Orgasm Control: Men Should Cum Less Often and More Controlled!

Precum | Prejaculate | Drop of Longing
Pre­cum | Pre­jac­u­late | Drop of Longing

Ever get bored jerk­ing a dick until your arm goes lame? Do you lack the desire and moti­va­tion to make a cock cum by hand? Do you not enjoy giv­ing blowjobs?

And have you ever won­dered what you should get out of “jerk­ing off” your man?

Then it’s time to spice up the so-called “hand­job with an excit­ing game!

In this guide, we would like to intro­duce you to the top­ic of “orgasm con­trol for men”. We explain to you what this love tech­nique is and why it is done. In addi­tion, we explain you with prac­ti­cal tips very clear­ly how to ruin the orgasm of the man.

What Is Orgasm Control for Men?

Tease and denial: penis squirts violently without orgasm!
Tease and denial: penis squirts vio­lent­ly with­out orgasm!

The pro­ce­dure of orgasm con­trol is very sim­ple: you start (as usu­al) jerk­ing, blow­ing and mas­sag­ing the penis 

The horni­ness will quick­ly increase in your man and his cock will want to cum after a few min­utes! → But this is exact­ly what should be prevented!

As soon as the penis starts to twitch, take your hands away imme­di­ate­ly and ruin the orgasm repeat­ed­ly as often as you can.

If the tail bounces up and down and pre-juice runs out, you have suc­cess­ful­ly ruined an orgasm! You should try to ruin at least three orgasms!

Technical Terms Around the Topics of Orgasm Control & Ruining an Orgasm

There are incred­i­bly many terms in the Ger­man and Eng­lish lan­guage that describe the top­ic. We have list­ed and trans­lat­ed some of them:

  • Tease and Denial: make horny & deny
  • Penis Edg­ing: stim­u­late penis at orgasm boundary
  • Orgasm ruin: ruin orgasm
  • Cum con­trol: sperm con­trol / cum control
  • Karez­za: Tantric love making
  • Pre­or­gasm ejac­u­la­ton: pre-orgas­mic ejaculation
  • Cuck milk­ing: penis milking
  • Pre­cum milk­ing: milk­ing off pre-cum / pre-ejaculate
  • Orgasm con­trol: per­ma­nent penis stim­u­la­tion at the orgasm boundary
Woman exerts orgasm control on her partner by penis edging: Ruined orgasm while sitting
Woman exerts orgasm con­trol on her part­ner by penis edg­ing: Ruined orgasm while sitting

Why Should Orgasm Be Controlled in Men?

A male cum orgasm is con­sid­ered strong­ly ener­gy-sap­ping and neg­a­tive in all Asian and Tantric love tech­niques. It is always delayed as long as possible.

Ruining orgasms in men is also very stimulating and fascinating for women at the same time.
Ruin­ing orgasms in men is also very stim­u­lat­ing and fas­ci­nat­ing for women at the same time.

You also know this for sure: You have real­ly nice sex with your man and unex­pect­ed­ly he starts moan­ing and squirts. Your part­ner then slumps down pow­er­less­ly or drops onto his back, exhaust­ed. His penis vis­i­bly shrinks imme­di­ate­ly. Your man instant­ly los­es sex­u­al inter­est in you.

You, on the oth­er hand, are lying there with a splat­tered pussy and think: “Naa great!!!” and go to the bath­room dis­ap­point­ed. Some men even turn around brazen­ly dur­ing this time and fall asleep. No won­der that many women even­tu­al­ly lose the desire for sex when (self­ish?) pre­ma­ture ejac­u­la­tions become less and less of an excep­tion over the years!

But you can trick the man’s organ­ism! If his orgasm is inter­rupt­ed at the right time, some clear / slight­ly milky pre­cum (pre-juice) may run out of the penis, but the pas­sion, horni­ness and mem­ber stiff­ness remains com­plete­ly intact in the man.

This means for you: He can con­tin­ue fuck­ing a sec­ond, third or even fourth time after a minute break with a hard penis, new pow­er and incred­i­ble ener­gy! So you final­ly get your full mon­ey’s worth and the man is also hap­py that the hot num­ber is not over so quick­ly! That sounds great or?

