How to Eat Your Own Sperm From a Pussy?

Sex between lover and hotwife takes place in most cas­es with­out a con­dom. In front of the eyes of the cuck­old, his beloved wife is vio­lent­ly fucked, and her vagi­na is final­ly abun­dant­ly insem­i­nat­ed. If the sperm runs out of the pussy again, it is called a “creampie”.

Both the bull and the cuck­o­dress find it very stim­u­lat­ing when the cuck has to lick the sperm thor­ough­ly from and out of the pussy. How­ev­er, the clean lick­ing also pro­vides the cuck­old with the high­est feel­ings of sex­u­al plea­sure — at the same time, it is the great­est humiliation.

In this guide, cuck­olds will get valu­able tips on how to learn how to lick a creampie clean. Fur­ther­more, we give tricks and assis­tance on how to over­come the reluc­tance to lick their own sperm and exter­nal sperm.

Respect for the Psyche of the Cuckold

In most cuck­old con­stel­la­tions, the woman sets the tone togeth­er with her lover. Not only do they like to show their cuck­old loud­ly and unin­hib­it­ed­ly how much they enjoy inter­course — but they also love to dom­i­nate the cuckold.

Cumeating: Auslecken der Muschi
Cumeat­ing: clean lick­ing of the pussy

With creampie, the woman makes it clear to her cuck­old that her vagi­na belongs to the lover. The “clean­ing” of foamy fucked pussy juice and sperm is vir­tu­al­ly assumed by the cuck­old with the help of his tongue. The Bull always expects to fuck a sparkling clean pussy!

The creampie at the end of love­mak­ing is a high­light for many cuck­old cou­ples, and it is enjoyed equal­ly by all par­ties. Not infre­quent­ly, the cuck­old express­es the desire first to be allowed to lick out the creampie.

BUT with all eupho­ria: Lick­ing the fresh sperm of the lover from the vagi­na of his wife, almost always pro­vides cucks for over­com­ing! Espe­cial­ly if he also has to swal­low it.

In their fan­tasies, lick­ing clean is con­sid­ered arous­ing, but in real­i­ty, despite mutu­al con­sent, it can still trig­ger very neg­a­tive feel­ings. If he does the clean lick­ing absolute­ly against his will, the neg­a­tive effect on the cuck­old’s psy­che is the result.

So before you decide to push your cuck­old­ing to the point of “lick­ing stranger’s cum clean”, Hotwife and Cuc­ki should talk about it exten­sive­ly. As often as pos­si­ble, you must prac­tice with your own sperm before­hand! Only when the Cuc­ki can com­plete­ly recy­cle his own semen with­out any prob­lems, he is ready to take the Bul­l’s / Lover’s semen as well! It is a long way.

Creampie Cathy

The Hotwife Helps the Cuckold Learn to Eat His Own Creampie!

If a cuck­old is to enjoy lick­ing out the creampie, a learn­ing process of sev­er­al months is nec­es­sary. No cuck­old is a born sperm eater!

Cuckold beim Sperma essen
Cuck­old eat­ing cum

When men are aroused, the idea of eat­ing their own cum sounds extreme­ly horny. How­ev­er, the biggest prob­lem isst that almost all men lose com­plete inter­est in lick­ing up the creampie after they ejaculate.

It is indis­pens­able that the woman sup­ports her cuck­old in the project of one day swal­low­ing his com­plete sperm load. To accom­plish this, the cuck­old cou­ple should agree on the fol­low­ing rules:

  1. The man has no choice! He must lick it from now on always and with­out excep­tion the pussy clean after sex!
  2. The woman com­mands and super­vis­es that he does his job thoroughly.
  3. The man gets no pos­si­bil­i­ty to evade.
  4. The woman deter­mines when the man is “fin­ished”!
  5. Paper tis­sues are banned from the bedroom.

Three solu­tions have proven in prac­tice to learn creampie clean licking:

First Solution: Position 69 After Sex

Position 69: Pussy cleanup
Posi­tion 69: clean­ing pussy after sex

Posi­tion 69 is very prac­ti­cal after sex: because the man licks the wom­an’s pussy clean, and the woman licks the man’s penis clean.

