Eight Ways to Watch Porn on a Smart TV

In recent years, stream­ing movies, series, and TV pro­grams via smart TVs or exter­nal HDMI receivers (HDMI don­gle / HDMI stick) has become pop­u­lar. This is called video-on-demand, or VoD for short — i.e. “videos on demand”. Exter­nal data car­ri­ers such as video cas­settes, DVDs, and Blu-rays have dis­ap­peared dusty in the depths of the liv­ing room clos­et or in the basement.

Curi­ous­ly, the porn indus­try seems to have slept through this devel­op­ment. As if in a par­al­lel world, the scene con­tin­ues as it did 20 years ago: Mass­es of erot­ic films and porn are still pro­duced on DVD, which you can buy on DVDErotik and Open­Erotik, for exam­ple. Many porn pro­duc­ers also bake their own bread and offer their films on their own web­sites in a sub­scrip­tion mod­el for stream­ing and downloading.

Thus, porn con­sumers are still tied to a sta­tion­ary Win­dows or Apple Mac com­put­er, or to a lap­top, smart­phone (cell phone) or tablet via an inter­net browser.

In this arti­cle, we would like to give you tips on how to stream porn to a TV. We’ll explain why peo­ple do it and what the advan­tages and dis­ad­van­tages of the dif­fer­ent meth­ods are.

Why Do You Want to Stream Porn on a Smart TV?

Before we explain the dif­fer­ent tech­ni­cal options for stream­ing porn movies to a TV, we will deal with the ques­tion of why peo­ple want to watch porn on a TV.

There are numer­ous rea­sons why you would like to watch porn not only in the hid­den clos­et on a PC, note­book or smart device.

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a) Big smart TV in the living room

In the liv­ing room, almost all mod­ern peo­ple now watch on a large smart TV via stream­ing providers such as Net­flix, Ama­zon, Prime, Joyn, Dis­ney+, Apple TV. Prob­a­bly the biggest advan­tage is that you can see the pic­ture nice and big, and you can sit com­fort­ably on an arm­chair or couch.

How­ev­er, many of them also want to watch porn there. Here is good advice expen­sive, how to get porn on TV.

b) TV in the bedroom

Very many peo­ple have a sec­ond TV in their bed­room and want to watch porn on it. Since there are no oth­er elec­tron­ic meth­ods (HDMI sticks), they would like to stream the sex movies to a smart TV from their lap, or wire­less­ly from a note­book, tablet or smartphone.

c) Greater acceptance by women

The Inter­net has led to more and more women becom­ing inter­est­ed in porn. Watch­ing porn togeth­er has become as nor­mal for very many cou­ples as a cozy Net­flix video night.

Many of the cou­ples want to watch porn togeth­er on the TV com­fort­ably on the couch or in bed. If the wife, girl­friend or life part­ner likes porn, wire­less screen stream­ing makes absolute sense and again increas­es porn accep­tance significantly.

Why Aren’t There Easy Porn Streaming Solutions like Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+?

For many porn con­sumers, the ques­tions are: how can you watch porn on your TV? Why are there no porn apps? Is there no HDMI stick, like Ama­zon Prime?

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, no. Porn is a red rag for all elec­tron­ics man­u­fac­tur­ers. No one wants to deal with the dingy sub­ject of porn movies. There are no apps on the stream­ing sticks and smart TVs that allow easy porn stream­ing. Only the Amer­i­can provider Roku had made this pos­si­ble. Since March 2022, Roku has also banned porn.

As a result, the porn indus­try remains in a hid­den par­al­lel uni­verse to this day. But there are ways you can watch porn very com­fort­ably on a TV. We will explain you how to do it in this guide.

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Streaming Porn on the TV — Eight Ways to Transfer Images

To watch porn on a smart TV, you have eight options:

1. HDMI cable

The method via HDMI cable is not stream­ing, but it should be men­tioned for the sake of com­plete­ness. It works with any type of TV, even old­er mod­els with­out a con­nec­tion to the Inter­net. The only require­ment is a TV with HDMI connection.

You get your­self an HDMI cable of suf­fi­cient length and use it to con­nect the HDMI out­put of the lap­top or PC to the HDMI input of the TV. Use the TV remote con­trol to search for “Input” and you will see the pic­ture of your com­put­er. If your lap­top does­n’t have an HDMI out­put, you can buy a USB to HDMI adapter.

A good idea is to put a mini PC with Win­dows 10 / Win­dows 11 or an Apple Mac Mini next to the TV to watch porn. It can be con­trolled by wire­less key­board and wire­less mouse great.