Couple at orgasm control: Excellent ruined orgasm!
Cou­ple at orgasm con­trol: Excel­lent ruined orgasm!

Problem: Men Do Not Want to Be Dictated the Orgasm!

The precum that comes out during orgasm control tastes very sweet and has a pleasant consistency.
The pre­cum that comes out dur­ing orgasm con­trol tastes very sweet and has a pleas­ant consistency.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, there’s a catch: Most guys don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly feel the desire dur­ing sex to rec­og­nize their “point-of-no-return” in time and pull the penis out of the vagi­na at the very best moment in order to ruin their orgasm at the very last second! 

There the lady must help the luck a lit­tle with her skill­ful hands! 😉

To jerk off at the orgasm lim­it is the hottest thing that can hap­pen to a man emo­tion­al­ly. It is real­ly demand­ed from the man most severe dis­ci­pline, not to cum — But he is vio­lent­ly excit­ed and down­right greedy for your body!

As a woman makes the “orgasm ruin” dev­il­ish fun!!! You have the scepter in the truest sense of the word in your hand!

Precum (pre-ejaculate) runs out of the penis without orgasm.
Pre­cum (pre-ejac­u­late) runs out of the penis with­out orgasm.

You alone decide “if” and “when” the man may have his redeem­ing final orgasm or if it is abort­ed. Your man will beg in frus­tra­tion and maybe even cry. You will be fever­ish, amazed, and extreme­ly aroused yourself. 😉

In all like­li­hood, you will play orgasm con­trol games more often in the future (even with your body).

It is an enor­mous plea­sure gain for man and woman to keep the extreme­ly horny, so-called plateau phase before an orgasm as high as pos­si­ble for a long time with­out reach­ing the redeem­ing orgasm.

If you prac­tice “orgasm con­trol” reg­u­lar­ly, you will quick­ly become a well-rehearsed team and increase the num­ber of ruina­tions togeth­er. Your goal should be six to eight “inter­rupt­ed orgasms”.


Rules Must Be!

Collecting sperm with spoon and jar is mandatory!
Col­lect­ing sperm with spoon and jar is mandatory!

YOU as a woman should ALWAYS act very dom­i­nant! Your squirt slave has to do every­thing, to endure and to hold out word­less­ly what YOU want!

Should your slave talk unasked or not act to your sat­is­fac­tion, he will be pun­ished. Gags, blows on the but­tocks, nip­ple tor­ture and what you can think of are suitable.

Pre­cum / pre juice, sperm, squirt & pussy juice is col­lect­ed with spoons & bowls and must always be com­plete­ly recy­cled by your slave with­out exception!

The Best Technique: Interval Jerking “15 — Break — 15 — Break … ”

In prac­tice, the “start / stop method” has proven very effec­tive for orgasm con­trol. Repeat the jerk off inter­vals e.g. 15 times in the begin­ning and imme­di­ate­ly take your hand off the cock with momen­tum! Watch him for 1–2 sec­onds. If every­thing is OK, fol­low 15x times again.

Penis edging by interval jerking
Penis edg­ing by inter­val jerking

Don’t be afraid of the num­bers! You will quick­ly find out the opti­mal inter­vals of your sub by your­self. After just a few edg­ing ses­sions, you’ll clear­ly know when orgasm is approach­ing, regard­less of your sub­’s hand signals.

Your part­ner will always indi­cate the lev­el of cum with one hand:

1 fin­ger = stage 1: every­thing is in the green zone.
You can take the penis nice and hard.

2 fin­gers = lev­el 2: Be a lit­tle more care­ful.
Do not jerk off so uncon­trol­lably.
A 15-fin­ger start/stop inter­val is recommended.

3 fin­gers = stage 3: ATTENTION!
Jerk off only in 6‑finger start/stop inter­vals*!
Feel and observe penis very carefully!

4 fin­gers = stage 4: EXPLOSION DANGER!!!
Only still tiny move­ments with thumb + index fin­ger, lips + tongue tip. You
can also mas­sage the glans under­side e.g. with the thumb with oil. Each
touch is abort­ed IMMEDIATELY, if the tail twitches!

