Cum Cookies and Cum Cakes — Cuckold and Hotwife Inseminated Sweet Biscuits

The cuck­old fetish excites many cou­ples who like to exper­i­ment. In many cuck­old forums, a fre­quent­ly dis­cussed top­ic, besides the for­eign insem­i­na­tion of the wife, is how begin­ners can learn to swal­low their sperm.

No mat­ter what lan­guage, there is always the tip that you can learn and train sperm swal­low­ing with suit­able food (cum food). Espe­cial­ly the insem­i­na­tion of fla­vor­ful piz­za or sweet pas­tries, such as cook­ies, cakes or muffins is often recommended

Since we enjoy sperm games our­selves, we want­ed to know for sure. We dared a taste exper­i­ment and insem­i­nat­ed var­i­ous cook­ies and cakes with sperm every day for a month. We were inter­est­ed in how well sweet pas­tries are suit­ed for learn­ing to swal­low sperm.

Cum Food: Spraying Food With Sperm Is Nothing New

Cum food
Cum food

Cum­ing food is not a new­fan­gled inven­tion. Japan­ese peo­ple are con­sid­ered to be very open-mind­ed and imag­i­na­tive when it comes to mas­tur­ba­tion and cum games (like bukkake and gokkun). Besides bukkake and gokkun, cum is often served on Asian dishes.

But also in Europe and Amer­i­ca, the so-called “cum food” is becom­ing more and more pop­u­lar. Pop­u­lar cum foods include piz­za, burg­ers, sauces, pas­ta dish­es, casseroles, pud­dings, cook­ies, and cakes.

For many bisex­u­al and homo­sex­u­al men, food cum is a stan­dard rather than an exception.

But more and more cuck­old cou­ples are also get­ting a taste for it. The cuck­old must always lick creamp­ies thor­ough­ly clean and swal­low large amounts of pre­cum while edg­ing (ruin­ing mul­ti­ple orgasms). Inevitably, dur­ing penis milk­ing, prostate mas­sage or strap-on fuck, hotwifes get the idea of catch­ing the horny cock cream with a plate with a cook­ie on it as a reward for the cuckold. ^^

We also assume that the strong increase in porn con­sump­tion by women will also lead to the fact that cum food and cook­ing and bak­ing with sperm will one day become wide­spread and accepted.

Slutwife Trainig

What Types of Pastries Are Good for Swallowing Sperm?

Our sperm cook­ie and sperm cake test real­ly sur­prised us in a pos­i­tive way. To pref­ace our test ver­dict: Baked goods make it very easy for begin­ners to final­ly over­come their sperm fears and prej­u­dices. Most cook­ies and cakes offer an aes­thet­ic look and mask the sperm taste com­plete­ly pleas­ant­ly, so it’s no trou­ble at all to swal­low the sperm completely.

You just need to make sure that the dough has a dark col­or when choos­ing the pas­try, so that the sperm look is pos­i­tive­ly accen­tu­at­ed. The sur­face of the cook­ies and cakes should be porous or jagged. It is impor­tant that the dough is very absorbent and is not sealed with a glaze.

Impor­tant tip: We rec­om­mend that you order a large black plate from eBay or Ama­zon to make your insem­i­na­tion per­fect. You will also need a black plas­tic spoon to catch up any beside mis­fired cum drops. These uten­sils belong in the bed­room or in the desk draw­er to be handy in the future and will help you in the future that you no longer waste sperm. See also our both cum col­lect­ing.

Inseminate OREO cookies with sperm
Insem­i­nate OREO cook­ies with sperm

1.) OREO Cookies

The 1st place in our cum food test is tak­en by OREO cook­ies by a wide mar­gin. The taste of the ORE­Os com­bined with the white cream and fresh sperm is phe­nom­e­nal­ly deli­cious. The intense Oreo fla­vor over­pow­ers the sperm fla­vor and forms a very pleas­ant, horny taste experience.

Oreo cook­ies with sperm are also jok­ing­ly called CUMEO and are very pop­u­lar for sperm swal­low­ing world­wide. Their dark col­or offers a horny con­trast to the sperm and makes small pre-cum drops (pre-ejac­u­late) and larg­er amounts of sperm look very appetizing.

Sperm Biscuit
Sperm Bis­cuit

The dough is very absorbent with­out falling apart too quick­ly. Thanks to the porous and slight­ly tex­tured sur­face, sperm is absorbed quick­ly with­out run­ning off the cookie,

As soon as the sperm liq­ue­fies, every drop of sperm is safe­ly enclosed. Even sur­round­ing ejac­u­late sprayed next to it will bind Oreo cook­ies in a mat­ter of seconds.

