Unexpected surplus of men in the BDSM room

My wife Lin­da (41) and I (Nico, 45) have been mar­ried for over 17 years. Our mar­riage is very har­mo­nious despite every­day stress and kids. This is because we under­stand each oth­er well in all areas and var­ied sex is impor­tant to both of us 

Lin­da is a very attrac­tive woman: tall, with gold­en-blond hair, bright blue eyes, a volup­tuous bosom and plump ass. Her cute lit­tle wrin­kles, freck­les and glass­es did not both­er there. When we are out togeth­er, Lin­da attracts atten­tion. The men fol­low her with greedy eyes and the women look venomous 

I was proud of Lin­da and liked it when oth­er men also found her beau­ti­ful and desir­able. I knew she loved me and would nev­er leave me for anoth­er man. And yet, some­times we felt that we lust­ed after oth­er peo­ple’s skin. We were attract­ed by the idea of going to a swingers club — but at that time we had not heard of wife­shar­ing and cuckolding.

In this sto­ry I would like to tell you how it came to Wife­shar­ing and how our “first time” went.

The idea to Wifesharing

Lin­da and I have always had many sex­u­al fan­tasies. Since our chil­dren have grown up, we final­ly have more time for our­selves. More and more often we talked about liv­ing out our incli­na­tions in swingers clubs 

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, our first five attempts were so “la la”. Either we were in the wrong clubs or we are not that kind of par­ty peo­ple — spend­ing the evening light­ly dressed mak­ing small talk at a seedy bar. Hon­est­ly, our fucks after the swingers club vis­it were more excit­ing than the vis­it there.

In the weeks that fol­lowed, I lis­tened in on myself with these expe­ri­ences. Curi­ous­ly, I did­n’t real­ly feel like fuck­ing oth­er women at all. Instead, I felt more of a wife­shar­ing ten­den­cy with a slight cuck­old ten­den­cy. In oth­er words, instead of swap­ping part­ners with oth­er cou­ples, I’d rather watch Lin­da have sex with strangers.

My Wifesharer Coming Out

One day I con­fessed to Lin­da that I would some­how pre­fer that I did­n’t find swing­ing par­tic­u­lar­ly appeal­ing. I would be made hornier by the thought of Lin­da being fucked very hard and copi­ous­ly alien­at­ed by numer­ous strangers with­out a con­dom. Lin­da was com­plete­ly indig­nant and reject­ed this very sourly! “She do yes a lot with, but some­thing like that would not want”. I was extreme­ly annoyed about my coura­geous step. A few weeks of “upset” and dead pants in bed followed.

But con­trary to expec­ta­tions, my com­ing out did not miss its effect. Lin­da asked one day casu­al­ly dur­ing a walk if I real­ly meant it with the“sex with strange men”. I buck­led slight­ly, want­i­ng to pla­cate because I was embarrassed 

But Lin­da then told me that this thought did­n’t leave her alone any­more. She had had to think about it a bit, but now it would excite her a lot in the mean­time. Instead of once again endur­ing the super­fi­cial chat­ter of the swinger cou­ples, she would much rather want to try out a men’s sur­plus par­ty. Say: Go there to the club, fuck horny, get cum all over and go straight home. “No hot buf­fet, no cham­pagne and no Hei-ti-tei…”

What fol­lowed were the best sex weeks of our entire rela­tion­ship. We watched a lot of swife­shar­ing and gang­bang porn and bought dozens of sex toys. Lin­da became more and more unin­hib­it­ed and enjoyed her orgasms with BDSM games, fist­ing, very big dil­dos, vio­lent vibra­tors and hard sex. She pressed me more and more often between her legs after sex and I had to lickmy creampie clean.

Lin­da mean­while mas­tur­bat­ed sev­er­al times a day. In her the wildest wife­shar­ing fan­tasies formed togeth­er at rest stops, porn cin­e­mas and gang­bang par­ties. Wife­shar­ing seemed to be a per­fect oppor­tu­ni­ty for us to gain new sex­u­al expe­ri­ences with­out strain­ing our rela­tion­ship by hav­ing affairs.

Hotwife watches porn while masturbating with dildos.
Hotwife watch­es porn while mas­tur­bat­ing with dildos.

Realization of our wifesharing fantasies in swingers club

Foreplay in the love chamber

One day Lin­da sug­gest­ed that the time was right. We chose the swingers club that we liked the most because of a BDSM room. Every Wednes­day night there was a “HÜ”, mean­ing men’s sur­plus party.

