The fulfillment of an eternal secret foreign insemination fantasy

My friend Nele conยญfessed to me many years ago that she had sexยญuยญal fanยญtasies with strangers. We were just 16 years old! At that time I was extremeยญly outยญraged and jealยญousยญly assumed that she wantยญed to cheat.

Very wet pussy: Hot group sex fantasies of Nele
Very wet pussy: Hot group sex fanยญtasies of Nele

While I loved Neleโ€™s sexยญuยญal activยญiยญty, her freยญquent surยญrepยญtiยญtious use of her dilยญdos and sex toys was a thorn in my side for years! More than once, she closed her lapยญtop when I entered the room. It made me suspicious.

It wasยญnโ€™t until about 5 years latยญer that we talked about group sex and threeยญsomes some more. Nele conยญfessed that she also gangยญbang fanยญtasies just would not go out of her head. She asked me if we could at least watch group sex porn togethยญer. โ€œThat would be enough for her,โ€ she said.

I agreed and was very surยญprised how she was in the know with the bizarre terms at Nele masยญturยญbatยญed very vioยญlentยญly durยญing the secยญond film, became incredยญiยญbly wet and quickยญly came to orgasm. Of course, I also could not hold back for long and we fucked very passionately.

Neleโ€™s secret plan

The topยญic โ€œgroup sexโ€ did not let us go from now on. We watched gangยญbang, group sex and cuckยญold porn togethยญer sevยญerยญal times a week. We fucked very horny in the process. Nevยญer before we had more and hornier sex!

I did not susยญpect that Nele wantยญed to โ€œeduยญcateโ€ me in these ways to her Cuckยญold. It actuยญalยญly crysยญtalยญlized a comยญmon fanยญtaยญsy that we liked to play through durยญing sex: We wantยญed to invite a secยญond guy with whom I wantยญed to fuck her togethยญer. Someยญhow, though, it didยญnโ€™t hapยญpen for sevยญerยญal years.

Five more years latยญer, one day we decidยญed to orgaยญnize a real gangยญbang for my girlยญfriend. But since we didยญnโ€™t want to invite strangers, we three asked our friends if they were interested.

A horny fuck with three friends

And if they were interยญestยญed! They came on time and didยญnโ€™t linger long with pleasยญantries. At the behest of my girlยญfriend, I had led the three into the livยญing room, where they sat on the couch.

While I served them drinks, my girlยญfriend began to strip in front of them and move lasยญcivยญiยญousยญly. Soon the effect became apparยญent: all the men got bumps in their pants. My girlยญfriend was naked by now and just sat down between two of the guys.

My partner Nele finally gets her gangbang longed for years!
My partยญner Nele finalยญly gets her gangยญbang longed for years!

The guys took out their cocks and took turns getยญting blown. My dick also got stiff, but looked rather small comยญpared to the mighty devices of the othยญers. In the meanยญtime, the men had stood up. My girlยญfriend knelt in front of them and blew their cocks like a pro. She paid no attenยญtion to me.

I played only a supporting role in their first gangbang!

The blowjob was soon no longer enough for the men. They wantยญed sex! One guy grabbed my girlยญfriend and threw her backยญwards on the couch. His powยญerยญful penis pressed easยญiยญly into her perยญmaยญnentยญly horny pussy.

Cuckolding: My girlfriend gets stranger fucked
Cuckยญoldยญing: My girlยญfriend gets stranger fucked

The othยญer two guys stood to the left and right of her head and took turns getยญting blown while her budยญdy fucked her intenseยญly. Although the penis was huge, screamยญing and groanยญing with pleasure.

I was stunned at how she willยญingยญly let herยญself be used so roughยญly! I had nevยญer expeยญriยญenced her so horny when we had sex together.

Not much was missยญing and my budยญdies would have startยญed fightยญing over my girlยญfriend. The sight of the comยญpeยญtiยญtion was incredยญiยญble, much betยญter than the best porn.

My cock was hard as steel. When I tried to make my move, the three men just pushed me away and kept fuckยญing. They took turns, so that a bulging cock was conยญstantยญly stuck in the dripยญping wet pussy of my girlfriend.

Cuckold sex with friends
Cuckยญold sex with friends

The men treatยญed Nele like a fuck doll. They dragged her on all fours. While one fucked her from behind, the othยญer shoved his cock down her throat. The third pulled her hair and turned her head in my direcยญtion. He called out to me, โ€œWatch us give your bitch a real hard time! You donโ€™t seem to have fucked her propยญerยญly for a long time.โ€

I made no reply. Instead, I had to swalยญlow hard and jerk my cock intenseยญly. It made me incredยญiยญbly horny to watch โ€” how my girlยญfriend was treatยญed like a cheap whore by my friends.

Although the guys treatยญed her very realยญly not nice, Nele drove apparยญentยญly downยญright to be used as a fuck piece. She moaned loudยญly in the affirยญmaยญtive, askยญing if the guys were allowed to do ANYTHING with her. I countยญed three vioยญlent orgasms with her in the first half hour.

Neleโ€™s first anal orgasm

One guy said, โ€œWhy do we always fuck the bitch in turns? After all, she has three holes.โ€ His budยญdies jeered in agreeยญment. One sent me to the bathยญroom to get some lube. When I returned, he was lying on the floor. His penis was stickยญing up in the air like a stake.

My girlยญfriend squatยญted over him, facยญing him, and slowยญly lowยญered herยญself onto his bulging cock. Smackยญing he disยญapยญpeared in her by the wild fuck very stretched and soakยญing wet hole. The othยญer took the Vaseยญline from my hand and lubriยญcatยญed her assยญhole with it.