Oreos With Cum: A Taste Experience

What’s very cool is that Ore­os are also quite ver­sa­tile. You can twist the cook­ies apart and remove the cream in a cir­cle with a tea­spoon. Fill up the cav­i­ty in a con­trolled way by ruin­ing orgasm with your pre-cum or sperm, and fold the cook­ies back up before eating.

If the cou­ple has an open sex­u­al inter­ac­tion, Ore­os find fre­quent and ver­sa­tile use in the bed­room, accord­ing to expe­ri­ence. The woman not only finds the sight very horny when the penis splat­ters the cook­ies on the plate, but also likes to put it on her breasts or the mons vener­is to insem­i­nate. Dur­ing joint penis edg­ing games, the cook­ies catch pre-cum and sperm just as tasty as the wom­an’s horny creampie after sex.

Try it, you’ll be as excit­ed about Ore­os as we are. 😉

Hotwife eat­ing OREO sperm cookie

2.) Milk Slice From Ferrero (Milk Slice, Kids Slice)

Dur­ing a walk on our favorite ama­teur por­tal My Dirty Hob­by, a dirty hotwife gave us the idea to cum on a milk slice. We tried it out and were sim­ply thrilled with the sperm milk slice right away.

Milk slice with sperm
Milk slice with sperm

Thanks to the elon­gat­ed shape, the sperm can be deposit­ed in a shal­low squirt­ing angle with sev­er­al spurts of sperm nice and large. Since the choco­late sponge cake dough is very fluffy, it takes the liq­ue­fy­ing sperm very even­ly and pass­es it on to the deli­cious cream core quickly.

The taste is mega! Hard­ly any food offers such a damn horny taste expe­ri­ence in com­bi­na­tion with sperm! With the milk slice, you can final­ly learn to swal­low sperm. It is a great alter­na­tive to unimag­i­na­tive hand­ker­chief and palm wank­ing and is ide­al for prac­tice and training.

The famil­iar milk slice taste com­bines excel­lent­ly with the cum. Peo­ple who have not liked sperm so far, have absolute­ly no dif­fi­cul­ty at all to swal­low even imme­di­ate­ly the com­plete sperm load. Even larg­er amounts of sperm do not pose a problem.

Ferrero Milk Slice Are Perfectly as Cum Food

Sperm milk slice
Sperm milk slice

Tip: Use a knife to care­ful­ly sep­a­rate the two halves of the dough and remove the cream in the shape of a box.

Fill the hol­low space with your milked pre-cum, thawed sperm ice cream or fresh­ly squirt­ed sperm. Fold the halves togeth­er, and you have a deli­cious sperm slice.

By the way, the pack­ag­ing is very prac­ti­cal if you want to jerk off on the road. Tear the weld­ing seams com­plete­ly, unfold the foil and put the cuts on it. So, you can insem­i­nate them dis­creet­ly and quickly.

There is a risk of rep­e­ti­tion 😉 Cer­tain­ly, after your first test, it was not the last time to refine the tasty slice with sperm.

Insem­i­na­tion of a milk slice

3.) Brownies / Chocolate Cake From the Baking Sheet (Without Glaze)

Choco­late cake from the bak­ing sheet is also per­fect for insem­i­na­tion with sperm. The cake pieces turn out quite large and thus offer a large insem­i­na­tion sur­face for squirt­ing out the ejaculate.

The pop­u­lar Amer­i­can brown­ies are some­thing in between choco­late cook­ies and dark brown choco­late cake. Because no leav­en­ing agent is added to the dough, its con­sis­ten­cy is denser than that of a reg­u­lar cake. It has a moist, choco­laty tex­ture that just tastes absolute­ly saucy when com­bined with sperm.

Sperm on chocolate cake
Sperm on choco­late cake

By the way, accord­ing to the orig­i­nal recipe, real choco­late brown­ies have no glaze. That’s con­ve­nient because the glaze takes over your tail. 😉 The dark brown col­or offers a horny con­trast to the sperm and makes it look very appe­tiz­ing. Hard­ly any food forms such an appeal­ing insem­i­na­tion image.

Choco­late cake is porous and extreme­ly absorbent. Thus, the dough can eas­i­ly absorb larg­er amounts of sperm, for exam­ple, if the cuck­old was not allowed to cum for sev­er­al days or weeks. It is even pos­si­ble to place sperm ice cubes on the cake for thawing.

