How to Make Your Private Gangbang a Success

More and more cou­ples enjoy the tin­gling expe­ri­ences of an uncon­ven­tion­al sex life. Wife­shar­ers, swingers, and cuck­olds live out their erot­ic fan­tasies. They do not lim­it sex to their life or mar­riage part­ner but also involve oth­er men (some­times women).

Most of them take their first steps in this direc­tion in a swingers club. These estab­lish­ments are spe­cial­ly equipped for sex par­ties. They offer dis­cre­tion, good ser­vice, and spe­cial equip­ment, for exam­ple, extra-large rein­forced beds and BDSM fur­ni­ture. As con­ve­nient as it may be, there is hard­ly any pri­va­cy there. Sex takes place most­ly anony­mous­ly and uncontrolled.

There­fore, more and more cou­ples have the desire to orga­nize a pri­vate sex par­ty with select­ed guests. Learn prac­ti­cal tips here on how to make it a plea­sur­able experience.

The Advantages of a Private Group Sex Party

The most impor­tant advan­tage of a pri­vate­ly orga­nized gang­bang is that the hotwife can “choose” the men. But there are oth­er rea­sons why you could orga­nize a par­ty by yourself:

During wifesharing sex, many women are often like exchanged.
Dur­ing wife­shar­ing sex, many women are often like exchanged.
  • The woman can deter­mine how many men are invit­ed to the party.
  • The woman can deter­mine exact­ly which men may come.
  • Already known gen­tle­men with whom sex works well can be invited.
  • The sex par­ty takes place in a famil­iar, relaxed atmosphere.
  • Cuc­ki and Hotwife can be as famil­iar with each oth­er as they are used to at home.
  • After the par­ty, there is no need to show­er. The cuck­old can enjoy fuck­ing his repeat­ed­ly insem­i­nat­ed hotwife and ten­der­ly end the event with her.
  • Cuck­old and cuck­ol­dress can act much more relaxed with each other.
make him cuckold

The Disadvantages of a Private Sex Party

The biggest dis­ad­van­tage is that you, as the orga­niz­er, have to take care of every­thing your­self and bear the responsibility:

  • Neigh­bors might com­plain about dis­turb­ing the peace and, in extreme cas­es, call the police.
  • Nor­mal fur­ni­ture is not suit­able for a gang­bang. An aver­age bed reach­es its load lim­it with three people.
  • Huge prob­lem: Many of the invit­ed men do not come to the date. Often with flim­sy excus­es or no can­cel­la­tion at all!
  • Embar­rassed small talk might occur.
  • It is not uncom­mon for men to refuse to pro­vide the health cer­tifi­cate required for AO sex.
  • After the par­ty, the hotwife and cuck­old have to clean every­thing up.
  • Guys like to resist hav­ing the med­ical cer­tifi­cate done. Real­ly have NO GRACE and make no excep­tion! The min­i­mum would be sex with a condom.

What Is the Best Place for a Private Gangbang?

The most suit­able are accom­mo­da­tions that you can rent by the hour. Such offers can be found online under the search terms Love Apart­ment or Love Hotel. These are often well-equipped for sex par­ties. The beds are rein­forced, often there is even a whirlpool and sex fur­ni­ture. Clean­ing is includ­ed in the price. Hour hotels also offer rooms for more than 2 peo­ple. Also, a good tip is to rent a big­ger hos­tel room. 

Alter­na­tive­ly, a vaca­tion apart­ment in a big city is also suit­able — but a vaca­tion home or chalet in the coun­try­side is bet­ter. To avoid com­plaints from neigh­bors, the house should be sound­proofed, because sex par­ties are usu­al­ly quite noisy.

How Many Participants Are Ideal for a Sex Party?

First of all, it’s always a good idea to invite two addi­tion­al guys, because expe­ri­ence has shown that one or the oth­er man can­cels at short notice or does­n’t show up at all. Some men also don’t get an erec­tion because of excitement.

For a pri­vate gang­bang, the hotwife should ini­tial­ly invite three bulls (+2 reserve). Opti­mal for expe­ri­enced Hotwifes are lat­er five men (+2 reserve). To be real­ly ful­ly sat­is­fied, the Cuck­ol­dress can dare to have even ten lovers one day. The pussy is incred­i­bly resilient dur­ing a direct insem­i­na­tion, it rather hap­pens at the con­di­tion dur­ing the many orgasms. 😉 

Impor­tant: If you have more than 10 men, you should invite a sec­ond woman in case there are too many cocks. Because you should be aware of one thing: “Limp­ing” is not when you have invit­ed the guys. They will all go only when they have come at least once to the shot!

You should sched­ule the sex par­ty sev­er­al weeks in advance. Many lovers come from far away and can not take time off at short notice. Bridge days are well suited.


Without Ifs and Buts: The Test for HIV and Stds

All par­tic­i­pants — the bulls, the hotwife, and the cuck­old, must bring cur­rent test results that prove they are healthy and have no STDs. Those who can­not or will not show such a test may have sex only with a condom.

