Splat Bukkake: Massive Facial Cumshot in Real British Style

Besides Amer­i­can and Ger­man porn labels, some British stu­dios also shoot horny gang­bang, bukkake, group sex and cum porn in pri­vate swingers clubs with real amateurs. 

How­ev­er, the British have a sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­est per­cent­age of dark-skinned porn actors with mas­sive BBC penis­es. The porn site SplatBukkake.com allows you to watch what bizarre things are prac­ticed in British sex clubs.

“Splat” is an Eng­lish slang expres­sion for “splat”. The term “bukkake” refers to a gang­bang where it’s not so much about fuck­ing the women, but rather mas­tur­bat­ing and spray­ing them full of cum. The more, the better.

In the fol­low­ing, we would like to eval­u­ate the SplatBukkake.com Inter­net project from a cuck­old and wife­shar­ing point of view in a review. We have sum­ma­rized the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages and give you an insight into what con­tent is hid­den in the mem­bers area. Feel free to share your per­son­al opin­ions and expe­ri­ences with us under this review.

Vis­it SplatBukkake.com

What Does Bukkake Mean?

If you are inter­est­ed in cum porn, you will sure­ly have come across the term “bukkake”. It means “mass facial insem­i­na­tion” in the porn indus­try and has Japan­ese roots.

Where this basi­cal­ly unnat­ur­al sex prac­tice comes from is not exact­ly known. It is believed that Japan­ese cen­sor­ship is indi­rect­ly respon­si­ble for it, or that mass insem­i­na­tion was a pun­ish­ment for unfaith­ful wives in the Mid­dle Ages. 

When the first porn was filmed in Japan in the ear­ly sev­en­ties, it was for­bid­den (until today) to show stiff penis­es and wet pussies. They had to be pix­e­lat­ed. Show­ing cum, how­ev­er, was not for­bid­den. The porn indus­try invent­ed bukkake and oth­er extreme prac­tices to get around the ban. 

Clas­si­cal­ly, a bukkake involves one or more women kneel­ing or humbly squat­ting on the floor and being sur­round­ed by men. They jerk their cocks until they cum and aim their sperm at the wom­en’s faces and hair. 

The sex prac­tice quick­ly found hun­dreds of thou­sands of fans out­side of Japan. SplatBukkake.com, which is the sub­ject of today’s web­site test, is an exam­ple of suc­cess­ful cum staging.

The Preview Area of Splatbukkake.com

When I first entered the SplatBukkake.com web­site as part of my review, I was pleas­ant­ly sur­prised. The pre­view area seemed well-struc­tured and clear­ly showed me what to expect in the mem­ber’s area. 

Attrac­tive, bisex­u­al girls press against each oth­er and togeth­er they get one load of cum after anoth­er in their faces. They enjoy it and even exchange cum kiss­es. But you can also find plen­ty of insem­i­nat­ed solo women in photos.

Below the big slideshow, you will find a selec­tion of the lat­est videos. For each video, there is a 60 sec­onds long trail­er. You can watch up to 6 trail­ers per day for free and with­out registration. 

Below are the mod­els list­ed in alpha­bet­i­cal order of their names.

Facts and Figures About the Sperm Website

SplatBukkake.com was launched in August 2010. In 2020 the URL has changed to SplatBukkake.xxx.

The project belongs to a porn site net­work called UK XXX Pass. In it, the price of Splat Bukkake mem­ber­ship also includes two oth­er porn sites:

There you will find again hun­dreds of horny videos in high resolution.

In the porn site test, the web­site oper­a­tor makes the fol­low­ing state­ments about the options and costs of the membership:

  • Month­ly sub­scrip­tion with auto­mat­ic renew­al every 30 days: $34.99/month
  • Three-month sub­scrip­tion with auto­mat­ic renew­al every 90 days: $19.99/month, deb­it­ed as a total amount of $59.99
  • One-year sub­scrip­tion with­out auto­mat­ic renew­al: $9.91 /month, deb­it­ed as a total amount of $119.00.

Test Report: Review of the Members Area of Splatbukkake.xxx

Site Structure, Content and Special Features

In review­ing the SplatBukkake.com web­site, I was not dis­ap­point­ed after book­ing my mem­ber­ship in the remem­bers area. It con­tains fuck­ing awe­some scenes of unin­hib­it­ed bukkake gang­bang. It is a British web­site and thus the porn movies are Eng­lish language. 