5 fin­gers = lev­el 5: IMMEDIATELY STOP !!!!
Take the hands away abrupt­ly!
He also shouts “STOP” when the penis wants to ejaculate.

Orgasm Control Means Ruining the Orgasm Over and Over Again!!!

Orgasm control with Magic Wand: Massagers are great for edging
Orgasm con­trol with Mag­ic Wand: Mas­sagers are great for edging

The penis throbs, twitch­es, the ure­thra opens wide, it gets mega hard, and gives many oth­er warn­ing signs.

Breath­ing and moan­ing from the man are also very helpful.

A ruined orgasm looks crazy horny. The penis twitch­es, bounces, squirts and quiv­ers com­plete­ly out of control! 

Some­times an impres­sive load of sweet pre­cum oozes or squirts out. Then give him 1–2 min break and start the inter­val jerk­ing again.

Of course, the penis can also be stim­u­lat­ed with sex toys. Very horny are pow­er­ful massagers.

As with inter­val jerk­ing, you sim­ply count the sec­onds as long as you hold the mas­sage stick to the penis.

Even at the slight­est twitch, you have to take the penis vibra­tor away!

Tips & Ideas for Penis Edging

1. Provide for Variety:

Penis edging by woman
Penis edg­ing by woman
  • Prostate stim­u­la­tion with strap-on dil­do, plugs, prostate vibra­tors and fin­gers lead again seri­ous­ly to an increase in pleasure.
  • Keep the glans either nice and slip­pery (e.g. with mass oil, pre­cum, squirt, pussy juice) or dry (e.g. with a soft cloth, blow dry, your skin).
  • But pro­vide again and again for new sen­so­ry impres­sions. Suit­able are penis vibra­tors, mas­tur­ba­tors (Flesh­light!) and dif­fer­ent grip tech­niques (e.g. start a fire, dif­fer­ent num­ber of fin­gers, some­times with fore­skin and some­times with­out jerk­ing, knock­ing, penis hitting).
  • Tie your vic­tim defense­less­ly by the hands and if nec­es­sary legs with a rope, hand­cuffs or similar.
  • Ear plugs or music on the ears work wonders!
  • A worn slip is per­fect­ly suit­able as a gag!
Precum dripping from the penis
Pre­cum drip­ping from the penis

Jerk off not only on the bed, but also pro­vide for var­ied places! For exam­ple, have your man sit on the edge of a chair with his hands clasped at the back of his neck; with his back on a table; legs spread wide on a sofa; posi­tion him stand­ing or kneeling.

2. Do Whatever You Feel Like Doing!

Do not be shy! If the desire over­comes you, you can also eas­i­ly sit on the hard cock at lev­el 1 and 2 and ride it hard with 30 to 50 strokes.

Ruined climax - Precum on the penis
Ruined cli­max — Pre­cum on the penis

How­ev­er, YOU have to set the pace in a dom­i­nant way. How­ev­er, always pay atten­tion to the hand sig­nals of your part­ner dur­ing all the lust and plea­sure. At stage 3, you have to leave the cock immediately!

Your squirt slave is real­ly sex­u­al­ly extreme­ly (!!!!!!) excit­ed. If you feel like it, elic­it sex­u­al con­fes­sions from him or tell him your sex­u­al fan­tasies, which you oth­er­wise do not dare to say.

Treat your man a lit­tle bit rougher. Men are into pain and dirty sex games. He will let every­thing go over him. Pun­ish your slave with for his greedy behavior.

Tor­ture his nip­ples with clamps, weights, wax, flog­ger and crop. Don’t for­get to always demand a “thank you” for your actions. If not… Crack the whip! 🙂

Controlled, de-semented penis! ;-) Ruined orgasm through a handjob
Con­trolled, de-sement­ed penis! 😉 Ruined orgasm through a handjob.

3. Make Also in Between Longer Breaks!

If your squirt­ing slave is very, very close to orgasm, and real­ly no more stim­u­la­tion is pos­si­ble, just take a 10-minute break.