Although we knew how it was in the swingers clubs, we were curi­ous about the men’s excess par­ty, how it would be.

We had pre­pared well for our debut in the swingers club. We shaved off each oth­er’s inti­mate hair and show­ered exten­sive­ly. We did­n’t think much about the out­fits. Lin­da packed a pair of fish­net stock­ings and a pair of her beloved high heels, while I bought a pair of tight latex pants. At the club, con­trary to expec­ta­tions, we were wel­comed like good acquain­tances. An employ­ee of the club kept sneak­ing glances at Linda.

Since we knew the club, we also knew our way around the premis­es. There was a large play­room with huge mat­tress­es on the floor. That was def­i­nite­ly meant for group sex. We found the BDSM room par­tic­u­lar­ly fas­ci­nat­ing. It was equipped with a St. Andrew’s cross, cages and a pillory.

Squirting in men's face
Squirt­ing in men’s face

To warm up, I first went into a small room with Lin­da. We set the sig­nal on the door to “spec­ta­tors wel­come”. We lay down and start­ed a hot fore­play in the 69 position 

Lin­da blew like a pro and made me real­ly horny. My stiff cock was crav­ing her juicy pussy. I fin­gered and licked Lin­da bru­tal­ly. I fucked her with four fin­gers and stretched the pussy very much. Lin­da moaned loud­er and loud­er, which moti­vat­ed me to fuck her faster with my hand. She helped me and jerked her clit very fast and jerked moan­ing loudly…

On the side­lines I got that the door was opened and sev­er­al peo­ple entered the room. But I did not want to mess up Lin­da’s orgasm and fin­gered hard on. Three hot squirts squirt in my mouth and face. I

loved it when she squirt­ed all over me! Togeth­er we made Lin­da’s pussy orgasm horny. But we had a deal: I’m in charge of lick­ing clean and swal­low­ing love juices, and thor­ough­ly went about my duty of metic­u­lous­ly lick­ing the pussy clean ‑while my hon­ey gasped 

Ooops… We have spectators!?!

Total­ly aroused ordered her to get on all fours. Her plump ass was irre­sistible and I final­ly want­ed to fuck her from behind. Look­ing around, I was sur­prised to notice that we were sur­round­ed by at least 6 — 8 men 

All of them had stiff peck­ers which they jerked eager­ly while watch­ing. Since I was total­ly aroused, I did not let the sur­prise show and took me Lin­da’s pussy before. I pushed my strap into her as far as it would go and fucked her with extreme­ly hard thrusts. No fore­play, no ten­der­ness, just fuck­ing! The fact that we were being watched made us some­how horny. Lin­da was moan­ing violently.

I loved the love hole of Lin­da. The stim­u­la­tion made me lose my tem­per every time! I had to fuck her now and emp­ty my fuck cock inside her or I would burst. Greed­i­ly I grabbed her plump ass cheeks and made an effort to fuck extra hard in front of the spectators 

Lin­da groaned as if she was being tor­tured. Her cunt was so wet that her juice ran down her stock­ings. It took her less than 3 min­utes to orgasm again. Also with my restraint it was over. With a loud scream I let my sperm splash into the fuck hole of my wife.

Facial insemination of the wife: Three men squirt sperm on the glasses.
Facial insem­i­na­tion of the wife: Three men squirt sperm on the glasses.

Our spec­ta­tors were thrilled. They asked if they could cum on Lin­da. When I saw Lin­da’s eyes light up and she nod­ded, I gave my con­sent. I stepped back and the men sur­round­ed Lin­da in a tight cir­cle. She was still on all fours. One guy asked me, “Can I fuck her?” I just nod­ded, still gasp­ing for air after my orgasm.

The strange guy pushed his cock into the cum cunt horny by me and also tried to fuck off at high speed. Lin­da slipped out only a pressed: “Oh my God is that horny”.

Horny glasses insemination of my marital mare

Cum on glasses: squirting cum on glasses
Cum on glass­es: squirt­ing cum on glasses

The fact that Lin­da was wear­ing glass­es seemed to turn on three guys a lot. One squat­ted down oppo­site her and jerked off as fast as he could. In one mighty foun­tain his cum splashed right on her left glass­es lens, more splash­es land­ed on her fore­head, nose and in her mouth. … and… i did­n’t think I could see prop­er­ly… on her tongue which was stretched out wide. The men jeered and applauded 

As soon as the first guy fin­ished insem­i­nat­ing me with his glass­es, he was relieved by anoth­er man. One bent over Lin­da from behind and slapped her ass while his bud­dy insem­i­nat­ed my wife’s face third. Both jerked off like savages! 

