The Story of the Wifesharing Couple Tom & Janice

My name is Mark, and I am 39 years old. After a failed mar­riage, I have unfor­tu­nate­ly been invol­un­tar­i­ly sin­gle for four­teen months. I am a self-employed painter by pro­fes­sion and was try­ing to get my new life back on track so slowly.

Like every morn­ing, I checked my e‑mails in my com­pa­ny while hav­ing a cof­fee. Between heaps of SPAM, I fished out three orders from a crafts­man por­tal. I sighed. Well, the inquiries were not abun­dant, but what the heck. Every lit­tle bit helps…

At this time, I did not know yet, which large luck had I to be assigned by a mar­ried cou­ple from Mannheim with ren­o­va­tion and paint­ing work 

So much in advance: As it turned out lat­er, the clients were a Wife­shar­ing cou­ple, and they lived with their daugh­ter a very friv­o­lous lifestyle. The job was not only the best I ever had — it gave my life a new direction! 

Below I would like to tell you my wife­shar­ing sto­ry in order. Please for­give me for mak­ing it so long. But it will be worth it if you take the time to read my story.

A horny, freely invent­ed wife­shar­ing sto­ry of the cou­ple Thomas and Janice

In the House of Tom, Janice and Their Daughter Jackie

It all start­ed when I went to the cou­ple’s house for an esti­mate. Prompt­ly at 4:00 p.m., I rang the front door­bell. The hus­band, Tom, greet­ed me, invit­ed me in, and imme­di­ate­ly apol­o­gized that his wife, Jan­ice, would be late. She was anx­ious to see me, though! She also want­ed to help decide the col­ors, pat­terns and wallpaper.

Stone dil­do sculpture

Tom showed me around the house and showed me in advance the planned work. The rooms were taste­ful­ly dec­o­rat­ed, with high ceil­ings and antique furniture 

In the bed­room, I took note of all sorts of hooks and eyes screwed into the walls and bed. On the night­stand was an enor­mous stone penis sculp­ture. I pre­tend­ed to be obliv­i­ous to everything.

We inspect­ed the kitchen, the guest room and the liv­ing room. In the bath­room my eyes fell on a laun­dry bas­ket in the corner 

Final­ly, we were stand­ing in the upstairs hall­way in front of the daugh­ter’s nurs­ery. Tom knocked and wait­ed patient­ly. We heard low moans, as if some­one was watch­ing a porno, and then fran­tic clat­ter­ing and swear­ing. A young, female voice then called out annoyed “yaaah­hh? what iiist?!?”.

Oops… Daughter Jackie Caught Masturbating!

Tom opened the door to the room. As we entered the nurs­ery, my breath caught. Tom intro­duced me to his beau­ti­ful 18-year-old daugh­ter Jack­ie. She was sit­ting cross-legged on a col­or­ful bed in a com­plete­ly crooked mini den­im skirt, try­ing to put on an inno­cent face 

A closed note­book lay in front of her. Her cheeks were flushed and you could feel very much that we had burst in at a most inop­por­tune moment….

Teen Girl Jack­ie Caught Masturbating 

Tom cov­ered the embar­rass­ing sit­u­a­tion and explained to me that Jack­ie was attend­ing the local tech­ni­cal school part-time and was cur­rent­ly prepar­ing for the inter­me­di­ate exam as a den­tal tech­ni­cian. Because of this, she would most like­ly be home most of the time when I would be work­ing here 

(I lis­tened up and secret­ly hoped that I would get this job! See­ing this cute girl every day would def­i­nite­ly be worth even a small prof­it to me)

Jackie Captivated Me

While Tom talked, I eyed Jack­ie’s beau­ti­ful eyes framed by expres­sive glass­es. My gaze trav­eled from her glossy blonde hair down to her small breasts and long legs. Her mer­ci­ful­ly petite teenage body were a dream! Jack­ie looked like one of those girls from the cov­er of a mag­a­zine, only with no make­up at all.

