Rivalry and Competition Get the Libido Going

From the point of view of evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gy, nature strives for a mix­ture of dif­fer­ent male genet­ic mate­r­i­al in most liv­ing beings in order to ensure the sur­vival of the off­spring in the long term and to avoid genet­ic defects.

The female usu­al­ly sig­nals her readi­ness to mate and is repeat­ed­ly mat­ed with by sev­er­al males dur­ing this time. Mul­ti­ple insem­i­na­tions in suc­ces­sion are not uncom­mon in the ani­mal world. To ensure that the strongest rival “wins”, the males of each ani­mal species have devel­oped indi­vid­ual strate­gies to ensure fer­til­iza­tion of the female egg before, dur­ing, and after insem­i­na­tion. This is referred to as sperm com­pe­ti­tion.

But are humans real­ly so dif­fer­ent from the ani­mal world? Sci­en­tists Leigh Sim­mons and Sarah Kil­gal­lon con­duct­ed a study to deter­mine whether sperm com­pe­ti­tion is also mea­sur­able in humans. The study led to inter­est­ing find­ings that are also excit­ing for the cuck­old and wife­shar­ing world.

In this arti­cle, we look at the top­ic of sperm com­pe­ti­tion in humans. Is genet­i­cal­ly pre-pro­grammed sperm com­pe­ti­tion the cause of our kinky sex fan­tasies with strangers? We explain to you what sperm com­pe­ti­tion is all about and how it affects cuck­old­ing and wifesharing.

Male sperm competition
Male sperm competition 

Biological Explanation: What Is Sperm Competition?

In the ani­mal king­dom, monogamy is rather the excep­tion. Exclu­sive, life­long sex with a sin­gle part­ner is found in very few crea­tures. These are main­ly ani­mal species that suf­fer from extreme weath­er con­di­tions, or whose rear­ing of the brood is very costly. 

Massive foreign inseminated Hotwife on a gangbang
Mas­sive for­eign insem­i­nat­ed Hotwife on a gangbang

Accord­ing­ly, almost all females mate with dif­fer­ent males.

In the bio­log­i­cal sense, one speaks of sperm com­pe­ti­tion when at least two males com­pete with their sperm cells (sperms) for the fer­til­iza­tion of an egg. 

If sev­er­al males mate with a female in quick suc­ces­sion, a male who has deliv­ered sig­nif­i­cant­ly more sperm than his com­peti­tors has a greater chance of one of his sperm fer­til­iz­ing the egg 

Com­pe­ti­tion between the sperm of dif­fer­ent males is explic­it­ly willed by nature and genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed into liv­ing things with instincts and dri­ves. Rival behav­ior in repro­duc­tion is thus a cru­cial mech­a­nism of evo­lu­tion and sex­u­al selec­tion.

Do Humans Still Need Sperm Competition Today?

Com­pared to our pre­his­toric ances­tors, women today no longer rely on rival­ry and sperm com­pe­ti­tion with mul­ti­ple males. 

Competition as a love kick: Wifesharing or cuckolding is the best what married couples can do for an eternally happy relationship.
Com­pe­ti­tion as a love kick: Wife­shar­ing or cuck­old­ing is the best what mar­ried cou­ples can do for an eter­nal­ly hap­py relationship.

For about 2000 years, they usu­al­ly joined togeth­er to form a per­ma­nent cohab­i­ta­tion with one man. For about 200 years, the man has even active­ly sup­port­ed his wife in rais­ing and car­ing for their children.

How­ev­er, this monog­a­mous pro­tec­tion of women and off­spring has a catch: The genet­ic imprint of sperm com­pe­ti­tion is still deeply root­ed in us, despite the social rules. 

Numer­ous sci­en­tists agree that after a cer­tain peri­od of togeth­er­ness, most men and women, for evo­lu­tion­ary rea­sons, uncon­scious­ly start look­ing again for strange, poten­tial sex partners.

Instead of leav­ing or cheat­ing on one’s life part­ner, swinger sex, cuck­old­ing, or wife shar­ing are excel­lent alter­na­tives to not hav­ing to sup­press one’s bio­log­i­cal urges, but being able to stay togeth­er with one’s life partner.

Gangbang creampie

Rivals Spur Men to Produce More Sperm!