Almost at the same time, Lin­da’s fore­head and her oth­er glass­es were splat­tered with semen. A long thread of cum ran down Lin­da’s chin. Greed­i­ly Lin­da tried to lick the cor­ners of her mouth clean, moan­ing loud­ly. I caught it with my hand and rubbed the sperm on her horny breasts.

There was no stop­ping the fuck­er. She fucked like pos­sessed and came loud­ly gruzend and moan­ing to orgasm. Anoth­er spec­ta­tor only jerked and squirt­ed Lin­da on the back and but­tocks. Soon Lin­da’s curvy body was cov­ered all over with cum. The glass­es were com­plete­ly plas­tered, the hair stuck togeth­er and ass and tits smeared with semen 

Although Lin­da did not get an orgasm, but she found the sit­u­a­tion tremen­dous­ly horny! As she had seen it before in porn, she took off the glass­es and licked them clean 

Her face looked so horny plas­tered that my cock was already get­ting a lit­tle thick­er again. For days Lin­da kept talk­ing about this horny insem­i­na­tion experience 

Word­less­ly and strong­ly excit­ed I led her to the shower.

The glasses of my wife is completely splashed with sperm
The glass­es of my wife is com­plete­ly splashed with sperm.… and is thor­ough­ly licked clean by Linda!

Painfully horny gangbang in the BDSM room

After we had show­ered and recov­ered a bit, we want­ed to try out the BDSM room. At the sight of the many devices and instru­ments I became horny. Since I did­n’t real­ly know my way around yet, one of the guests was helpful 

We strapped Lin­da to a pil­lo­ry. The device was set so that she had to stand half erect and was acces­si­ble from all sides 

Search­ing­ly, I looked around. There were plen­ty of instru­ments on the walls and cab­i­nets. The guest drew my atten­tion to nip­ple clamps. Although she loves clamps on nip­ples, she squealed pain a bit when the steel clamps closed around her nipples.

Right next to them hung a crop. Excel­lent! I grabbed it and start­ed spank­ing Lin­da’s ass with it 

Pussy torture with pump-up dildo and labia weights

The oth­er man asked if he could play along. As soon as he had our per­mis­sion, he took out a pump-up dil­do, coat­ed it with lube and pushed it into Lin­da’s cum pussy. While pump­ing it up, some love cock­tail was squeezed out by me and the guy earlier.

Lin­da moaned out some­thing about “That hurts sooo horny wehhh” with stretch­ing pain and plea­sure. The oth­er man approached Lin­da and held his cock out to her. She imme­di­ate­ly knew what he want­ed, obe­di­ent­ly opened her lit­tle mouth and inhaled his penis. The sight made me furi­ous­ly horny 

My wife gave anoth­er man a blowjob while I watched. The guy with the pump-up dil­do kept play­ing with Lin­da’s pussy. He clipped labia weights and dug out a fierce clit vibra­tor. She winced a bit, but was severe­ly restrict­ed in her move­ment. All that remained was for her to moan lusti­ly in pain.

Violent cunt stretching with pump-up dildo: The stretching pain feels incredibly horny!
Vio­lent cunt stretch­ing with pump-up dil­do: The stretch­ing pain feels incred­i­bly horny!

Horny nipple weights

I decid­ed to play with her a lit­tle and pulled on the nip­ple chain. Every now and then I let the crop pop and enjoyed the lust­ful moan­ing sounds. My eyes fell on a 300g weight that I hung on Lin­da’s nip­ple chain. She moaned loud­ly with an “AWESOME!!!” as her nip­ples stretched about 2 inch­es long.

Her blowjob was well received. The guy groaned and squirt­ed his cum direct­ly onto her fore­head and into her mouth 

Man swallows pussy squirt
Man swal­lows pussy squirt

Moan­ing loud­ly, Lin­da des­per­ate­ly tried to orgasm. The clit vibra­tor is just too gross. She could­n’t stop her­self from ejac­u­lat­ing onto the floor with three pow­er­ful squirt splashes 

I quick­ly rushed over to save as much squirt as I could. Sure enough, the third squirt­ing foun­tain land­ed com­plete­ly in my mouth.

