10 Ways to Cum on a Cuckoldress

It’s no secret that most women can’t be com­plete­ly sat­is­fied dur­ing sex with their hus­band, boyfriend or sig­nif­i­cant oth­er. Most of the time, the man orgasms too ear­ly or his penis is just not big enough to trig­ger a vagi­nal orgasm.

Nev­er­the­less, sex is very impor­tant to most cou­ples. Unlike insem­i­na­tion by a bull or lover, the focus of wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds is on imag­i­na­tive “show­ing off” and lick­ing sperm clean. Ejac­u­la­tion often occurs out­side the body and not so often in the vagina.

We explain in this guide 10 ways how a wife­shar­er and C1 cuck­old should opti­mal­ly insem­i­nate his sex or life part­ner. We com­pare the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages and give you prac­ti­cal tips. Feel free to write us a com­ment where you pre­fer to ejac­u­late on your wife.

Top 10: Where Can the Cuckold or Wifesharer Ejaculate Optimally?

We have com­piled the ten best insem­i­na­tion meth­ods for your hotwife. The order cor­re­sponds to the pop­u­lar­i­ty, from the man’s perspective.

For every man who is allowed to insem­i­nate his wife, it should be a duty and a mat­ter of course to lick her clean again decent­ly. While sperm clean lick­ing is pri­mar­i­ly the respon­si­bil­i­ty of cuck­olds, most wife shar­ers like to clean the creampie as well.

Any man can learn the creampie lick­ing from the pussy and should not make a fuss.

Creampie Cathy

1.) Ejaculation Into the Vagina (Creampie, Pussy Cleaning)

Clear­ly… Deep vagi­nal insem­i­na­tion is and remains the most pop­u­lar insem­i­na­tion site among men and women. 

Pussy insemination: There is nothing more exciting for any man than to inject his sperm directly into his pussy
Pussy insem­i­na­tion: There is noth­ing more excit­ing for any man than to inject his sperm direct­ly into his pussy

It’s prob­a­bly genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed into every woman: It sat­is­fies her extreme­ly emo­tion­al­ly to get plen­ty of hot cum pumped direct­ly into her pussy dur­ing a hard fuck. The creampie-wet­ted penis is usu­al­ly licked clean with plea­sure by the hotwife afterward.

Every man loves pussy lick­ing. He per­ceives the curls and inti­mate scents con­scious­ly and uncon­scious­ly intense­ly. He also loves the com­mon love cock­tail, from foamy fucked, sweet pussy juice and horny sperm.

Creampie Cleanup Requires Quickness

How­ev­er, a big dis­ad­van­tage of this insem­i­na­tion method is that women and men can not observe the sperm splash­es of the penis. And: For every cuck­old, a pussy insem­i­na­tion is a big chal­lenge! Because imme­di­ate­ly after ejac­u­la­tion, speed, and skill are required.

Cuckold eats creampie
Cuck­old eats creampie

Since the sperm runs direct­ly uncon­trolled from the pussy between the but­tocks on the mat­tress, the creampie clean up must go real­ly very fast!

Com­pared to all oth­er insem­i­na­tion meth­ods, sta­mi­na is also required. Once the cuck has licked the labia clean as a whis­tle, all it takes is a mus­cle move­ment or change in posi­tion of the woman, and all his work is ruined. Bad luck! He must start again with the clean lick­ing of the Creampie.

Eat­ing your own creampie out of your pussy is some­thing that basi­cal­ly every cuck­old can learn quite quick­ly. How­ev­er, a cer­tain dom­i­nance on the part of the woman is required at the begin­ning to always “remind” the man emphat­i­cal­ly if he has “for­got­ten” the clean lick­ing of the kinky insem­i­nat­ed sperm cunt.

Our tip: In order to be able to clean the com­plete sperm load, the hotwife should get into the habit of squat­ting over the man’s face imme­di­ate­ly after insem­i­nat­ing the vagi­na
for creampie clean up.
He can then do his work with his tongue in peace and with­out stress until the wom­an’s orgasm.