Men rival when fucking a woman: Everyone wants to fuck the hardest and shoot the most cum.
Men rival when fuck­ing a woman on a gang­bang: Every­one wants to fuck the hard­est and shoot the most cum.

In the study by Leigh Sim­mons and Sarah Kil­gal­lon, it was found that the sight of strange men fuck­ing a woman exor­bi­tant­ly increas­es the num­ber of sperm cells. Accord­ing­ly, there is actu­al­ly also a kind of sperm com­pe­ti­tion in humans.

Dur­ing group sex of sev­er­al men with a woman, there is demon­stra­bly a bio­log­i­cal sperm com­pe­ti­tion and release of sex hor­mones of all par­tic­i­pat­ing men.

Depend­ing on the ini­tial sit­u­a­tion, the com­pe­ti­tion pro­vides a dif­fer­ent sex­u­al effect. Lovers, bulls, and studs who desire to fuck strange women at gang­bangs, men’s sur­plus par­ties, and sex par­ties are just as affect­ed by sperm com­pe­ti­tion as the cuckold.

We would like to dis­cuss the dif­fer­ent effects on sex­u­al dri­ve behav­ior between men below….

Pussy Bukkake: Many men like to ejaculate on the pussy while it is fucked by a stranger (Spermmania)
Pussy Bukkake: Many men like to ejac­u­late on the pussy while it is fucked by a stranger (Sper­m­ma­nia)

1.) Effect of Sperm Competition on the Stranger Fucking Men

Just the antic­i­pa­tion of a sex par­ty days before trig­gers sperm com­pe­ti­tion instinc­tive­ly and com­plete­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly in bulls, studs, lovers, and fuckers. 

A gangbang is a very horny experience for women and men as well! All men try hard to give their best.
A gang­bang is a very horny expe­ri­ence for women and men as well! All men try hard to give their best.

Drops of desire form, there is a high urge to mas­tur­bate, tes­ti­cles swell notice­ably, they can only think about sex, unwant­ed semi-stiff­en­ing of the penis dur­ing the day, fre­quent full stiff­en­ing of the penis at night, and so on.

Since men know that they will soon find them­selves in a sex­u­al­ly com­pet­i­tive sit­u­a­tion, this caus­es their testos­terone lev­els to rise, which is reflect­ed in their libido (horni­ness).

Every man who signs up for the sex par­ty knows that he will have to “real­ly give his best” to the hotwife and the oth­er men present, which starts the evo­lu­tion­ary sperm com­pe­ti­tion in his body.

Very hot cum cunt: Stranger insemination while group sex
Very hot cum cunt: Stranger insem­i­na­tion while group sex

At the sex par­ty, this effect is ampli­fied: each man wants to show the hotwife, and the oth­er men present that HE is the best fuck­er with the most pow­er­ful cum spurts and that he has the best sex­u­al stamina. 

The per­for­mance of some men is actu­al­ly remark­able dur­ing gang­bangs! Some men even have their refrac­to­ry peri­od short­ened, so they can have sex twice or even three times that evening.

So from the stand­point of male repro­duc­tion, sperm com­pe­ti­tion is an ide­al sit­u­a­tion. Nature, of course, does not know that a sex par­ty is about a “friend­ly fire” and is not a seri­ous com­pet­i­tive behavior. 🙂

2.) Effect of Sperm Competition on the Life Partner / Husband / Boyfriend

In the case of the hotwife’s hus­band, life part­ner, or boyfriend, a sim­i­lar pic­ture emerges. Sperm com­pe­ti­tion trig­gers excit­ing reac­tions in him as well. How­ev­er, the com­pet­i­tive pres­sure is many times high­er because the wife­shar­er or cuck­old knows that he alone must pre­vail against all strange men.

Extreme cuckold ejaculation: He watches his wife being fucked by a stranger and accidentally ejaculates cum.
Extreme cuck­old ejac­u­la­tion because sperm com­pe­ti­tion: He watch­es his wife being fucked by a stranger and acci­den­tal­ly ejac­u­lates a giant load of cum.

If the man sees his part­ner hav­ing sex with (sup­posed) rivals, he feels threat­ened by his mas­culin­i­ty in terms of evo­lu­tion­ary biol­o­gy! The com­pet­i­tive sit­u­a­tion makes his organs invol­un­tar­i­ly pro­duce con­sid­er­ably more sperm and sex hormones.