The guy act­ed very annoyed at Lin­da’s ejac­u­la­tion and pumped the pump-up dil­do even more dur­ing her orgasm, slap­ping her on the butt 

Rarely have I seen Lin­da orgasm so vio­lent­ly, last­ing almost a minute! The clamps and toys were removed 

A bunch of men gath­ered around the pil­lo­ry. No one cared if I was her hus­band. So I watched us stunned and enjoyed the fol­low­ing incred­i­bly horny spectacle…

The many guys fucked alter­nate­ly in cunt and ass. I was stunned how much she liked it! Anal sex had always been a red rag and now she enjoys every thrust moan.

Wife gets fucked by strangers during wifesharing. Husband watches and films the sexual adventure.
Wife gets fucked by strangers dur­ing wife­shar­ing. Hus­band watch­es and films the sex­u­al adventure.

Lin­da had become a fuck piece. We were both befud­dled with lust. I was extreme­ly horny. I jerked and jerked! Short­ly before cum­ing fought me my hard fuck cock a way to my wife free, only this time I filled her ass cunt 

When I cummed, my knees were shak­ing from exhaus­tion. By now word had spread around the club that Lin­da was avail­able for use. I sat there and watched as she was fucked by a horde of men. Hard­ly had one sprayed in her pussy or ass, the next came to the row. An incred­i­bly horny creampie ran down her legs.

The cocks that want­ed to be blown took no end. Some squirt­ed the sperm down her throat, oth­ers on her fore­head or nose. Oth­ers, how­ev­er, used her glass­es as tar­gets and plas­tered them with sperm. Some guys insem­i­nat­ed her breasts. When they were done, they took their long black hair and wiped their dicks with it 

Blonde hotwife sucks cocks
Blonde hotwife sucks cocks

Every now and then one of them would grab the nip­ple clamps and pull on them, mak­ing Lin­da cry out 

Final­ly got to the point where she had a cock in her cunt and one in her ass at the same time. The dou­ble pen­e­tra­tion made her go com­plete­ly crazy. Her approach­ing cli­max was so vio­lent that it made me extreme­ly excit­ed and yet already sor­ry. Last time she expe­ri­enced an ultra vio­lent squirt orgasm 

So they hung after­wards com­plete­ly apa­thet­ic and absent-mind­ed in the pil­lo­ry, the guys end­ed mies laugh­ing, with vul­gar com­ments the love game. From all this my wife got briefly noth­ing more with 

When we went to the show­er, I had to sup­port Lin­da. She was lit­er­al­ly fucked to pieces and could only walk with her legs wide apart. She purred pow­er­less­ly in an end­less loop some­thing about “Oh my God that was awe­some,” “Hon­ey, I love you!” “Oh God, that was awe­some!!!” “I love you, I love you!!!”

Since no one was around, I made a quick turn at the show­er to the lock­er room, put her one coat over her shoul­ders, quick­ly grabbed our stuff and dis­ap­peared into the car. I’m glad that I could bring her home so horny full of cum 

Once home, she undressed, fell into bed and slept like a rock. I made myself anoth­er drink and fol­lowed her. When she regained her strength in the morn­ing, we cud­dled extreme­ly close. We found the sperm scent and the many mem­o­ries so horny that we had to fuck the morn­ing again three times very, very horny. Clean lick­ing included!

Conclusion: It was an unforgettable Wifesharing experience!

Even if we had some­how imag­ined the men’s excess par­ty in the swinger club com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent, it had been an excel­lent, unfor­get­tably horny evening 

Cuckold threesome sex
Cuck­old three­some sex

Lin­da juiced a lot of the men in the swingers club. She her­self end­ed up not know­ing how many times she had been fucked. Some men had each def­i­nite­ly come twice or even three times. All told, she had col­lect­ed an esti­mat­ed three dozen loads of cum 

Among the most pop­u­lar tar­gets were her glass­es. But also ass, tits and hair got prop­er­ly what off. She was glad that she had only worn fish­net stock­ings and not expen­sive lin­gerie. The were now stained over and over with sperm and shredded 

I per­son­al­ly found it horny to cum in her insem­i­nat­ed pussy! Since the clean lick­ing turns me on mean­while ani­mal, I am an in-between between cuck­old and wifesharer 

For sure we would repeat some­thing sim­i­lar soon.

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