2.) Cum on the Labia (Cum on Pussy With Sperm)

Pussy cum: Squirting on the pussy is extremely horny
Pussy cum: Squirt­ing on the pussy is extreme­ly horny

How­ev­er, very many men also want to cum direct­ly on the pussy. For them, the psy­cho­log­i­cal effect is just as strong as when they ejac­u­late into the vagi­na. They can see their cock squirt­ing, and their labia get deli­cious­ly full of sperm.

For cuck­olds, squirt­ing in the pussy is more ben­e­fi­cial as they can recy­cle all their squirt­ed cum effortlessly.

Many women also love it when the man pulls out the penis while squirt­ing and insem­i­nates the pussy from the outside.

How­ev­er, care should be tak­en that the wom­an’s but­tocks are ele­vat­ed by a pil­low in the supine posi­tion, and the woman holds her legs. Thus, both part­ners can watch the penis as it squirts the pussy abun­dant­ly with white sperm.

Cucki practices licking the inseminated labia clean
Cuc­ki prac­tices lick­ing the insem­i­nat­ed labia clean

A good hus­band knows that pulling out the penis and insem­i­nat­ing the labia deprives the woman of much of her sex­u­al sat­is­fac­tion. In any case, after cum­ing, he should try to rein­sert the penis and fuck the woman again vio­lent­ly at a bru­tal pace.

After the clean lick­ing of the penis by the woman, every cuck­old has basi­cal­ly after every insem­i­na­tion always the task to give his wife, girl­friend, or life part­ner oral­ly an orgasm dur­ing the sperm clean lick­ing.

3.) Cum on the Mound of Venus (Insemination of the Pussy)

Optimal for cuckies: ejaculate on the mons veneris
Opti­mal for Cuck­ies: Ejac­u­late on the mons veneris

Instead of aim­ing at the labia, how­ev­er, you can also tar­get the mons vener­is, or squirt all over the pussy.

Insem­i­na­tion of the mons vener­is is so pop­u­lar because it’s great for both the woman and man to watch while the penis squirts. The pow­er­ful splash­es of sperm pro­vide strong emo­tion­al sat­is­fac­tion for both.

If you want to insem­i­nate the mons vener­is, also called pubic mound, it offers a very large insem­i­na­tion area. It is vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble, even with stronger eja­clu­a­tion, to squirt next to it.

For a cuck­old, the pubic mound insem­i­na­tion is very advan­ta­geous because he can lick his squirt­ed cum clean effort­less­ly and with­out time pressure.

No more cum runs down the pussy and dis­ap­pears between the but­tocks. Instead, the sperm runs toward the belly.

Perfect for Cuckolds: Insemination of the pubic mound
Per­fect for Cuck­olds: Insem­i­na­tion of the pubic mound

While lick­ing her own sperm clean, the cuck­ol­dress can watch if the cuck is thor­ough enough, which usu­al­ly gives her a pleas­ant kick.

Even if the clean lick­ing is very easy, the cuck­old should not be too hasty with the cum swal­low­ing. He should col­lect the cum in his mouth and enrich it a bit with sali­va by light tongue movements.

Then he can run it in an impres­sive, long sperm thread on the fore­head, in the mouth, on the breasts, or on the bel­ly of the woman and enjoy horny sperm games.

Most­ly the woman gets horny, and the sperm will be swal­lowed together.

But: You should always try to lick your hotwife oral­ly to orgasm!

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4.) Cum in the Face (Facial, Facial Insemination)

Already right after squirt­ing pussy on and full, facial insem­i­na­tion occu­pies the 4th place of the most pop­u­lar insem­i­na­tion meth­ods. And there’s a rea­son for that: because all straight men, with­out excep­tion, would incred­i­bly like to squirt their beloved woman in the face.

Happy hotwife enjoys her horny facial insemination
Hap­py hotwife enjoys her horny facial insemination

Many vanil­la sex women do not under­stand what facial insem­i­na­tion is all about: men have now fall­en in love with the face of his wife. It is the most beau­ti­ful and erot­ic thing that appeals to the man.

A man wants to repro­duce with his sperm evo­lu­tion-bio­log­i­cal­ly not only, but also “mark”. Mark­ing behav­ior is seen through­out the ani­mal kingdom.

It is not until midlife that many women real­ize one day that facial insem­i­na­tion is incred­i­bly horny.

