MyDirtyHobby is THE portal for amateur sex from Germany!

In terms of porn, a lot has hap­pened in Ger­many recent­ly. Par­al­lel to the pro­fes­sion­al porn scene, a huge ama­teur scene has devel­oped in Ger­many, Aus­tria and Switzer­land, which is even inter­na­tion­al­ly very popular. 

On ama­teur por­tals like MyDirty­Hob­by, Big7,, Amarot­ic, Fun­Do­ra­do, Visit‑X Ger­man women pro­vide horny porn videos, pho­tos, text chats and live cam chats. Some of them even want real sex meet­ings with their fans.

Among them are very many hotwifes, cuck­old cou­ples and unsat­is­fied house­wives. A true par­adise for bulls and cuck­olds. It goes very nat­ur­al on the por­tals. The Ger­man ama­teurs show real feel­ings and reveal true thoughts.

We were very curi­ous to see how My Dirty Hob­by is to be eval­u­at­ed from a cuck­old’s point of view and whether it is worth becom­ing a mem­ber there. In this review, we have sum­ma­rized our expe­ri­ences and share the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages with you below. Feel free to share your own opin­ion below the review in the com­ments section.


Test report: MyDirtyHobby briefly introduced

The por­tal is abbre­vi­at­ed with the name “MDH”. It is prob­a­bly the best known ama­teur com­mu­ni­ty in the Ger­man-speak­ing world. 


Orig­i­nal­ly, the project was found­ed to offer pri­vate women the oppor­tu­ni­ty to sell self-shot sex videos and porn images. Lat­er, fea­tures like live­cam and text mes­sag­ing were added.

Reg­is­tra­tion to MDH is free and with­out sub­scrip­tion. To use it, you need Coins, which you can top up in your mem­ber account. With these coins (called Dirty­Cents) you can send text mes­sages, watch videos, chat and par­tic­i­pate in Live­Cam­Chats via webcam.

For wife­shar­ers and cuck­olds, MyDirty­Hob­by is one of the best ama­teur sex plat­forms. It is incred­i­bly diverse and versatile:

  • Hotwifes are look­ing for cuck­olds to chat and mas­tur­bate together.
  • Nude pic­tures and porn videos can be exchanged
  • You can find a lot of videos about cuck­old­ing, sperm games, stranger fuck­ing and wifesharing.
  • You can get sug­ges­tions and ideas for your own sex.
  • Real sex meet­ings are pos­si­ble with many ama­teur women.
  • There is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to exchange expe­ri­ences in forums.

The preview area of MDH

As always, my web­site test begins with the pre­view area. On imme­di­ate­ly draws the vis­i­tor in with an incred­i­ble amount of pho­tos and video screen­shots. Penis and vagi­na images, how­ev­er, are cen­sored for youth pro­tec­tion reasons.

On the clear inter­face, one quick­ly gets an impres­sion of what awaits him in the mem­ber area. The top ama­teurs are list­ed, you can see thumb­nails of the lat­est videos or browse around to see which web­cams are available.

As not so good, I have to note in my review that there are no trail­ers to watch.

Facts and figures about the website

The sex site has been online since 2006. It is oper­at­ed by the com­pa­ny Mindgeek. The web­site has about 7.5 mil­lion active mem­bers present­ly, 56 per­cent of which are women. The num­ber of avail­able videos far exceeds 500,000. About 150,000 vis­i­tors romp through the web­site every day. 

In addi­tion, there are almost 4 mil­lion pho­tos and thou­sands of web­cams. Exact­ly how many videos are online is prob­a­bly not even known by the oper­a­tor. New clips are uploaded daily. 

The girls include nor­mal women “from next door” as well as well-known porn stars and celebri­ties like Kat­ja Krasav­ice or Micaela Schäfer.

The reg­is­tra­tion to MDH is free of charge. You can use many offers only if you top up your account with coins (called Dirty­Cents). The Coins are offered in pack­ages. The prices are as follows:

  • 800 Coins = 10 €
  • 1.200 Coins = 15 €
  • 2.000 Coins = 25 €
  • 4.000 Coins = 50 €

Free of charge are the reg­is­tra­tion and cre­ation of the pro­file, vis­it­ing pro­files of oth­er mem­bers, read­ing blogs and chat­ting with oth­er mem­bers who are not reg­is­tered as ama­teur pornstars.

