On Sperm Glazed Attractive Porn Stars Are Glazed With Sperm

Almost all cuck­olds, wife­shar­ers, hotwifes and bulls are inter­est­ed in porn with sperm and horny sperm games. This is the theme of the web­site SpermGlazed.com, which I would like to intro­duce to you in this review.

Com­pared to oth­er sperm sites, Sperm Glazed videos are not about sex or gang­bangs with hotwifes, but about body insem­i­na­tion and facial insem­i­na­tion. The women here are glazed with copi­ous amounts of sperm. 

The most com­mon insem­i­na­tion tar­get of SpermGlazed.com are pret­ty faces of porn­stars, which are dec­o­rat­ed with sperm dur­ing an ordi­nary blowjob or a mas­sive bukkake blow­bang. How­ev­er, in some pornos breasts, tor­sos, pussy or butts are also soaked with sperm. Char­ac­ter­is­tic are the before and after photos. 

We were very curi­ous about SpermGlazed.com and per­formed a porn site test. You can read in the fol­low­ing review if it is worth to book a mem­ber­ship. Besides advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages, we will give you an insight into the offered con­tent. Feel free to share your per­son­al opin­ions and expe­ri­ences if you know the sperm porn site.

Vis­it SpermGlazed.com

The Preview Area of Spermglazed.com

As in any porn site review, I always look at the pre­view area first. SpermGlazed.com offers its vis­i­tors an impres­sive first impres­sion of what to expect when they sign up for a paid subscription. 

You can find pho­tos of the mod­els in the pre­view sec­tion and below them a few screen­shots of the hottest videos. Under each screen­shot, you’ll find a short sum­ma­ry of the con­tent, the name of the porn star and the length of the clip. 

The before and after pho­tos are espe­cial­ly impres­sive. They show the slut at the begin­ning: sexy trimmed and made up. After the gang­bang, it almost looks like she’s wear­ing a cum mask. The hair is rum­pled and also stuck with sperm. Every cuck­old wish­es his wife after a horny gang­bang with strange men just like that! Face, hair, tits, tor­so, ass, pussy and thighs, hard­ly a place of the bod­ies of the sluts that is not cov­ered with sperm. 

It is also notice­able that there are many dark-skinned per­form­ers on Sperm Glazed. White sperm looks incred­i­bly horny on brown skin.

Facts and Figures About the Website

Sperm Glazed has been online since Feb­ru­ary 2008 and is a label of the porn stu­dio Ele­gant Angel. The stu­dio spe­cial­izes in squirt­ing (female ejac­u­la­tion), facial insem­i­na­tion, teens, sperm and has for exam­ple BBC star Lex Steele, sperm star Peter Northod­deralso Amy Lee, Melis­sa Doll, Cher­ry Pot­ter, Shel­by Bell, Chris­tine Young and Kel­ly Sum­mer under contract.

Mem­bers have access to 50 bonus sites as part of their sub­scrip­tion. This sig­nif­i­cant­ly expands the range of videos avail­able. Some of the sites includ­ed in the sub­scrip­tion are:

and oth­ers more.

Of course, every test report also includes infor­ma­tion about the costs of the var­i­ous sub­scrip­tions. The oper­a­tor pro­vides the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion about this:

  • Tri­al access: 2 days, free of charge (lim­it­ed time promotion)
  • Month­ly sub­scrip­tion 30 days: $29.95
  • Three-month sub­scrip­tion run­ning time 90 days: $59.95
  • Annu­al sub­scrip­tion dura­tion 365 days: $7.45 /month, deb­it­ed as total amount of $89.50

It is worth not­ing that none of the sub­scrip­tions is auto­mat­i­cal­ly renewed. Only cred­it cards are accept­ed for pay­ment (Visa Card, Mas­ter­Card for mem­bers from Germany).

Test Report: Review of the Member Area of Spermglazed.com

Site Structure, Content and Special Features

Sperm Glazed is all about cum shots in all vari­a­tions. Sex scenes do occur, but are the excep­tion rather than the rule.

For this review (web­site test), I count­ed 75 videos that mem­bers have access to. That is not exact­ly lush. Most of the clips are already out­dat­ed, since the last time new videos were uploaded was in 2014. 

Very obvi­ous­ly, the focus is on facial insem­i­na­tion of porn stars with lots of cum. One or more women usu­al­ly squat or kneel in the mid­dle and are sur­round­ed by at least a dozen men who point their bulging cocks at the girl. The expe­ri­enced slut sucks and jerks the cocks in chord. Of course, she does not man­age to sat­is­fy them all in time. There­fore, most guys lend a hand them­selves. They jerk off until they cum and aim their cocks at the woman in the center.

The result is called “sperm glazed” — cov­ered with sperm (like a glaze)

The clips have vary­ing lengths, rang­ing from just over 10 min­utes to just under an hour. In addi­tion, there are some pho­to gal­leries that can be down­loaded. Videos can be streamed or down­loaded to disk. The web­site is also offered in a mobile version.

Advantages of the Cum Porn Site

The cumshot scenes and also the mod­el selec­tion are great. While watch­ing them in my review, I myself felt like squirt­ing a good load of cum into the face of such a hot sex bomb.

Disadvantages of the Sex Site

The offer of bukkake and cumshot videos is lim­it­ed. You can tell that many of the movies are old­er because they were shot in SD res­o­lu­tion. The plea­sure quick­ly turns into frus­tra­tion when you watch them. It also both­ers me that no new videos have been added for years. 

I also miss the body insem­i­na­tion or sperm on pussy or ass. Such scenes are unfor­tu­nate­ly rarely seen.

Review Conclusion: Is spermglazed.com Recommendable?

In this porn site review, I had to think a bit in my final assess­ment of SpermGlazed.com

In mas­sive bukkake videos, the facial insem­i­na­tions come off incred­i­bly horny. But even when insem­i­nat­ed by a few men, the facials and cumshots were great. 

The biggest draw­back is that no new porn has been added since 2014. The major­i­ty of the porn movies have the poor res­o­lu­tion SD quality.

How­ev­er, Sperm Glazed is part of the very good Porn­star Net­work. If you have a sub­scrip­tion to one of the net­work’s sites, you can also vis­it SpermGlazed.com.

Over­all, a sub­scrip­tion to Sperm Glazed is rather not rec­om­mend­ed at the moment. How­ev­er, there are bet­ter sperm porn sites with more content.

Vis­it SpermGlazed.com

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