Since bulls and lovers are also extreme­ly fix­at­ed on the face of the hotwife, we give the tip to get used to the facial insem­i­na­tion in pairs, very relaxed.

The facial suc­ceeds best when the man stands and the woman kneels. She puts her head slight­ly in the neck to pro­vide a larg­er insem­i­na­tion surface.

Horny, powerful facial insemination
Horny, pow­er­ful facial insemination

Despite the orgasm, the man remains very cau­tious and atten­tive. He aims the penis glans over the bridge of her nose, towards her fore­head, as the first four squirts can always be uncon­trol­lably strong. Nos­trils, mouth, eyes and hair are taboo! The woman decides for her­self if and from when she wants to open her mouth! 

Since an insem­i­nat­ed face looks unspeak­ably horny, you should put a cam­era handy and pho­to­graph the beau­ti­ful sperm face of the hotwife. It goes with­out say­ing that the cuck­old ten­der­ly licks the great face insem­i­na­tion clean and kiss­es his wife again and again very passionately.

If you repeat the insem­i­na­tion of her face a few times, all fears and prej­u­dices will be gone once and for all. You can also prac­tice the first times with orgasm ruin­ing.

5.) Ejaculate Into the Mouth (Oral Insemination, Insemination Into the Mouth)

From a cuck­old’s point of view, the fifth most pop­u­lar insem­i­na­tion tech­nique is his part­ner’s mouth.

Squirting sperm into her mouth (cum in her mouth) is an often desired ejaculation technique by men
Squirt­ing sperm into her mouth (cum in her mouth) is an often desired ejac­u­la­tion tech­nique by men

Gen­er­al­ly, few nor­mal-straight women like cum in their mouths. For­tu­nate­ly, most hotwifes have over­come the men­tal bar­ri­er and accept cum in mouth after a learn­ing process of sev­er­al months or even years.

Horny expe­ri­ences of Hotwifes greed­i­ly grab­bing cum from bulls and lovers are deeply etched in the memory.

But beware! Although potent Bulls and Lovers are gen­er­al­ly allowed to cum in their mouths with­out notice, a Cuc­ki should nev­er get the idea to ejac­u­late into his wife’s mouth with­out being asked! 

Because var­i­ous fac­tors must fit togeth­er, so that a sex­u­al­ly active woman also wants a mouth insem­i­na­tion. The degree of arousal, the cur­rent sit­u­a­tion, dom­i­nance lev­el, psy­cho­log­i­cal mood, and “the way” how the cuck­old com­mu­ni­cates his inten­tion deter­mine the acceptance.

How­ev­er, we rec­om­mend that you occa­sion­al­ly prac­tice mak­ing your penis cum in the hotwife’s mouth, if only for train­ing pur­pos­es. You could improve the sperm taste in advance with food or reduce the amount of sperm by ruin­ing the orgasm.

6.) Cum on the Belly (Belly Insemination, Insemination on the Belly)

Whether alone at home or with a group in a swingers club, there is prob­a­bly no woman in the world who does­n’t like to get cum on her belly.

Cum on body - inseminate the upper body and belly
Cum on body — insem­i­nate the upper body and belly 

Cum on the bel­ly has a very strong psy­cho­log­i­cal effect on the woman. If the man squirts pow­er­ful spurts of sperm, this has an incred­i­bly plea­sur­able effect on the woman. Ordi­nar­i­ly, she has to rub the horny, horny scent­ed semen on her body.

The tech­nique is also called body insem­i­na­tion, “cum on body”, body shoot, “cum on stom­ach” or “cum on belly”.

Sperm centers in the belly button during belly insemination and can be licked clean extensively
Sperm cen­ters in the bel­ly but­ton dur­ing bel­ly insem­i­na­tion and can be licked clean extensively.

The main advan­tage of a bel­ly insem­i­na­tion is the large insem­i­na­tion area. Even with high­er insem­i­na­tion pres­sure, the man can spray out his cum in a com­plete­ly relaxed and con­trolled manner.

No ejac­u­late ends up in the bed linen with this insem­i­na­tion method.