The liq­ue­fy­ing sperm pen­e­trates very deep into the core of the cake and unfolds a very horny taste there with­out appear­ing mushy.

A large piece of choco­late cake allows you to place your sperm in a tar­get­ed and con­trolled man­ner, even dur­ing stronger ejac­u­la­to­ry thrusts. The horny sight will ani­mate you to want to insem­i­nate the cake indi­vid­u­al­ly every time.

Most­ly noth­ing runs uncon­trolled onto the plate. If it does hap­pen, the very coarse-pored dough sucks up every sur­round­ing splat­tered drop of sperm in sec­onds, quick­ly and deeply.

4.) Chocolate Muffin

Sperm Muffin
Sperm Muf­fin

The num­ber four place in our cum food test is occu­pied by the choco­late muf­fin. It can be found in many bak­ery coun­ters and super­mar­kets but is also quick­ly baked at home itself in the oven. Its char­ac­ter­is­tic fea­ture is its paper cup, into which the bat­ter is poured and baked.

Choco­late muffins have the advan­tage of pro­vid­ing a fair­ly tex­tured insem­i­na­tion sur­face due to their mush­room-like shape on the top. Although the muf­fin must be sprin­kled at a very steep insem­i­na­tion angle, but for this it looks very horny how the cum gets stuck in the jagged surface.

The taste of an insem­i­nat­ed muf­fin is very pleas­ant: strong choco­latey, with only a very sub­tle sperm note. Begin­ners can approach cum swal­low­ing absolute­ly per­fect­ly with muffins: they can prac­tice swal­low­ing the entire load, but are not over­whelmed by the taste, smell, and con­sis­ten­cy. Absolute­ly top!

A kind of cap­il­lary action ensures that the watery sperm is sucked deep inside the pas­try. Since a muf­fin can hold very large amounts of sperm, it’s per­fect for edg­ing (ruin­ing mul­ti­ple orgasms) or thaw­ing sperm ice.

It results in quite indi­vid­ual insem­i­na­tion pos­si­bil­i­ties. You can cut a hole in the top of the muf­fin and fill the muf­fin with sperm or a sperm ice cube.


5.) Slice of Pound Cake / Bundt Cake

As mun­dane as it sounds, begin­ners can eas­i­ly and high­ly effec­tive­ly suc­ceed in eat­ing sperm with a nor­mal pound pie. Com­pa­ra­ble to the sheet choco­late cake from tip no. 2, you can buy a ready-made pot cake in the super­mar­ket or bake one your­self. You have the choice between a round bundt cake or a square loaf pan. In this case, the glaze does­n’t matter.

Cum food: Cake with cum
Cum food: Cake with cum

Inter­est­ing­ly, the dif­fer­ent types of cakes all taste very, very awe­some with cum! We liked a big load of cum on lemon cake and also a thawed cum ice cube (8 col­lect­ed loads of cum) on mar­ble cake. Our tip, how­ev­er, is a choco­late cake in a square loaf pan, as the fresh sperm is visu­al­ly very nice there.

Cut your­self a thick slice of cake and posi­tion it on a black plate. Try to cum all over the slice of cake in a flat squirt­ing angle, criss­cross­ing it. After a few times, you will suc­ceed, and you will like your sperm art­work very much.

Sperm Chocolate Cake
Sperm Choco­late Cake

The main advan­tage of large slices of cake is that you can let your cock squirt out freely. We promise you that one day you won’t even want to ejac­u­late into your hand or paper tow­el because it’s so awe­some to watch your penis squirt.

Because the dough is cut cross­wise, the sponge is very coarse-pored and absorbent. Your cum is imme­di­ate­ly absorbed, and also the liq­ue­fac­tions are safe­ly enclosed in the dough.

Cup­cake slices are there­fore also suit­able for safe­ly catch­ing very liq­uid pre­cum dur­ing orgasm train­ing, but also for thaw­ing cum ice for swal­low training.

6.) Chocolate Chip Cookies, Cookies With Chocolate Chips, Large Oatmeal Cookies

The typ­i­cal cook­ies with choco­late chips also come from the USA and are called Choco­late Chip Cook­ies there. Char­ac­ter­is­tic are the so-called choco­late drops, made of dark choco­late. Although you can also buy small choco­late chip cook­ies, it’s worth hit­ting a few super­mar­kets to find the large cook­ies. Large oat­meal cook­ies are also good to seed.

