The amateur portal is a very dirty place!

Most hotwifes, wife shar­ers and cuck­olds inform them­selves about inspir­ing, sex­u­al play ideas on blogs, forums, and porn sites. But espe­cial­ly in Ger­man-speak­ing coun­tries, the num­ber of such web­sites is rare.

By chance we dis­cov­ered one day that the Ger­man ama­teur sex plat­form has a lot of porn about wife­shar­ing, cuck­old­ing, stranger fuck­ing, BDSM, group sex and gang­bangs. The term “friv­ol” means some­thing like “shame­less”.

The domain name fits, because on you will find a lot of shame­less offers. Total­ly kinky cou­ples and ama­teur women of all ages upload hot sex videos and pho­tos that you can watch for a few coins. Cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers will find lots of inter­est­ing stuff there. You can even chat with the hotwifes about horny fan­tasies or mas­tur­bate togeth­er in front of the web­cam dur­ing video chat.

For this porn site review, we took a clos­er look at the plat­form. We have writ­ten down our expe­ri­ences as well as their advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages in the review and tell you whether it is worth becom­ing a mem­ber. You are wel­come to share your own opin­ions below the review using the com­ment function.


Website test: briefly introduced

After the undis­put­ed num­ber one MyDirty­Hob­by, fol­lowed by Big7, is the third provider in the bunch of big Ger­man ama­teur communities. Amateur Community

The con­cept of these ama­teur sex por­tals is a pleas­ant alter­na­tive to the Amer­i­can porn monotony. 

In an unimag­in­ably large, Ger­man-speak­ing com­mu­ni­ty, mem­bers can sell porn videos and nude pic­tures to each oth­er as well as com­mu­ni­cate with each oth­er. The basic struc­ture and the offer of is sim­i­lar to oth­er providers. 

You can reg­is­ter for free in a few steps and browse the por­tal and cre­ate your own pro­file with­out a month­ly mem­ber­ship fee. 

The por­tal offers you sev­er­al options to get in touch with oth­er members:

  • clas­sic text chat by exchang­ing mes­sages (pho­tos can be attached)
  • Live web­cams with a webcam 
  • Blogs
  • Forums

Extremely kinky and unique amateur porn

A high­light of are the videos. They are real ama­teur pro­duc­tions. The videos were shot and put online by the cou­ples and solo women them­selves. Most of the cuck­old or wife­shar­ing porn was pro­duced at user meetings. 

You will find videos and actress­es for every taste on the plat­form. It starts with count­less mas­tur­ba­tion films of bored house­wives; hotwifes who let sev­er­al bulls insem­i­nate them; dom­i­nas in lac­quer and leather out­fits who tor­ture a slave. Or cuck­is forced to lick out the fresh­ly fucked pussy of their mis­tress. In some videos you will learn con­tent about orgasm con­trol, chasti­ty or cuck­old edu­ca­tion. In blogs, expe­ri­ences are exchanged, and real meet­ings are arranged.

Facts and figures about the website

At this point of my review, I have sum­ma­rized some basic infor­ma­tion. was found­ed in 2009. The oper­a­tor of the plat­form is based in the EU coun­try of Spain, Mal­lor­ca to be exact. There are about 7,000 users on the web­site every day. 

The major­i­ty of mem­bers come from the DACH coun­tries (Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land). There are cur­rent­ly more than 350,000 mem­bers reg­is­tered on Most mem­bers are very active and have grown togeth­er to form a large community. 

The ama­teur por­tal includes about 7,000 videos and twice as many photos.

The costs

The reg­is­tra­tion and the cre­ation of your pro­file are free of charge. Just like brows­ing the pro­files of oth­er mem­bers. How­ev­er, if you want to send mes­sages or watch videos or chat via video, you have to pay with coins. You load these onto your mem­ber account. 

How much a mes­sage, a video or the cam­chat costs (per minute) is deter­mined by the ama­teur him­self. The Coins are offered in the fol­low­ing packages:

  • 2.000 Coins = $19.99
  • 4.000 Coins = $39.99
  • 6.000 Coins = $59.99
  • 10.000 Coins = $99.99
  • 15.000 Coins = $149.99
  • 25.000 Coins = $249.99
  • 50.000 Coins = $499.99

When it comes to pay­ment options, also offers a wide selec­tion. Users have the choice between:

  • Cred­it card (Visa and MasterCard)
  • Direct deb­it
  • Instant bank transfer
  • Bank trans­fer
  • Cash (pre­pay­ment)

The preview area of

Every porn site review starts with a walk on the pre­view area. showed itself very pos­i­tive­ly in our review. On the home page, some ama­teurs are pre­sent­ed who are cur­rent­ly online. By click­ing on them, you will learn more about the girl. 

Also some of the newest and best rat­ed videos are vis­i­ble. Click­ing on the screen­shot will show you a short DeepL description.