Not want­i­ng to dis­turb the young woman again, I spon­ta­neous­ly sug­gest­ed we start mea­sur­ing the walls in this room. As I worked with my laser device, Tom kept talk­ing inces­sant­ly. I noticed some pho­tos and sports cer­tifi­cates on the wall, Bar­bie dolls and stuffed ani­mals were sit­ting everywhere.

Objects of My Desire: Jackie’s Kinky Underwear

When­ev­er I came near Jack­ie’s bed, I some­how heard an inde­scrib­ably horny, sweet smell.… But next to her clos­et, my breath caught again: in the cor­ner lay a moun­tain of worn lin­gerie, dis­trib­uted next to it were five pairs of panties that she had appar­ent­ly just tak­en off and thrown down.

I pre­tend­ed not to see them — squat­ted down to read the length of the room and could clear­ly see the wear marks of Jack­ie’s pussy. Judg­ing by the large pussy marks, she must have been extreme­ly aroused those days.

In the pile of laun­dry next to the panties were cute bras and oth­er cute lin­gerie. I had to pull myself togeth­er not to stare too long at the horny pile of laun­dry. But it was too late: Jack­ie took notice of my spell­bound look at the worn panties.

Used worn teen panties
Hot used worn teen panties: Horny worn teen panties
Sex Toys and Underwear of the Mercilessly Kinky Teen Brat Jacky!

Embar­rassed, I quick­ly stood up. On the oth­er wall, the next sur­prise wait­ing for me! There on the night­stand next to an alarm clock were two clothes­pins, five slight­ly deformed can­dles, and a pink vibra­tor. Also, there was dried pussy juice to see. It now began to get tight in my pants after all!

Teenager Tochter Jackie
The eight­teen year old teenage daugh­ter has it fist thick behind the ears

Tom noticed things as well and remind­ed Jacky in a stern tone that he had asked her to clean up her room before I arrived.

Jack­ie rolled her eyes, opened the night­stand draw­er with a flour­ish…. My eyes popped out when I saw it was filled to the brim with sex toys. She plopped the vibra­tor, can­dles, and clamps inside and slammed it shut with a heavy “rum­ble” in annoyance 

As she got up from the bed and put her glass­es on a shelf, a dil­do with fresh, shiny pussy juice rolled out from under the pil­low unno­ticed by her, which she hid from us. 

Expres­sive­ly annoyed, Jack­ie gath­ered her fra­grant thongs, her sexy bras, and worn lin­gerie from the floor. She vig­or­ous­ly squeezed past us and car­ried the horny-scent­ed laun­dry to the laun­dry bas­ket in the bathroom.

I heard in her pass­ing the sweet­ish scent of the room from her body now extreme­ly intense­ly per­ceived and was sure that it was her pheromones (sex attrac­tants) — Cer­tain­ly she had pre­vi­ous­ly mas­tur­bat­ed for two, three hours watch­ing porn.

As we walked back down the stairs, Tom shook his head and asked me if I had a daugh­ter too. When I replied that I had no chil­dren, he laughed and replied that I should just be hap­py. Young women would only give a man sil­ly ideas all the time. How right he was! I swal­lowed hard and could only clear my throat, because the expe­ri­ences I had just had excit­ed me violently! 

Tom’s Pretty Wife Janice at Close Quarters

It took about 30 more min­utes before Tom’s wife Jan­ice final­ly arrived. Until then, I chat­ted with Tom and told him my price. I could think clear­ly again.…

Sym­pa­thet­ic Cuck­old­ing Hotwife

We were chat­ting about what we do for a liv­ing when Jan­ice opened the front door with a clat­ter. She entered the room, intro­duced her­self and shook my hand 

I esti­mat­ed Jan­ice to be in her mid-for­ties. She was a beau­ti­ful sight! She was slim, had small breasts, blonde long hair and was extreme­ly sexy. Her cute lit­tle wrin­kles and sassy eyes made her very lik­able. I am very much into the mature “MILF type” in women 

We repeat­ed things already dis­cussed in the pres­ence of the woman. I showed my col­or swatch­es and ideas in a cat­a­log. Jan­ice kept “acci­den­tal­ly” touch­ing my hands while turn­ing the pages.