Chocolate Chip Cookie with Cum
Choco­late Chip Cook­ie with Cum

There are a lot of cum food videos on the inter­net where men are squirt­ing these cook­ies with semen to eat them them­selves or have their girlfriend/wife eat them.

In our prac­ti­cal test, we were very sur­prised at how great the insem­i­nat­ed choco­late chip cook­ies taste.

When you insem­i­nate the cook­ies, you will notice that your horny sack of cream is secure­ly held in the strong­ly fis­sured sur­face. There is vir­tu­al­ly no semen run­ning off the cook­ie as it liq­ue­fies. The inner core is very firm, but curi­ous­ly, the dough soaks up the liq­uid deeply, and the insem­i­na­tion image remains very visu­al­ly appealing.

Taste-wise, choco­late chip cook­ies, and cum go togeth­er per­fect­ly. The sperm fla­vor blends in quite sub­tly and pleas­ant­ly with the dom­i­nant choco­late fla­vor. The firm con­sis­ten­cy of the cook­ie ensures that even larg­er amounts of sperm are not felt when chew­ing. For begin­ners, this method leads to very pleas­ant first con­tact with sperm. Sim­ply super!

By the way, these cook­ies have got a per­ma­nent place in our bed­room draw­er. We like to catch our creampie with a cook­ie or insem­i­nate it on pussy, bel­ly, and breasts. 😉

Cook­ies n’ cream: Hotwife milks dic­ka on choco­late cookie

7.) Piece of Cake

Sperm cake
Sperm cake: Hotwife gets total­ly horny, while a guy jerked off on her cake.

Even if it does­n’t sound par­tic­u­lar­ly spec­tac­u­lar that you can also insem­i­nate pieces of cake, we would still like to rec­om­mend this idea to you.

Cakes, by their very nature, pro­vide a real fire­work of fla­vors. You can take advan­tage of this if you have had prob­lems swal­low­ing sperm so far.

We advise you to place the piece of cake (as in the pho­to on the right) on its side. This cre­ates a large insem­i­na­tion area to wank on.

Because the fluffy dough struc­ture has been opened by the lon­gi­tu­di­nal cut, sperm is absorbed like a sponge. After only a few sec­onds, the dough has absorbed all the sperm deep inside.

8.) Belgian Waffles

Very, very horny is also to insem­i­nate waf­fles. The so-called Bel­gian waf­fles are pre­pared at home in a cast iron waf­fle iron or indus­tri­al­ly pro­duced. The char­ac­ter­is­tic fea­ture is the rec­tan­gu­lar waf­fle pat­tern. The waf­fles are usu­al­ly eat­en warm with dif­fer­ent ingre­di­ents such as pow­dered sug­ar, ice cream, straw­ber­ries, bananas, cream, or chocolate.

Waffle with caramel and sperm
Waf­fle with caramel and sperm

The strong inden­ta­tions of the waf­fles are, of course, very con­ve­nient for a besamer. It is vir­tu­al­ly impos­si­ble to splash ejac­u­late next to it and noth­ing can drip from the waf­fles onto the plate.

Since the dough is very thick and juicy, the cum in the holes is rapid­ly absorbed. More­over, the pos­si­bil­i­ty to com­bine the waf­fles with any ingre­di­ent are a knock­out cri­te­ri­on for all those who have not dared to swal­low sperm so far.

With waf­fles is very easy to eat so even larg­er amounts of sperm. Espe­cial­ly by a sev­er­al-day orgasm ban or clo­sure in a penis cage, sig­nif­i­cant­ly larg­er amounts of sperm can be squirt­ed. Waf­fles are also super suit­able for edg­ing — because love drops and pre­cum can sim­ply run off into the wafer and be wiped off.

If the hotwife wish­es the cuck­old to swal­low one or more sperm ice cubes for train­ing pur­pos­es, waf­fles are an excel­lent tool to help the cuck­old swal­low larg­er amounts of sperm.

Cum waffle with huge sperm load
Cum waf­fle with huge sperm load

9.) Hanuta

In our sperm swal­low­ing test, we also tried hanu­ta. These are two thin, crispy wafers filled with cocoa cream and hazel­nut pieces. The name “Hanu­ta” is derived from the word hazel­nut bar.

Hanuta with sperm
Hanu­ta with sperm

Since there are sev­er­al wafers in one pack­age, we rec­om­mend that you place four hanu­ta’s direct­ly next to each oth­er on the plate. This way you have a nice big cum area and can watch your cock twitch­ing and squirting.

