Tips for First, Successful Wife-Sharing Dates 

Wife­shar­ing and cuck­old rela­tion­ships do not devel­op “overnight”. They devel­op — com­pa­ra­ble to the growth of a plant and depend on many factors.

It is not only part of it that the hus­band is sub­mis­sive, but above all that his hotwife is sex­u­al­ly very open, curi­ous, and to a high degree sex­u­al­ly will­ing to exper­i­ment. The goal is for her to meet with strange men for debauched, hard sex while he watch­es. A high lev­el of kink­i­ness, hon­esty, and absolute pri­mal trust are equal­ly impor­tant requirements.

If, after the coura­geous cuck­old com­ing out, the first wife shar­ing or cuck­old­ing fan­tasies have also awak­ened in the woman, and both part­ners are not averse to sex with strangers, at some point the ques­tions arise: “How do I find a bull?”, “Where do you meet for sex?”, “What do you wear?”, “How do I behave?” and “Are there dangers?”

For first dates and sex encoun­ters to go smooth­ly, they need to be thor­ough­ly pre­pared. You and your wife should pro­ceed method­i­cal­ly. What you should pay atten­tion to, you can read in this cuck­old guide.

For hotwifes at sex meetings often very important: The husband is always very close at the stranger fuck of his wife
For hotwifes at sex meet­ings often very impor­tant: The hus­band is always very close at the stranger fuck of his wife 

Set Common Boundaries for Sex Meetings

Before the sex meet­ing even starts, you joint­ly deter­mine the lim­its to which you want to go.

  • A very clear, unbreak­able stan­dard rule is: no sneak­ing around, no secret chats, no secret cell phone num­ber exchanges. The Bull often tries to make direct con­tact with the Hotwife after a few weeks! This must be pre­vent­ed / ward­ed off espe­cial­ly by the Hotwife. Cuck­old and Hotwife always read and phone togeth­er, so that no secre­cy can arise.
  • Rule No. 2: The com­mu­ni­ca­tion may not run over the nor­mal cell phones! Buy a cheap Android cell phone, with a micro con­tract / pre­paid card / Con­gstar as well as a good cam­era and enough mem­o­ry for your clips and pho­tos. Only on it chat and call togeth­er via What­sApp, Telegram, Three­ma etc.
  • Third stan­dard rule: No sex with­out a health cer­tifi­cate or con­dom! In most cas­es, the lovers (bulls) always demand sex with­out a con­dom. They want to fuck the hotwife “bare” hard and insem­i­nate all her holes, body and face abun­dant­ly with sperm. If you don’t want sex with­out con­doms, you should def­i­nite­ly insist on it. Some Bulls go part­ly very cun­ning­ly to bypass the condom!
  • Fourth stan­dard rule: Do not post pho­tos and videos with face to the lover(s). In the worst case, you will find your­self on the Inter­net. Mod­ern facial recog­ni­tion tech­nolo­gies can turn your adven­ture into a nightmare.
  • Clar­i­fy before the sex meet­ing among you whether you want body insem­i­na­tion, mouth insem­i­na­tion and facial insem­i­na­tion.
  • In the intox­i­ca­tion of lust, it is often quite rough on such dates. If it gets too much, a sim­ple “no” is not enough. You need to set a stop word / safe­word. If the hotwife calls it, it’s too much for her and you have to step in and stop the action.
  • You must real­ize that a cuck­old is also expect­ed to lick clean his mis­tress’s cum-filled pussy thor­ough­ly after each insem­i­na­tion. Some bull also expects to do the same with his cock. If you don’t want that, you have to say so right from the start. There are always alternatives.
  • Even though a kind of “famil­iar­i­ty” may set in, you must not give the Bull too much insight into your pri­vate life. He will try to dis­cov­er weak­ness­es in your rela­tion­ship / your every­day life in order to win the Hotwife over. The Bull has absolute­ly no busi­ness in your pri­vate apartment!

Where Can You Find Suitable Bulls and Lovers for Sex Meetings?

The first big step is that you need to find lovers and get in touch with them. There are a lot of con­tact exchanges and erot­ic forums where you can reg­is­ter for free and make con­tacts. Be care­ful nev­er to show your faces or even reveal your names and addresses.

Choose an email address specif­i­cal­ly for cuck­old­ing. The best is, that makes the least prob­lems because of spam / sex terms. For the tele­phone con­tact, as already writ­ten above, a cheap cell phone is advantageous.

