Caution Applies When Playing With Fire!

Both in wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing, the woman has con­stant­ly horny sex with strange men. This hap­pens with the knowl­edge and con­sent of the part­ner and is there­fore not cheating.

At the begin­ning, it is usu­al­ly the hus­band, life part­ner or friend who encour­ages, per­suades or down­right push­es his wife to stranger fuck­ing. After two or three suc­cess­ful dates with strange men, the sex becomes more and more excit­ing, unin­hib­it­ed, and plea­sur­able for the hotwife.

It does­n’t take long before she even lets her­self be insem­i­nat­ed with­out a con­dom and wish­es for a gang­bang. How­ev­er, the friv­o­lous lifestyle also holds dan­gers despite all the eupho­ria and enthusiasm.

In this Cuck­old Blog guide post, we would like to make you com­plete­ly hon­est­ly aware of the oth­er side of the coin and inform you about the dan­gers of wife­shar­ing & cuckolding.

Please let us know via the com­ment func­tion if you have also had neg­a­tive expe­ri­ences and how you would like to pro­tect oth­er read­ers from this.

What Are the Dangers for the Cuckold?

The Cuc­ki is the weak­er part­ner in the rela­tion­ship. Accord­ing­ly, the dan­gers he is exposed to are great. He is emo­tion­al­ly depen­dent on his cuckoldress.

There is always the pos­si­bil­i­ty that she will leave him or at least stop car­ing for him. It has been proven that love and emo­tion­al attach­ment is enhanced by fre­quent, intense sex. There­fore, there is a con­stant dan­ger that the Hotwife will fall in love with a Bull and leave the Cuck.

The dan­ger of sex addic­tion is also very real. The Hotwife expe­ri­ences very strong plea­sure and mul­ti­ple orgasms dur­ing gang­bang that are incred­i­bly intense. Sex with the cuck­old can’t keep up with that. It becomes fatal when the Cuck­ol­dress can only find her sat­is­fac­tion in gang­bangs where she is only used as a plea­sure object by the Bulls.

From the bulls there are also dan­gers for the cuck. They are dom­i­nant, usu­al­ly very hand­some, and not infre­quent­ly even pos­ses­sive. They want the hotwife for them­selves (“ownen”, take over or pos­sess called) and do every­thing to humil­i­ate the Cuc­ki and make his life dif­fi­cult. This may even go so far as to exploit their men­tal and phys­i­cal supe­ri­or­i­ty to psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly abuse the cuck or even cause the cou­ple to break up.


The Hotwife

By hav­ing sex with dif­fer­ent men all the time, the Hotwife is in dan­ger of becom­ing a sex addict. Nor­mal sex, as it is com­mon in a rela­tion­ship, can no longer bring her satisfaction.

To be tru­ly sat­is­fied, she has to have sex with sev­er­al men at the same time to achieve the vio­lent, mul­ti­ple orgasms. The extreme release of sex and hap­pi­ness hor­mones, as well as adren­a­line, makes her want the horny sex with strange men over and over again.

Bulls can also become dan­ger­ous. They can abuse or even seri­ous­ly injure the cuck­ol­dress. When a per­son is tied up or beat­en, you have to know exact­ly what you are doing and how to do it.

Used incor­rect­ly, bondage, breath con­trol (chok­ing), deepthroat­ing (throat fuck­ing), or spank­ing can be fatal in extreme cas­es. Oth­er sex­u­al pro­cliv­i­ties like fist­ing or insert­ing objects into the pussy can cause injuries.

Some Bulls are so crazy about their Hotwife that they do not hes­i­tate to black­mail or kid­nap her just to be with her.

What Can Cuckold and Hotwife Do About the Dangers?

The best way to avoid unwant­ed sit­u­a­tions is “talk”. If a cou­ple has decid­ed to have a cuck­old rela­tion­ship, they should always com­mu­ni­cate open­ly. It is impor­tant that it hap­pens before the bull is invit­ed to the stranger fuck.

The cou­ple can draw up a kind of love con­tract (although it won’t be rec­og­nized in court), which states the rights and oblig­a­tions of the two. It may say, for exam­ple, that the Cuc­ki may have sex with his Hotwife at cer­tain inter­vals, and that the Hotwife may only have sex with Bulls when the Cuc­ki is present.

Such things as “love vaca­tions” and secret What­sApp mes­sages or secret meet­ings with a Lover or Bull are absolute­ly forbidden.