For edg­ing, one Hanu­ta is enough because with each orgasm ruin only some watery pre-cum (pre-ejac­u­late, pre-juice) runs out.

The Hanu­ta has the dis­ad­van­tage that no sperm can be sucked up. When the square depres­sions are filled, the fur­ther cum runs next to it. Nev­er­the­less, the wafer struc­ture absorbs con­sid­er­ably more sperm than oth­er foods, such as choco­late and nor­mal cookies.

In terms of taste, Hanu­ta and sperm form an unex­pect­ed­ly horny sym­bio­sis! The nut cream and hazel­nut pieces only slight­ly mask the sperm taste. Com­pared to cakes and muffins, how­ev­er, you can taste the sperm quite clear­ly. Which is not unpleas­ant at all though, as the con­sis­ten­cy of the semen is com­plete­ly masked by the crunchy tex­ture of the Hanuta’s.

We find that the light col­or of the wafer is not very opti­mal, as the flavins (dif­fer­ent col­ored dyes) are too vis­i­ble in the semen. On dark brown and black col­ors sperm looks more awe­some. There are some­times brown Hanu­ta’s in the super­mar­ket. If there is a pos­si­bil­i­ty, you should buy them.

Hatu­ta is more for advanced cum swal­low­ers. If you are famil­iar with cum food and like sperm in food, you should not miss the hazel­nut bar with fresh­ly tapped love juice or pussy creampie! 😉

10.) Normal Cookies

Last but not least, of course, nor­mal cook­ies in their many col­ors and shapes can not be missed.

How­ev­er, espe­cial­ly bright cook­ies are not so good for begin­ners for opti­cal rea­sons. Besides, you splash a lot of sperm next to them and it runs down from the cookies.

Nev­er­the­less, we would like to rec­om­mend you to get inspired once in the super­mar­ket, which sorts there are, which could be suit­able for insemination.

As already described, they should be large-size and very absorbent cook­ies. Some have a raised edge that pre­vents sperm from run­ning down. Oth­ers have a blob of jam in the mid­dle or col­or­ful choco­late lentils in the dough. Still oth­ers have a very jagged sur­face that shows off the cream well. Prinzen­rolle cook­ies are also great for inseminating.

Insem­i­na­tion of a Prinzen­rolle dou­ble biscuit

Conclusion: Cakes and Cookies Sperm Are Great for Swallowing Sperm

Besides piz­za and burg­ers, sweet cook­ies are also great for men and women who want to learn to swal­low cum. Advanced hotwifes and cuck­olds will have a lot of horny and kinky fun with Ore­os, milk slices, choco­late sheet and cup­cakes, muffins, choco­late chip cook­ies, cakes, waf­fles, Hanu­ta and cookies.

Every bull will get a beast­ly turn on when his cuck­old cou­ple eats cum on cakes and with cook­ies, or maybe even tries out cum recipes in cook­ing and bak­ing. He will most like­ly join in on the insem­i­na­tion and donate his frozen sperm to the kinky cou­ple to eat.

Hotwife eats OREO sperm cookie
Hotwife eats OREO sperm cookie

Once the prej­u­dices and men­tal hur­dles are over­come, cum food is a wel­come change from a life­time of 0815 mas­tur­ba­tion. Final­ly, the cock can squirt out vig­or­ous­ly free dur­ing cum and the horny cum is recy­cled sen­si­bly by the man, as it should be.

We rec­om­mend you to sim­ply have ORE­Os or favorite cook­ies lying with­in reach in the bed­room. The cuck­old should get into the habit of occa­sion­al­ly clean­ing the creampie or insem­i­nat­ed skin areas of the hotwife with cook­ies and swal­low love juices togeth­er. Very quick­ly cum­food will become extreme­ly horny normality.

Cum Food Is Perfectly for Cuckold Trainings

Cuck­olds can final­ly train cum swal­low­ing with­out fear of taste, con­sis­ten­cy or smell thanks to sweet cook­ies — even if his loss of libido after his orgasm has already start­ed. In their train­ings, cuck­ies can learn this way to real­ly love their sperm one day.

Hotwifes, of course, don’t leave such a per­vert­ed cake and cook­ie mess cold either. Even if she did­n’t like sperm one hun­dred per­cent yet, she can prac­tice “eat­ing sperm” togeth­er with her cuck­old over and over again. One day, every doubt will be removed from her mind and she will be trained to be tru­ly horny. This will great­ly ben­e­fit her dur­ing sex with strange men, with a bull, dur­ing group sex or even gangbang.

Insem­i­na­tion of OREO cookies

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