Nele went off violently the first time anal sex! I could hardly believe it...
Nele went off vioยญlentยญly the first time anal sex! I could hardยญly believe itโ€ฆ

Before my girlยญfriend knew what was hapยญpenยญing to her, he was up to his balls in her ass. Although we had been togethยญer for some time, we had nevยญer had anal sex until now 

I was all the more surยญprised that my girlยญfriend was clearยญly enjoyยญing the rough sex. She screamed and jerked as one orgasm folยญlowed another 

Her horny pussy juice ran down the tails and was foamy fucked into a bizยญzare lookยญing fuck cunt! I was in a frenzy.

Violent gangbang insemination of all holes of my girlfriend

That she liked the gangยญbang so obviยญousยญly made her studs even hornier. They redouยญbled their efforts!

The two men stuck in her pussy and ass coorยญdiยญnatยญed their moveยญments and fucked her with vioยญlent thrusts. At first she screamed with pleaยญsure โ€” but not for long. Her gasps and moans were mufยญfled because the third guy stuffed his cock down her throat.

Kinky stranger inseminated cum cunt of my girlfriend
Kinky stranger insemยญiยญnatยญed cum cunt of my girlfriend

This went on for quite a while until the guy stuck in her cunt couldยญnโ€™t take it anyยญmore and splashed his semen loudยญly moanยญing all the way into Neleโ€™s uterus. He pulled the tail out once briefly and squirtยญed twice on the pubic mound and then fucked mega bruยญtalยญly furยญther! Nele moaned as loud as I had nevยญer heard her before.

Also the guy in the ass rammed his thickยญly veined cock in and out at a vioยญlent speed. Nele cliยญmaxed vioยญlentยญly durยญing the douยญble penetration.

The twitchยญing of the vagiยญna now also trigยญgered the orgasm of the othยญer stabยญber. Moanยญing and twitchยญing, he injectยญed vioยญlent splashยญes of sperm into Neleโ€™s ass.

Foreign insemination in group sex: Nele is violently fucked and abundantly inseminated with sperm.
Forยญeign insemยญiยญnaยญtion in group sex: Nele is vioยญlentยญly fucked and abunยญdantยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed with sperm.

Thereยญupon it was also over with the restraint of the third man. He grabbed the back of her head and pushed his cock so deep into her throat that she had to gag. Pulling it out of Neleโ€™s throat, he squirtยญed vioยญlentยญly. Two incredยญiยญble founยญtains of cum splashed over her face, neck and breasts 

The rest landยญed comยญpleteยญly in her mouth. Since she couldยญnโ€™t swalยญlow his sperm fast enough, it ran horniยญly out of the corยญners of her mouth. Nele moaned extremeยญly loudยญly with pleaยญsure and sperm magiยญcian. I saw that she swalยญlowed there sperm and greedยญiยญly licked the corยญners of her mouth clean.

What a sight! My girlยญfriend fucked in all three holes.โ€ฆ Her sweet face was full of cum! I was out of my mind and masยญturยญbatยญed vioยญlentยญly while watchยญing. I knew that I must not cum! So I ruined my orgasm and unloaded my cock into Neleโ€™s wide open mouth 

Nele kept reaching for my hand while stranger fucking and smiled happily at me!
Nele kept reachยญing for my hand while stranger fuckยญing and smiled hapยญpiยญly at me!

When I was lucid again, I was quick-witยญted with our sperm spoon to make sure that the creampie and no sperm drop ran onto the bedยญding. Her incredยญiยญbly horny sperm face I licked and kissed nimยญbly clean. We gave us greedy extremeยญly horny snowยญballing โ€” cum kisses.

But one of the men were not yet finยญished with her. He threw her on her back. The othยญer two guys spread her legs and held her up while the third laid on top of her and fucked her 

The cum from the guy before was runยญning down horny labia and cock.โ€ฆ I had to swalยญlow hard! It was incredยญiยญble how bruยญtalยญly hard he fucked Nele โ€ฆ until he gave her anothยญer horny creampie.

The guys laughed a few minยญutes. Her cunt overยญflowยญing with cum looked incredยญiยญbly horny! They finยญgered her again alterยญnateยญly to orgasm and let her lick the cum finยญgers greedยญiยญly clean 

While they finยญgered Nele alterยญnateยญly to her last orgasm, I felt so hapยญpy as if I had won a jackpot.

Conclusion: Since this sex meeting we did it often

It was an incredยญiยญble and at the same time wonยญderยญful evening, where everyยญone got their monยญeyโ€™s worth. It was realยญly worth it!

The gangbang was TOP and will definitely be repeated!
The gangยญbang was TOP and will defยญiยญniteยญly be repeated! 

When my friends had gone, we kissed and pasยญsionยญate. And finalยญly I was allowed to fuck my girlยญfriend. It was the hottest sex of my life. The feelยญing of her repeatยญedยญly insemยญiยญnatยญed pussy was incomยญpaยญraยญble. Conยญtrary to expecยญtaยญtions, I felt no jealยญousy! Scent and sight of the sperm pussy were a dream!

Showยญered was not until noon the next day! We fucked in the mornยญing because of the memยญoยญries and scents 2 more times. Nele and I sucked around with the sperm, cudยญdled and kissed again and again.

We firmยญly resolved to orgaยญnize such a gangยญbang again soon.โ€ฆ From todayโ€™s point of view I can tell you, dear readยญer, we enjoy it every time! We love each othยญer very, very much and are now hapยญpiยญly marยญried. I love to share my wife with othยญer fuckers!

Small tip: If you want to try it, rather look for fuckยญers on the Interยญnet and meet in an anonyยญmous hotel! That gives less โ€œtalkโ€.

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