The web­site is updat­ed very reg­u­lar­ly. In Decem­ber 2021, alone, 3 new videos were added. Mean­while, you can watch more than 250 videos there and also down­load them to your hard drive. 

The new­er videos are shot in ultra-sharp 4k res­o­lu­tion. The clips are com­ple­ment­ed by a lit­tle less than 200 pho­to gal­leries, each of which con­tains around 65 images. 

Diverse Cast Offers Pleasant Variety

The plot is always sim­ple and yet extreme­ly horny at the same time: ama­teurs meet in hotel rooms or sex clubs and live out their desire for group sex and bukkake togeth­er. The fact that the per­form­ers are ama­teurs is not a dis­ad­van­tage, but an advan­tage. Because the girls who apply as mod­els at splatbukkake.xxx know exact­ly what to expect, and they love it. 

They show it by greed­i­ly wait­ing for the sperm rain and mak­ing the men cum until their balls are emp­ty and don’t give a drop more. 😉 The lust of the women is trans­ferred to the view­er in the sex film. 

I also like the vari­ety of mod­els. There are MIL­Fs and teenagers, blondes, brunettes, col­ored and black-haired and even Ebony girls or Lati­nas with brown skin col­ors is rep­re­sent­ed. Very often you can also see well hung black men with huge BBC cocks.

The so-called inter­ra­cial sex brings exot­ic flair to the action, just like chili brings spici­ness to the goulash. 

Very High Quality Cum Porn

Although they are ama­teur shots in sex clubs, one is sur­prised by the high qual­i­ty of the films, the cam­era work and light­ing. Every male view­er can get super into the sit­u­a­tion of the bukkake par­ties and can horni­ly cum on the cute ama­teur women. 

Wife­shar­ers get their mon­ey’s worth! But also every cuck­old’s heart will beat faster when he imag­ines that his beloved wife or life part­ner is the cen­ter of the fuck­ing and squirt­ing male crowd.

The same goes for the women them­selves. If the hotwife is a view­er of the bukkake videos, her sens­es are sharp­ened so much that she wish­es to be the tar­get of this lust­ful facial insem­i­na­tion and body insem­i­na­tion as well.

Facial insem­i­na­tion (cum facial) uses an above aver­age num­ber of big BBC cocks

The Advantages of the Sex Side

Among the biggest advan­tages, besides the damn horny sperm porn, is the large num­ber of ama­teur-look­ing and unact­ed horny porn actresses. 

The mem­bers area also scores huge points with its high qual­i­ty and detailed video quality.

The Disadvantages of the Porn Site

As already writ­ten sev­er­al times, SplatBukkake.xxx is a pure facial cum site. This is basi­cal­ly horny, but I per­son­al­ly wish that the ladies would also get fucked at the same time dur­ing their for­eign insemination.

As a neg­a­tive, I also have to note in my review that there is nei­ther a tri­al sub­scrip­tion nor a tri­al access.

Review Conclusion: Is splatbukkake.xxx Recommendable?

In sum­ma­ry, we can strong­ly rec­om­mend a mem­ber­ship of SplatBukkake.xxx! If bukkake is one of your pref­er­ences and you are a cuck­old, wife­shar­er, hotwife or bull, a mem­ber­ship is worth it. 

The British bukkake and cum videos are very well done and extreme­ly kinky. Both the actors, and actress­es, and their per­for­mance, as well as the tech­ni­cal imple­men­ta­tion, are of a high stan­dard. The spe­cial appeal of these videos is due to the ama­teur char­ac­ter of the insem­i­nat­ed women and their nat­ur­al horniness. 

Women with glass­es are espe­cial­ly fond of being insem­i­nat­ed. They even lick the sperm clean from the glass­es. Sperm kiss­ing and cum­swap­ping (sperm exchange) are pop­u­lar ges­tures at bukkake par­ties to show affec­tion among women.

All in all, this porn site is one of the indus­try-lead­ing Inter­net projects in terms of qual­i­ty and kinkiness.

Vis­it SplatBukkake.xxx

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