Since the hotwife is busy “lick­ing dick”, the sit­u­a­tion does­n’t feel so bad for the man any­more. Eva­sion is pos­si­ble between the thighs only to a lim­it­ed extent.

Grav­i­ty nev­er­the­less ensures that the creampie runs out into the man’s mouth and face.

He can prac­tice lick­ing the creampie clean at his leisure, at his pace. The hotwife should then bend over his face, praise him and kiss him deeply and slow­ly. If the Cucky has spit out or spilled some sperm, she can lick it dis­creet­ly back into his mouth while kiss­ing him.

Second Solution: Put On His Face

It's never cheating when husband eating
It’s nev­er cheat­ing when hus­band eating

The sec­ond solu­tion is for the hotwife to dom­i­nate her cuck. If she sits on his face quite nim­bly after sex with her insem­i­nat­ed pussy, he won’t be able to do any­thing! Resis­tance and eva­sion are futile.

The creampie will inevitably run com­plete­ly into the mouth of the cuck­old. The feel­ing of pow­er is an incred­i­ble kick for the woman. The cuck may be over­whelmed with the large amount of cum at first, but each time he will get more and more used to it.

Once the clean lick­ing has become rou­tine, the woman will show no mer­cy and order him to be very thor­ough. She can also fin­ger her­self over his face to orgasm and speed up the leak­age with her index and mid­dle fingers.

Again, it is impor­tant that the cou­ple takes plen­ty of time to kiss after the “creampie cleanup”. It makes for a very inti­mate bond when the cuck feels that he does­n’t have to swal­low the love cock­tail alone. “Next to” licked sperm, the woman can sim­ply spit into her hus­band’s mouth.

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Third Solution: Play With Sperm Ice Cream Before Ejaculation

Cumsicle: Frozen cum: Spermalutscher
Cum­si­cle: Frozen cum: sperm lollipop

As already writ­ten, very many men have great desire for sperm con­tact before their orgasm. After orgasm, they lose their appetite very quickly.

You can trick this effect by freez­ing the man’s sperm and pre­cum for sev­er­al days after each mas­tur­ba­tion. If the planned sex then occurs, the cou­ple can use cum lol­lipops (cum­si­cle), cum ice cubes (cum­cubes) or sperm snow to excel­lent­ly sim­u­late a rich creampie with­out the man get­ting his ener­gy-drain­ing orgasm.

When the frozen sperm thaws out before sex or when play­ing with the pussy, the cuck­old can exper­i­ment excel­lent­ly with his own love juice. From time to time he will get used to the sight, taste and smell of cum and pussy juice.

Every hotwife finds it incred­i­bly horny when the sperm ice liq­ue­fies and her part­ner greed­i­ly licks out and licks the pussy. In her fan­ta­sy she is already long with her Cuc­ki at a gangbang.

If the Cucky also finds plea­sure in this per­verse game after a few weeks, he looks for­ward to the sec­ond round after sex to clean the dream­like smelling and horny lubri­cat­ed pussy one more time.

Cuckold reiningt seinen creampie
Cuck­old cleans his own creampie

Conclusion: Eating Creampie Must Be Learned

All hotwifes find it very hot when their hus­bands lick cum out of her. But even if many dom­i­nas, bulls and hotwifes don’t believe it: a cuck­old must be slow­ly intro­duced to creampie cleanup licking.

cum eat
Woman should ide­al­ly kneel over face dur­ing creampie cleanup

Forc­ing an unskilled man to swal­low stranger’s cum can back­fire quite bad­ly and destroy the cuck­old dream irretrievably.

By relent­less and con­sis­tent rep­e­ti­tion he gets more and more used to his new task. In the head must be clear to the Cuc­ki: From now on, every­one, and real­ly EVERY creampie will be swal­lowed. With­out exception!

How­ev­er, Hotwifes must be fair and tol­er­ant to give him the chance to learn it at his pace. Once the men­tal bar­ri­er has been over­come sev­er­al times, the cuck will nev­er want to give up lick­ing fuck juice clean again! 😉

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