A very popular erotic portal for frivolous adult groups

Did you know that there are more than 2,000 part­ner­börsen and dat­ing sites in the Ger­man-speak­ing world? There are sites for quick sex con­tacts, for peo­ple over 30, for seniors or peo­ple of cer­tain skin col­ors or nationalities 

But one group often gets a raw deal, even though they actu­al­ly make up the major­i­ty: Cou­ples. On gen­er­al sin­gles sites, they form at most a mar­gin­al group, or on a site for sex con­tacts, per­haps a cou­ple is look­ing for a woman for a threesome was cre­at­ed for cou­ples to get to know each oth­er. In this review, we would like to intro­duce you to the charm­ing online dat­ing por­tal for swingers, cuck­olds and wife­shar­ing couples 

In the review, we explain to you what a mem­ber­ship at Augen­wei­de costs and what added val­ue it offers in com­par­i­son to Joy­Club and In addi­tion to high­light­ing the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages, you will also find out whether it is worth sign­ing up. Do you know this plat­form? Then please write us your expe­ri­ences and opin­ions below the review in the com­ment field.

Vis­it briefly introduced

Among the thou­sands of dat­ing sites, takes a spe­cial posi­tion. The por­tal was cre­at­ed espe­cial­ly for cou­ples. This means that nei­ther sin­gle men nor sin­gle women can reg­is­ter at Only cou­ples are welcome 

The oper­a­tors care­ful­ly ver­i­fy the iden­ti­ty of mem­bers before agree­ing to a mem­ber­ship appli­ca­tion. How­ev­er, the wait is worth it because cou­ples are offered a lot on

Although the por­tal is pri­mar­i­ly designed for swingers and group sex, it also offers ide­al con­di­tions for cuck­olds and their hotwifes. Cou­ples can search for like-mind­ed peo­ple for wife­shar­ing, men’s sur­plus par­ties and pri­vate sex parties 

On can find peo­ple with whom they can exchange and if they like each oth­er, arrange a date.

Facts and figures about the website

Accord­ing to the oper­a­tor, this plat­form is “Ger­many’s largest com­mu­ni­ty for cou­ples”. There are 70,000 cou­ples reg­is­tered there. was found­ed in 1998. About 2,000 users are online every day.

The largest part of the mem­bers comes from Ger­many and is between 30 — 50 years old. They are pri­mar­i­ly active in the evening hours.

Cou­ples have a vari­ety of con­tact options at their dis­pos­al. The clas­sic method is the exchange of mes­sages with oth­er cou­ples. Most users get to know each oth­er casu­al­ly in var­i­ous chats or forums. If you want, you can also reg­is­ter for a swinger event, pri­vate sex par­ty or men’s sur­plus par­ty, which are adver­tised almost every week at

The costs

After reg­is­tra­tion cou­ples can use the offers of for 2 weeks free of charge. After that, mem­ber­ship fees are €5 per month for basic mem­bers and €8 per month for pre­mi­um members.

The preview area of

Before reg­is­ter­ing, we first look at the web­sites as non-mem­bers for all reviews. At first glance, looks a bit bor­ing and uninvit­ing. You can tell that the project is already a few years old.

The Coro­na pan­dem­ic has obvi­ous­ly tak­en a toll on the comm­nu­ity. There are hard­ly any sex par­ties to be found at the moment, the top­i­cal­i­ty of the con­tent has been a bit asleep for a cou­ple of years and the com­mu­ni­ca­tion between the mem­bers is also a bit qui­et in 2021 

You won’t find any hot pic­tures that might encour­age curi­ous surfers to drop by after all. Instead, the large blocks of text seem rather monot­o­nous and dusty.

Nev­er­the­less, we reg­is­tered with the com­mu­ni­ty as a cuck­old couple.

Porn site test report: The members area of

Structure, content and special features

When I want­ed to sign up for because of my review, I noticed that it is not pos­si­ble for sin­gles. Only cou­ples can sign up and they are reviewed.

There are three options to sign up:

  • The cou­ple calls a sup­port rep­re­sen­ta­tive togeth­er, who con­firms their identity.
  • Cus­tomer sup­port calls the cou­ple using the stored phone number.
  • On, the cou­ple uploads a pho­to show­ing them togeth­er. They have to vis­i­bly hold up a piece of paper to the cam­era with a code on it that was sent to them via email.

It is sup­posed to take some time before new pro­files are ver­i­fied and mem­bers can enter the area.

The advantages of the sex site

  • All mem­bers are man­u­al­ly ver­i­fied. There are no fakes guaranteed 
  • Cou­ples can not only meet, but use a vari­ety of options to live out their preferences 
  • Bars and clubs that are good for cou­ples are pre­sent­ed, like-mind­ed peo­ple can join groups or cou­ples can go on trips togeth­er with oth­er couples.

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • My review revealed that does­n’t seem to have much going on any­more. The last live­ly com­mu­ni­ca­tions fad­ed away in late 2019 before the coro­na pandemic 
  • The aver­age age of mem­bers is around 40.

Review Conclusion: is worth recommending?

Since is one of the old­est swinger plat­forms, mem­ber­ship there is worth­while for real cou­ples who are look­ing for like-mind­ed peo­ple in the field of wife­shar­ing, swingers and cuckolding 

In addi­tion to con­tacts, you will learn valu­able first-hand tips so that your adven­tures will be pos­i­tive. More­over, you can read reviews about sex clubs and find out about upcom­ing events.

How­ev­er, there seem to be few active mem­bers cur­rent­ly. This is prob­a­bly due to the covid pan­dem­ic. Young peo­ple might also find the aver­age age of the oth­er mem­bers too high 

In our opin­ion, this web­site is sim­ply manda­to­ry for all wife­shar­ing and cuck­old cou­ples, along with and Joy­club.


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