Jan­ice was wear­ing a beige top with embroi­dered orna­ments and spaghet­ti straps. She was pour­ing us drinks and pre­tend­ing to need to fix her braid 

A huge light­ning bolt crashed into the already over­stim­u­lat­ed plea­sure cen­ter of my brain: Jan­ice pre­sent­ed me provoca­tive­ly, pure­ly “by chance” her sexy tuft of armpit hair 

Janice the Horny Hotwife
Pret­ty blonde MILF presents her armpit hair

I swal­lowed hard and my gaze remained fas­ci­nat­ed for a few sec­onds too long at the hairy armpits. Jan­ice noticed this with a smile and a twin­kle in her eye.

Tom remained sit­ting on the couch sketch­ing some­thing. Jan­ice walked with once again through the rooms — She talked and took every now and then an arm up and point­ed with a fore­fin­ger on the walls and ceil­ings. Darn! Those horny armpit hairs! “You horny lit­tle slut!!!”, I thought 

My mind kept wan­der­ing, and I caught myself think­ing that a vig­or­ous facial insem­i­na­tion dur­ing a gang­bang or a fat BBC cock inside her must sure­ly look very horny.

The com­bi­na­tion, of the expe­ri­ence in the nurs­ery as well as Jan­ice’s provoca­tive demeanor and sexy looks, made me have a hard time fol­low­ing her con­ver­sa­tions. I was annoyed that my cock already want­ed to straight­en up again and tried to sup­press it.

Jan­ice noticed my furtive glances and absent­mind­ed­ness. She asked me some­what casu­al­ly if I was mar­ried. This struck me as odd. I replied that, unfor­tu­nate­ly, I was sin­gle at the moment. She seemed very pleased. Half an hour lat­er, we had dis­cussed all the details.

Many Open Questions…

In the liv­ing room I told the cou­ple the approx­i­mate price of two thou­sand euros and I spec­i­fied that I would need five days. Jan­ice was stand­ing next to the couch, look­ing deep into my eyes. She held my gaze and said that she was pleased to have met me. To my amaze­ment, she did­n’t say good­bye. To Tom, on the way to the stairs, she said only that I was “very nice” went up smiling.

I looked at Tom ques­tion­ing­ly, “Is that it?” Tom laughed and said, “I guess she’s okay with it. When can you start?” I replied that I could start next Mon­day. He then asked me if I would do the job alone or bring some­one with me? I told him that I would work alone. He obvi­ous­ly liked my answer.

He escort­ed me to the front door and remarked as he said good­bye that yes, I had quite a strong hand­shake. “Jan­ice and Jack­ie need a firm hand every now and then!” he said with a laugh as he said good­bye. I was too per­plexed to respond, sheep­ish­ly joined in the laugh­ter, and then walked briskly to my van.

As I drove home after­wards, I won­dered if all the fun­ny ques­tions, com­ments, and Jan­ice’s desire to meet me had a dif­fer­ent mean­ing than I thought.

Perverted Fantasies in the Evening

At home I sat down on my favorite arm­chair and kept think­ing about the strange fam­i­ly. It was already weird everything… 

My horny tro­phy case, which brought me the divorce: Loud worn panties of my customers 

I start­ed jerk­ing off and imag­ined how pleas­ant it would be to have such a cute teenage brat like Jack­ie around all day. Her mom is also awe­some… A real­ly awe­some M.I.L.F.! I was annoyed not to have asked about her work hours to get her alone for a change! 

But any­way… So or so… No mat­ter what — I took it upon myself to at least grab the worn panties of the two women in the laun­dry bas­ket. I just have to soak up Jack­ie’s beguil­ing body scent again!!! 

