Masturbation Is Very Monotonous for Most Men

An esti­mat­ed 85% of men get sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion with their hands one to three times a week, despite hav­ing a part­ner. In prin­ci­ple, male mas­tur­ba­tion is noth­ing bad and no rea­son for a guilty conscience.

How­ev­er, there is often an agree­ment between many cuck­olds and hotwifes that the woman must be asked for per­mis­sion before­hand and that the Cuck must report his “offense” to his part­ner when he jerks off on his own. Even the cuck­olds, who are locked with a penis cage should mas­tur­bate and cum occasionally.

Prob­a­bly the biggest part of the cuck­olds, on the oth­er hand, engage in fan­ta­sy cuck­old­ing and mas­tur­bate very often while watch­ing porn. They would love to make their wife cum, but either the woman does­n’t want to be a hotwife or the man does­n’t dare to address the cuck­old­ing fan­tasies. What we also find a pity is that most of the time they only jerk off with their hands.

In this guide we would like to show you alter­na­tives to hand wank­ing and give you ideas for var­ied mas­tur­ba­tion tech­niques. Please take the time and leave a com­ment how you like it best and if you have more ideas for men.

No More Hand Jerking! Make Your Masturbation More Varied From Now On.

Most men mas­tur­bate with their right or left hand. This is fast, uncom­pli­cat­ed and one hand is always ready for use. The pres­sure and speed can be well con­trolled when jerk­ing off. The ejac­u­late splash­es over the back of the hand or in the palm of the sec­ond hand, which can be dis­posed of quick­ly with a paper tow­el, toi­let paper or under the tap. 

But must this ALWAYS be so monot­o­nous!? We say: No! There are incred­i­bly mul­ti­fac­eted ways to make the penis cum 

In the fol­low­ing text, we would like to moti­vate you to change your mas­tur­ba­tion and find more fun while jerk­ing off. Repro­gram your per­son­al plea­sure sat­is­fac­tion! Be cre­ative and experiment.

Cre­ate var­ied stim­u­la­tion. Squirt on a tar­get. Don’t dis­pose of your love juice in the toi­let or trash can anymore! 

There are very horny sex toys that make jerking off even more awesome!
There are very horny sex toys that make jerk­ing off even more awesome!
Slutwife Trainig

Are Cuckolds Really Not Allowed to Masturbate Anymore?

Before we start with the tips, let’s first clar­i­fy an impor­tant ques­tion: Are cuck­olds allowed to mas­tur­bate at all? 

Cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers have cor­rect­ly rec­og­nized that longer peri­ods of absti­nence have a pos­i­tive effect on male libido (desire). Dai­ly, secret mas­tur­ba­tion in the part­ner­ship name­ly leads to the fact that the man los­es sex­u­al inter­est in his partner. 

But. Despite vows of chasti­ty and con­fine­ment of the penis in the cage.… For health rea­sons alone, at least one week­ly / fort­night­ly ejac­u­la­tion is impor­tant. If one is chaste for too long, the risk of prostate can­cer increas­es, the erec­tile func­tion of the erec­tile tis­sue decreas­es and the body reduces the pro­duc­tion of sex hor­mones. Flush­ing the repro­duc­tive organs through reg­u­lar ejac­u­la­tions is also impor­tant for cuckolds. 

There­fore, the answer is YES, cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers can and should mas­tur­bate too! But as they reduce the num­ber of mas­tur­ba­tions, it is just impor­tant to cre­ate beau­ti­ful and var­ied ejac­u­la­tions. And that’s what it’s about now…

Cuckold works out with a Fleshlight at porn night watching videos and photos of his horny wife
Cuck­old works out with a Flesh­light at porn night watch­ing videos and pho­tos of his horny wife

The Reprogramming of Male Masturbation

In order to make mas­tur­ba­tion a lit­tle more var­ied in the future, three things are impor­tant: For ejac­u­la­tion, in the future you should have an object ready as a cum tar­get that you look for­ward to.

