A normal couple evolves into wifesharing

Hel­lo dear read­ers, I am Tilo and (unfor­tu­nate­ly) already 49. I am a self-con­fessed Wife­shar­er and find cuckold.info so good that I sat down to write two expe­ri­ence reports in the form of Wife­shar­ing stories 

I will try to explain what makes me horny to see my wife hav­ing sex with strange men and I will tell you how I became a wifesharer.

By the way, I have also writ­ten for you the arti­cle Why do I let my wife fuck strangers? I am inter­est­ed in your expe­ri­ences. Are you also a wife­shar­er? How was your first time with a strange man? Do you have any tips on how to make the first time with a bull as pleas­ant as pos­si­ble? Feel free to ask me ques­tions or leave com­ments below the texts.

This is us — an (almost) normal couple

Masturbate together: Sex toys are great for exploring well-worn paths in a new way.
Mas­tur­bate togeth­er: Sex toys are great for explor­ing well-worn paths in a new way.

My wife Andrea is 48 and we were both very lucky to have found each oth­er. After all, we have been mar­ried for 24 years.

Basi­cal­ly, we are a very nor­mal cou­ple. We live in a nice apart­ment in Wolfs­burg. I work at VW and Andrea is a tax clerk. Nobody guess­es our horny hobby.

After we fin­ished our fam­i­ly plan­ning, built up a life togeth­er and gave birth to and raised our son, we felt that we slow­ly had more free time and free­dom again. Andrea met her friends again, worked in a club and I could pur­sue my hobbies.

Our sex life had completely fallen asleep during the marriage

How­ev­er, sex did­n’t real­ly work out. Some­how it had become com­plete­ly unim­por­tant in the 18 years of our role as par­ents. I jerked off secret­ly on the com­put­er while watch­ing porn. We had fucked only a max­i­mum of once a month. It was rather a com­pul­so­ry program.

I did­n’t know quite how I could change that… because in her younger years Andrea was a small, horny sow. We did it then out­side, in the car, at a par­ty.… She even found my sperm horny and I was even allowed to squirt in her face. She could not get enough sex. There was noth­ing left of all that.

In the cir­cle of friends I heard tips like, I should just go to a whore­house. I was neg­a­tive­ly sur­prised how many men let their lust be sat­is­fied “out­side”. That was absolute­ly no alter­na­tive for me. I want­ed to try to rekin­dle our love life.

I gave Andrea a good vibra­tor for her birth­day. Sur­pris­ing­ly, the gift was well received. She con­fessed to me that she had had three oth­er sex toys for many years and that she often mas­tur­bat­ed when I was­n’t around.

The con­fes­sion I found stu­pid and good at the same time. We agreed that from now on we would “play” togeth­er. That was a good door open­er! Our toy box quick­ly filled up with more sex toys. We ven­tured into dil­dos, cli­toral stim­u­la­tors, restraints, nip­ple suck­ers, clamps and more.

Bad sexlife: Sex is a measure of the love relationship!
In many long-term cou­ples, family/work stress, lack of exper­i­men­ta­tion, sex­u­al prej­u­dice, lack of pri­va­cy, and lack of vari­ety creep into mutu­al sex­u­al dis­in­cli­na­tion and frus­tra­tion in bed. It is impor­tant to rec­og­nize these sig­nals and coun­ter­act them in open con­ver­sa­tions. Sex is a mea­sure of the love relationship! 

A porn evening as a door opener

One day I came up with the idea of hav­ing a porn evening with her. Andrea agreed. I hooked up a lap­top to our bed­room TV, lit lots of can­dles, and spread out our toy box on the floor 

Porn is considered a mental door opener for women to wifesharing and cuckolding
Porn is con­sid­ered a men­tal door open­er for women to wife­shar­ing and cuckolding

In the begin­ning it was strange for me, because for years I always watched the porn (secret­ly) alone. I was amazed when Andrea typed in the word gang­bang. I asked her in amaze­ment where she would know the word. She just shrugged her shoul­ders and grinned 

It was a mer­ci­less­ly horny evening. Andrea came 3x to orgasm and I fucked her hard through and splashed her breasts with plen­ty of sperm.