Note: In my per­son­al expe­ri­ence as a handy­man, many mature wives are sex­u­al­ly starved and not averse to flings. I had laid over forty women at my work. In par­al­lel, I had devel­oped a fetish for rum­mag­ing through their laun­dry bas­kets for worn under­wear. If briefs smelled very horny, I stole the tro­phies or insem­i­nat­ed the worn scent­ed panties direct­ly in the bath­room of the lady of the house.

Once Again Addicted to the Slipfetisch

My gaze fell with a grin on my secret wood­en box, where I kept the already men­tioned trea­sures of my raids: Numer­ous worn briefs, thongs, and pants from horny part­ners, wives, and daugh­ters of oth­er paint­ing jobs.

I love to mas­tur­bate and swal­low my own cum

After my sup­per, I decid­ed to take a bath. In the warm tub, I start­ed jerk­ing off again and pic­tured myself ejac­u­lat­ing vig­or­ous­ly on Jan­ice’s and Jack­ie’s panties in their bath­room the next day 

Maybe I’ll even find used sex toys to lick clean dur­ing ren­o­va­tion?! Vio­lent­ly, I came to orgasm. When I had licked my sperm clean from my fin­gers, I got out of the tub with a grin and went to sleep satisfied.

But every­thing came very, very dif­fer­ent! From the first day, the job should become a com­plete­ly dif­fer­ent, breath­tak­ing experience…

The First Day: Alone With Janice and Jackie

On Mon­day morn­ing, I rang the door­bell at eight o’clock on the dot. Tom opened the door for me and invit­ed me in. He was wear­ing a suit and appar­ent­ly get­ting ready for work. Jan­ice was in the kitchen set­ting the break­fast table. She was wear­ing noth­ing but a white shirt that only par­tial­ly cov­ered her butt cheeks.

She asked me how I was drink­ing my cof­fee and very gra­cious­ly host­ed me. As I drank, I watched Jan­ice sur­rep­ti­tious­ly. She stretched up on her toes at the cab­i­nets and bent very far for­ward while wip­ing the table. I could not dis­cov­er any panties. Maybe she is wear­ing a thong? 

Cuck­old MILF Jan­ice provoked 

It was a bit chilly in the kitchen. Jan­ice’s nip­ples were clear­ly vis­i­ble through the white fab­ric. Every now and then the cute armpit hair flashed. Wow, what a sexy woman! 

She talked to me about the paint­ing job and which rooms I should start in… Jan­ice act­ed like she was­n’t half naked.

I Was a Little Confused

When it was time for Tom to leave, the two kissed and hugged and told each oth­er they loved each oth­er. I watched the two of them sur­rep­ti­tious­ly out of the cor­ner of my eye.

Tom turned to me, shook my hand firm­ly, winked and said that unfor­tu­nate­ly he had to work late today. He would see me in the morn­ing, though, and disappeared.

I got to work and cleaned out my car. As I did so, I was sur­prised that Jan­ice did­n’t find any­thing wrong with walk­ing around half-naked in front of me. It seemed to me some­how that she had the skimpy shirt on purpose.

She had a plump ass and nice lit­tle tits. I tried very hard not to stare con­stant­ly at Jan­ice’s armpit hair as well as her enor­mous nip­ples, which were clear­ly vis­i­ble under her shirt.

I taped the door and win­dow frames in the liv­ing room and paint­ed the wall sur­faces for about 2 hours. Jan­ice, mean­while, went into the bedroom.

In Search of Worn Panties

After­wards, I want­ed to take advan­tage of my break and look in the linen box for worn panties while I was peeing.

On the way to the bath­room, I thought I heard moan­ing nois­es from the bed­room and as if some­thing were hum­ming. I lis­tened more close­ly and actu­al­ly heard Jan­ice moan­ing and more moan­ing com­ing from a com­put­er speak­er. I shook my head at what a filthy fam­i­ly this was.

Horny, worn panties of the daugh­ter in the laun­dry basket

Arriv­ing in the bath­room I found a laun­dry bas­ket, flipped up the lid aaaand… Jack­pot!!!! All five of Jack­ie’s scent­ed briefs were in there, as well as two more thongs (from Janice).