In addi­tion, var­i­ous mas­tur­ba­tors and men’s sex toys should be inte­grat­ed into pri­vate love­mak­ing. The man should be able to rec­og­nize his orgasms in the future and ruin them sev­er­al times.

Opti­mal­ly, he should deal with the top­ic of prostate stimulation. 

1. Look For Varied Cum Targets

First of all, you should repro­gram in your head that from now on you will not cum on your hands, but that you will look for horny cumshot tar­gets. Think about what real­ly turns you on and what it could be worth if you insem­i­nate it. 

You will notice that the great antic­i­pa­tion and tin­gling excite­ment that accom­pa­nies you dur­ing the day, to final­ly be able to insem­i­nate your object in the evening, trig­gers incred­i­bly pow­er­ful ejac­u­la­tions and you cum notice­ably more sperm. You will learn that the insem­i­na­tion of objects is much, much hornier than con­ven­tion­al “to jerk off quick­ly in the hand”. 

The tar­get object should be placed in the view­ing area at the begin­ning of mas­tur­ba­tion. Again and again the gaze wan­ders to the object and the antic­i­pa­tion of the final insem­i­na­tion is great.

1.a) Inseminate photos (Cum tributes)
Cum Tributes on Photos: Always put photos in a document foil before inseminating them
Cum Trib­utes on Pho­tos: Always put pho­tos in a doc­u­ment foil before insem­i­nat­ing them

Absolute­ly per­fect cum tar­gets offer you pho­to shoots: It can be pho­tos of por­traits, spread pussies, sexy facials or fierce creamp­ies from the internet.

If you are extreme­ly turned on by a work col­league, neigh­bor, friend, fam­i­ly mem­ber or for­mer class­mate, you should final­ly insem­i­nate her with plen­ty of sperm. Famous movie actress­es and music stars are also tak­en as a tem­plate for squirt­ing.

Nowa­days, sperm spray­ing works very well on a tablet or a big smart­phone. You can take gen­er­al snap­shots at a com­pa­ny or fam­i­ly par­ty and zoom in on the woman for insemination 

Or you can print out the horny pho­tos. Slide them, just like clas­sic pho­tos, old class pho­tos and mag­a­zine pho­tos in a trans­par­ent doc­u­ment foil, so that noth­ing blurs and you can lick up your horny sperm. 

You can find great ideas for your pho­to insem­i­na­tion on the Inter­net under the search term cum trib­utes.

Cum Tributes: A Samsung tablet just lends itself to direct insemination
Cum Trib­utes: A Sam­sung tablet just lends itself to direct insemination
1.b) jerking off underwear from the laundry box 

Worn under­wear is also a very, very horny cum tar­get. Of course, the eas­i­est way to get horny panties from your wife.

Cum on panties: ejaculate cum on worn panties
Cum on panties: Ejac­u­late cum on worn panties

Be atten­tive for a few days, which lin­gerie / under­wear turns you on the most, and rum­mage the object of desire for insem­i­na­tion from the laun­dry box. 🙂

Accord­ing to expe­ri­ence, women do not notice even larg­er panties insem­i­na­tions. Since she does not pay atten­tion to it when fill­ing the wash­ing machine, even larg­er amounts of sperm are sim­ply washed clean unseen.

You can find horny insem­i­na­tion ideas under the search terms thong cum and cum filled panties.

Quite a few men come up with the idea of steal­ing a pair of worn panties from the neigh­bor’s laun­dry bas­ket or the friend’s wife in the bath­room or do insem­i­nate the under­wear right there.

1.c) Inseminate Barbies / small dolls and figures with sperm

A very com­mon fetish in Japan and Chi­na is the insem­i­na­tion of small dolls and ani­me hen­tai fig­ures.

Barbie dolls inseminated with sperm - Cum dolls
Bar­bie dolls insem­i­nat­ed with sperm — Cum dolls

Some women even like to reen­act sex scenes while play­ing with dolls, includ­ing the part­ner’s real penis and final­ly let­ting the dolls squirt full of sperm.

Under the search terms Bar­bie doll sperm, cum on Bratz doll, or cum on Bar­bie you can get inspired.