Since then, the ice was com­plete­ly bro­ken. More and more often we decid­ed to have a porn evening instead of bor­ing trash TV shows. We ini­tial­ly watched main­ly gang­bangs and ama­teur sex porn 

Andrea devel­oped won­drous fetish­es and sex­u­al incli­na­tions with­out my inter­ven­tion. So it con­tin­ued with fam­i­ly sex porn and les­bian movies. Very obvi­ous­ly, Andrea became increas­ing­ly inter­est­ed in black men with huge cocks. Con­spic­u­ous­ly often she came to orgasm extreme­ly dur­ing cum-heavy, vio­lent BBC porn and BBC gang­bangs!

By chance, a hus­band was forced to lick clean his wife’s cum pussy. Andrea enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly slipped out a “Issss das gei­i­il­ll!!!”. Below the porn, oth­er creampie cleanup clips were linked. She mas­tur­bat­ed vio­lent­ly and asked me if I would do the same. I emphat­i­cal­ly denied. She nev­er­the­less orgasmed very loud­ly and watched more and more cuck­old­ing porn with cum cleanup lick­ing.

Watching porn together has a significant positive effect on the sex life of couples.
Watch­ing porn togeth­er has a sig­nif­i­cant pos­i­tive effect on the sex life of couples.

The desire for the real thing is getting stronger 

It was as if I had awak­ened the sleep­ing tiger in my wife! They became more and more open and friv­o­lous over the months. The sex was again fan­tas­tic and incred­i­bly varied! 

When masturbating, women develop new sexual fantasies and inclinations
When mas­tur­bat­ing, women devel­op new sex­u­al fan­tasies and inclinations

By now Andrea was mas­tur­bat­ing next to me every night before falling asleep. More and more often she sug­gest­ed on her own if we want­ed to watch porn togeth­er and play with sex toys. It was very help­ful that many ini­tia­tives came from my wife and I did­n’t have to per­suade her to do anything 

The fan­ta­sy of stranger fuck­ing became more and more dras­tic and vivid. We both wished very much that Andrea would be fucked by sev­er­al strange men real­ly horny and insem­i­nat­ed with a lot of sperm.

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, we both always had the wrong part­ners for this and no solu­tion approach, how we could put the fan­tasies into prac­tice. Until we met through a wife­shar­ing web­site first men. Andrea wrote very dirty things with the guys, but promised me nev­er to write any­thing behind my back 

The initiative to have sex with strangers came more and more from my wife

Couple watching porn
Joint exper­i­ments, kinky porn and horny sex toys enliv­en our sex life. Andrea often cli­max­es, I have to ruin my orgasm sev­er­al times.

Andrea some­times mas­tur­bat­ed even sev­er­al times a day and I was no longer able to sat­is­fy her completely 

The men in the sex chat turned Andrea’s brain com­plete­ly inside out. Lit­tle by lit­tle she even fucked her­self in front of the web­cam with thick dil­dos, with bot­tles, can­dles, kitchen uten­sils and house­hold objects and came to orgasm very vio­lent­ly and impul­sive­ly in front of the strange men 

Lat­er fol­lowed even very grotesque nip­ple, pussy, cli­toris suck­ers. She hung clamps with weights on labia and ran around with nip­ple chains.

We shot horny video clips and pho­tographed the kinky mas­tur­ba­tion and sex games for the com­plete­ly enthu­si­as­tic, strange men in chats, What­sApp and KIK.

Masturbating and fucking together in the evening. An orgasm to fall asleep one day belonged to the normality.
Mas­tur­bat­ing and fuck­ing togeth­er in the evening. An orgasm to fall asleep one day belonged to the nor­mal­i­ty with Andrea.

I had to learn my to swallow my own cum

Since Andrea liked to watch cuck­old­ing porn, it was already to be expected…The day came when she first forced me to lick our creampie clean after sex 

Own cum cleanup - Lick your own cum clean
Own cum cleanup — Lick your own cum clean

I resist­ed a bit and reluc­tant­ly licked her insem­i­nat­ed cum cunt clean. She said very dom­i­nant­ly that she would “teach” me how to swal­low cum 

It actu­al­ly worked! Some­how Andrea man­aged to get me excit­ed about my sperm. It took a few months, but it got bet­ter and better 

Today I don’t have a prob­lem with my sperm, nor with for­eign sperm. On the con­trary! Kinky cum kiss­es, snow­balling and lick­ing her body and cum pussy clean has become com­plete­ly nor­mal for us.… Gang­bang too.