The feel­ing of fear to lose the part­ner, as well as jeal­ousy and rejec­tion, play a big role sub­con­scious­ly. This can be intense, moti­vat­ing, and even arousing. 

The instinct of sperm com­pe­ti­tion often results in the cuck­old show­ing more pas­sion and sta­mi­na dur­ing sex. 

He’s ejac­u­lat­ing more vig­or­ous­ly, hav­ing more sperm in his ejac­u­late, and hav­ing a short­er refrac­to­ry peri­od between erec­tions — so that he is ready for sex again more quickly.

In polyamorous rela­tion­ships, the sex­u­al com­pet­i­tive feel­ing is often already trig­gered when men see their female part­ner being wooed by a strange man.

Dur­ing the for­eign insem­i­na­tion, most cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers even feel a kind of hap­pi­ness when their beloved wife is sex­u­al­ly sat­is­fied by strange men, fucked to orgasm, splat­tered with sperm, and her pussy is flood­ed with for­eign sperm. Many of them get so extreme­ly stim­u­lat­ed that they even want to lick the stranger’s cum clean from their beloved wife. The most hotwifes also make the view extreme­ly horny.

Cuckold while cum cleanup
Cuck­old while cum cleanup: Many men have this dirty fan­ta­sy and would like to learn to swal­low sperm.

3.) Effects of Sperm Competition and Rivalry on the Woman

Most women have mild or more intense mul­ti-part­ner fan­tasies dur­ing cer­tain cycles. Par­tic­u­lar­ly dur­ing the phase when ovu­la­tion occurs, women are espe­cial­ly prone to dou­ble mating.

Competition in porn cinema: Who fucks best?
Com­pe­ti­tion in porn cin­e­ma: Who fucks best?

In addi­tion to the evo­lu­tion­ary-bio­log­i­cal mat­ing instinct, how­ev­er, there is also an instinct for love and sex­u­al desire with a fixed part­ner inher­ent in women. This has kept cou­ples togeth­er for mil­lions of years to ensure the pro­vi­sion of off­spring. It is mean­ing­ful for women to have a steady man by their side.

Com­bin­ing the “for­eign mat­ing instinct” with the desire not to sac­ri­fice the life part­ner — opens up inter­est­ing sex­u­al play­ing fields if both part­ners get involved.

Sex­u­al­ly open women are the clear win­ners of male rival­ry and sperm com­pe­ti­tion. Sperm com­pe­ti­tion guar­an­tees there the max­i­mum atten­tion from her sex­u­al part­ners and the life partner.

Mas­sive Creampie Com­pi­la­tion by CreamPie Cathy

Conclusion: Humans Also Have Genetic Sperm Competition

Sperm com­pe­ti­tion is a genet­i­cal­ly pro­grammed sex dri­ve in men. Although there is cur­rent­ly no longer a rea­son for humans to engage in sperm com­pe­ti­tion, the pri­mal instinct is still present despite our soci­etal conditioning.

Cum on body: Jizz sperm on womans body
Cum on body: Jizz sperm on wom­an’s body — An extreme­ly horny sight for all involved!

Sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies show that look­ing at strange men dur­ing sex instinc­tive­ly trig­gers an increase in sperm, sex hor­mones, and semen. Sperm com­pe­ti­tion invol­un­tar­i­ly sets in motion a bio­log­i­cal process to pro­duce more sperm to ensure one’s own reproduction.

Relat­ed to cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing, this explains where the hus­band’s, life part­ner’s, or boyfriend’s desire to watch his part­ner have sex with strange men comes from. The infi­deli­ty of the part­ner para­dox­i­cal­ly not only increas­es his libido, but more­over leads to more per­sis­tent, fre­quent, and intense sex in the partnership.

The win­ner of sex­u­al rival­ry is the woman who sex­u­al­ly enjoys atten­tion, pas­sion, and sperm vari­ety of all involved lovers, bulls, and studs as well as her hus­band to the fullest.

Sperm Com­pe­ti­tion (FYFF Fuck Year Friend­ly Fire)
Extreme Insem­i­na­tion — Par­ty of Ger­man Sperm Sluts | Source: Big7

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