More info: Con­nect lap­top to TV via HDMI — this is how it works

  • fast data transfer
  • TV becomes a huge TV monitor
  • very intu­itive, no exper­tise required
  • long HDMI cable is dis­turb­ing and dan­ger­ous (trip­ping hazard)
  • not very ele­gant, since it is cable-based
  • not suit­able for smart­phones and tablets
  • sep­a­rate com­put­er, wire­less key­board and wire­less mouse may be required

2. Google Chromecast Streaming Stick

Google Chrome­cast Stream­ing Play­er and Chrome­cast TV Stick are small stream­ing devices that you con­nect to an HDMI sock­et of your TV. Pow­er is sup­plied via a USB cable.

Espe­cial­ly the cheap Chrome­cast stream­ing play­er is very sim­ple and prac­ti­cal. It “pas­sive­ly” con­nects your lap­top, smart­phone, or tablet to your TV via WLAN and dis­plays the con­tent there. You can stream your Google Chrome web brows­er, but also con­tent from anoth­er Android smart­phone app.

Chrome­cast is com­pat­i­ble with any TV that has an HDMI port. Just plug it in, con­nect it to a pow­er source, estab­lish a Wi-Fi con­nec­tion, and start stream­ing. Some smart TVs now even have an inte­grat­ed Google Cast / Chrome­cast function.

For Android devices, there are even porn apps in the Google Pay store, like Porn­Hub. The sex videos can be streamed super via Chrome­cast. If you have an Android tablet or smart­phone, you can mir­ror the screen to the TV. Inge­nious­ly, the Google Chrome brows­er on a Win­dows or Apple Mac also has a handy brows­er stream­ing fea­ture in it

You can stream your Google win­dow, Google brows­er tab, and even the entire Win­dows / Mac screen to an HDMI Chrome Cast device.

More info:
  • How does Chrome­cast work? This is the sim­ple explanation
  • Screen Mir­ror­ing with Android — How it works
  • very easy to stream Google Chrome brows­er and Android tablets / smartphones
  • easy instal­la­tion
  • no cable tan­gle, because of WLAN connection
  • Play­back can some­times be delayed

How does Chrome­cast stream­ing work?

3. Amazon Fire TV Stick

Ama­zon has basi­cal­ly made online stream­ing of movies pre­sentable for the broad pop­u­la­tion with its two prod­ucts Ama­zon Fire TV Stream­ing Stick and Fire TV Cube.

What many peo­ple don’t know, how­ev­er: In addi­tion to using the pre­in­stalled apps, there is also the option to stream con­tent from smart­phones, tablets and com­put­ers with Google Chrome browsers. This func­tion sim­ply has to be enabled in the settings.

More info: Fire TV Stick: screen mir­ror­ing from Android screens — here’s how

  • all screen con­tent can be streamed, includ­ing pornography
  • no sep­a­rate pow­er sup­ply required
  • Ama­zon Prime, Net­flix and oth­er stream­ing ser­vices are pre-installed
  • Remote con­trol facil­i­tates operation
  • very well-designed, android-based FireTV oper­at­ing system
  • Stream­ing must first be set in the menu
  • strong focus on paid Ama­zon services

What is a Fire TV Stick?

4. Apple AirPlay & Apple TV Box

If you own an iPad or iPhone, you can stream con­tent to your Apple TV box via Apple Air­Play. For watch­ing porn on your TV, this option is only par­tial­ly suit­able, as the Apple App Store does not sup­port apps with porn.

Stream­ing porn is pos­si­ble if you access the porn in your brows­er and then watch it on the TV using the “Screen Mir­ror­ing” feature.

Apple has a very hard time with porno­graph­ic con­tent. Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple said at the time: “If you want to watch porn, you have to go to Android”. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the world’s sec­ond largest IT man­u­fac­tur­er still holds it that way. There are no porn apps in the Apple app store and the AppleTV stream­ing box has no built-in browser.

If you have an Apple TV con­nect­ed to your TV, you can stream con­tent from a brows­er like Safari, Fire­fox or Google Chrome to your TV via Apple AirPlay.

More info: Sync your iPhone, iPad, or iPod screen with AirPlay

  • Con­tent from iPhones and iPads can be streamed to your TV box via Air­Play, includ­ing porn
  • Apple TV+, Ama­zon Prime, Net­flix and oth­er stream­ing ser­vices are pre-installed
  • Remote con­trol facil­i­tates operation
  • very good 4k graphics
  • very sim­ple and fast tvOS oper­at­ing system
  • Oper­a­tion via iPhone possible
  • Apple devices required

What is Apple TV?

5. Magenta TV Stick

The Magen­ta TV Stick is a stream­ing stick from Deutsche Telekom, which is con­nect­ed to an HDMI sock­et on the TV. It is pri­mar­i­ly used to stream TV chan­nels via Magen­ta TV. How­ev­er, ser­vices such as Net­flix, Ama­zon Prime or Dis­ney+ are also preinstalled.