Our first time as wifesharers in swingers club

Some­how we did­n’t quite like the idea of orga­niz­ing a sex par­ty our­selves. So we first tried it in a swingers club 

Vaginal orgasms by numerous cocks are very power-sapping for women, but incredibly satisfying
Vagi­nal orgasms by numer­ous cocks are very pow­er-sap­ping for women, but incred­i­bly satisfying 

The first time in the club was some­how not so great. I open­ly told that I was a wife­shar­er, which in ret­ro­spect turned out to be a mis­take. In the swinger scene you are very much among your­selves and (accord­ing to our impres­sion) you obvi­ous­ly don’t want to have any­thing to do with wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing couples.

We got the tip to go to a so-called men’s sur­plus par­ty. How­ev­er, there would be inject­ed with sperm. All par­tic­i­pants must present a med­ical certificate 

Guys, what can I say!!! Andrea was excit­ed with­out end at the begin­ning, but the many fuck­ers did their best to fuck her prop­er­ly. It did­n’t take 10 min­utes and she orgasmed for the first time! She screamed half the hall togeth­er, which only attract­ed more men and fucked the fuck­ers even harder.

I will nev­er for­get the sight: I also for­got my excite­ment, my cock became bone hard and I jerked off like a man pos­sessed. Andrea asked me to active­ly join in and fuck along. Her insem­i­nat­ed love cave felt incred­i­bly horny and after a few thrusts I also orgasmed and also squirt­ed my own cum into the horny for­eign juice cock­tail direct­ly into my wife!

I do not remem­ber how many times Andrea came to orgasm that evening, but there were some. The stake was now dri­ven into the ground: I WAS A WIFESHARER!

A wifesharer lets his wife be fucked hard by strange men and watches while jerking off.
A wife­shar­er lets his wife be fucked hard by strange men and watch­es while jerk­ing off.

A tandem of online sex and men’s surplus parties

We had to make the expe­ri­ence that unfor­tu­nate­ly we can’t count on key­board eroti­cists in prac­tice! Again and again we sug­gest­ed to men that they can fuck Andrea with plea­sure in our club. Not one of them came! 

Squirting during horny sex chat with strange men
Squirt­ing dur­ing horny sex chat with strange men

How­ev­er, Andrea was able to live out her new­ly dis­cov­ered exhi­bi­tion­ist streak on the net. She found it extreme­ly horny to chat with dom­i­nant gen­tle­men and to do her assigned, part­ly very bizarre mas­tur­ba­tion — tasks and chal­lenges in front of the WebCam 

Her chat friends even sent her vibra­tors, dil­dos and all kinds of BDSM sex toys. Andrea learned horny mas­tur­ba­tion techniques.

It excit­ed me enor­mous­ly as a Wife­shar­er that so many men desired my wife. With plea­sure I filmed and pho­tographed her horny dai­ly and week­ly work­outs. Her online friends demand­ed chal­leng­ing pussy games with house­hold objects, can­dles, bot­tles, veg­eta­bles, fruit, inflat­able dil­dos and very large dil­dos. Besides self-fist­ing, she even learned squirt­ing. Extreme­ly horny I found her now fre­quent pussy and nip­ple games with clamps, suck­ers, weights, rub­ber bands and spank­ing with pad­dles and a ruler.

Our first time in the swingers club at a men’s surplus party

But real­ly com­plete­ly sat­is­fied her a few months lat­er only the club! We found more and more like the Wife­shar­ing and it became so bla­tant in the mean­time that we even went week­ly to the men sur­plus party.

Five BBC guys fuck Hotwife and the Wifesharer films.
Five BBC guys fuck Hotwife and the Wife­shar­er films.

