On Poppen.de you can find like-minded swinger couples, lovers and bulls

The num­ber of peo­ple who arrange a date over the Inter­net is con­stant­ly increas­ing. In addi­tion to get­ting to know each oth­er among friends and col­leagues, online dat­ing has become a very pop­u­lar method of dating.

In the offline world, get­ting to know suit­able bulls and lovers is very dif­fi­cult. Not all hotwifes and cuck­olds have the con­fi­dence and time to reg­u­lar­ly go to swingers clubs, gen­tle­men’s sur­plus par­ties or sex parties.

From that point of view wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing cou­ples online dat­ing is absolute­ly per­fect to find sex part­ners dis­creet­ly and anony­mous­ly. Besides Augen­wei­de and Joy­club, Poppen.de is also an excel­lent way to find sex contacts.

In this review we would like to intro­duce you to the sex dat­ing por­tal Poppen.de. We explain to you from the per­spec­tive of a cuck­old cou­ple what you can expect on this plat­form and whether a mem­ber­ship is worth it. Do you already have expe­ri­ence with Sex­Dat­ing or were you already a mem­ber? Then please share your expe­ri­ences, tips and opin­ions with us in the test report. 

Vis­it Poppen.de

Test report: The SexCommunity Poppen.de briefly introduced

Facts and figures about the website

In the time term of the Inter­net are innu­mer­able oth­er Sex­dat­ing offer­ers were cre­at­ed and again dis­ap­peared since this time until today. The web page Poppen.de went already in the year 2004 on-line. The fact that this dat­ing plat­form has last­ed so long is a tes­ta­ment to the fact that users find what they are look­ing for there 

Poppen.de is a com­bi­na­tion of con­tact exchange and sex dat­ing com­mu­ni­ty. For peo­ple with spe­cial inter­ests like cuck­olds, wife­shar­ers, hotwifes and bulls, it is one of the best plat­forms to find part­ners with whom they can turn their fan­tasies into reality 

They can write mes­sages to each oth­er, chat (even by video) or exchange ideas in forums. In addi­tion, the por­tal pub­lish­es lots of tips and advice on var­i­ous aspects of sex and eroticism.

The offer of Poppen.de is main­ly aimed at users in the DACH coun­tries Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land. The lan­guage is Ger­man, but can be switched to Eng­lish if nec­es­sary. In my web­site test report, how­ev­er, it seemed strange to me in this con­text that the provider is locat­ed in Hong Kong.

There is con­tra­dic­to­ry infor­ma­tion about the num­ber of mem­bers of the sex com­mu­ni­ty, rang­ing from 3.5 to 4 mil­lion. How­ev­er, the fact is that the plat­form is one of the largest ama­teur com­mu­ni­ties in the Ger­man-speak­ing net­work. Every day, about 1 mil­lion vis­i­tors romp on the website!

As a small draw­back, I noticed dur­ing the review that the pro­por­tion of men is very high at more than 60%, while the pro­por­tion of women is only 30% (the rest are cou­ples and trannies).

The costs

In this area, Poppen.de is a great excep­tion among the con­tact exchanges. It is free to use!

That means, not only the reg­is­tra­tion is free, but you are also allowed to send and receive mes­sages to oth­er mem­bers for free, use the chat rooms and post mes­sages and answers in forums. Addi­tion­al­ly you have the pos­si­bil­i­ty to send sev­er­al free (anony­mous) SMS to oth­er mem­bers per day.

Poppen.de also offers paid sub­scrip­tions. These have the advan­tage that your mes­sages are then high­light­ed and you can surf with­out advertising.

If you are only inter­est­ed in find­ing sex part­ners, you can use it for free. It is best to look around the web­site your­self and decide whether or not you want to book a pre­mi­um or VIP subscription.

The preview area of Poppen.de

In my review the pre­view area of Poppen.de is not very spec­tac­u­lar. How­ev­er, this is not bad, because most surfers will prob­a­bly not stray there by chance. Instead, the pre­view area explains clear­ly what Poppen.de is all about 

Also with­out reg­is­tra­tion you can look for mem­bers in your prox­im­i­ty or read con­tri­bu­tions in forums. On this occa­sion, by the way, I noticed that the most recent posts were just a few min­utes old.

Porn site test report: The member area of Poppen.de

Page design, content and special features

The mem­bers area is very exten­sive. There are numer­ous spe­cial fea­tures. Take your time to get to know every­thing in detail. Before you start search­ing for suit­able mem­bers, you should first fill out your profile 

Get to know the dif­fer­ent options for mak­ing con­tact. For exam­ple, many users report that they made con­tacts through chat rooms, not through clas­sic messages.

The advantages of the porn site

  • On Poppen.de you can expect a very open com­mu­ni­ty with numer­ous members 
  • For cuck­olds and hotwifes, it is the first choice to find sex partners 
  • In addi­tion, the offer is free to use.

The disadvantages of the sex site

  • There are many fakes on the dat­ing plat­form. These are users who try to engage inex­pe­ri­enced mem­bers in con­ver­sa­tions that only turn out to be fantasies 
  • Many mem­bers have no inter­est in real meetings 
  • There are also many whores reg­is­tered who want to acquire cus­tomers this way.

Review Conclusion: Is the sex dating community Poppen.de recommendable?

A mem­ber­ship at the sex dat­ing com­mu­ni­ty Poppen.de is worth­while for wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples in any case. It costs noth­ing and you become a mem­ber of one of the largest Ger­man erot­ic communities.

If you have some patience, it will work out soon­er or lat­er with the date. Instruc­tions for suc­cess­ful online dat­ing can be found on Poppen.de or in our guide: How to orga­nize sex meet­ings with a lover / bull?

The biggest advan­tage com­pared to oth­er online dat­ing por­tals is that you can exchange infor­ma­tion with oth­er mem­bers about their expe­ri­ences with wife­shar­ing, cuck­old­ing, sex par­ties, gang­bangs, men’s sur­plus par­ties and swingers clubs. Just brows­ing is a lot of fun on this sex portal.

Tip: Augen­wei­de and Joy­Club are also excit­ing alter­na­tives that you should check out.

Vis­it Poppen.de

Further links:

For Lover and Bulls the coun­cel­lor is sure­ly inter­est­ing: Prepa­ra­tion for the Sex­par­ty / the Sex­date with the Hotwife.

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