Look for poten­tial can­di­dates togeth­er for your sex meet­ings and write a lit­tle first. If your rela­tion­ship is to last, you must do every­thing togeth­er from the begin­ning. Trust is the basis of any rela­tion­ship. Good plat­forms to find Bulls, BBCs and Lover are:

The common goal: Hotwife is fucked by the Bull
The com­mon goal: Hotwife is fucked by the Bull “again and again” very hard to orgasm

The Preparations for the Sex Meeting

The hotwife needs to work out before: Stretch­ing with Toys, hard­en­ing of the nip­ples, orgasm ruin­ing, and mul­ti­ple orgasms. The cou­ple should learn squirt­ing / fist­ing, and they should prac­tice cum swallowing.

Orgasm ban: Unauthorized squirting is forbidden for Cuckold
Orgasm ban: Unau­tho­rized squirt­ing is for­bid­den for Cuckold

For the cuck­old, unau­tho­rized mas­tur­ba­tion and ejac­u­la­tion is strict­ly for­bid­den for one to two weeks (until the date)! Instead, he pun­ish­es him­self for his lust with butt plugs and nip­ple clamps. Leak­ing drops of desire he always licks up. The penis is jerked and played with togeth­er. There is a strict orgasm ban for him. If he is lucky, the hotwife ruins his orgasm over a sperm plate.

The Hotwife, on the oth­er hand, mas­tur­bates as often as she can and wants to orgasm. She wears var­i­ous love balls, a Kong, vagi­nal plugs, and pos­si­bly a butt plug while shop­ping and walk­ing to put her­self in a state of per­ma­nent horniness.

Instead of watch­ing trash TV in the evening, you should rather watch porn togeth­er sev­er­al times a week to learn and stim­u­late your fantasies.

Buy sex toys to pre­pare for the date, prac­tice and play­ful­ly “tough­en up”. You should equip your­self with a plas­tic box as a toy chest. It should con­tain huge dil­dos, vibra­tors, pump-up dil­dos, cock rings, nip­ple toys, nip­ple suck­ers, and pussy suck­ers. Also, a G‑spot dil­do for squirt­ing prac­tice, a mas­tur­ba­tor (e.g. Flesh­light) for the cuck­old, and lube. 

Your evening work­outs and chal­lenges are great for pho­tos / clips to get the bull horny.

Before every date, EVERY hotwife should train and harden her horny pussy.
Before every date, EVERY hotwife should train and hard­en her horny pussy. Porn watch­ing and cum swal­low­ing prac­tice is just as much a part of it as pussy stretch­ing with thick dil­dos and squirt­ing and orgasm train­ing with vibra­tors and massagers.

Love balls, butt plugs, pump-up dil­dos and KONG dog toys in sev­er­al sizes are also a good tip to get pussy and butt hole stretched. Lube is def­i­nite­ly not to be missed. Make sure to use water-sol­u­ble gels that won’t attack the toy.

For you as a cuck­old, a penis cage is rec­om­mend­ed. This is a kind of chasti­ty belt for men that pre­vents you from jerk­ing off. In con­sul­ta­tion with your hotwife you may occa­sion­al­ly treat your­self to relax­ation with a mas­tur­ba­tor. Prob­a­bly now often have to ruin your orgasm and always swal­low your own sperm.

Send pho­tos and clips of your games to the lovers to get them horny before the sex meet­ing. A pic­ture of her shov­ing an XXL dil­do into her pussy is guar­an­teed to be well received. Bulls want to see from expe­ri­ence a lot of pussy juice, unin­hib­it­ed horni­ness and kinky objects like fruits and veg­eta­bles in the pussy. The hotwife should grad­u­al­ly get into the habit of walk­ing around with­out panties and mas­tur­bat­ing sev­er­al times a day.

As part of the prepa­ra­tion, you as a cuck­old should learn and prac­tice, prac­tice, and prac­tice again swal­low­ing your own cum! Mas­tur­bate only with the per­mis­sion of your hotwife and com­plete a swal­low train­ing for men. Over time, you will get used to the taste and find sperm horny and very hap­py to lick the creampie out. 

A foreign fucked and freshly inseminated cum pussy should be cleaned every time. EVERY Cuckold must practice it again and again! Excuses are not accepted.
A for­eign fucked and fresh­ly insem­i­nat­ed cum pussy should be cleaned every time. EVERY Cuck­old must prac­tice it again and again! Excus­es are not accept­ed. Source: Cuck­old­Ses­sions

At the same time, you can dis­cuss what the hotwife should wear at the sex meet­ing. Sim­ply naked is bor­ing. Sophis­ti­cat­ed lin­gerie empha­sizes the female curves and makes her body even more attractive.

