with unpleas­ant words.

If the sex­u­al needs are not sat­is­fied sat­is­fac­to­ri­ly over the years, one of the two will inevitably cheat at some point. At first, every­thing goes well. Sex with strangers is tin­gling, new and excit­ing. But one day it comes out! And that ends in dra­ma! It is bet­ter to live out sex­u­al fan­tasies togeth­er! Tel­ly your hus­band some things of your dirty secrets.

Hotwife couple watches porn and has fun doing it: Wife plays with the cock of her husband.
Hotwife cou­ple watch­es porn and has fun doing it: Wife plays with the cock of her husband.

“Talking” as a Prerequisite for True Relationship Happiness

Mar­riage coun­selors from all over the world con­firm that for most cou­ples, it works out in every­day life — but their sex life has become too bor­ing over time. To get out of the vicious cir­cle, there is only one solu­tion. It’s “talk­ing.”

Sex­u­al­i­ty is a huge, mul­ti-faceted field. The sex­u­al fan­ta­sy world is so large that even com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent fan­tasies of men and women still touch and com­ple­ment each oth­er in mar­gin­al areas.

Most of the time, by the way, both sex­es are equal­ly con­cerned with group sex and dominance.

But how do you start? Open­ing the top­ic with­out the part­ner’s mis­un­der­stand­ing is not easy. With the fol­low­ing bat­tle plan, it will succeed.

Preparations for the Hotwife Confession

Step 1: Separate Fantasy From Reality

Cuckold couples live out fantasies together: The husband is watching.
Cuck­old cou­ples live out fan­tasies togeth­er: The hus­band is watching.

First of all, you should become aware of what excites you per­son­al­ly. Make it clear to your­self that your goal is not to go to swingers clubs with your hus­band from now on.

There are many cou­ples who go out togeth­er in their minds with­out aim­ing at a real part­ner swap. But know­ing what makes the oth­er part­ner horny is true dyna­mite for the rela­tion­ship! Role-play­ing games can be played.

You can watch porn togeth­er or buy horny sex toys and cat­a­pult into orgasm heav­en togeth­er. So accept your fan­tasies and find them “okay”.

Step 2: Occupy Yourself With Your Own Body

Over the years, your body changes, often mak­ing you feel less attrac­tive. Take the time to learn to love your body again with­out the husband.

Books with sex stories are very inspiring
Books with sex sto­ries are very inspiring.

Caress your body, pam­per it. Feel your pussy inside and out. If you find your body sexy, your part­ner will find it horny too.

Col­lect ideas and fan­tasies when you watch porn or read sex sto­ries alone.

Observe how you react to pro­longed stim­u­la­tion. Taste your pussy juice and mas­tur­bate with­out inhi­bi­tions. Leave the sex books in the bed­room so that he can find them “by accident”.

Step 3: Slowly Bring Your Love Life Back to Normal

Think about how you can revive your love life. For exam­ple, both of you sleep in the same bed with­out under­pants. Pam­per each oth­er and give each oth­er tasks to orga­nize a siz­zling evening for a cer­tain day.


Step 4: Make Ambiguous Hints

You can trig­ger your hus­band if you occa­sion­al­ly drop jok­ing, ambigu­ous com­ments. This will help soft­en any com­mu­ni­ca­tion bar­ri­er that may have arisen. The hus­band may won­der at first, but then find the courage to tease you back himself.

Step 5: Get Some Sex Toys

It’s best to pick out sex toys togeth­er on Ama­zon or check out sex toy guides. For starters, you could buy three vibra­tors for HER and three mas­tur­ba­tors for HIM. Addi­tion­al­ly, lube and restraints are rec­om­mend­ed. Buy your new sex toys with the hus­band together.

Hotwife masturbates to orgasm
Hotwife mas­tur­bates to orgasm

Step 6: Intersperse Hypotheticals Into the Conversation

If the oppor­tu­ni­ty presents itself, you should steer the con­ver­sa­tion to the wom­an’s sex­u­al­i­ty, for exam­ple, dur­ing a walk. For exam­ple, claim that most women in the world lust for group sex — but they don’t tell anyone.

Women should learn to love masturbating: Alone and in front of their husband
Women should learn to love mas­tur­bat­ing: Alone and in front of their husbands.

Just tell him, that incred­i­bly many women mas­tur­bate secret­ly when the man is not at home. Tell him that you don’t need to mas­tur­bate secret­ly (actu­al­ly do it often in his presence! 😉 ).

Tell him a lit­tle “excit­ed” that sta­tis­ti­cal­ly “every 3rd woman even secret­ly watch­es porn, and the man does­n’t know that”.

If he responds well to your hypothe­ses, you can even claim that a work col­league was once in a swingers club and got there with strange men one orgasm after another.

Watch his reac­tions out of the cor­ner of your eye. He will inevitably bite and want to know more. But don’t over­do it. After all, you just want to lure him out from behind the stove.

Step 7: Small Talk and Sexual Fantasies

Once the ice is bro­ken, you can talk about your sex­u­al fan­tasies while wank­ing his cock. Start off innocu­ous­ly and slow­ly move for­ward using the sala­mi tactic.

The best time to share sexual fantasies is while watching porn. Do it together with your husband.
The best time to share sex­u­al fan­tasies is while watch­ing porn. Do it togeth­er with your husband.

Watch­ing porn togeth­er also helps to draw atten­tion to var­i­ous fan­tasies with­out words.

Get into the habit of ruin­ing your man’s orgasm more and more often while jerk­ing off. When he wants to cum, abrupt­ly take your hands away. Repeat this a few times and draw his atten­tion to your sto­ries or the action in the porn. 😉

If you do it right, he will bite, take your thoughts and inspire them with his own ideas.


Conclusion: Talking Is the Key to a Horny Sex Life

If you as a woman, have var­i­ous sex­u­al fan­tasies, desires, and thoughts — you should not make them up with your­self alone. Include your hus­band in your world of thoughts!

Profit for the partnership: Happy wife, happy life!
Prof­it for the part­ner­ship: Hap­py wife, hap­py life!

In long-term rela­tion­ships, it is prob­a­bly nec­es­sary to break through ingrained pat­terns. Bring a breath of fresh air into your part­ner­ship by tak­ing the ini­tia­tive and sur­pris­ing your part­ner with erot­ic con­ver­sa­tions and love toys.

You should stand by your fan­tasies and also mas­tur­bate with them and con­tin­ue to imag­ine and pur­sue them with­out a guilty conscience.

A good tip is “hypothe­ses” from oth­er peo­ple, which may well be fic­ti­tious. Final­ly, you can dare to come out dur­ing a penis mas­sage or a porn movie. You cer­tain­ly won’t regret it.

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