Over­all, the pre­view area makes a flaw­less and trans­par­ent impres­sion. It shows you what to expect on the web­site. Since this is a Ger­man-lan­guage project, the gen­i­tals and sex­u­al words are cen­sored for non-reg­is­tered site visitors.

Since Dur does not take any risk, you can reg­is­ter with­out any dan­ger. I rec­om­mend you to reg­is­ter a free Gmail email address for sex sites in general.

Porn site test report: The members area of

Site structure, content and special features

The web­site is well struc­tured and very prac­ti­cal. After reg­is­ter­ing, you can move com­plete­ly freely in the mem­ber area. In order for the pix­e­lat­ed pho­tos to dis­ap­pear, you should per­form the free, one-time age verification.

The search func­tion is func­tion­al and very use­ful! You can search and fil­ter for ama­teurs or even videos. They are sort­ed by rat­ing and time­li­ness, among oth­er things. To a lim­it­ed extent, search­ing by appear­ance and pref­er­ences is also possible. 

The selec­tion of ama­teur women is excel­lent. Most of them are incred­i­bly dirty and uninhibited! 

I give you the gold­en tip that you should put some effort into your user­name and pro­file. For­mu­late EXACTLY what you are look­ing for and what your kinky pref­er­ences are. Do not appear bor­ing 😉 In my per­son­al expe­ri­ence, many ladies are inter­est­ed in the cuck­old­ing and wife­shar­ing lifestyle. Some women will then con­tact you “of their own accord”! Real­ly Hammer!

Frivol is a huge sex community!

I find the Com­muin­ty groups very inter­est­ing. There are a lot of groups you can join. Most of them are about wife­shar­ing, sex meet­ings and insem­i­na­tion with­out a condom.

Very handy is the so-called City Map, through which you can find ama­teur women in your area. For sub­mis­sive men there is even a spe­cial BDSM City Map. You can search for hotwifes, dom­i­nas and kinky house­wives by state and city. has quite a bit going on. I con­duct­ed my review on a Sun­day morn­ing, usu­al­ly not a con­ve­nient time when many peo­ple are online. Nev­er­the­less, I received sev­er­al requests in a short peri­od of time. Sev­er­al dozen cam­girls were active as well.

Exciting model profiles and discussion forums to get you started

To start your explo­ration, we rec­om­mend you to check out the pro­files of these ama­teur models:

Anoth­er excel­lent way to get start­ed is through the so-called groups. These are dis­cus­sion forums opened by the mem­bers of the com­mu­ni­ty themselves:

The advantages of the sex site

  • The main advan­tage is the ease of con­tact­ing extreme­ly kinky women and couples.
  • The many inter­ac­tion options with oth­er mem­bers are very intu­itive and pleasant.
  • The Ger­man lan­guage is very pleasant.
  • The prices are cheap­er than on oth­er plat­forms. A mes­sage costs an aver­age of 100 Coins or €0.10. With 2,000 Coins you can go quite far. 
  • You can join var­i­ous com­mu­ni­ty groups and exchange or date with oth­er men, cou­ples and women.
  • You can find many ama­teur women who want real meetings.

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • The search options are lim­it­ed. You can only choose from pre­set categories. 
  • For exam­ple, if you enter “cuck­old” or “hotwife” in the key­word search, only mem­bers whose pro­file names con­tain the term will be displayed.
  • The boy pro­tec­tion is annoy­ing, but can­not be avoid­ed in a Ger­man project.

Review conclusion: Is recommendable?

The web­site is an incred­i­bly inter­ac­tive ama­teur sex por­tal with a huge com­mu­ni­ty! It is very, very fun to browse through the numer­ous mod­el pro­files, cat­e­gories and com­mu­ni­ty groups. The reg­is­tra­tion for this is com­plete­ly free. You don’t have to be afraid of scams on this porn site.

The biggest advan­tage of this por­tal is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to inter­act and com­mu­ni­cate with oth­er mem­bers. In my opin­ion, the chances of a real meet­ing at are much high­er than on oth­er platforms.

The price-per­for­mance ratio is impec­ca­ble. Pri­vate porn videos and nude pic­tures are very afford­able. Even chat­ting here is not expen­sive fun. With a lit­tle per­se­ver­ance, you can make con­tacts with cuck­old cou­ples, horny hotwifes or dom­i­nant women.

Many ama­teur women like to do spe­cial requests and tasks for their videos. For this porn site test I got a squirt­ing video with a cucum­ber and pho­tos with creamp­ies from strange men from a woman. You can wish for worn panties and with a lit­tle luck you can meet in real with the woman / cuck­old cou­ple. Fem­Dom women will give you edg­ing instruc­tions and a work­out plan for ruin­ing orgasmsat your request.

Last but not least, we would like to point out that it is worth­while to make an effort with your pro­file and user­name. You should def­i­nite­ly spec­i­fy cuck­old desires and sex­u­al inclinations.


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