What many Magen­ta TV users do not know: Telekom’s stream­ing devices can also be used to stream the screen con­tent of your Win­dows or Mac PC from Google Chrome. Thus, the Magen­ta TV Stick can also be used to stream porn. A remote con­trol is includ­ed in the scope of delivery.

More info: Best enter­tain­ment with the Magen­ta TV Stick

  • Stream­ing from Google Chrome Brows­er or Android devices via the HDMI stick
  • can also be used inde­pen­dent­ly of Telekom
  • easy to use
  • also streams shows in 4k
  • for stream­ing porn only con­di­tion­al­ly suitable
  • Magen­ta TV is sub­ject to a fee
  • Fre­quent col­or dis­tur­bances and block­i­ness dur­ing playback

What is Magen­ta TV Stick?

6. Roku Streaming Stick

The most pop­u­lar, Amer­i­can stream­ing solu­tion is rather unknown in Ger­many. In Amer­i­ca, Roku has been “the hit” among WLAN stream­ing devices for many years

With a Roku stream­ing device, it was even pos­si­ble to install var­i­ous porn apps like Porn­Hub until Feb­ru­ary 2022. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, Roku has dis­con­tin­ued this func­tion. How­ev­er, stream­ing porno­graph­ic con­tent still works with the screen mir­ror­ing function.

You can buy the pop­u­lar US stream­ing stick in 4 variants:

  • 1.) Roku Express — streams Full HD
  • 2.) Roku Express 4k — streams movies in Full HD, 4k
  • 3.) Roku Stream­ing Stick 4k — streams movies in Full HD, 4k
  • 4.) Roku Stream­bar — streams Full HD, 4k
More Information
  • Stream­ing from Google Chrome brows­er or Android devices via HDMI stick
  • works with­in the EU
  • turns old­er TVs into smart TVs
  • also streams shows in 4k
  • Sup­port for porn apps dis­con­tin­ued in March 2022
  • not very well known in this coun­try (yet)

What is Roku? The Roku sys­tem explained simply

7. Internal browser of smart TVs

Your smart TV’s built-in brows­er is anoth­er tip for watch­ing porn on your TV. How­ev­er, using it via the TV key­board is usu­al­ly very annoy­ing and cum­ber­some. Also, not all web stan­dards are sup­port­ed. There­fore, this solu­tion is not recommended.

  • ful­ly inte­grat­ed porn stream­ing solu­tion via the TV browser
  • Many web stan­dards, Java scripts etc. are not supported
  • dif­fi­cult oper­a­tion via TV remote control

8. DLNA apps

Cur­rent­ly, devices and apps that can inter­act with each oth­er via DLNA (Dig­i­tal Liv­ing Net­work Alliance) are very much “on the rise”. Var­i­ous Android apps from the Google Play Store can stream con­tent to numer­ous HDMI don­gles that you can buy from Amazon.

Besides con­soles like XBOX and Playsta­tion, more and more smart TV man­u­fac­tur­ers from Sony, Philips, TCL and Xiao­mi also sup­port the DLNA stan­dard. How­ev­er, this solu­tion is more of an option for tin­ker­ers who have the desire to deal with this mat­ter more intensively.

More info: 11 of the best DLNA stream­ing apps for Android

  • Easy “screen mir­ror­ing” from Android smart devices
  • You have to be will­ing to work hard on the topic.
  • no Apple support

Very Good Sources for Good Porn

Due to the inter­net being full of low qual­i­ty porn sites, it is almost impos­si­ble to find real­ly high-qual­i­ty and rep­utable porn providers where you can stream porn legal­ly and in very high quality.

High­ly rec­om­mend­ed adult video-on-demand providers are:


Conclusion: Porn Streaming Is Not Hard at All and Is the Future

Even if no elec­tron­ics provider offi­cial­ly sup­ports porn watch­ing, you can stream the brows­er of your Mac­Book, note­book, tablet or smart­phone from your bed or couch to your TV via WLAN.

The mag­ic word is “screen mir­ror­ing”. Depend­ing on the provider, it is also called “Easy Pro­jec­tion”, “Wire­less Pro­jec­tion”, “Air Play Mir­ror­ing”, “Smart View”, or “Screen Synchronization”.

Our rec­om­men­da­tion is the Google Chrome­cast Stream­ing Stick. It’s cheap, easy to use and just per­fect for stream­ing porn to a TV.

With a good porn video-on-demand provider, “watch­ing porn” is real­ly fun and increas­es the WAF (Wife Accep­tance Fac­tor) seri­ous­ly. This way, you will most like­ly get your part­ner excit­ed about porn movies.

With a lit­tle bit of inter­est in elec­tron­ic and com­put­er inno­va­tions, you can seri­ous­ly increase the com­fort in your liv­ing room.

Further Links:

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