Cock milking from behind
Cock milk­ing from behind

Dur­ing this time, you can tease your sub with­out stim­u­lat­ing the penis. e.g. mas­tur­bate over his face or let him lick you to orgasm. You can gen­tly lick + blow on the glans or tease it with a feather.

This brings your slave even a bit clos­er to the orgasm lim­it! But be care­ful: “One move­ment too much” can already be enough to trig­ger a breath­tak­ing penis explosion. 🙂

Very effec­tive is a change of posi­tion. You could also milk the cock from behind in dog­gystyle. But be sure to put a plate under the penis!

4. Milking With the Milking Table (Massage Couch / Table or Plate With Hole)

Milking Table with hole
Milk­ing Table with hole

a so-called Milk­ing Table is a very effec­tive way to milk the cock. Here the man lies with his bel­ly on a table, which one sawed out with a hole cir­cu­lar saw.

Due to the ten­sion and bend­ing his cock is huge, very stiff, and looks horny. The man can not see what the hotwife is doing. Sperm and pre­cum can leak with­out kink­ing the sperm strands very horny!

The con­struc­tion of a milk­ing table is sim­ple. A mod­i­fied wall­pa­per table or a mas­sage table with a hole sawn out is enough. Even a wood­en board with a hole is suit­able as a Milk­ing Table.

Per­fect for milk­ing, forced emas­cu­la­tion, and orgasm-ruining!

Milking cock with Milking table
Milk­ing cock with Milk­ing table

5. Milking With Gloryhole Device, Penis Bondage Board, Milking Table, Milking Table, Cock Bondage Table

Penis milking table
Penis milk­ing table

Anoth­er very good tool to get a high­ly aroused penis “excit­ed” and stim­u­lat­ed to the max­i­mum is a so-called milk­ing table, which in Eng­lish is called “glo­ry­hole device” or “penis bondage board”.

The milk­ing table can also be eas­i­ly built by yourself 

A wood­en bat­ten under the butt. Spac­ers, depend­ing on the height of the pelvis, In the upper plate drill a hole with a hole saw + cord­less screw­driv­er, a few hooks and eyes.

… and already the penis can be spoiled and tor­tured over and over again to the orgasm limit.

Horny Milking Table Ideas:

The pro­ce­dure is very sim­ple: you start jerk­ing, blow­ing and mas­sag­ing the penis (as usu­al). The horni­ness will quick­ly increase in your man and his cock will want to cum after a few min­utes! → But this is exact­ly what should be prevented!

As soon as the penis starts to twitch, take your hands away imme­di­ate­ly and ruin the orgasm repeat­ed­ly as often as you can.

If the tail bounces up and down and pre-juice runs out, you have suc­cess­ful­ly ruined an orgasm! You should try to ruin at least three orgasms!


Conclusion: Orgasm Control Is a Breathtaking Spectacle for Men and Women

There are many ways to make a hand­job var­ied and excit­ing. In addi­tion to the hand, you can use mas­sage oils, mas­tur­ba­tors (e.g. the Flesh­light mas­tur­ba­tor), penis vibra­tors or mas­sage devices. As soon as the man has learned that it is much hornier and more sat­is­fy­ing to ruin his orgasm sev­er­al times, he will real­ly look for­ward to the edg­ing sessions.

As a woman, it is incred­i­bly hot to pam­per the penis at the point of no return and sim­ply dri­ve the man crazy. We rec­om­mend set­ting a smart­phone timer e.g. for 60 min­utes, and stim­u­lat­ing the penis at dif­fer­ent jerk-off inter­vals. You should agree on fin­ger signs so that the woman can ruin every orgasm punctually.

As befits a true cuck­old, every drop of long­ing and his squirt­ed / leak­ing pre­cum belongs in his mouth after a ruined orgasm. A black bowl, a black plas­tic spoon or a spoon rest are very help­ful acces­sories for cum col­lect­ing and cum recy­cling. In grat­i­tude for the breath­tak­ing hand­job and blowjob, the man will of course also take his own cum oral­ly at the end of the game after the ful­fill­ing orgasm.

If you are well attuned to each oth­er with inter­val wank­ing, you can play with penis bondage, edg­ing milk­ing tables and prosta­ta mas­sage.

Exam­ple video for an edg­ing — session

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