Queen of spades tattoo and BBC anklet: Characteristic for hotwifes
Queen of spades tat­too and BBC anklet: Char­ac­ter­is­tic for hotwifes

For exam­ple, many men are fond of sus­penders, fish­net stock­ings, and high heels. Oth­ers like over-knee boots, a leather cor­sage, a nurse cos­tume, or a school­girl uniform.

Buy qual­i­ty prod­ucts rather than cheap junk. Good stuff you can use again and again, while cheap stuff often breaks the first time.

Women and Bulls love jew­el­ry! You should also order the wife, girl­friend or life part­ner horny hotwife acces­sories. Sur­prise the Bull with a BBC anklet with let­ters or sym­bols (BBC Anklet), neck­laces with unique sym­bols, bracelets, or BBC/Hotwife tat­too stick­ers be.

Think of a thin kimono coat to throw over and water­proof make­up. If nec­es­sary, in con­sul­ta­tion, you should buy XXL con­doms. Also, think about masks, in case you or the bull do not want to be rec­og­nized in photos.


Medical: Safety Always Comes First at Sex Meetings!

Cuck­old­ing is hav­ing sex with strangers. In con­trast to swing­ing, sex with­out a con­dom is usu­al­ly explic­it­ly desired dur­ing wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing. The abun­dant for­eign insem­i­na­tion with the horny sperm of the lover is a cen­tral part of this lifestyle.

The minimum of safety: An HIV self-test for HIV, HCV, TP and HBsAg
The min­i­mum of safe­ty: An HIV self-test for HIV, HCV, TP and HBsAg

All involved (both cuck­old, hotwife and even more so the bull and the lovers!) should there­fore get test­ed for HIV, hepati­tis and com­mon STDs like gon­or­rhea, syphilis or chlamy­dia, her­pes, gen­i­tal warts.

An HIV test and a test for STDs are per­formed by gen­er­al prac­ti­tion­ers, and gyne­col­o­gists / urol­o­gists for about $30. You will receive a writ­ten med­ical cer­tifi­cate that you present to each other.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you can buy self-tests that work as follows 

  • You order them online, take a swab or a blood sam­ple from your fin­ger at home and send the sam­ple to a test lab­o­ra­to­ry. The lab­o­ra­to­ry sends the results back to you. The results should only be a few days old.
  • There are also self-tests and quick tests for home use. Again, you prick your fin­ger or take a swab. Usu­al­ly, a swab is mixed in a reac­tion liq­uid and dropped onto a test cas­sette or a reac­tion strip is dipped. The result can be read with­in a few minutes.

ALL par­ties must bring the writ­ing, or tests, and show them to each oth­er. No test = no sex! With­out exception!

Where Do You Meet for Stranger Fucking?

If you get involved in stranger fuck­ing, you should keep your anonymi­ty. Under no cir­cum­stances should you meet at home or even in the apart­ment of a friend.

The wedding ring is an important symbol.
The wed­ding ring is an impor­tant symbol.

Best not even in your city. It is best to dri­ve to the next larg­er city — this offers enough discretion.

There you will cer­tain­ly find hourly hotels or apart­ments that can be rent­ed by the hour. In the clas­si­fieds of the local news­pa­per (week­end edi­tion) or on Google, you will cer­tain­ly find what you are look­ing for.

Alter­na­tive­ly, a swinger club is also very suit­able. These places are spe­cial­ly designed for sex par­ties. They have espe­cial­ly large and stur­dy beds, sex fur­ni­ture, and lots of sex toys. The rooms are sound­proofed, and the staff is discreet.

A hotel is only suit­able to a lim­it­ed extent. At most, it is rec­om­mend­ed if there are only three of you. Nev­er­the­less, in a hotel, there is always a risk that oth­er guests will com­plain about the noise. In high sum­mer, think about the room equip­ment of an air conditioner.

On the Day of the Fuck Date: What Happens When the Bull Comes?

On the day of your date, the cuck­old will active­ly help his wife pack her suit­case and buy drinks, refresh­ments and snacks. Bet­ter leave a lit­tle ear­li­er so that you can still make prepa­ra­tions at the location.