The bel­ly but­ton of the part­ner serves as a sperm fun­nel, so to speak, when the ejac­u­late takes on its watery consistency.

With­out time pres­sure, the cuck­old can lick his hotwife clean exten­sive­ly and plea­sur­ably after insem­i­na­tion. The woman can lie relaxed on her back and enjoy the total­ly kinky, ten­der love play.

The Cuck­old should learn through reg­u­lar train­ing and absti­nence to ejac­u­late more vig­or­ous­ly and cum more sperm to insem­i­nate the body of the Hotwife abundantly.

7.) Inseminate the Breasts (Breast Insemination, Insemination on the Tits)

Aroused tits insemination
Aroused tits insemination

It does­n’t mat­ter if they are big or small… Breasts are a very strong fetish. Most men love breasts and have a strong urge to squirt as much cum as pos­si­ble, on the horny tits of their partner.

Breast insem­i­na­tion is also very horny from the man’s point of view. It offers the advan­tage that he basi­cal­ly does not have to be care­ful not to squirt sperm next to it. The ejac­u­la­tion can take place over a very large area, and the penis can squirt out very freely and pow­er­ful­ly with its six to ten thrusts. Noth­ing ends up on the bed linen, so to speak.

Par­tic­u­lar­ly excit­ing is that the female breast also con­sists of the areas of the nip­ple and are­o­la, which in turn offers more cum tar­gets. For Cuck­olds, breast insem­i­na­tion has the advan­tage that they can eas­i­ly recy­cle their entire squirt­ed sperm load. 

Breast insemination: Cuckold licks cum clean from breasts
Breast insem­i­na­tion: Cuck­old licks cum clean from breasts

Women also love it when the hot sperm splash­es horny on their breasts. Espe­cial­ly with pow­er­ful squirts, the hotwife can vir­tu­al­ly expe­ri­ence the ejac­u­la­tion live. If the cuck after the insem­i­na­tion then licks his fra­grant sperm clean again, it makes them ani­mal on.

Since the sperm is already near the face, the cuck­old cou­ple should also imme­di­ate­ly prac­tice cum kiss­ing and snow­balling. We rec­om­mend you to cum all over tits in dif­fer­ent posi­tions. The supine posi­tion is very com­fort­able for the woman, but run­ning down the sperm while sit­ting or kneel­ing cre­ates horny sperm pictures.

8.) Ejaculation on the Armpits (Underarm Insemination)

A horny but very secret fetish: sperm insemination on armpits and armpit hair
A horny but very secret fetish: sperm insem­i­na­tion on armpits and armpit hair

It is con­sid­ered a secret that not even women tell each oth­er. Many men occa­sion­al­ly like to squirt on the armpits of the woman.

For a cuck­old, this insem­i­na­tion method has the advan­tage that no sperm can run away through the trough-like depres­sion, as is the case with a creampie, for example.

If the cuck is lucky enough that the hotwife does not indulge in shav­ing mania and proud­ly wears her armpit hair, very nice sperm pic­tures are cre­at­ed since the cum is vir­tu­al­ly trapped.

9.) Ejaculation on the Butt (Ass Insemination)

Just like the breasts, a wom­an’s butt is also a female sex­u­al fea­ture with a very strong effect on the man.

When having sex from behind, ass insemination, that is, ejaculating on the buttocks is very popular.
When hav­ing sex from behind, ass insem­i­na­tion, that is, ejac­u­lat­ing on the but­tocks, is very popular.

There are incred­i­bly many men who wish to dec­o­rate the but­tocks of their girl­friend, wife or life part­ner with pow­er­ful sperm splashes.

The plump but­tocks are not only invit­ing for insem­i­na­tion, but they are indeed a very con­ve­nient land­ing strip for the cuck­old’s sack cream. After the butt insem­i­na­tion, he can eas­i­ly lick his love juice clean again. Even larg­er amounts of sperm after sev­er­al weeks of absti­nence pose no prob­lem, as the sperm sim­ply runs down the back.

In addi­tion to the insem­i­na­tion of the but­tocks, the pole hole is also a tar­get for insem­i­na­tion. But since a cuck has to lick his sperm com­plete­ly clean, he also has to live with the con­se­quence of clean­ing his own cream in that area.