Many men col­lect a vari­ety of diverse dolls for a col­lec­tion. Because with sev­er­al pret­ty Bar­bie dolls, horny Bar­bie Gang­bang scenes can be depict­ed, which you can cum abun­dant­ly accord­ing to your per­son­al taste.

Some men like to help with a sperm ice cube and fab­ri­cate a real bukkake sperm bath with the dolls. 😉

Slutwife Trainig
1.d) Sperm plate / cum bowl inseminate (cum plate / cum bowl) 

If you don’t want to cum on dolls, panties and pho­tos, you should at least order a black plate or bowl from Ama­zon and have it ready for every masturbation. 

Simply practical: Penis can ejaculate freely on a cum plate and nothing squirts out of it
Sim­ply prac­ti­cal: Penis can ejac­u­late freely on a cum plate and noth­ing squirts out of it

Through a cum plate or a cum bowl, you can watch your penis ejac­u­late and visu­al­ly enjoy the pow­er­ful splash­es of sperm.

True cuck­olds lick the plate and bowl clean, of course.

A black ice cream spoon or lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoon also facil­i­tates the absorp­tion of drops of desire, pre­cum (pre-ejac­u­late) or leak­ing sperm.

In every cuck­old house­hold should belong a small dessert plate and a large lunch plate for cock edg­ing and hands-free ejaculations.

1.e.) Inseminate food / food (Cum food) 

A very strong emo­tion­al effect has the insem­i­na­tion of food. In com­bi­na­tion with a sperm plate or a sperm bowl, espe­cial­ly dark and absorbent foods see a horny contrast.

Sperm muffin: Perfect for sperm eating practice
Sperm muf­fin: Per­fect for sperm eat­ing practice

Hot are: OREO cook­ies, muffins, choco­late cake, mar­ble cake and the like. The piz­za is also a horny insem­i­na­tion object. 

The advan­tage for cuck­olds (and those who want to be) is that you can prac­tice sperm swal­low­ing com­plete­ly with­out any problems.

The Red­dit chan­nels Cum­my­foods, Cum­food, Cum_in_Food and Cumon­food­chal­lenge shows very many ideas what you can insem­i­nate everything.

2. Use Sex Toys for Men

Thanks to the pio­neer­ing work of Beate Uhse in the sev­en­ties, sex toys are nowa­days a com­plete­ly nor­mal lifestyle prod­uct for women. Sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion with vibra­tors, dil­dos, mas­sagers, love balls and BDSM toys is com­plete­ly normal. 

MEGA horny: Fleshlight masturbator
MEGA horny: Flesh­light masturbator

Although men mas­tur­bate much more often, they curi­ous­ly rarely use sex toys com­pared to women.

You should change this now. Inform your­self about sex toys for men and buy sev­er­al good mas­tur­ba­tors. A good tap­ping mas­sager is also recommended.

Very horny are the mas­tur­ba­tors Flesh­light, Quick­shot or Ten­ga. These male sex toys are per­fect for ruin­ing orgasms, and you can even train your poten­cy to have more sta­mi­na with your partner.

3. Learn to Ruin Orgasm (Orgasm Control)

What you should also repro­gram in your brain now is the “quick jerk off to cum”! You should get into the habit that you make real­ly exten­sive mas­tur­ba­tion ses­sions, which may well last three hours or longer. 

Precum comes out while ruining orgasm
Pre­cum comes out while ruin­ing orgasm

Accord­ing to the mot­to “the way is the goal”, we rec­om­mend that you choose a day on which you plan a real­ly nice porn evening, on which you are undis­turbed and which you can cel­e­brate a bit: 

  • Put some­thing tasty to drink and eat next to your PC, put a tow­el on the, chair and pre­pare a black plate for pre­cum and sperm.
  • When you are ready, set a smart­phone time to e.g. 3 hours. In this time you must not come to orgasm under any circumstances!
  • A very good porn video source, where you do not con­t­a­m­i­nate your PC with virus­es, is
  • Pam­per your cock with your free hand and play with sex toys.
  • When you feel that you are about to orgasm, imme­di­ate­ly take your hand off your cock and hold your sperm under it. So-called pre­cum, pre­juice or pre-ejac­u­late leaks out. This method is called orgasm ruin­ing or orgasm con­trol. We also speak about edg­ing and tease and denial.
  • After two or three min­utes, you can safe­ly touch your cock again.