The Safe Word as a Protection Against Violence and Abuse

A com­mon pre­cau­tion in gang­bang­ing is a so-called safe word. This is a word that cuck and hotwife agree with each oth­er. It should be easy to remem­ber and not relat­ed to sex. e.g. “ket­tle”.

When the word is spo­ken or shout­ed out loud, the part­ner knows that the oth­er is not feel­ing well and needs help. The safe word is nec­es­sary because gang­bang is usu­al­ly loud and quite vio­lent. In the fren­zy of lust, bulls can quick­ly go too far with­out real­iz­ing that the woman does­n’t want it.

Sim­ply say­ing “no” or loud­ly stat­ing his refusal is not enough then because it can be tak­en as part of a role-play. If, on the oth­er hand, his hotwife calls out loud­ly the agreed safe word, the cuck knows imme­di­ate­ly that some­thing is wrong.


Other Safeguards

To reduce the risk of emo­tion­al attach­ment, the hotwife should not fuck the same bulls too often. Men from the social cir­cle (work col­leagues, acquain­tances, friends, neigh­bors) should nev­er be invit­ed for three-way fuck­ing, group sex or even a big gangbang.

These are the peo­ple the cuck­old cou­ple also meets in every­day life. The dan­ger is great that either the Hotwife or the Bull will fall in love, seek the prox­im­i­ty of the oth­er or talk about your kinky adven­tures in the cir­cle of acquaintances.

If the Bull is then also mar­ried, stress and trou­ble are pre-pro­grammed. Ide­al are men who live far away.

You can get to know them in var­i­ous forums on the Inter­net or at erot­ic con­tact exchanges. The same men should not always be invit­ed to the gangbang.

If the hotwife is secret­ly giv­en busi­ness cards or notes with a phone num­ber, she must tell her hus­band openly.

It is very impor­tant to set up a sep­a­rate, shared cell phone. Good smart­phones with Android are already avail­able for 130,- €, a pre­paid card from Voda­fone costs 10,- €. Install What­sApp, KIK, Gmail etc. on it and give out only this num­ber. If you are stalked, you can sim­ply change the phone card.

Use a sep­a­rate email address from Gmail. Providers like delete sex­u­al terms. Use this mail address also for reg­is­tra­tion in sex forums, con­tact exchanges, etc. Both must have free access to all accounts. Secre­cy dam­ages the trust and is taboo.

Never Fuck at Home!

The gang­bang must nev­er be orga­nized at home because this way the cuck and his hotwife reveal their iden­ti­ty. This makes them vul­ner­a­ble to black­mail, pub­lic expo­sure (bust­ing) and revenge actions of jeal­ous wives.

Gang­bangs are bet­ter held in hour hotels or fling apart­ments. There, anonymi­ty and dis­cre­tion are guar­an­teed. Even bet­ter are swingers clubs. There you move among like-mind­ed peo­ple in a friend­ly and relaxed atmosphere.

To make black­mail attempts more dif­fi­cult, you should refrain from film­ing and pho­tograph­ing dur­ing the gang­bang. If you do want to film, masks can be used to main­tain anonymi­ty (don’t for­get to cov­er up tat­toos or con­spic­u­ous moles!) or the cuck­old can do the filming.


Conclusion: The Great Pleasure Also Holds Dangers

In a Wife­shar­ing or Cuck­old rela­tion­ship, the woman has con­sen­su­al with her part­ner (Cuck­old) a lot of sex with strange men. Both expe­ri­ence very great plea­sure, unfor­get­table horny moments and can even ben­e­fit finan­cial­ly when fuck­ing strangers together.

On the oth­er hand, there are also dan­gers asso­ci­at­ed with cuck­old­ing. The hotwife can become sex addict, fall in love with a bull, neglect her cuck­old or even leave him.

The best way to counter this is to talk, talk, and talk again. If fears and prob­lems are put open­ly on the table in time, every­thing can usu­al­ly be solved. A writ­ten stranger-fuck­ing con­tract lays down mutu­al­ly estab­lished rules.

Suit­able pre­ven­tive mea­sures can be tak­en against oth­er dan­gers of a phys­i­cal nature. A sep­a­rate cell phone and a sep­a­rate e‑mail address to which both part­ners have access are a must! A safe word is a life­line if one of the two is not doing well.

If you are new to the cuck­old scene, it is rec­om­mend­ed that you seek con­tact with expe­ri­enced cuck­old cou­ples and seek their advice. Suit­able places are spe­cial wife­shar­ing and cuck­old forums on the Internet.

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