Mydirtyhobby Review

Porn site test report: The members area of MyDirtyHobby

Site structure, content and special features

The mem­ber’s area of looks 1:1 like the pre­view area. The nav­i­ga­tion is sim­ple and self-explana­to­ry. Thanks to the mod­u­lar struc­ture, an incred­i­ble amount of infor­ma­tion is pre­sent­ed in a visu­al­ly appeal­ing way. 

You can use sev­er­al ways to con­tact amateurs.

  • Text chat via PM (per­son­al message)
  • Video chat via Web­Cam (Live­Cam chat)

In addi­tion, you have a huge selec­tion of videos at your dis­pos­al. In the cat­e­gories Cuck­old­ing, Wife­shar­ing, Gang­bang, Bukkake and BBC (Big Black Cock) you will find hun­dreds of videos.

Tip: Take your time to make your own pro­file “fan­cy”! Then many women will even con­tact you “on their own”! You should for­mu­late your incli­na­tions and desires coura­geous­ly. Some ladies even take over the edu­ca­tion if you want to learn to swal­low your own sperm. Oth­ers mas­tur­bate with you togeth­er in front of the cam and give instruc­tions on how to ruin an orgasm and much more.

Although you have to spend mon­ey for the con­tent on My Dirty Hob­by, you know that this pock­et mon­ey is a guar­an­tee for con­tent that you have always been look­ing for on the Internet. 

At MDH you also have the chance to have a real date with an ama­teur porn­star. Many wife­shar­ing / cuck­old cou­ples are also look­ing for shoot­ing part­ners for three­some sex, group sex or even gangbangs.

Exciting model profiles and discussion forums to get you started

To help you get start­ed with the mas­sive selec­tion of sex movies, I rec­om­mend you check out these cuck­old categories:

Good Fem­Dom, Wife­shar­ing and Cuck­old ama­teurs are:

Also these hotwife and cuck­old porns are very horny:

Last but not least, you can also find cuck­old porn using the hash­tags cuck­old, wife­shar­ing and BBC.

Mydirtyhobby Amateursex Portal

The advantages of the sex site

  • The offer at MyDirty­Hob­by is gigan­tic. Both in terms of ama­teurs and in terms of videos and pref­er­ences. You’ll find women of every age, fig­ure, hair col­or and eth­nic­i­ty. You will quick­ly find numer­ous women with your booty pattern.
  • From tee­ny sluts to mature whores, every­thing is rep­re­sent­ed. Petite blondes, black-haired Lati­nas, petite Thai girls or Africans with plump butts cavort on MDH.
  • I wrote my review on a Sat­ur­day after­noon, not exact­ly an ide­al time for online sex. Nev­er­the­less, almost 200 web­cams were live. Sev­er­al hun­dred ama­teurs were online. Awesome!
  • It does­n’t mat­ter what your incli­na­tions or pref­er­ences are. On MDH you will find what you are look­ing for. Many ama­teurs even ful­fill the wish­es of their users.
  • Per­fect is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to chat with real women in Ger­man language.
  • All ama­teurs are checked man­u­al­ly. There are no fake women.
  • Women can be reward­ed and moti­vat­ed via a tip system.
  • Excel­lent smart­phone or tablet support.

The disadvantages of the porn site

  • Costs of Dirty­Cents vary greatly.
  • You can real­ly “get lost” with such a large amount of porn and women at MDH.
  • Many men don’t fill out their pro­files com­plete­ly (you should take advan­tage of that and do better!)
  • The age ver­i­fi­ca­tion is a bit annoy­ing. The oper­a­tor must com­ply with the legal youth pro­tec­tion requirements.

Review Conclusion: Is MyDirtyHobby recommendable?

I was absolute­ly thrilled with dur­ing my review! The web­site is def­i­nite­ly one of the best plat­forms you can find for Ger­man ama­teur porn. Rarely have I found so many kinky videos in the areas of mas­tur­ba­tion, BDSM, stranger fuck­ing and stranger insemination.

The all-round pack­age of Live­Cam­Chat via Web­Cam, text chat, ama­teur videos and porn pic­tures is absolute­ly suc­cess­ful with the com­mu­ni­ty character.

Very horny is the pos­si­bil­i­ty to com­mu­ni­cate with the women in real­i­ty. Cuck­olds and wife­shar­ers can exchange their hid­den fan­tasies with com­plete­ly kinky women of all ages and get inspired by their opin­ions, expe­ri­ences and horny ideas. 

My tip: Watch out for action days to buy big dis­count pack­age. You can save a lot of money!

Besides and, is def­i­nite­ly the horni­est ama­teur sex portal!


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