I sniffed the love­ly pussy scent of the panties and my penis became rock hard. I imme­di­ate­ly rec­og­nized the now very intense, sweet scent of the horny teenage girl. Her moth­er also had an incred­i­bly love­ly inti­mate scent. I jerked off until short­ly before cum­ing and put the briefs, but first back again for safe­ty’s sake. I planned to steal me in the evening in peace two worn panties…, oops… to borrow! 😉 

Somehow I Felt Caught!

Down­stairs in the liv­ing room, I was a bit star­tled because Jan­ice was unex­pect­ed­ly sit­ting in the kitchen drink­ing a coffee. 

I felt slight­ly caught and said slight­ly embar­rassed that I was on the restroom. The horny sight did not help me regain my composure.

She was still wear­ing noth­ing but her white, skimpy shirt. My gaze raced in a per­ma­nent zigzag over her beau­ti­ful face, giant nip­ples, armpit hair and slight­ly strad­dled thighs.

I cleared my throat invol­un­tar­i­ly and showed her my work in the liv­ing room. Jan­ice was effu­sive­ly pleased with my work. Like the day before, she kept stretch­ing her arms up and show­ing me with her index fin­gers where to con­tin­ue with which col­ors. I was com­plete­ly fix­at­ed on her, the sweet tufts of armpit hair and ani­mal excited!

With wig­gling ass she went back into the kitchen. From the liv­ing room I had a clear view and eyed her constantly.

The Blowjob at the Non-defect Sink

Jan­ice caught me “look­ing behind” but smiled kind­ly at me. Then she bent down to the cab­i­net under the sink, turn­ing her hot ass towards me. I got an unob­struct­ed view of her ass and hairy pussy, not 7 feet from me!!!!

I paused with my painter roll and swal­lowed hard. She stayed in that posi­tion! So that it was clear to me that it was inten­tion­al. How­ev­er, I still did­n’t know if she was mess­ing with me or if it was an invitation.

She cursed, played some­what qui­et­ly, but still clear­ly audi­ble: “Damn! What a bum­mer!!!”. Sens­ing that she now had my atten­tion, she squat­ted a lit­tle low­er so that her labia part­ed. She wiped around fran­ti­cal­ly with the dish­cloth in the sink cab­i­net. The sight made my heart beat notice­ably faster, and I real­ized that my penis was clear­ly stirring.

Blowjob Küche Handwerker
Seduced by the hotwife to fuck strangers!

I asked if she could use some help. She replied that the sink was leak­ing and asked me to take a look. At this point, I was sure that Jan­ice was up to some­thing with me, but did­n’t want to ask any questions.

I lay down with my back on the floor, stuck my head in the cab­i­net and eyed the plumb­ing. Every­thing was dry as a bone.

Wife Fucks Stranger in the Kitchen and Her Husband Knows About It

I looked up at Jan­ice. She was stand­ing right above me, play­ing with her fin­gers on her pussy. As she did so, she scur­ried through her horny pubic hair and fin­gered her wet pussy moan­ing hard before my eyes. She then looked inno­cent­ly into my eyes while lick­ing her mid­dle fin­ger clean.

I did­n’t know what to say and since I’m not that glib, I just said I could­n’t see any licks 

Jan­ice got down on her knees with­out speak­ing a word, unzipped my pants and freed my semi-stiff cock. Sec­onds lat­er, she gave me a blowjob. My head was still propped up against the closet 

I could watch as she sucked my penis pas­sion­ate­ly, stroked it horny and jerked vio­lent­ly. This went on for about 5 min­utes. I could no longer hold back my plea­sur­able moans. A drop of long­ing ran from my cock and Jan­ice greed­i­ly licked it up mut­ter­ing the word “horny”.

Janice Rides My Cock Off

Then she squat­ted over my hard as nails, fat veined penis and just set­tled down on it. It was very pleas­ant­ly warm and very wet 

Jan­ice and Tom love and live cuckolding

I could­n’t believe she had just climbed on top of my cock. Jan­ice swayed back and forth. As she did so, she asked me if it felt good. All I could answer was, “Oh, yes.” I could­n’t think of a more mean­ing­ful response.