That’s how we did it for almost 2 years. The reg­u­lar horny stranger fuck­ing, the stranger insem­i­na­tions and the dirty sex chats ensured that Andrea became more and more filthy and unin­hib­it­ed. She loved hard sex with lots of cum! There was hard­ly a taboo. I found it extreme­ly horny to be a Wife­shar­er! We fucked now almost every day.…

How­ev­er, Andrea could not live out her now very strong fetish for dark men with huge penis­es in the club 

We came one day on the Inter­net with an African-Amer­i­can man in con­tact, who could get more Bulls. Prob­lem­at­ic for us was that they refused to have a med­ical test done. After sev­er­al months it final­ly worked out and we booked our­selves a vaca­tion apart­ment in Munich.

There, Andrea expe­ri­enced her first BBC gang­bang with six very potent and well-stocked Bulls. It was by far the hottest, most orgasm-inten­sive and cum-rich vaca­tion week­end of our lives!

Men's surplus party: Countless cocks, hard fucks, horny orgasms and lots and lots of horny cum.
Men’s sur­plus par­ty: Count­less cocks, hard fucks, horny orgasms and lots and lots of horny cum. Most of the time a wife­shar­er active­ly participates.

Where do our Wifesharing sex parties take place?

Andrea and I can now look back on a wealth of expe­ri­ence of many years 

Holding hand while gangbang
Hotwifes very often need the emo­tion­al close­ness of their part­ner dur­ing their orgasms while stranger fucking!

Pri­vate sex par­ties have the advan­tage that you can choose the men your­self. Of course, this is not the case at an orga­nized event.

We per­son­al­ly like men’s sur­plus par­ties (short: HÜ) some­how best, because there are always enough men will­ing to cum and the point­less get­ting to know and “talk around the bush” is omit­ted. It is fucked, cum and done.

At home we do not fuck with strange men at all, because many announced stab­bers got cold feet and do not appear to, date.

In the hotel or in a vaca­tion apart­ment, we only date men that we know explic­it­ly and where we know 100% that they real­ly come and also real­ly bring an HIV test. We have two fixed swinger cou­ples with whom we share our lovers. It is always very nice week­ends with the kinky couples.

“Sex with­out a con­dom” is very impor­tant to us. We see our sex par­ties as a com­pa­ra­ble risk to smok­ing, drink­ing alco­hol and dri­ving a car. We know it’s dan­ger­ous — but love it any­way. Regard­less of whether it’s a club or a pri­vate sex par­ty — we always insist on med­ical cer­tifi­cates or med­ical tests of all sex part­ners and go for reg­u­lar check­ups ourselves 

Conclusion: Wifesharing is a worthwhile investment in a great sex life

In sum­ma­ry, Andrea and I can only strong­ly encour­age all inter­est­ed lovers and mar­ried cou­ples to take the huge step of hav­ing an open con­ver­sa­tion regard­ing “sex with strangers”. We love each oth­er deeply and are glad that we dared to do it.

Wifesharing is a pleasure for all involved.
Wife­shar­ing is a plea­sure for all involved. Wife­shar­ers like to jerk off while watch­ing their wife being stranger fucked and stranger insem­i­nat­ed with­out a condom.

When you com­pare the “bold com­mit­ment” and the risk of a neg­a­tive response to how much your part­ner­ship love life can get back on track, we won­der why we did­n’t start our sex­u­al exper­i­ments much younger.

But ok — the desire to let your wife fremd­fick­en and even fremdbe­samen must mature, like a good wine. The woman also has to get used to the idea for months and inspire her fan­tasies with porn and horny sex toys.

We tell new­bies right away that you can save the time of invit­ing online acquain­tances to sex par­ties. The result is unfor­tu­nate­ly very sober­ing. Instead, we give you the tip to sep­a­rate the online world from the offline world and live out your fan­tasies at gen­tle­men’s sur­plus par­ties in swingers’ clubs.

I hope you enjoyed our Wife­shar­ing sto­ry and I am look­ing for­ward to your ques­tions, your per­son­al expe­ri­ences and comments.

Wifesharing is a very good possibility for common sexual adventures.
Most of the time a brave com­ing out is worth it. Wife­shar­ing is a very good pos­si­bil­i­ty for com­mon sex­u­al adventures.

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