Clean Licking of the Kinky Inseminated Sperm Cunt

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, in the nineties, it has become com­mon for women to shave off their pubic hair. This is a great pity, because inti­mate hair and armpit hair exert a pri­mal sex­u­al attrac­tion with a strong insem­i­na­tion urge on most men.

Horny squirted cum cunt - Squirting pussy is ideal for thorough sour licking for cuckolds
Horny squirt­ed cum cunt — Squirt­ing pussy is ide­al for thor­ough sour lick­ing for cuckolds

Cur­rent­ly, well-coiffed and trimmed body hair is for­tu­nate­ly com­ing back into fash­ion. Any man whose hotwife wears her pubic hair will also want to insem­i­nate her again and again with pleasure.

Insem­i­nat­ing a hairy pussy is very easy. No mat­ter how high the sperm pres­sure or the squirt­ing angle is, the pow­er­ful sperm squirts will not miss the target. 

Insem­i­nat­ed pussy hair looks very horny. Espe­cial­ly dark pubic hair offers an absolute­ly great con­trast to the white sperm. The creamy sperm ini­tial­ly lies on top of the hair and sinks low­er and low­er as it liq­ue­fies, while still being eas­i­ly absorbed.

The due atten­tion will con­firm the woman in her deci­sion that men find the horny plea­sure tri­an­gle extreme­ly horny.

How­ev­er, pubic hair is a huge chal­lenge for the cuck­old. Because the horny cum gets caught in the hair and the cuck­old has to try very hard to oral­ly absorb the largest amounts of cum. As much as he strains… It remains about 1/5 of the cum caught in the hair.

If the hotwife renounces a direct show­er, she can enjoy the horny love scent a few hours lat­er and force her Cuck again to clean lick­ing and oral satisfaction.

Very kinky, cre­ative tech­niques to insem­i­nate a woman with sperm

A Cuckold Licks His Insemination Always Clean

It goes with­out say­ing that any cuck­old who is allowed to insem­i­nate his hotwife is basi­cal­ly ALWAYS respon­si­ble for lick­ing clean. Cum refusal is not tol­er­at­ed by any hotwifes, and most often even hard punished.

In addi­tion, every woman should demand her orgasm from her man, even if he is already deeply relaxed from his orgasm!

A wife-shar­er does­n’t get a carte blanche that he not to have to clean up his wife after sex! Most wife­shar­ers feel the desire to clean their cum-cov­ered wife as well. They should put their inten­tion into action. You can check out our tuto­ri­als on how to learn to swal­low your own cum.


Conclusion: Cumshots, Facials, and Creampies Offer a Lot of Variety During Sex

Good sex, kinky fan­tasies, and plen­ty of cum are essen­tial in all cou­ple rela­tion­ships and also belong togeth­er like a sym­bio­sis in wife­shar­ing and cuck­old couples.

Vigorously inseminated hotwife
Vig­or­ous­ly insem­i­nat­ed hotwife

No cuck­old or wife­shar­er should leave the field to the bulls and lovers with­out a fight or even indif­fer­ent­ly! Instead of just proud­ly count­ing the days of absti­nence, every man should also be eager to sur­prise his wife with var­ied and cre­ative sex ideas.

If the hotwife allows her part­ner to fuck her, he should always have kinky insem­i­na­tion tech­niques in mind before­hand, so that he can always show off his ejac­u­la­tions and cum clean lick­ing well.

From a wom­an’s point of view, the insem­i­na­tion of pussy, bel­ly and breasts is in the first place. How­ev­er, she should also allow her cuck to cum in her mouth and face so that she is no longer afraid of sperm for sex with one or more bulls and lovers. Also, armpits, armpit hair, pubic hair and the butt offer excel­lent insem­i­na­tion tar­gets and look very horny dec­o­rat­ed with sperm.

We rec­om­mend you to be a lit­tle brave and immor­tal­ize the horny insem­i­na­tion pic­tures on the wom­an’s body with a cell phone or cam­era. You will be sur­prised how deli­cious­ly dirty your joint works can look.

The entire body hotwife is copi­ous­ly for­eign insem­i­nat­ed. Her hus­band must lick clean the strangers cum.

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