Jan­ice pushed her white shirt up to her neck. Spell­bound, I stared at her small breasts! They had enor­mous nip­ples. Jan­ice began to play very rough­ly with her nip­ples before my eyes. Through the open win­dow in the kitchen, the sexy nip­ples were already stiff anyway 

She pulled and knead­ed her nip­ples so hard that she moaned in pain. With her face con­tort­ed in pain, she looked deep into my eyes and moaned through her clenched teeth, “Is that horny!”. Final­ly, she rubbed copi­ous amounts of pussy juice on each nip­ple, which made them even stiffer from the coolness.

Since the shirt always slid down dur­ing her nip­ple games, she slipped it all the way over her head in annoy­ance. As she did so, I saw that she had her armpit hair in all its glo­ry! “Holy shit”, I thought! I love it when women don’t shave.

Sexy Pubic Hair and Armpit Hair

Jan­ice did not escape the fact that her hairy armpits fix my eyes like mag­nets. The unbe­liev­ably horny sight of the pret­ty MILF, her horny mini tits, stiff pussy juice adorned nip­ples, the horny armpit hair and pussy hair again raced like light­ning deep into my brain.

Creampie cummed in the hairy pussy

Jan­ice start­ed rub­bing her clit unin­hib­it­ed­ly, at a crazy pace. Com­bined with rid­ing my rock-hard cock, it only took her two min­utes to cum. Despite the open win­dow and although the daugh­ter was in the house, she moaned unrestrained.

Watch­ing her and feel­ing how soak­ing wet her hairy cunt was also brought me close to cli­max myself. I assumed that it would be okay if I ejac­u­lat­ed into her pussy because she had sat down on my bare cock with­out fur­ther ado.

I moaned out loud as well. As I start­ed to cum, Jan­ice paused. She pressed down on my cock so that it dis­ap­peared as deep as pos­si­ble inside her. She vis­i­bly enjoyed my for­eign insem­i­na­tion and threw her head back… 

She moaned very deep throat­ed with extreme plea­sure as I shot my hot seed into her horny twitch­ing cunt. There­after, she stood up. A huge creampie ran out through the mus­cle ten­sion. Intu­itive­ly, she caught my sperm with her right hand, rubbed it in her pubic hair, and said, “Oh, you’re a lot of cum.” 

For a few sec­onds she held her hand like this between her legs, where the words “horny cum” and “my horny cum” kept slip­ping out. When no more creampie dripped, she grabbed her cell phone with the oth­er hand and hur­ried with my sperm into the bathroom… 

At stranger fuck horny insem­i­nat­ed hairy pussy of blonde hotwife of Tom

Bizzarre Sperm Games in the Bathroom.… For Tom!

I still could not believe what had just hap­pened. Jan­ice just milked me with her horny pussy with­out active­ly fuck­ing me…. Nev­er before had a woman told me that I was a fre­quent squirter — It made me hap­py because it seemed to please him 

Hotwife selfie in front of a mirror in bathroom after foreign fucking for her cuckold.
Hotwife self­ie in front of a mir­ror in bath­room after for­eign fuck­ing for her cuckold.

So then my exper­i­ments to ejac­u­late more cum with pineap­ple, zinc tablets and orgasm con­trol over the last few months had appar­ent­ly paid off.

It struck me as a lit­tle odd that Jan­ice had tak­en her cell phone into the bath­room with her, but I did­n’t give it a sec­ond thought 

I squeezed my still semi-stiff peck­er back into my pants and got back to work.

At the time, of course, I did­n’t know that Jan­ice was film­ing per­vert­ed cum games in the bath­room with my cell phone in front of the mir­ror and send­ing the video clip to Tom via What­sApp.

