Sex Is More Than Just Pure Libido Satisfaction for Long-Term Relationships and Married Couples

Let’s not kid our­selves: The first rea­son to enter into a part­ner­ship is usu­al­ly because they find each oth­er sex­u­al­ly attrac­tive. In the first days, weeks and months, the focus is on the exchange of caress­es. The sex life is going great. Hearts are beat­ing, hor­mones are going crazy! Peo­ple talk open­ly about sex and sex­u­al pref­er­ences. Even dar­ing fan­tasies are exchanged via What­sApp or e‑mail.

amateur cuckold fuck
Good sex is pos­si­ble even after many years in a relationship.

But “lit­tle by lit­tle” a kind of com­fort and habit inevitably creeps in. Every­day life and a stress­ful pro­fes­sion­al or fam­i­ly life have a mas­sive impact on the cou­ple bond. The ini­tial pas­sion and sex­u­al desire reduce unno­ticed, and the cou­ple lev­els off to a nor­mal sex life of one to three times a week.

What fol­lows is the top­ic of this arti­cle. How do mar­ried cou­ples and peo­ple in com­mon-law mar­riages man­age to keep their sex lives active and var­ied? Why is it so impor­tant to fight togeth­er against the threat of sex­u­al iner­tia and habit? Is it pos­si­ble to pre­vent sex­u­al­i­ty from falling asleep, or how can it be reawakened?

Regular Sex Is Important for Everyone

First of all, we should clar­i­fy that the sex dri­ve in us humans has a com­plete­ly nat­ur­al, evo­lu­tion­ary ori­gin. It is deeply root­ed in us and with­out it, mankind would not survive!

So it is com­plete­ly nor­mal that we like to mas­tur­bate, enjoy sex and have kinky sex­u­al fan­tasies and desires. The expres­sion is incred­i­bly indi­vid­ual. Every­one inter­prets the con­tent of their sex­u­al­i­ty differently.

Hot orgasms provide a mental balance
Hot orgasms provide a mental balance
Hot orgasms pro­vide a men­tal bal­ance Hot orgasms pro­vide a men­tal balance

In terms of our human life, sex­u­al­i­ty could be explained some­what fig­u­ra­tive­ly as a kind of “jour­ney.” It is not rigid and fixed, but devel­ops very dynam­i­cal­ly through­out our lives.

Depend­ing on the pro­fes­sion­al and pri­vate stress lev­el, in com­bi­na­tion with one’s life part­ner (who in turn also has sex­u­al incli­na­tions of his own), one is always learn­ing, devel­op­ing new sex­u­al fan­tasies and inclinations.

A live­ly and pos­i­tive joint expres­sion of sex­u­al­i­ty is an impor­tant pil­lar of a suc­cess­ful partnership.

If the sex life falls asleep or if one of the two life part­ners no longer responds to the needs of the oth­er, a dan­ger­ous imbal­ance aris­es. It pro­vides a breed­ing ground for the desire to expe­ri­ence one’s sex­u­al incli­na­tions with anoth­er per­son (e.g., with col­leagues, neigh­bors, or friends, or with prostitutes).

Real swinger couples swap their wives in a hotel.
Real swinger cou­ples swap their wives in a hotel.

Talking to Each Other: The Basis for a Good Sex Life

Psy­chol­o­gists have found that being open about sex is also good for the cou­ple relationship.

Happy swinger couples
Hap­py swinger couples

As men­tioned ear­li­er, many peo­ple are always evolv­ing sex­u­al­ly as well. It is impor­tant that even after long years of rela­tion­ship no secrets devel­op, but you can always hon­est­ly tell your part­ner / your fetish­es, incli­na­tions and desires.

Often sur­pris­ing sim­i­lar­i­ties can be found. Espe­cial­ly in midlife around 30 — 40 years, many women, and men devel­op the desire for for­eign skin, although one would like to remain firm­ly togeth­er with his life partner.

There are three mod­els of how to live out this desire for “sex with strangers” togeth­er. Almost all open rela­tion­ships can be cat­e­go­rized into this.

The Three Models for Joint Stranger Fucking:

  • As a swinger cou­ple, both part­ners equal­ly admit to hav­ing sex with strangers. Most­ly they go to swingers clubs or pri­vate sex par­ties. They go there togeth­er, let off steam and go home together.
  • As a Wif­shar­er, the man allows his wife (Hotwife) to be fucked by one or more men. The man likes to fuck along, but does not want to have sex with anoth­er woman him­self. Swinger clubs, men’s sur­plus par­ties, but also hotels, hour hotels serve as a loca­tion. Most cou­ples explic­it­ly wish to have a for­eign insem­i­na­tion with­out a condom.
  • As a cuck­old cou­ple, the woman (hotwife) takes the sex­u­al lead and deter­mines her hus­band’s mas­tur­ba­tion, ejac­u­la­tion, and sex. She also likes to be stranger fucked. Most­ly, the for­eign insem­i­na­tion is quite clear­ly in the focus. The woman deter­mines here where, when, how often and how the sex with the lover and bull takes place. The cuck­old is most­ly pas­sive. He watch­es, mas­tur­bates, takes pic­tures and shoots movies. Final­ly, he has to lick the insem­i­nat­ed mare clean. There are three cuck­old lev­els of C1, C2 and C3. If the woman has the sub­mis­sive posi­tion and the man has the dom­i­nant one, it is called cuck­quean.