Learn to Swallow Your Drops of Desire While Masturbating

Desire drop (pre-ejaculate) drips on a cookie
Desire drop (pre-ejac­u­late) drips on a cookie

Regard­less of whether you are a cuck­old and whether you like to swal­low cum, you should get into the habit of lick­ing up every love-drop (pre-ejac­u­late / pre-cum) when you mas­tur­bate from now on.

Love drops are crys­tal clear and extreme­ly sweet and slip­pery. If you have not yet cum with an orgasm, you will have absolute­ly no prob­lems at all swal­low­ing your love drop and small amounts of precum.

Tak­ing it from the tip of the glans goes great with your index fin­ger or a black plas­tic ice cream spoon (lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoon).

A very good tip is to care­ful­ly milk the drop of desire or pre­cum on an absorbent cook­ie on a sperm plate. Be care­ful, how­ev­er, that you don’t acci­den­tal­ly orgasm while doing this. It is absolute­ly the eas­i­est method if you want to learn to swal­low your own sperm.

Find Varied Masturbation Ideas on the Internet

Get busy with the top­ic “Mas­tur­ba­tion for men” on the Inter­net in the next few months. Cool is the Run­ter­hol­su­tra with var­i­ous mas­tur­ba­tion tech­niques. Read how bal­loon­ing or edg­ing works.

Cookies are a very good for insemination with sperm
Cook­ies are a very good for insem­i­na­tion with sperm

A very good source for crazy mas­tur­ba­tion ideas is The Red­dit chan­nel OhCu­mOn also pro­vides great ideas.

On there is a so-called jerk-off roulette: Count­less users have uploaded mas­tur­ba­tion images on cap­tions (pho­tos with texts).

In the upper right cor­ner above the pic­ture num­bers are dis­played, which are ran­dom­ly gen­er­at­ed like in roulette or dice games. You can find great ideas there that make mas­tur­ba­tion even more varied. 

Man’s 1 Million Dollar Punk: His Prostate Gland 

Even though most men are not com­fort­able with the idea of play­ing around with his back­door, we encour­age you to get involved with prostate stimulation.

You could insert a prostate stim­u­la­tor like the NEXUS or ANEOS while watch­ing porn. You’ll be sur­prised at the goose­bump feel­ing you’ll get from squirt­ing heavy amounts of cum.

With a lit­tle prac­tice you can milk your prostate horny with­out orgasm and train for a strap-on fuck of your hotwife.

Slutwife Trainig

Conclusion: Masturbating doesn’t have to be boring

Your penis can give you unex­pect­ed­ly horny feel­ings of plea­sure if you dare to get out of your com­fort zone and final­ly start to mas­tur­bate in a var­ied and imag­i­na­tive way. 

You will one day enjoy the antic­i­pa­tion when you know that you will once again treat your­self to a horny mas­tur­ba­tion evening.

Extreme­ly horny is all the time to know that at the end of the ses­sion a horny object is wait­ing for you to be insem­i­nat­ed by you vig­or­ous­ly. Get busy with mas­tur­ba­tors and prostate stim­u­la­tors. Learn to con­trol and ruin your orgasm! Because with orgasm con­trol and self-dis­ci­pline when ejac­u­lat­ing you can score with every woman.

Don’t waste any more sperm. It does­n’t belong in the toi­let! Enjoy your ejac­u­la­tions on a black plate and no longer in the handkerchief! 

Horny Fleshlight workout with a happy ending
Horny Flesh­light work­out with a hap­py ending 

More Sources:

Per­fect: Watch­ing porn, jerk­ing off with Flesh­light, ruin­ing orgasm and jerk­ing off on black plate.  A cock should cum nice and “free” on a black plate or black table­cloth!

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