In the inter­est of health, no excep­tion may be made to this! There are so-called quick tests, but they do not pro­vide 100% pro­tec­tion. How­ev­er, we rec­om­mend that you have the full test done by your fam­i­ly doc­tor, urol­o­gist or gynecologist.

Stephanie’s hus­band shares his wife hav­ing sex with two strangers

Rules for the Sex Party

The aim of the gang­bang is to sat­is­fy the hotwife. For this, the cou­ple invites “guests” for the sex par­ty. There­fore, the guests must behave as such. The Hotwife is not a free-wild, and the cuck­old is not an idiot. All Bulls and Lovers must sub­mit to the cou­ple’s house rules.

Hotwife and the Cuck­old set the rules and pro­ce­dure togeth­er in advance. It is impor­tant to set rules and bound­aries from the beginning:

  • Hotwife choos­es the guests herself 
  • The hotwife deter­mines whether she wants to have unpro­tect­ed sex or not.
  • She also deter­mines whether the lover may cum in her.
  • It is deter­mined in advance if anal sex is allowed.
  • What about dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion, deep throat and choking?
  • Are the bulls allowed to cum on the body or in the hotwife’s face and mouth?
  • What SM prac­tices are allowed (bondage, clamps, sex toys, spank­ing, etc.)?
  • Is the Cuck only allowed to watch or to be active himself?
  • Does he have to lick the pussy of his hotwife clean?
  • What clothes should the hotwife wear dur­ing sex?
  • Set a safe­word for the emergency!
  • May men who use con­doms emp­ty them on the hotwife’s brushes?

Clear Rules Avoid Misunderstandings

The guests must be told in no uncer­tain terms how they are to behave. The rules should be sent to them in writ­ing before the par­ty starts.

  • clear times “from, to
  • Hygiene rules, body shav­ing / inti­mate shaving
  • if desired: dress code
  • The sex par­ty is sole­ly for the sat­is­fac­tion of the Hotwife
  • Hotwife and Cuck­old are the hosts and have the domi­cil­iary rights. Their instruc­tions must be followed.
  • Although the cuck­old is sub­mis­sive, he is in charge and pro­tects the hotwife.
  • Videos and pho­tos may only be made by the Cuckold.
  • At the lat­est when the last Bull has emp­tied his balls, the par­ty is over. All guests must leave imme­di­ate­ly! The cou­ple wants to have time for them­selves after the gangbang!

Wifesharing Party Organize & Plan — General Tips

The hotwife should pre­pare well for your sex par­ty sev­er­al weeks before the event and stretch her holes reg­u­lar­ly so that she can with­stand larg­er penis sizes and hard fucking 

For the rear entrance, this works best with butt plugs, plugs made of glass or sil­i­cone, which are insert­ed into the anus. The vagi­na should be trained with thick, soft dil­dos or pump-up dil­dos. Love balls and KONG dog toys can be worn for hours to pre­pare the pussy for all sizes of cock. Don’t wor­ry — wear­ing out your pussy through reg­u­lar train­ing will not. On the con­trary. The vagi­nal mus­cles are well-conditioned.

About 2 — 3 hours before the par­ty, the hotwife should clean her anus with an anal show­er. Do not eat too much before the par­ty! Light appe­tiz­ers that are pre­pared bite-size are suit­able as food.

Do not offer alco­hol or drugs! Intox­i­cants cloud the sens­es and only lead to problems.

Videos and pho­tos may only be tak­en with the express per­mis­sion of all present. If nec­es­sary, pro­vide masks. 

If the gang­bang takes place in a vaca­tion home, it is bet­ter not to use the beds for the wild activ­i­ty, but to spread a few blan­kets and pil­lows on the floor or use the din­ing table. This saves trou­ble with the landlord.


Conclusion: The Private Sex Party — A Symphony of Pleasure

If every­thing is well planned, such a gang­bang will be an expe­ri­ence that will be remem­bered for a long time. For it to be a suc­cess, clear rules must be set and fol­lowed by all par­tic­i­pants. If nec­es­sary, hotwife and cuck­old must not be afraid to make use of their domi­cil­iary rights and expel troublemakers. 

How­ev­er, expe­ri­ence has shown that this is rarely the case. Most guests abide by the agreed rules and do their best to sat­is­fy the sex-hun­gry hotwife. Espe­cial­ly on a small­er scale, guys duel each oth­er to see who can fuck the hard­est and fastest or who can trig­ger the most orgasms in her. Quite a few bulls can even cum two or three times. 

The Cuck­old / Wife­shar­er also comes visu­al­ly and acousti­cal­ly to his fun. Depend­ing on his rules, he is locked up with a penis cage, and allowed to jerk off or even fuck along. He is often also respon­si­ble for sperm clean­ing, film­ing, and tak­ing photos.

When the guests have left, Hotwife and Cuc­ki can retire and relax togeth­er and process the incred­i­bly horny event.

Hus­band films his wife in orgy party

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