I also did­n’t know she was walk­ing around with our fra­grant cum and pussy juice mix­ture in her panties until Tom came, and that she was always very horny by the slip­pery creampie mess. Not sus­pect­ing that Tom greed­i­ly and very thor­ough­ly licked clean the cum cunt of his unfaith­ful wife and then squirt­ed him­self into the for­eign insem­i­nat­ed pussy.

After leav­ing the bath­room, she did not return to the kitchen. About a quar­ter of an hour lat­er, Jan­ice appeared in the base­ment ful­ly clothed. She told me she had to run some errands.

Unexpectedly, I Was Immediately Alone in the House

She made no men­tion of what we had just done. Inward­ly, I shook my head at how we had just fucked and that she dis­missed it casu­al­ly. All the women I had been with up to that point want­ed at least a lit­tle fore­play and to talk afterwards.

When Jan­ice had left, Jack­ie came down to go to town as well. She walked past me and smiled mis­chie­vous­ly. She was look­ing for a snack in the refrig­er­a­tor before­hand. This gave me a chance to admire her gor­geous ass in those skintight jeans. I thought to myself how dar­ing it was of her moth­er to fuck me on the kitchen floor know­ing her daugh­ter was upstairs. Jack­ie also dis­ap­peared, and the door fell click­ing into the lock. I was alone in the house!

Wifesharing story: A hotwife has dirty craftsman fantasies
Wife­shar­ing sto­ry: A hotwife has dirty crafts­man fantasies

Alone in the House! Off to the Laundry Basket!

Imme­di­ate­ly, my pulse quick­ened. After 5 min­utes, I dashed into the bath­room to the laun­dry bas­ket. As if intox­i­cat­ed, I sniffed the under­wear of my daugh­ter and moth­er. I could not decide and com­mit­ted a momen­tous mis­take! I grabbed all sev­en pairs of panties and quick­ly stuffed them into my work bag. My heart was pound­ing at the theft, even though no one was in the house.

Note: Jan­ice went to do laun­dry that evening and could­n’t find her two pairs of panties. She asked her daugh­ter Jack­ie where the panties were because her daugh­ter some­times bor­rowed her panties to mas­tur­bate. When Jack­ie’s five panties were also miss­ing, they both real­ized that I had stolen them! Both act­ed quite indig­nant in the evening and said that this would still have a repercussion!

I stroked a wall and was extreme­ly aroused. Stealth­ily, I peeked out the win­dow and had anoth­er idea… 

Inspection of Jackie’s Room
Draw­er with sex toys of the 18 year old daughter

I tip­toed into Jack­ie’s nurs­ery. Ducked, I looked out the win­dow for safe­ty’s sake. For­tu­nate­ly, there was no one outside.

I pulled open Jack­ie’s night­stand draw­er, and my heart almost skipped a beat with excite­ment. There were very horny sex toys in there. Appar­ent­ly Jack­ie was into vibra­tors, small mas­sag­ing devices, thick dil­dos, love balls, anal sex toys and nip­ple clamps 

“Such a dirty slut!”, I slipped out muttering.

Some dil­dos and vibra­tors had obvi­ous pussy juice marks. I pulled out a dil­do and licked it clean. Alter­nate­ly, I sniffed the cute, horny teen panties. My cock was stand­ing hard as a rock.

I opened my pants and had to jerk it hard. I ruined my orgasm and ran some pre­cum down the pussy juice trail of a pair of panties. After dab­bing my glans, I fixed­ly put all the toys back as they lay and tip­toed stealth­ily down to the basement.

Note: Jack­ie expect­ed me to snoop around in her nurs­ery! She had hid­den a small sur­veil­lance cam­era between the stuffed ani­mals, which (unfor­tu­nate­ly) filmed me. She actu­al­ly bought the cam­era because she want­ed to know what her par­ents were doing in her room while she was away. That’s how she knew, for exam­ple, that her moth­er and also her step­fa­ther were inde­pen­dent­ly, sev­er­al times a week, mess­ing with her worn panties, bras, paja­ma bot­toms, and the under­arm parts of her tops!!!! They both even licked their sex toys, and the moth­er used them her­self. It made them kind of horny that she knew about their very dirty secrets and pro­voked them both as much as they could.