Wife gets fucked by a stranger in front of her husband
Wife gets fucked by a stranger in front of her husband

The hotwife should stretch her pussy (e.g. dur­ing the car ride) dur­ing the day again sev­er­al times with Auf­pumpdil­do, a plug or dil­dos the pussy slight­ly. Oppo­site cli­toris jerk­ing is per­fect­ly fine, because it helps her notice­ably to relieve sex­u­al ten­sion. In all like­li­hood, the cuck will have to lick the soak­ing wet pussy thor­ough­ly clean sev­er­al times. But an orgasm is strict­ly for­bid­den to both partners!

Absolute­ly you should put thick sauna tow­els / mat­tress pro­tec­tors under the sheets in the room. Large amounts of squirt, pussy juice, and sperm can and will run down.

Place your favorite sex toys, squirt and cum bowls, cum spoons, and plen­ty of lube handy on a small table. Also, dec­o­rate the snacks and refresh­ments attrac­tive­ly for the bull / lover.

By the way, you don’t need paper tis­sues — you can leave them at home! It’s the cuck­’s job to lick your horny love flu­ids thor­ough­ly up and clean.

Cuckold jerks his cock while watching
Cuck­old jerks his cock while watching.

The body styling of the wife / girl­friend is done accord­ing to the wish­es of the Bull. When shav­ing and dress­ing the cuck­old also assists.

The Hotwife show­ers and makes up, puts on her sexy lin­gerie and waits on the bed. The cuck­old plays the but­ler. He opens the door, greets the guests, and offers them refreshments.

Her imme­di­ate­ly briskly go to the bed­room! Expe­ri­ence shows that it’s bet­ter to get down to busi­ness quick­ly instead of chat­ting for an eter­nal­ly long time. You should avoid embar­rass­ing small talk! 

The hotwife sits close to the bull, or in the mid­dle between the lovers. The Cuc­ki goes out from time to time inten­tion­al­ly a lit­tle longer to get drinks and nibbles.

The Cuck­old holds back very much when fuck­ing. He sits on the chair, jerks his cock while watch­ing and takes pho­tos and shoots small clips.

If it comes to squirt­ing, mas­sive leak­age of pussy juice or the first stranger insem­i­na­tion, he imme­di­ate­ly kneels next to the bed with­out being asked and pays very care­ful atten­tion with his tongue, mouth, fin­gers, spoon and bowls that not a sin­gle drop of sperm, creampie and oth­er love feet runs onto the sheets.

What to Do if It Goes Wrong During the Stranger Fuck?

UNCONDITIONALLY, you should plan a Plan B in case the Bull blows the date and does­n’t show up . It’s not uncom­mon for men to be excit­ed and can’t wait for the date, but then can­cel at the last sec­ond or not show up at all. You should be pre­pared for this case and come up with a plan B.

Take a lap­top with you with porn and sex toys. You can then have fun with each oth­er. Your hotwife will ben­e­fit from the fact that you have been absti­nent for a long time and have built up pres­sure. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can also find the address of a swingers club near­by and dri­ve there.

For cou­ples, the entrance is often free or at least cheap. There your hotwife is guar­an­teed to find men who want to have sex with her.


Conclusion: Cuckolding & Wifesharing Fantasies Can Be Well Realized at Sex Meetings

If you and your hotwife want to live in a func­tion­ing cuck­old rela­tion­ship, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

An extremely happy moment for the couple: The potent BBC Black Bull FINALLY stabs the wife's permanently horny pussy for the first time in weeks!
An extreme­ly hap­py moment for the cou­ple: The potent BBC Black Bull FINALLY stabs the wife’s per­ma­nent­ly horny pussy for the first time in weeks!

Among the most impor­tant rules is to do every­thing togeth­er and, for exam­ple, do not allow the lover to secret­ly con­tact your hotwife. Estab­lish your bound­aries beforehand.

It is equal­ly impor­tant to main­tain pri­va­cy. Meet with the lovers some­where out­side, nev­er at home. Do not reveal your real names or address­es. Dat­ing is all about sex.

If you have unpro­tect­ed sex dur­ing sex meet­ings, make sure that all par­tic­i­pants can show cur­rent health cer­tifi­cates. After a few meet­ings, the prepa­ra­tions will become rou­tine. You will enjoy cuck­old­ing to the fullest!

At first, it’s often just one man. But quick­ly the hotwife gets a desire for more. The events evolve towards three­somes (MMF), to group sex, to orgies, to gang­bangs with black bulls (BBC).

Read Also:

Cuck­old hub­by shares is wife in hotel room
Cuck­old shar­ing his wife in a hotel

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