Hotwife, Bull and Cuckold: The Power Triangle

Cuck­old­ing is a clas­sic tri­an­gu­lar rela­tion­ship in which there is a pow­er imbal­ance. The dif­fer­ence with an affair is that the cuck­ol­dress has sex with oth­er men with the knowl­edge and con­sent of her cuckold.

It is not uncom­mon for it to even hap­pen that (at least until she gets a taste for it) she has to be encour­aged by the cuck­old to enjoy sex with strange men.

In this tri­an­gle, the pow­er rela­tions are dis­trib­uted dif­fer­ent­ly. You might think that at the top is the Bull, then fol­lows the Hotwife, and the Cuck­old is at the bot­tom. But this is not so! Why this is so, you will learn in this article.

The Hotwife: Object of Desire of Cuckold and Bull

In the pow­er gra­di­ent of the love tri­an­gle, the hotwife is at the top posi­tion. She is the cen­ter of atten­tion for her Cucks, as well as for the Bulls.

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BBC fucks his Hotwife

The Cuck­ol­dress decides who gets to fuck her. Nobody else.

She choos­es her fuck­ers by exter­nal char­ac­ter­is­tics. The men must be tall and ath­let­ic and of course have a big­ger-than-aver­age cock.

She enjoys being fucked and insem­i­nat­ed by her bulls with ani­mal­is­tic feroc­i­ty. Because they are strong, vital, and well-built, many hotwifes allow them­selves to be fucked by black men.

Through provoca­tive cloth­ing and slut­ty behav­ior, the Hotwife makes the Bulls even hornier than they already are.

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Wife gets horny fucked by BBC

Often hotwifes get a “taste” for it after just one fuck and find sex with dark-skinned Bulls extreme­ly horny and high­ly satisfying.

They love being used like a slut. They would nev­er allow their hus­band to talk to them “like that”, touch them “like that”, fuck them “like that” ruth­less­ly in their pussy and ass, and cum all over their face, mouth, body, and pussy “like that”. Well, bulls are allowed to do that!

There are pro­fes­sion­al­ly orga­nized gang­bangs, where sev­er­al women are fucked incred­i­bly horny and copi­ous­ly insem­i­nat­ed with­out con­doms (bare­back). At the events, a high entrance fee is demand­ed, which in turn finan­cial­ly ben­e­fits the women. In such a gang­bang, the wife spends the horni­est hours of her life.

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The Bull: Fucker and Inseminator

In the cuck­old­ing pow­er gra­di­ent, the Bull is in sec­ond place. He dom­i­nates the hotwife and the cuck­old, but first does not stand above her.

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Bulls are almost always macho guys. They are not infre­quent­ly vain, arro­gant, and ego­tis­ti­cal. They attach the great­est impor­tance to their appear­ance. This goes from design­er clothes to an impec­ca­ble hair­style to brand­ed prod­ucts and sta­tus symbols.

They do a lot of sports. Bulls espe­cial­ly like to show them­selves in places where they can be admired by women, on the beach, surf­ing, or in the gym.

For the Bull, women are horny objects of lust. He uses them to sat­is­fy him­self and demon­strate his pow­er. He wants to have unin­hib­it­ed and kinky sex with every woman.

A Bull Exerts Double Dominance on the Cuckold Couple at Once

In the Cuck­old rela­tion­ship, the Bull is out­ward­ly the dom­i­nant part­ner. He humil­i­ates both the hotwife and the cuck.

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Squirt­ing & vio­lent orgasm by horny BBC fuck

He makes the Hotwife his play­mate. She is there to sat­is­fy him. He also feels sat­is­fac­tion when she orgasms dur­ing his hard sex.

The cuck is mere­ly a pas­sive spec­ta­tor for him to look down on. He feels vast­ly supe­ri­or to every­one else.

Depend­ing on ego and phys­i­cal fit­ness, there is a kind of hier­ar­chy among sev­er­al Bulls (e.g. dur­ing gang­bang). The “alpha” Bull rules over the oth­er men and is allowed to fuck the Hotwife first.

