Why Is It Important for Women to Reduce Their Desire

Even the name Hotwife says that she has a strong sex­u­al desire. The cuck­old can’t sat­is­fy her intense lust alone.

The mem­o­ries of pre­vi­ous gang­bangs, her kinky fan­tasies, but also the plan­ning and prepa­ra­tions for the next meet­ing with one or even more bulls will dri­ve a hotwife sheer crazy.

Masturbation while watching porn
Mas­tur­ba­tion while watch­ing porn

As a result, the cuck­ol­dress has an annoy­ing prob­lem. She is con­stant­ly extreme­ly aroused, and her panties are con­stant­ly wet. What sounds fun­ny, is very obstruc­tive in pri­vate and pro­fes­sion­al every­day life.

To give the pussy a rest, at least tem­porar­i­ly, a hotwife should mas­tur­bate sev­er­al times a week — some­times even sev­er­al times a day.

Which means and ways there are to sat­is­fy the lust of a cuck­ol­dress, you will learn in this guide.

The Classic: Masturbation With Hand and Sex Toy

Orgasm with Magic Wand Massager
Orgasm with Mag­ic Wand Massager

For mas­tur­ba­tion, the right hand is the best friend. How­ev­er, there are also very good sex toys with which an orgasm with less hand work and a more intense orgasm is possible.

Most dil­dos and vibra­tors per­fect­ly suit­able. There are count­less col­ors, shapes and designs. The most pop­u­lar vibra­tor is a mis­ap­pro­pri­at­ed mas­sager called “Mag­ic Wand Mas­sager”. It is white and has a ten­nis ball sized mas­sage head. With this device, unbe­liev­ably horny orgasms are possible!

Squirting with dildo
Squirt­ing with dildo

How­ev­er, many cuck­ol­dress­es are not (any­more) into main­stream sex toys, but rather like fan­cy stuff.

Most hotwifes love dark-skinned big dil­dos with gigan­tic dimen­sions and inflat­able dil­dos. Hotwifes love stretch­ing games with their pussies and prac­tice with them for the thick penis­es of the Bulls.

How­ev­er, there are oth­er sex toys that you can use to stim­u­late cuck­old fan­tasies. These include love balls, for exam­ple. You put them in your pussy in the morn­ing and leave them there all day. You can wear them at work, while walk­ing and while doing chores because they are com­plete­ly invis­i­ble on the outside.

Looks bizarre, but feels crazy horny: Candles in the pussy
Looks bizarre, but feels crazy horny: Can­dles in the pussy

The fric­tion and stretch­ing of the pussy keeps you in a per­ma­nent state of horni­ness and lets you expe­ri­ence gang­bang fan­tasies, for exam­ple. How­ev­er, you should buy slight­ly larg­er love balls made of stain­less steel and not the cheap stan­dard mod­els made of plastic.

Pump-up dil­dos, love balls, butt plugs, dil­dos, and ball wands are very suit­able for anal play. When you insert them into your back­door, they widen your butt hole and make it recep­tive to anal play. 

Most bulls expect from their hotwife to be allowed to sat­is­fy them anal­ly. There­fore, the ass should be trained in advance!

G‑spot toys that have an angled, spher­i­cal head are also high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. With these, squirt­ing (female ejac­u­la­tion) can be trained. G‑spot orgasms are a bit tedious to trig­ger, but very, very intense!

Advanced Hotwifes Like to Masturbate With Everyday Objects

How­ev­er, in every house­hold there are a vari­ety of objects that you can use to masturbate.

Pussy stretching with shower gel bottle
Pussy stretch­ing with show­er gel bottle

In prin­ci­ple, all objects with­out sharp edges and with an elon­gat­ed shape are suit­able as dil­dos. These could be roll-on deodor­ants, deodor­ant sprays, cos­met­ic bot­tles, show­er gel bot­tles or the han­dle of a hairbrush.

The pussy can also be stim­u­lat­ed very well with a cos­met­ic brush.

The kitchen gen­er­al­ly gives a lot of horny: spat­u­la for spank­ing cli­toris, labia, and nipples.

A whisk is per­fect for stretch­ing the entire vagi­na and squirting.

Tea­spoons, table­spoons, lat­te mac­chi­a­to spoons as well as cook­ing spoons and uten­sils with thick han­dles are also very pop­u­lar for mis­use. Spice pes­tles made of mar­ble or porce­lain are also super suit­able as a dildo.

Stretching with whisks makes pussy cum!
Stretch­ing with whisks makes pussy cum!
Masturbation with electric toothbrush: Pussy leaks with pleasure!
Mas­tur­ba­tion with elec­tric tooth­brush: Pussy leaks with pleasure!

Hotwifes can also stretch their per­ma­nent­ly hun­gry pussy with sev­er­al can­dles or crayons. Some women make a lit­tle chal­lenge out of how many crayons or can­dles they can fit in their pussy today. It gets vio­lent­ly wet in the process, and the desire for a vagi­nal orgasm is immense.

Even a some­what firm pil­low or a sauna tow­el are good for mas­tur­ba­tion. Rhyth­mic rub­bing on the fab­ric trig­gers horny cli­toral orgasms.

An inter­est­ing option is also the wash­ing machine. If it is in the spin cycle and vibrates just so nice, you can sit on it and let your­self be stim­u­lat­ed. Alter­na­tive­ly, just press your pussy against the machine.