Sex With Strangers: The Booster for a Varied and Satisfying Sex Life!

It is quite clear to empha­size that most cou­ples are not look­ing for a sub­sti­tute for part­nered sex, but only a sup­ple­ment and enrichment!

Swinger wifes orgasm
“But I’m not a les­bian!” Swinger women often learn from each oth­er. At par­ties, they come to orgasm again and again.

If a cou­ple engages in sex with strangers, all wish­es and incli­na­tions, but also all con­cerns and fears, must be clear­ly on the table before­hand. With this knowl­edge, each cou­ple can find their own indi­vid­ual way how both want to imple­ment the sat­is­fac­tion of their sex­u­al needs.

In most cas­es, an unimag­in­able play­ground opens up, which has a sig­nif­i­cant effect on the sat­is­fac­tion and bal­ance of both part­ners. The sex­u­al devel­op­ment and evo­lu­tion pro­vides for the emer­gence of fur­ther fan­tasies and desires, so that it can nev­er be bor­ing in the bedroom.

In addi­tion to com­mu­ni­ca­tion, it is also impor­tant to have a good amount of trust! Despite all the temp­ta­tion, clan­des­tine dates, secret chats and text mes­sages should be blocked in your own inter­est. For this pur­pose, it makes sense to set up a sep­a­rate cell phone, which the two use to com­mu­ni­cate with the strange sex partners.

You Learn From and With Strangers!

It is par­tic­u­lar­ly excit­ing to see how the cou­ple devel­ops sex­u­al­ly togeth­er. Pre­vi­ous­ly strict­ly reject­ed sex­u­al acts are often tried out com­plete­ly unplanned. One slips in there sim­ply spon­ta­neous­ly and feels the actions then rather as: “Och, that is not at all so bad, as I thought”.

In swinger cir­cles, for exam­ple, women often have same-sex con­tacts, even though they think they are not les­bian or bisex­u­al. The same applies to con­tact with sperm, BDSM prac­tices, fist­ing, squirt­ing, fetish­es and much more.

In the wife­shar­ing area, gang­bangs are very pop­u­lar. Sex with sev­er­al men at the same time and mass insem­i­na­tion with stranger’s sperm was absolute­ly unac­cept­able and a No-Go for many men and women before.

Con­tact with stranger sperm is also com­plete­ly unimag­in­able for any man at a young age. Cuck­old­ing cou­ples increas­ing­ly enjoy sperm games more and more when their taboos are bro­ken. As well as Fem­Dom (dom­i­na­tion by women), penis cage car­ry­ing, spank­ing, nip­ple stim­u­la­tion and much more.

Foreign insemination- happy wife during group sex (gangbang)
For­eign insem­i­na­tion: Absolute­ly hap­py wife dur­ing group sex (gang­bang)

Is Monogamy at Its End?

Every per­son defines their own sex­u­al­i­ty indi­vid­u­al­ly for them­selves. Many peo­ple are sat­is­fied with a steady part­ner and want to grow old togeth­er with him.

Cuckolding: Wife enjoys a horny BBC orgasm and the husband photographs the scene
Cuck­old­ing: Wife enjoys a horny BBC orgasm and the hus­band pho­tographs the scene

In addi­tion to the sex dri­ve, the desire to start a fam­i­ly, a part­ner­ship in a shared apart­ment / house and shared hob­bies are also enor­mous­ly important.

If you are hon­est with your­self, the vast major­i­ty of peo­ple still want “now and then” times sex­u­al vari­ety and a break from the mar­i­tal sex routine.

There­fore, we feel that the social mod­el of monogamy makes sense, but is not com­plete­ly prac­ti­cal. Occa­sion­al­ly, you should have a piece of cream pie because eat­ing only bread is too boring.

Of course, there will be numer­ous peo­ple who reject polygamy. But if you have reached this point in our arti­cle, you will be inter­est­ed in the top­ic of stranger fuck­ing. In con­clu­sion, we encour­age you to take the plunge and get your part­ner excit­ed about this friv­o­lous lifestyle. You have noth­ing to lose!

Wifesharing: Happy wife
Wife­shar­ing: Hap­py wife

Conclusion: Stranger Fucking Enriches the Partner’s Sex Life


A long and good sex life as a cou­ple is not an unful­fil­l­able wish. We rec­om­mend sex­u­al­ly inter­est­ed and open-mind­ed peo­ple to talk bold­ly and unre­strict­ed open­ly. It makes no sense to keep secrets and not talk about them out of shame.

Think back to your ear­ly days when you first got togeth­er! Tell each oth­er open­ly what you want and what excites you! You will find a com­mon con­sen­sus on how to make your sex­u­al­i­ty var­ied and sat­is­fy­ing with­out hav­ing to cheat secretly.

In our opin­ion, rela­tion­ships are more sta­ble and long-last­ing when things run smooth­ly in bed. The genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed desire for oth­er peo­ple’s skin can also be achieved togeth­er with­out any prob­lems, with­out it hav­ing to end in a rela­tion­ship break­down, a divorce or with grief and pain.

Enjoy your sex life! It is short enough than to waste it or let it waste away only with work, social-reli­gious rules!

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