The Bull Is a Toy for the Hotwife

As already writ­ten, the Bull comes sec­ond in the pow­er gra­di­ent. He is also con­sid­ered by the Cuck­ol­dress only as a sex object, which may fuck her mere­ly horny through. As soon as the sex meet­ing is over, he will briskly leave the apart­ment or the hotel room — since many Bulls are not inter­est­ed in small talk.

In pri­vate life, liv­ing togeth­er with Alpha Bulls is dif­fi­cult. Their char­ac­ter is hard to live with. Many women can­not form last­ing rela­tion­ships with them because they are also unfaith­ful. There­fore, cuck­olds do not need to wor­ry too much about the wife leav­ing him.

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The Cuckold: Servant, Spectator, and Cum Cleanup Licker

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Cum cleanup hub­by: Hus­band thor­ough­ly licks his wife’s cum cunt clean

The Cuck­old, also called Cuc­ki, is the offi­cial part­ner of the Hotwife (Cuck­ol­dress). He is sub­mis­sive (hum­ble) and is dom­i­nat­ed by the Hotwife AND the Bull.

Every Cuck has strong voyeuris­tic ten­den­cies. It sat­is­fies him immense­ly when he is allowed to be there when his wife/partner is fucked by oth­er men. These men are often younger and more ath­let­ic than him and equipped with big cocks.

With whom she has sex, the hotwife decides. The cuck has to take care of the orga­ni­za­tion­al things. At the fuck meet­ings, the cuck­old is always there.

Cuckolds Are in the Power Gradient at the Lowest Position

Cuck­olds are usu­al­ly very affec­tion­ate and imag­i­na­tive. About his sex life decides his Cuck­ol­dress. She deter­mines if, when and how often he has sex with her and when he may cum.

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Pussy creampie clean­ing — duty and priv­i­lege of all cuckolds

In many cuck­old rela­tion­ships, the cuck him­self is for­bid­den to mas­tur­bate. If he is allowed to cum in the pussy or on the hotwife, he must always lick his own cum clean again.

He is some­times put on sex depri­va­tion for weeks. To pre­vent him from jerk­ing off secret­ly, the cuck­ol­dress puts a penis cage on him. The whoop­ing belt can be made of plas­tic or met­al and is secured by a lock.

Dur­ing the sex meet­ings, the cuck has to serve, film and pho­to­graph the guests. After each insem­i­na­tion, it is his job to lick clean the pussy or body of his cuck­ol­dress. Some Bulls also let him lick their cock 

In every­day life, the cuck is a nor­mal man who appears to the out­side world as a good hus­band and fam­i­ly man. Not infre­quent­ly, he even holds a man­age­ment posi­tion or is a suc­cess­ful businessman.


Conclusion: In a Cuckold Relationship, the Hotwife Calls the Shots!

At first glance, the Bull seems to be the dom­i­nant part­ner and win­ner in a Cuck­old rela­tion­ship. After all, he boss­es Hotwife and Cuc­ki around and can do what­ev­er he wants.

Cuckold licks pussy of hotwife clean
Cuck­old licks pussy of hotwife clean

As a sign of his pow­er, he most­ly fucks with­out a con­dom and squirts his sperm in and over his hotwife as it suits him. The Cuc­ki must then lick the whole cum thor­ough­ly clean again.

In real­i­ty, how­ev­er, the cuck­ol­dress is the win­ner of the love tri­an­gle. She uses the men to sat­is­fy her needs.

The cuck is her faith­ful and reli­able part­ner and the Bulls sat­is­fy her sex­u­al lust. How far a Bull is allowed to go dur­ing sex is always deter­mined by her.

Since in a cuck­old rela­tion­ship, it is open and hon­est, and every­one can live out his sex­u­al fan­tasies, it is often amaz­ing­ly sta­ble. Prob­lems can arise at most if the Hotwife falls in love with a Bull.

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