Gen­er­al­ly, all house­hold appli­ances that vibrate are also suit­able for mas­tur­bat­ing. This ranges from elec­tric tooth­brush­es to elec­tric shavers to mas­sage devices.

Basi­cal­ly, the only lim­its are your cre­ativ­i­ty and, of course, com­mon sense.

Pussy stretching and squirting with over 50 crayons
Pussy stretch­ing and squirt­ing with over 50 crayons

To inflict gen­tle pain on the nip­ples, a hotwife can use hair clips, clothes­pins, strings, bind­ing wire for flow­ers and hot can­dle wax. Nip­ple play makes the vagi­na incred­i­bly wet.

By the way, if mas­tur­bat­ing makes your love juice flow abun­dant­ly, you should take the oppor­tu­ni­ty to train your­self to swal­low your own love nec­tar and lick your love­toys clean. Your bulls and lovers will demand it anyway.


Fruits and Veggies… Not Only for the Salad.

Prob­a­bly every sex­u­al­ly open-mind­ed wom­an’s mind has wan­dered off while shop­ping in the fruit and veg­etable sec­tion of the supermarket.

Masturbation with cucumber
Mas­tur­ba­tion with cucumber

Cucum­bers in all diam­e­ters, zuc­chi­ni, egg­plants, car­rots, cock­tail toma­toes do not only belong in the sal­ad. The fruit counter also offers a lot to sati­ate the desire: bananas, straw­ber­ries, black­ber­ries, goose­ber­ries, and grapes.

The pussy responds to almost all small and large objects. The fierce imag­i­na­tion in the process does the rest. For exam­ple, try out what hap­pens when you serve your cuck­old a refined fruit or veg­etable sal­ad with a horny squirt dress­ing! Like­wise, an egg­plant or zuc­chi­ni casse­role with plen­ty of pussy juice.

Mas­tur­ba­tion in bathtub

Masturbation With the Water Jet in Shower or Bathtub

Clichéd, but very pop­u­lar with numer­ous women, is the cli­toral stim­u­la­tion with a hand show­er or the water spout of the bathtub.

With the water jet, you mas­sage your love pearl (cli­toris). You can adjust the strength and tem­per­a­ture as you wish.

The bub­bling, warm water jet feels incred­i­bly good, so a cli­toral orgasm is not long in coming.

Espe­cial­ly if the woman has no pri­va­cy for fam­i­ly rea­sons, the bath­room is a wel­come retreat for a pri­vate climax.

The New Trend Among Women: Porn Masturbation

Hotwife schaut Porno
Hotwife watch­es porn

It’s no secret that hotwifes love to watch porn. The dark fig­ure is huge. Accord­ing to recent sur­veys, nowa­days, 35% of women secret­ly watch porn with­out their part­ner.

They don’t do it exclu­sive­ly to sat­is­fy their urges, but espe­cial­ly to fire their fantasies.

When stim­u­lat­ing the cli­toris and vagi­na, all the items men­tioned above can be used. Very well, she can train orgasm con­trol while watch­ing porn.

By the way, it is a fal­la­cy that women only want to watch vanil­la sex porn. Just like men, they like to watch hard sex and les­bian, gang­bang as well as BDSM movies. Very many even watch gay porn. They like to ejac­u­late and squirt a lot. Hotwifes are a bit broad­er in their selec­tion than nor­mal women and like to watch movies with dark-skinned men.

The Classic: Erotic Literature and Sex Stories

For many gen­er­a­tions, women have secret­ly read erot­ic books, nov­els, and sex sto­ries while mas­tur­bat­ing with their hands.

Masturbation beim Buch lesen
Mas­tur­ba­tion while read­ing a book: Relax­ing and stim­u­lat­ing at the same time.

Ama­zon also has a lot of books in the area of cuckold, wife­sharing and gang­bang. Who does not want to have such books at home, can also buy the Kin­dle ver­sion com­plete­ly discreet.

A very good tip are the books of the “Shades of Grey” series. Although they are not about sex with strangers or horny gang­bangs, but they stim­u­late fan­tasies in the field of BDSM and dom­i­na­tion extremely.


Masturbation — More Than Dildo and Vibrator

There are numer­ous ways to mas­tur­bate. Besides sex toys like dil­dos, vibra­tors and BDSM sex toys, numer­ous things that are avail­able in every house­hold are also suitable.

Selbstbefriedigung mit einem Dildo ist zwar anstrengend, verschafft aber Befriedigung.
Mas­tur­ba­tion with a dil­do is exhaust­ing, but pro­vides very strong satisfaction.

From deodor­ant and sham­poo bot­tles, to kitchen uten­sils, numer­ous pens and can­dles, there are no lim­its to cre­ativ­i­ty. How­ev­er, the hands are best suit­ed for mas­tur­ba­tion. They are avail­able every­where and always ready for use.

Some­times it’s not about the “quick orgasm” at all. Stretch­ing and play­ing for hours is plea­sur­able for very many women.

Nowa­days, it is no longer taboo for women to watch porn as well. Here, too, “woman” does­n’t just get a quick­ie orgasm, but mas­tur­bates for hours while watch­ing dirty movies.

Challenge: Pussy stretching mit Filzstiften
Sharpie Chal­lenge: Pussy stretch­ing with markers

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