Closing Time! Off to Masturbate at Home!

At 16:00 still no one was there. I washed my paint­ing uten­sils clean, pulled the front door behind me into the lock and drove home half an hour lat­er. As I drove, I shook my head, telling myself that this would prob­a­bly nev­er hap­pen to me again in my life. My eyes wan­dered to the suit­case where the worn panties were con­tained as my horny booty. I smiled.

Cum on used, worn panties: Ein getragener Slip wird mit Sperma besamt
Cum on used, worn panties: A worn panty is insem­i­nat­ed with sperm

All evening and half the night I had to think about what had hap­pened. I asked myself if Tom knew that his wife was going to fuck me. The only clue I had, was the fact that Tom did­n’t seem to have any prob­lems with his wife stand­ing half naked in front of me.

How­ev­er, I did­n’t know any man who thought it was okay for his wife to have sex with strange men. From this, I con­clud­ed that per­haps they were per­mis­sive about nudi­ty and Jan­ice was plea­sur­ing her­self as a lit­tle slut behind Tom’s back. (I did not know the terms wife­shar­ing and cuck­old­ing at this point.)

I fer­vent­ly hoped that Jan­ice want­ed more from me. Frankly, I liked her horny bush between her legs and the tufts under her arms. The pubic hair and armpit hair real­ly stood her super. I’m eh the opin­ion that the women nowa­days unfor­tu­nate­ly shave too often bare.

The Dirty Family Was No Longer Out of My Head

Again and again I inhaled the inti­mate scents of moth­er and daugh­ter. I could not decide which panty smelled hornier. When mas­tur­bat­ing, I con­stant­ly had the faces of Jan­ice and Jack­ie before my eyes. My head cin­e­ma ran with moth­er-daugh­ter fan­tasies, for­eign insem­i­na­tion, tea sex, facial insem­i­na­tion and gang­bangs at full speed.

Teenage brat Jack­ie watch­es porn and masturbates

Jack­ie mas­tur­bat­ed almost simul­ta­ne­ous­ly with sev­er­al dil­dos that evening. She looked at the video sev­er­al times, exact­ly what I did in her room.

Also, that I had stolen her panties, she found rather horny, instead of get­ting angry about it. 

At the same time, Jan­ice also got her­self a mas­sage device because the per­vert­ed creampie scent of her for­eign insem­i­na­tion drove her crazy. She hoped that Tom would final­ly come home to fuck her hard again.

Delightful Kinky Fantasies

Although I real­ly only want­ed to ruin my orgasm a few times, the insem­i­na­tion pres­sure was just too high with the kinky fan­tasies! I splashed in the evening a pow­er­ful sperm load direct­ly on a black, dec­o­rat­ed with pussy traces, fra­grant panties of Jan­ice. Always alter­nat­ing, I rubbed my sperm clean with the glans from the black panties on Jack­ie’s panties. All the panties were now dec­o­rat­ed with my hot cum.

At night, the per­vert­ed fan­tasies of Jan­ice and Jack­ie tore me again and again from sleep. I had to con­stant­ly jerk off again. The horny smelling briefs lay next to me on the pil­low. I liked my sperm, but had a very bad con­science that I had ejac­u­lat­ed on the panties because I want­ed to put them back quick­ly in the morn­ing on the sec­ond day… and yet some­how it made me total­ly horny.

How it went on the sec­ond day, you will learn in the next part of this cuck­old story.

Continue With This Wifesharing Story in 5 Parts

  • 1. My very best paint­ing job — Part 1: Nasty cou­ple is look­ing for a new inseminator
  • 2. My very best paint­ing job — part 2: Creampie for Jackie
  • 3. My Very Best Paint­ing Job — Part 3: My First Wife­shar­ing Threesome
  • 4. My very best paint­ing job — part 4: Jack­ie’s revenge on her mother
  • 5. My Very Best Paint­ing Job — Part 5: Was It All Over?

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